#not really fair to judge Severian before finishing the series
208tinyhorses · 9 months
Mycroft Canner vs Severian
Based on having read the entire Terra Ignota series by Ada Palmer and only Shadow of the Torturer, the first book of the Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun. Costume Severian: Cool mask, cloak blacker than black, no shirt Mycroft Canner: Weird hat, robes or something? Winner: Severian
Sword Severian: Terminus Est Mycroft Canner: Does not even have a sword Winner: Severian Torture Severian: Trained his entire life to be skilled in all forms of torture Mycroft Canner: Enthusiastic amateur Winner: In a surprise upset, Mycroft Canner Respecting Women Severian: F- Mycroft Canner: C Winner: Mycroft Canner
Narration Severian: Unreliable Mycroft Canner: Also unreliable Winner: Tie
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