#not gonna try and post it this year my wifi just died lol
horistans · 1 year
the 2023 new years art...
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cockbiteproductions · 4 years
all prime numbers in the Misc section and all multiples of 10 in the other sections
we shall go backwards as the question list was posted backwards...... (and also why i rbed it.... why is it backwards? i dont know but i love it. edit: now that ive seen question 1 it looks to me like one of those forum profile copy pastes where you fill out the entire thing and put it in your profile.)
200: My crush’s name is: hmm...... well. i would rather not say!!!! they could see this post!!!!!!! and we do not want that happening.......
190: My 1st job was: lifeguard in the summer after 9th or 10th grade i think? it was decently fun. i grew up swimming competitively so the swimming part was a breeze. the remembering what to do if someone is drowning part? a bit harder. memory bad. what to do if someone has a potential broken spine/head injury when they’re in deep water? i don’t know bud. but it involves 3 whole people to get them out. 2 in the water, one person at all times holding their head in line with the rest of their body, the other one strapping them to the board (these two people in the water switch off, too) and then one person standing on the side of the pool looking very concerned. also don’t tell anyone but sometimes if i had like a 6 am shift i would get really groggy and almost fall asleep on the stand.
180: Marriage is: whatever people make of it but unfortunately bogged down with like a lot of societal expectations. to me it just sounds like hanging with your “best” friend until you die but a lot of other people interpret it differently.
170: What did you do yesterday? LOL wouldn’t it be nice if i remembered. wait no i do remember. i woke up “early” and watched a dnd livestream and struggled through buffering from my shit wifi. then i took a nap. then i had a chipotle burrito that was way too spicy. and i played a lot of minecraft. and i wrote a bit. and i also did like another 2-3 pages of the codecademy html intro course im working on.
160: Soul mates: nope. [taylor mason voice] i don’t believe in the concept of a soul. you are compatible with some people more than others and that’s based on your values and interests and personality. nothing Soul about it. it’s fun in fanfic and fiction though, but that’s because it’s fiction.
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes..... i like brown hair! but blonde is nice too.
140: Mac or PC: clown face emoji. mac. It’s A Unix System. more convenient for me. my current mac is a giant piece of shit though. though i think that’s my own fault for keeping all my old files from my old mac. shoulda started over. i think i might try to get this one factory reset or something.
130: Wal-Mart or Target: idk walmart. i go there a lot during college. walmart just has a larger selection. i used to go to target a lot as a kid though because my mom liked it more. i think it’s like slightly more bougie?
120: Gay Marriage: fuckin go for it pals. sad that it took as long as it did to become legal.
110: My Neighbors: they are nice i think. the ones to the right are teachers or something. the ones to the left are.... idk. their kids were like maybe 5 years older than me and my brother when we were growing up though and sometimes they would indulge in us tiny annoying kids and hang with us
100: Cried in front of someone: when the finale of the clone wars came out a few months ago and i was sobbing and i ran into the living room to tell my roommate and friend that i was sobbing. i was sobbing. i also recorded myself watching the entire eps and i Sure Was Sobbing.
90: Texted: actual sms text, yesterday in response to a friend who texted me a tik tok. instant messaging like 20 minutes ago to milo. i havent responded yet because im answering this and i cant multitask for shit.
89: Who makes you laugh the most: me obviously. i think i’m fucking hilarious. me aside, @redvsblue​ is the funniest person on this planet. also my friend holly irl who shares my incredibly dumb sense of humor. also you!
83: The most difficult thing to do is: hmm........ in general or for me personally? idk..... a lot? i am not a very courageous person. so i guess being brave.
79: First time you had a crush: >:( not appreciating this line of questioning that lines up with the prime numbers/mult of 10. i will not be saying as they ALSO follow me on tumblr. though they don’t use it often. shout out to middle school.......
73: Tomorrow: hopefully wake up around 1 pm at the latest. make a plum smoothie. play some more minecraft and get more netherite (new update slaps). do more coding tutorials. get some writing done. the same ol same ol.
71: Next Summer: hopefully i will have a job lined up for the fall and the pandemic is Over. i would like to just [do nothing] for the last summer Ever before job starts. if i don’t have a job then it’s Job Hunting Time.
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: what the fuck...... like in a bad way? good way? cry of laughter? sadness? me, probably. my own damn brain be like “well it’s time to think about Yourself and be sad!” i know. very narcissistic of me. also dave filoni (director, producer, writer on clone wars).
