rcsegarden-blog · 7 years
holy moly i just took a good three hour nap after class, and i missed all the introductions. well since i’m never on time to anything ( sorry don’t hate me ) i tried to make up for it by explaining my trash child in depth below, you can skip through the first half to read the summary at the end bUT i promise the self para is worth a read if ya wanna know my gal. i’ll try to get past the boring stuff, i’m aria most people tend to call me ari & i can’t wait to meet everyone of you. please don’t judge how many hamilton references i’ll make, it’s a problem and i’m working on it. any whoot i can’t wait to plot w every single one of you babes ! ps tw: death, depression, trichotillomania, self harm, & suicide risk ( if you’d like to not hear about any of these things, feel free to message me & i’ll give you a summary of rosalina without them! )
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a self para?? ( bc i’m so extra )
How do you mourn when your own body is a complete and total reminder of your loss? Rosalina hadn’t quite figured it out.  She stared at the reflection of her sister in the mirror.  Identity was a fickle thing, especially when half of it is ripped away overnight.  Her heavy head fell to the side, tilted and her jaw slightly slackened leaving her soft pink lips parted.  The shadows fell heavily across her face making the contours look like deeply pitted bruises in the early morning light that filtered through the shades of her bedroom window.  A fierce, stern knock sounded from her door. The noise nearly caused Rose to jump out of her own skin.  If only it were so easy.
“Rosalina, you’d better be up and getting ready,” it was her father’s authoritative voice advised through the door.
Of course Rose was awake.  It was rare when the girl truly slept, not since everything happened.  The pills they gave her, coupled with their white lies of faith and healing, kept her in a fog during the day but her mind buzzed horribly during the night.  Uncountable hours were spent watching the pillow on the bed opposite hers which had long since stopped smelling of her sister, her attention buzzing with unthinkable concepts to healthy minds, all while her forefinger unknowingly traced the roadmaps of scar tissue telling a journey of loss across her forearm.
The face of her double stared back at her in the mirror making Rose’s stomach tick and curl.  She felt her chin quiver and she sniffed hard looking at the contents spread across her vanity.  The smooth tan surface was stained with rich, bronze foundation and drugstore hair dye in attempt to strip the features that had tied her to Penelope. She picked up her foundation sponge and watched the nude liquid drip onto the back of her hand, a perfect match. Rosalina had long since stopped fooling herself that a change in her appearance would fool others into security concerning her mental state.  She dipped her sponge tentatively before applying it to her face over her eyelids and lips.  She opened her eyes again, their slight green, like a spring she knew would never live to see come, the only relief from the bronze-smooth skin.  
The lid to her cream blush hadn’t been put on correctly.  She looked down at the small pot of dried out, deep pink cosmetics cracked like a small section of scorched desert. She parted her lips, which had been stuck together from being held together so tightly in anxiety, and spit into the jar.  She rubbed the saliva around the blush to reconstitute its creamy texture. Had Poppy been there Rose surely would have been scolded, maybe even roughhoused a little in lighthearted affection. Rosalina’s only consequence was a comfortless silence.  
The doorknob to the closet had been taken off promptly after Rose’s outburst. She stuck her fingers in the hole, pulling the door open.  Her hand lifted to the back of her head as her eyes scanned the array of clothing. Rosalina twisted a single strand of hair around her finger and pulled upward, a swift, small, quick action, pulling the hair out from the root.  She dropped it to the floor, pulling another, another, another, before ever noticing the action.  Her face flushed as she ran the tip of her finger over the area she had pulled from.  The empty space was detectable, a few hairs poking at her where the regrowth had begun again.  She rushed to her mirror, grabbing the brush in urgency.  She pulled her hair up into one hand, hardly able to contain the curls in her grasp, even with what she was convinced was an entire lock and curl of hair pulled out from the roots, before pulling an elastic band to hold it.  She would have to wear her hair in special ways.  Her mother was sure to notice.
Trichotillomania was only one of the many words thrown across the clinical room from the doctor’s file to her grief stricken parents. Depression, self-harm, suicide risk and survivor’s guilt followed. Rose had hung her head in defeat. The words and diagnosis meant nothing to her but a botched attempt at true healing.  What did this man know about her, or her parents? Didn’t any of them know the weight upon her chest, the terrible love she’d been subjected to by the virtue of being the surviving twin? The burden of living without her same wasn’t one she could carry.  The absence of Penelope wore away at Rosalina like the agony of a phantom limb.
