#not romantic or platonic but a secret third thing - sonic
zerothejackal · 8 months
Arospec sonic but in a fun way, he holds hands with some of his friends, he was Knuckles' first kiss, sometimes it seems he and Shadow or he and Amy are a couple of sorts to bystanders.
But in reality Sonic just expresses like that he uses his body a lot to express, Knuckles or Amy want a kiss, sure why not? he doesn't understand why those things have to be ALWAYS romantic when they don't necessarily have to be, they're just his closest friends, plus he knows it probably means the world to them and may tease Knuckles about it.
But he simply doesn't feel a romantic attraction, and they all understand that, he's just like that, no one will ever force him into being in a relationship, nor take advantage of how he expresses.
On the other hand, always being unable to speak, having his body be nothing but a killing machine, Metal struggles a lot to express his love for people, he is a hopeless romantic, but he has a hard time "fitting in" with the norm of how romantic bonds work.
He was never allowed to speak, but now that he can he voices a lot how much he loves Amy/Shadow [met/amy/adow for the win], he takes every opportunity to say or put it into words, he uses as much processing power as he can to calculate new ways to say it
He is detached from his body as something that can work as more than just being a weapon of destruction, but Amy and Shadow try to help him connect physically too.
They hug him take his hand and kiss him, because he struggles to do so himself, he appreciates it, as he learns his claws can do more than slice things, that his body is more than just a death ray or engine, that despite being made for warfare, he too can love.
Metal and Sonic may have something going on however, that doesn't fit too specifically with normal conventions, is it love, friendship, perhaps something different, whatever it is, Sonic too wants to help Metal feel welcomed, despite being sworn enemies before, he's always seen something in Metal, a spark of goodness amongst the evil of Eggman.
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curetapwater · 1 year
I love the idea of Sonic's rivalries being treated as their own separate category of his relationships. Not platonic and not romantic but a secret third thing.
This started with me thinking about how I don't necessarily see Sonic and Knuckles as feeling romantically towards each other but I do like the idea of them mutually feeling like describing each other as friends doesn't fully explain things.
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Still moving posts over from Twitter. This time I’m combining a group of em cause their all related! That’s right! It’s time for my giant poly ship of hedgehogs!!! Shadow, Amy, Sonic, Silver, AND Metal Sonic!!!
I know, I knowwwwwwww who does that!? Well I did!!! Also thanks to a friend cause they were all separate ships in different universes but are now one huge ship in one universe cause my friend wanted me to draw them all together and now I’m obsessed… sooooo let’s get to it lol
There were two other drawing here but apparently there is a 10 pic limit on mobile soooooo
Also I had left the tab for literally 10 seconds and lost the bottom half and had to do it again fml
Just to break it down relationship wise-
Amy 💖
Married to Shadow
Also in a relationship with Metal Sonic
Close with Silver
No longer has a crush on Sonic and is on good terms with him
Straight Ally
Shadow 🖤
Married to Amy first
Married Sonic and Silver next
Is 100% alright with Amy also being with Metal
Bisexual king
Sonic 💙
Married Silver first
Then married Shadow
On good terms with Metal but still see each other as rivals to certain things
Also on good terms with Amy
Big ol’ gay
Silver 🤍
Was in a relationship with Blaze for a short time
Married Sonic first
Then married Shadow
Is close with Amy
Panromantic Asexual
Metal Sonic 🤖
In a relationship with Amy
Only romantically attracted to Amy
Deals with Sonic
Likes Shadow and Silver platonically (but won’t admit it)
Asexual (he’s a literal robot…)
Now time to go through each of their kids!!
One thing I will mention here is that all the kids including their parents above know sign language since Metal can’t speak. Felt that it would be repetitive to say “knows sign language” for all of them lol
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Let’s start with Alis! [AL-IS] since she is technically the eldest out of everyone.
Daughter to Shadow and Amy
Older than her twin brother Eric by 13 minutes
Has a pair of functional wings thanks to Shadow’s alien genetics
More of a troublemaker
Had a pretty bad goth phase that didn’t last long
Likes fighting others and never backs down from one
Competitive and hates losing
Straight Ally
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Now Eric!
Son to Shadow and Amy
13 minutes younger that Alis
Able to see in the dark
Also a troublemaker but never on purpose
Competitive as well but doesn’t get upset when losing
Likes to see the good in everything
Can be cocky at times
Omniromantic Asexual
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Sol!! [SOUL]
Only a few weeks younger than Alis and Eric
The only hybrid of the family
Son to Silver and Blaze
Possible heir to Blaze’s throne
Dislikes gloves and shoes, makes him feel “far away” from the ground and gets in the way of his powers
Doesn’t talk much but can
Follows rules and doesn’t get into trouble, overall a good kid
Aromantic Asexual
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Jules!!! Mr Metal Sonic look-alike!