61: My Car: not really mine. i just use it. beige 201? toyota camery. my brother tried to convince my dad he needed it more than i did last school year. my brother, who lived on campus in boston and flies to school from nc when he goes there, needs the car more than me, who lived off campus and drove to and from school to get back to nc, thinks he needed the car more than me. what a guy.
59: The movie I cried at was: last movie huh......... when was the last time i saw a movie? idk probably the rise of skywalker when leia died. i don’t know. i sure as hell didn’t cry at cats.
53: How do you like your steak cooked: i am vegetarian.
47: Who’s your best friend: @worthyghouls​ i guess. but also concept of “best friend” is so weird. No Best Friends. just lots of people i am good friends with. feels weird to all my other friends to pick One of them and be like “well i like you more than everyone else” :)
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: only in the vaguest vaguest vaguest sense. i would like to graduate with my bs degree. i would like to live in a city (doesn’t have to be a super big one. where im at rn is fine). i would like to have my first or second job i feel comfortable doing related to the degree i am getting. i would like to live in my own apartment (with roommates)/not with my parents. i would like to not be rent burdened. i would like my roommate to know how to take care of a cat or be okay with helping me learn how to take care of one. i would like to have a cat with said roommate. and that’s about it tbh. not very ambitious, i know. i just want a simple life......
41: Have you pre-named your children: bold of you to assume i will have children. no. if i ended up with child it would be like that tag on ao3 called “accidental baby acquisition” and i would name it on the spot.
30: Actress: hmm..... lauren marcus. lauren lopez. does fiona nova count if she’s going to be in rvb zero? also lindsay jones. aubrey plaza. idk. not many actresses i follow from project to project. it’s more i will see them in something and appreciate them in that role immensely. 
20: Holiday: halloween is pretty chill. just getting candy from strangers? dope. scary aesthetic? amazing. i also like christmas just for the sole fact that i get time off from [life].
10: Restaurant: a favorite restaurant??? who has one of those???? i sure don’t. and i’m not gonna say something cringey like olive garden or mcdonalds. i simply do not have one.
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galacticshadow68 · 5 years
22 Questions
Yep, @zeph4a you’re right. I hate you.
1. Name: Christina
2. Nickname: Nina
3. Starsign: Scorpio
4. Gender: female
5. Sexuality: pan
6. Favourite colour: blue i guess
7. Time: 2:06am 
8. Normal amount of sleep: i dont know, i sleep when i want.
9. Last thing I searched: google translate to see wth facebook was trying to sell me in chinese
10. # of blankets: 1 handmade quilt
11. Favourite fictional character: I literally can’t pick one... my mind would explode. I have so many.
12. What I’m wearing currently: my nightgown, I sleep comfortably like a little old lady
13. Favourite book: nope, can’t pick a favorite book either cause I read a lot and i have so many favorite series.
14. Favourite artists: Just kpop? Monsta X, BTS, Seventeen, EXO, GOT7, NCT and BLACKPINK 
15. Dream job: author, but that’s not gonna happen
16. # of followers: idk, it says i have 20 but i think it’s more like 15. 
17. When did you join tumblr?: idk, years ago
18. What do you post about?: nothing lol. i mostly just reblog stuff i like or stuff i tag Meghan in. 
19. What made you get an account?: one of my friends and i both made one at the same time, just to read fanfics lol. 
20. When did your blog reached its peak: probably 2 years ago, i had over 700 followers but my blog died due to me not having wifi anymore and then I switched over to kpop and here we are. 
21. Do you get asks daily?: no, i’ve only had like 2 asks ever... but that’s ok. i’m boring anyways
22. Why did you choose your url?: It’s literally kind of a mix of my youtube account name, my xbox gt, and my twitch name. I like to keep things similar. 
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finefeatheredfriend · 5 years
Genocide! (the book. not like. actual genocide.)
Okay so it’s been a while since I posted one of my EDA reviews, and it’s been a while since I read this particular book (because I’ve been at a place where they don’t have wifi for about two months now so I couldn’t post it (since for some reason I always post these from the laptop but yeah ANYWAY.)) but here is another one of my weird reviews/liveblog things! 