They were going to send her there again, a strange place with blindingly white walls.  When she walked into those doors it make her problems seem to grow three fold.  She felt more alone than ever before.  Still, out of instinct, she found her hand reaching to take Poppy’s for comfort, desperate grasps for that same phantom limb.  Instead she got pills, diagnoses, white lies, blank notebook pages to express her thoughts and document her loss, and forced smiles like those on her grandmother’s painted china clowns.  They frightened Rose screaming, live, live, live.  Some stranger in her brother’s skin had showed up as well.  Since when had he cared? And did he think he was like the sutures in her arm, a simple fix that could replace Poppy by virtue of common blood, to stitch her together and heal her? They pressured her to live on without half her heart, breathe without lungs, but all Rose could think of was how peaceful it might be to drown.
She had looked up statistics. A person could last six minutes without oxygen, but Rosalina knew she hadn’t breathed in months silently cursing the human body and all it’s resilience.
Originally from Santa Cruz, California Rosaline was born into a middle class family beside her twin sister Penelope & an older brother ( possibly a wc i’ll be sending in, definitely think it’d be interesting to see him played! )
Heading home from a party on west cliff, they were just sixteen when the accident changed Rose’s entire existences. They hadn’t had more that two drinks Rosalina was keeping track the entire night, and yet when the twin sisters climbed into their beat up Toyota they were forced to share – One of them never made it home. Falling asleep at the wheel, partially intoxicated, Penelope drove the pair off the rocky cliffs straight into the ocean current. It’s a miracle Rose had survived, she heard that more than a million times the months following. Yet, as those months passed the more she wanted to be in that deep water with the same fate her sister had faced. Living without the one person in the world who truly understood her, it was like the world was constantly on fire without Poppy. Nothing made sense, nothing felt right, every passing day she lost herself a little more.
The pills helped settle the depression, the therapy over the next three years helped her work through the hair pulling, but life never really felt normal. Loosing a twin isn’t like loosing a sibling, that night Rosalina lost a part of herself she could never get back. A part of herself she blamed for not being able to save, arguably the best part of her heart. Though it’s not something she can shake, living every day wishing things had turned out different, with time Rose learned to live life again. Finishing high school a year later than expected, she applied to colleges around the United States – anything far enough to start a new life. 
Flash forward six years from the accident – Rosalina strays away from any memory of that night, the nightmares don’t haunt her quite as often, and though she misses Poppy every day she’s attempting to live life in honor of her sister. Rose is the kind of girl you can’t help being friends with, though she has a soft & effervescent exterior that one would assume glows from the inside out – she’s also quite mysteriously and drawn back at times. It’s a numb existence filled with prescription medications, a drink to forget the past, and a few puffs to relax the tension where her body seems to ache in place of her double. It’s still taken on day at a time, with pre rehearsed responses to the same “how are you feeling?” she’s learning to be okay with not being okay some days. Moving to Norely has helped get her away from the memories, and though she’s still in school waitressing pays most the bills now a days. 
I hope that gives you a good idea of who my trash child is & I can’t wait to see everyone on the dash as a big family. I’ve been dying to play Rose out for the past three months, I just hadn’t found the right place so I’m hoping this is it for us! If you’re interested in plotting please feel free to like this post or ofc come to my ims & I’ll reply asap x
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mllory-blog · 7 years
wow hey u guys i’m ava and i’m so happy i found this rp before it opened???? wtf????
n e ways i’m going to tell u a lil about my flower mallie! i’m still working on all of the pages but if u wanna plot just hmu or like this post and we’ll work it out!!