Born 2 years after the trio above
Child to Sonic and Silver
Born before Shadow marries Sonic and Silver
Always felt that Metal Sonic was his secret third dad due to them looking so similar
Has Sonic’s speed and attitude
Likes to play pranks on his siblings
Straight Ally
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Lydia the normal hedgehog
Daughter to Shadow and Sonic
Born 3 years after Jules
Easygoing and laidback kinda attitude
Prefers to wear shirts, mostly of the flannel variety
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Finished being made shortly after Lydia was born
Daughter to Amy and Metal Sonic (kinda obvious)
Created by Eggman
Can’t talk just like Metal
Signs to speak
Curious about everything
Not fast like Metal since she doesn’t have an engine in her torso lol
Has literally no idea what to identify romantically but will figure it out someday
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Yay it’s Sam!
Son to Shadow and Amy
Born 2 years after Lydia
An hour older than his twin sister Maria
Ftm trans!
Kinda shy, will not interact with strangers unless absolutely necessary
Likes to collect rocks and shiny stones
Aromantic Asexual
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Maria approaches!!!
Daughter to Shadow and Amy
An hour younger than Sam
Named after Shadow’s late friend Maria
Has the most alien attributes than all of her siblings!
Really likes plants, although every time she tries to grow any they die
Literally the opposite of a green thumb
Will fight a bitch if need be
Kinda chaotic
Lesbian all the way
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Belle the unstable!!
Daughter to Shadow and Silver
Born 3 years after Sam and Maria
Named after Metal’s sister Belle, she was ecstatic to say the least
The first of her siblings to have a third eye like Shadow
Has powers like Silver although they are slightly unstable
Wears inhibitor rings like Shadow to help control them
Claims that she can see peoples souls
Wears a pressurized bodysuit , makes her feel like she isn’t gonna break apart
Definitely Panromantic but is too scared to be in any form of relationship due to her possibly harming them
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Last but certainly not least, it’s Rowan!!!
Child to all the organic parents! Shadow, Amy, Silver, and Sonic!
Born 2 years after Belle and is the last of the combined children!!!
Second child to have a third eye like Shadow
Is non-binary and will fuck up anyone who misgenders them or anyone
Likes to wear skirts and black eyeliner
Given themselves a nickname that sounded dark and edgy, Slayer
Is able to levitate a short distance off the ground
Practices witchcraft and has their own Tarot cards like Amy
They are still coming to terms with how they identify romantically but know for a fact they are Asexual
And that’s all the children!!!
Now time to clear a few things up for those who may ask!
Metal Sonic is an honorary dad to all the kids, even Sol! They all call him their Metta-Dad which he had gotten emotional the first time it happened.
Amy is not married to Metal. I headcannon that since he’s a literal robot they can’t marry but are more than happy to be in a relationship.
Amy also isn’t married to Sonic and Silver! She still considers them her family.
They do all live together, they each had their own houses for their respective marriages beforehand but eventually got a bigger house together.
Although the kids aren’t all related to Shadow, it’s still called “Shadow’s Kid Army”! Mostly started when he was left alone with all of them and decided that taking them out was a good idea. Practically looked like he had small bodyguards around him.
Amy and Silver had practically shoved Sonic and Shadow out the door of Amy and Shadow’s house for their first date cause they were so awkward. Pining for each other so hard their spouses had to step in and create an excuse for all the kids at the time (Alis, Eric, Sol, and Jules) to have a sleepover just to have them both in the same room! Silver and Amy had a fun movie marathon night with the kids while Shadow and Sonic were hella confused with sudden dinner reservations lol 😂
I do consider Eggman to be Metal’s father (since he created him and has called him his son multiple times in the comics) Plus Belle gets to be an Aunt and I feel like she’d adore that
Eggman is done wanting to take over the planet and shit, now he’s just a grandfather to 10 fucking hedgehogs and has other priorities now 😆
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gaydiaries · 2 years
Pinned Post Yippee!
I'm Jack, I am here to party rock, and I am so in love with fictional characters it makes me look silly. This is just to serve as an easily updatable tag resource for anyone else who may happen to end up here and in case I forget what a tag means lol.
No set DNI but I love blocking people.
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In most cases characters connected to those listed will also fall into a category
-General Tags-
#gen - General tag. Could be used for any relation, be too general to need further clarification, or I just think it's neat
-I Got A Feeling (Unsorted/Unknown)-
Collin (Pikmin) - #comms.com
Ingo (Pokemon) - #igo
Yonny (Pikmin) - #moonblood
Jax (Amazing Digital Circus) - #jaxpacific
-Not Romantic Not Plantonic; A Secret Third Thing-
Callie (Splatoon) - #squidnow
Tabitha (Pokemon, Gen 6) - #alt+tab
Miles "Tails" Prower (Sonic series) - #mph
-Unauthorized Fucking Things (likely retired tags)-
Spamton (Deltarune) - #spam
Peppino (Pizza Tower) - #pizzaman
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