This time, it’s Genocide! And I think, if I remember correctly, I liked this one. Well. I mean. Jo is in this one, so of course I liked it. Anyway! I’m gonna read these reactions I had while reading this book now (cause my memory is awful and I literally remember nothing except that Jo was in it lol) and then maybe I’ll be able to tell you how I liked it!
As usual, here are my favourite bits of reactions/quotes/scenes/impressions from when I read this, and the full liveblog will be under the cut! Enjoy my rambly thoughts!
AAAH the Doctor’s pretending he got his outfit from 1893 but Sam saw the label and knows it’s from a costume store I’m screaming
I love that Sam made a scaling system because every single situation with the Doctor is dangerous so the question is no longer ‘is this situation dangerous?’ but ‘how dangerous is this situation’ hahaha i love her
‘We all have to be daleks sometimes. It’s just a matter of knowing when you really don’t have a choice’ - Doctor (ooooh I love this line) 
“Do you know what it's like, Doctor? To watch them die, to hear them die, and know that there's nothing you can do to stop it?” STOP IT of course he knows!!! now I’m crying :(
[Cliff] LEFT JO???? who would ever want to leave JO??? I mean. now she’s finally free to marry sexy yates instead so I guess that’s fine BUT WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND
I know this was before storm warning came out and probably references something entirely different but still, THE UNCREATOR
wait a minute did jo just go and lift rowenna and is now running while carrying her??? uh she’s... strong
oh god how I hope there’s an easier alternative in which no species gets killed off :( ....... eileen this book is literally called genocide
“So you are human.' 'No, not exactly, but that doesn't matter.” Doctor... what... ‘not exactly’?
Jo and Sam have been alone for 6 days??? I mean, 5 and a half hours were bad for Rose, sure, but that has nothing on being stranded without the Doctor 2 million years in the past, in Africa, for six bloody days omg
aaaah the Doctor can hear Jo’s screams from millions of years in the future (Doctor x Jo confirmed)
I can’t believe Jo of all people would kill all those aliens! like... that’s genocide. just. I don’t believe it. not Jo. she’d never
Okay, so here’s my thoughts about the book: I loved it! The fact that we’ve got a non humanoid species here (that I at first thought were Nimons - imagine my disappointment when I found out they weren’t) is so interesting, learning all about them (they have a smell alphabet?? that’s so cool) is so... interesting (yeah, this book is interesting, I know I say that a lot lol). And Jo. asdfgdasflgadgs. I love her. Having her there definitely made the whole book better, though in my opinion I would have really enjoyed the book so much even if she weren’t in it. The only sad thing is that we didn’t get to see her off. She was just gone suddenly! But I loved the book nonetheless.
Okay, you know the drill. Under the cut you’ll find my unabridged reactions that I wrote down while reading! I bolded what I put in the highlights reel. 
okaaay this is interesting
I’m confused but it’s interesting
and I love that framing story line they’ve got going with that alien and the Doctor in what i think is a cell of some sort..?
ok I spoiled myself that jo is in this one (I was bummed that it wasn’t a surprise BUT I’m more excited that she even is in this book so I don’t care AAH MY WIFE IS IN THIS!!)
ok :/ so the aliens aren’t nimons :/
UNIT!!! I mean I don’t know what the alien’s plan is, but they mentioned UNIT!!
“more of his stuff was fake than he was generally prepared to admit” jfjdhdhdg
AAAH the Doctor’s pretending he got his outfit from 1893 but Sam saw the label and knows it’s from a costume store I’m screaming
aaaaah they mention my boy oscar wilde!!
“When he got there he looked over his shoulder and flashed her a smile. 'Guess.' No good, thought Sam. I've been out-cooled again. But I'll get him, one day. If it's the last thing I do.” jdhdhdhgd i love her (and him)
aw no his shoes being sucked into the swamp and he got really sad because grace gave him those shoes and now he wants to repair them at all costs!!
