#not me typing this while about to go play some genshin soon HAHAHA
levi-supreme · 2 years
good morning fellow wife of ayato 😴 ♧
Good morning indeed dear Suki, although I am almost a day ahead of you XD
You’re my:
Connor spazzing buddy, fellow wife of the blue-haired boba man, fellow Levi hoe, fellow gamer gal <3
How I met you:
I keep seeing you in my notifications and you're a sweetheart, leaving such lovely comments on your reblogs of my works!! And you gave me a whole reblog of comments about the writings you enjoyed from my Happy Birthday Levi event and I am so so touched ❤️
A song for you from my Levi 💚 playlist:
GFRIEND - 오늘부터 우리는 (Me Gustas Tu)
I think of Levi a lot when I hear this song hehe, the lyrics contain a lot of unsaid feelings I have for this man XD
(Translation): Like the flowers that sway in the wind
I don’t know our future
But I’ll be brave and confess to you
Two is better than one, Let’s feel each other
I wanna gather my heart and tell it to you
Your blog is:
Absolutely perfect. Did you know, your desktop theme is the same one I'm using on my main too?!?!??! 🤭❤️
Your URL is:
I thought is was a misspelling of 'ackerman', but then now I'm thinking if it's the 's' in Suki + 'ackerman' hhahahaha. But, yes, a nice play on names!!!!
Your icon is:
PERFECT. 100/100. A++. That jawline 🤤
A random fact I know about you:
That you spent 3d2n not sleeping just to play Detroit: Become Human..... 💀 CONNOR WOULD BE DISPLEASED.
General opinion:
You have one of the purest of hearts out there and I love you like you're my little sister 😘
A random thought I have:
I love how I poisoned you back into Genshin Impact and I made you become a simp for Ayato 😊🧋
Send me a ♧
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