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so mallie is originally from the uk but moved to reseda, ca when she was five
her mom and dad were/are very middle class americana type of people - her dad spent his entire life finding and funding business ventures that almost always turned out to be scams or just plain went awry. her mom, a teacher, basically provided the family’s sole income and a good portion of that was lost by her father 
when she was little, the reality of what her father was doing to their family was completely lost on her and she was a total daddy’s girl. he played the piano and taught her to as well. they would always play music together and she would sing (she has a v nice voice and is currently a struggling singer in a band in norley!)
as she grew up though, she realized that all of the financial struggles her family had were her father’s fault - and not only did he not see it or care, but he had convinced her mother to be complacent in letting him spend all of the money she earned
when she confronted him about it, she realized that he truly, fully, 100% believed that his investments were sound and that one day, they would be millionaires when he found the next Apple before anyone else. no matter how much sense she tried to talk into him, he cared about the startups more than the wellbeing of his family and she couldn’t live with that tbh so she started working full time and saving up to move and get her own place
one night she got home from a v v long shift and went to sleep and when she woke up, all of her tip money from the past two weeks was gone. her dad had stolen it and was babbling on about how this time the investment would work, yadda yadda yadda
basically that was the final straw for her. she slept on friends’ couches until she could afford to move. she moved to the south side of norley two years ago and has been working as a bartender and waitress by day, and a struggling singer of a band by night
basically mallie is a lil butterfly so sweet and pure but also hella independent and knows what she wants. will 100% believe anything u say and probs will make u want to vomit from how positive she is
tbh i’m a lil hungover and writing is hard but pls plot w me thx
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rileymcrsh-blog · 7 years
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Hi! I’m bianca and I’m super excited for this rp!! I have a bit about Riley under the cut!!! 
- This is Riley Marsh. She is 18 and originally from New York. Bit of a wild child. 
- She is the second oldest in her family. She has two younger siblings. 
- Her father is a gang leader, which meant she grew up pretty wealthy and around a lot of violence. 
-She was sent to Norley when her father felt that she was being influenced by the lifestyle. He never wanted any of his kids to get into that stuff. 
- She now lives with one of her father’s closest friends on the south side of Noley and lives off of the little money that her father sends her. 
- She honestly hates it there and is trying to look for an apartment to live in. Possible connection idea: Flat mates!!! pls. 
- She will flirt with literally everyone. Joke or not. 
- She can be pretty annoying and sometimes (most of the time) does it on purpose. 
- She’s a senior in high school but hardly ever goes. She usually gets her homework and stuff from some other kids and that’s how she’s (barely) passing.
- Pansexual af. 
This is crap but I really want that flat mate plot or a plot based off of Location by Khalid??? Just the whole falling in love thing (kinda) and having trouble with it. We definitely don’t have to do either of those. We can just brain storm!! so like this and I’ll send over a message or message me if you’d like to plot!!! 
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davidvclentino-blog · 7 years
hello everybody! i’m casie and this is davide valentino (call him anything other than david and he might punch you), the jack falahee fc. i’ve got most of him figured out so i’ll put some main points below the read more. if you want to plot, feel free to hmu or like this and i’ll message you! (tw: alcoholism, drug addiction)
his parents were italian immigrants who ran a crappy little restaurant in los angeles (they just barely got by).
his dad was an alcoholic and his mom didn’t defend him at all from his verbal and somethings physical attacks.
when he was eighteen he and his friends were out in a storm on the beach filming a video for school and he was struck by lightning.
the medical bills sent his family over the edge and they ended up being deep in debt; his dad never let him forget it.
he moved to san francisco a year later and studied the art of tattoos, eventually making his way to norley to set up his own shop.
a really good guy in general: good listener, good cook, amazing artist, and very open minded.
he doesn’t talk about his past. if pressed enough he’ll say “it’s not a secret, i just don’t want to talk about.”
he’s never really known happiness and he’s trying his best to stop himself from reaching that.
loyal af
his cat achilles is a total asshole
has a lot of some substance abuse problems with coke and it is rare to find him without a cigarette between his lips.
wears hearing aids in both ears and his sight is very poor without glasses or contacts. he also has trouble sleeping most nights, his memory isn’t perfect, and can have crippling migraines. (effects of the lightning).
more information can be found here and wanted connections can be found here, but i’m more than happy to brainstorm!