“Something was usually wrong. It was really a matter of scale. Sam had started to rate them in scores out of ten: for instance, (1) the Doctor had misdirected the TARDIS, (5) he'd landed them in the middle of a war zone, or (10) he'd accidentally destroyed the universe.” hahahaha and the situation they’re in is a 2.5, that doesn’t sound too bad haha
“Get back inside!' ordered the Doctor. 'I am inside,' said Sam simply. 'You're not.” Doctor i love you
okaaay we’re slowly raising the danger score point by point and are now at 3.5
hm ok so Sam determined that they are on earth where the invasion had already happened and humans are extinct just by seeing a river and thinking ‘oh yeah, could be the right size to be the thames’ like ??? how do you think you can say all that for sure from guessing that maybe that river you see there is a similar size to that of the Thames
‘even simplicity itself is never as simple as it seems’
oooh I wouldn’t want the Doctor to tell me off I couldn’t stand to have him be disappointed in me
‘We all have to be daleks sometimes. It’s just a matter of knowing when you really don’t have a choice’ - Doctor (ooooh I love this line)
“Wine's bad for your liver, you know.' Rowenna grinned at Julie. 'So are candy bars.' 'I ate a slice of pizza first!' 'Case proven.” I snorted
wait Rowenna was one of those people in the green death living with cliff????
flying lizards?? flying lizards????? you mean dragons??
earth reptile... a Silurian??
I love how this book is about non humanoid aliens, we rarely see that
“Do you know what it's like, Doctor? To watch them die, to hear them die, and know that there's nothing you can do to stop it?” STOP IT of course he knows!!! now I’m crying :(
she’s here
she has a son!! I mean we know she’s got a lot of grandkids but still!!
“leaning across the cold sheets that she'd probably always think of as Cliffs side of the bed” this sounds like he died
he LEFT JO???? who would ever want to leave JO??? I mean. now she’s finally free to marry sexy yates instead so I guess that’s fine
who would leave jo??????
Cliff gave her an anniversary present AFTER HE LEFT HER??? what
“ "Kilgai, Tanzania. Incident class N",' she read. 'What's class N?' 'They divide incidents up into Y for "Yes, it does immediately threaten the existence of the human race" and N for "No, it doesn't".” BENTON you... joker
oooh that’s a an interesting kind of book, these aliens have a smell alphabet? and read by sniffing or tasting the different scents..?
and the Doctor can read those books as well omg
I know this was before storm warning came out and probably references something entirely different but still, THE UNCREATOR
wait but in storm warning they weren’t called tractites right
oh no those were triscele or whatever
oh I hate this
why do the tractites have to be so nice :( I don’t want them all to die :(
then again it’s a nice change away from the usual ‘these aliens are bad and that’s why we need to kill them’ that happens in all the other movies or shows
oh Sam can read those books too so apparently it’s not just a special power the Doctor has
please sam do NOT try to stop the Doctor from setting history right
yes those aliens are nice
but please
“A galaxy long, long ago and far, far away.” aaaah
“She wondered if she was walking into a trap. She'd always been good at that.” you’re surprisingly self aware jo
this is SUCH an interesting story?!?? like... kitig has to decide whether to kill the Doctor because he might destroy them all (which tbf the Doctor is actually planning to do) BUT THEN he decides to help him when he gets ill!!!
“Jo turned round, said calmly, 'Shut up, I'm talking to my friend,' then turned back to Rowenna. 'Don't worry about him, he's nobody. Have you seen the aliens yet?” Jo I fucking love you jsdjsjsggs
wait a minute did jo just go and lift rowenna and is now running while carrying her??? uh she’s... strong
oh god how I hope there’s an easier alternative in which no species gets killed off :(
eileen this book is literally called genocide
stop pretending everything is going to be fine
Jo is badass in this one and I love her
I need the doctor and jo to meet
AAAAAH they really are heading for Africa too!!!!!! THEY’RE GOING TO MEET
the Doctor is wearing a white cloth sun-hat ahahahah
ok so both Sam and Jo are walking around the desert now and I’m guessing those two are going to meet first
aaaah the Doctor found rowenna and Julie!!!!
TRUST ME I’M A DOCTOR asdgdhhsgs why does he always have to say that haha
Awww he’s so happy that Jo is around there too
NOOO I was like ‘oh that’s jo saving Sam from the homo habilis right?? Hahaha!’ BUT IT’S THAT DICK JACOB
aw the Doctor buried them in the butterfly room
“So you are human.' 'No, not exactly, but that doesn't matter.” Doctor... what... ‘not exactly’?
“the floppy Indiana Jones hat and the purple striped pullover that looked ten years out of date, even for someone of Jo's advanced age” that sounds so like jo haha
“Yes, sorry, I do look a bit of a wreck. Don't worry, I can control the pain. Old Gallifreyan technique.” ooh another interesting bit of info about gallifreyan physiology - that is, if the Doctor isn’t lying to reassure Kitig he’s fine
Noooooo not the TARDIS!!!!!!
Jo and Sam have been alone for 6 days??? I mean, 5 and a half hours were bad for Rose, sure, but that has nothing on being stranded without the Doctor 2 million years in the past, in Africa, for six bloody days omg
Ha Sam, that teaches you to underestimate the absolute angel that is Jo Grant (don’t judge her by her clothes, Sam. this woman has lived on campsites and faced off aliens and is just overall an absolute angel.)
oh god I hate Jacob. but he’s surprisingly self aware (‘if humankind are all like me then no wonder their world will fall apart,’ he thinks while literally drinking an antelope’s blood directly from the neck)
NO JOOOO pls be alright aaah she just fell down the cliff????
aaaah there’s Sam and Theta written into the rock!!!! THETA!!!!
don’t die please
I mean I kind of know you’re not going to die because I know you’ll be there for a bit longer
oh no!!! the TARDIS is like she was in Father’s Day noooo
aaaah the Doctor can hear Jo’s screams from millions of years in the future (Doctor x Jo confirmed)
the TARDIS changed????? but she was perfect like that :(
oh wait hahahaha that was just Jo’s point of view it’s still the same thank god
and the vw beetle is just parked right there in the console room hahahahaha
“Outside, the Doctor was running down a grassy slope, fire exploding to the left and right of him. 'Usual situation,' said Jo wryly, running for the door.” jshajsghshsdha I love them
Noooooo axeman!!!!
Oh god Sam no
what have you done
Don’t just kill :(
oh no not Jo as well
I’m crying oh god JO
I can’t believe Jo of all people would kill all those aliens
like... that’s genocide
just. I don’t believe it. not Jo. she’d never
hehehe the empress reminds him of Davros
I love how he just whispers with Sam while the empress is speaking and clearly looking at them lol
aw kitig saved the world from the time tree
Sam you have to tell him!!! and not when he’s asleep!!! (what is it with people telling other people important things while that person is unconscious ugh!!)
wait what happened to jo?? we didn’t get to see her off!!!
And that’s all! Hope you enjoyed this!
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sapphirebluestars · 5 years
I’m catching up on all my tags, but hi henlo I just recently moved to a new house with no WiFi which is why I’m not as active and school has kinda kicked me in the butt but I’m gonna post an update later!!!
For now thank you to @cosmicxwoobear for the tag!! I hope you get to know a little bit more about me through this hehe
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really? My middle name is inspired by a legend behind a Vietnamese flower though! Supposedly it grows at certain times of the year and only blooms for 24 hrs or 3 days or something like that. But in that time period that the flower is in bloom before it dies you have to find your daughter a suitor or she’ll die alone 💀
2. When was the last time you cried?
Last week, I watched Love Rosie and it made me VERY emo about my own relationship status, or lackthereof I should say
3. Do you have kids?
No I’m only 21 I don’t think I want kids for at least 9 more years 😣
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not at all bc it’s usually lost on me 😅
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Tbh physically it’s their smile or their eyes but I pay a lot of attention to people’s vibes if that makes sense? Some people instantly rub me the wrong way when I meet them but with some people I feel like I can click with them instantly based on the energy they give off hehe
6. Eye colour?
Brown 💩
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Both! I don’t mind either however happy endings make me kind of bitter
8. Any special talents?
I once knocked back 13 shots in 2 hours and didn’t die? LOL
9. Where were you born?
Texas!!! 🤠🤠🤠
10. What are your hobbies?
As of lately traveling! I do a lot of eating and just watching kpop stuff too
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes I have a large German Shepherd mix named Arrow and I love him with all my heart
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Tennis and I might be trying volleyball and ultimate soon?
13. How tall are you?
5’2” or 157cm for my international friends!
14. Favorite subjects at school?
It used to be like English Language Arts but tbh now all college classes are the same to me none really speak to me :///
15. Dream job?
The wife of a kpop idol? I’m joking..kind of..but realistically I think a teacher or college professor if teachers got paid more and if I didn’t need a PhD to be a professor!
Tagging y’all! @parkhabits @imdifferentshadesofpurple @mark-tuan-and-namjoon-lover @saltee-alice @defskookie @felixsaussieaccent @kpophappened-be @real-kpoptrash @soobinnies @got7-markjinson
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