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rochellc-blog · 7 years
aaah !!! FCK IM SO EXCITED FOR THIS !!! hey guys, i’m andi and it’s really nice to meet all of you! hmu if you wanna plot or scream abt anything, i’m super down ! under the cut is a blurb about my smol problematic bean who has her bio, stats, and connections pages up if you wanna check those out ( fun fact: i... never get those pages done this early but SHE IS MY CHILD AND I LOVE HER ) anyway, onto the blurb **tw: eating disorder**
*cracks knuckles* ok here we go.
she comes from a vERY strict “this is the way things are, u have to succeed otherwise ur a failure and i’ll disown u” kind of mother. which, you would think she’d hate her but her mom is actually her best friend. she planted in rochelle’s head that everything in her life has to perfect and because that was all she was around she finds nothing wrong with it. her dad isn’t in the picture much because he’s in the military and has always been stationed in other countries so her mother raised her. 
she is a perfectionist. and not in the cutesy, “i like things to be a certain way” no... like... things HAVE to be done a certain way, a perfect way, or else she’ll explode
she comes from money, her mom’s a fashion designer and as stated before, her father is in the military. her parents spoil the shit outta her, even in her adult life, she has her expensive ass condo because of them.
***TRIGGER WARNING*** because of her perfectionism, everything about her has to be perfect and that obviously includes the way she looks. when she was in high school, she was a cheerleader, cheer captain to be exact. in her head, she had to be the skinniest girl on the squad in order to be perfect so she started restricting and over-exercising. it is still something she struggles with to this day
to the outside world, she has things all together. she’s a party girl, hangs out, y’know. nobody knows just how much pressure she puts on herself to be perfect because that’s all her mother taught her. 
she can be very snobby and she has no trouble flaunting her money/using it get her way
she thrives off of attention, good or bad, which gets her into some shit
she’s also the most dramatic person to ever exist oH MY GOD. she’ll take a pebble and make it a boulder, i s2g.
she’s just a mess and i’m :((( 
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Hi, everyone! My name is Tabitha, and I’m really excited to get to roleplay with you all! I’ll be playing my bb Daniel as Levi Peterson, my small lil’ bean who was recently kicked out of his super religious family after being caught with a boy in the midst of discovering his bisexuality. He’s been here about a month or so, which I’d say is good for some connections, so feel free to hit me up if you want to plot!
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hello everyone! i’m hannah and this little mess cutie is kayleigh. some things about her below. like or message if you want to plot!!
as i said her name is kayleigh but she also is cool with friends calling her kay or like any nickname i guess
she’s very very friendly but super high strung
she’s julian’s little sister and she loves him to death but the fact that he was such a free spirit meant that their parents basically put all of their aspirations on her and she’s??? overwhelmed to say the least
she’s a business and public policy major and her dad wants her to start integrating into the company but she really doesn’t want to bc she has no passion in it and also her father’s kind of an ass
julian moving to the south side honestly really bothered her like she misses her bro u know?  even though they’re just on the other sides of town she’s Extra honestly
alcohol tolerance? kay hasn’t met her
she’s really really really sweet and just wants the best for everyone? like she does her best to help out everyone she meets and basically just leave the world a better place than she found it
she really wants to go into nonprofit work instead of working at her dad’s company or at least do something good for the world
she loves friends more than anything in the universe tbh she wants to be friends with everyone she’s ever met
she’s got the same romantic notions as julian but she’s just reigned it in hardcore like she’s a romantic no doubt but she would never admit it to anyone bc she’s afraid of getting hurt
this is all v scattered rn because i’m making her up as i go but yeah!! hmu i love plots so much!!!!
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chxrliematt-blog · 7 years
hi everyone!! didn’t get a chance to do an intro bc i applied hella late and was so tired lol. i’m joi and i’m from the mst timezone buuuuuut it gets tricky bc where i usually live doesn’t do daylight savings and the state i go to school in does..........so.....there’s that. i’m gonna gain an hour when i go back home for summer. i use she/her pronouns and i love sending memes and muse things. aaand i like talking about dumb life stuff so if you’ll listen to me ramble and accept my headcanons about random shit we should be friends :+)
this is my kiddo charlie she’s super chill don’t let her ‘idgaf about anything’ attitude intimidate u bc she’s actually a teddy bear. here’s a bit about her:
charlie is 26 and works at the car garage
her family moved to south norley when she was 16 for no particular reason
charlie’s super close with her family even though her parents moved to san diego after she graduated from community college
she’s hella close with her lil brother who’s a college student and doin big things u go kid
her childhood was p basic nothing exciting or tragic really happened
since her mom is from italy she traveled a lot as a kid for vacations whatnot
charlie and commitment usually never mixes lmao
like i said she’s friendlier than she looks so she’s most likely friends with ur chara
pls be her friend
also hmu if you wanna plot!! i’ve got a connections page up or we could come up with something else i’m down for whatever
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