#nomu!zawa au
Tomarume slumped up to Shigaraki moving to stand quietly behind him. Subconsciously trying to protect himself from the deranged play of the rest of LoV. His face was paler than normal and he was holding his arm in a strange angle. He hoped he wouldn't be given anymore dangerous orders if he was injured, or that Shigaraki would tell them to leave him alone.
Shigaraki felt someone behind him, quiet yet sluggish and he recognized the steps and the breathing as he had grown up with them and grown familiar with it. “There you are Tomurane! Where have you been? I needed you earlier and I had to go out and get something myself since you were brooding somewhere.” He said before turning around “the fuck happened to you? You look like death warmed over, I was only gone a couple of hours and you’re not allow to die unless I say so.”
He appeared to have no knowledge of what had happened “Fuck I knew we should of kept that healer instead of killing them. Look at you, this is going to postpone all our plans and such.” He carefully reached out with pinkies up “your arm looks bad too, gonna have to set it most likely. I’ll see if Compress or somebody can do it since I’m not good with this stuff and I’m not calling the doctor because Sensei will be all over this.”
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dadzxwa · 2 years
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"Trying to stop me is futile. Let me go and I don't have to hurt you."
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decarbry · 2 years
I'm not sure if anyone has asked this before and I am just too stupid to find it but how exactly did Nomu!Zawa die? I read something about "being taken" I would love to know the details to this heartwrenching good AU
No you’re not stupid!! 💜 I haven’t actually revealed the specifics of that yet; so far the only details of The Taking I’ve tossed out there are where and when and who saw it happen and how they all felt afterwards
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bravobeavo · 3 years
So I started working on my Nomu emic AU again and I really just want to gush about it for a minute even tho it won’t be posted anytime soon so here’s a few details on my take for Nomu!Eraser and Nomu!Mic’s designs- ( ̄□ ̄;)
Shouta’s nomu design would look a lot like Zack from Angels of Death:
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His capture scarf is not only a part of him (like Nart’s flesh scarf AU), but is always wrapped around him and hiding his face. In this AU, Oboro & Nemuri will be with Shouta many years after he was assumed dead, so the combination of the capture scarf and the short hair (when teen!Zawa always had long hair) is my way of explaining why they never recognized him before. 
Without his capture scarf, his face will have some pretty gnarly scars that he accumulated over the years. He will also have been altered such that his erasure has lasting effects - him glancing can cancel someone’s quirk for several seconds even if he blinks/looks away. I haven’t worked out what other secondary quirks I want him to have aside from those.
Hizashi, on the hand, will have long bleached hair - as a teen he had short golden-blonde hair and green eyes. After medical experimentation, he will have red eyes and his hair will have gone almost white-platinum from failed experiments, which also make him unrecognizable. 
The biggest alteration I want to make to him is the addition of mechanical vocal cords so he has a robotic/metal throat, this was a way for AFO to control him bcz Mic was more rebellious than Eraser. I’m thinking his secondary quirks will include his normal range of abilities plus a siren-like power for spoken commands and the ability to throw his voice. Thinking that for the siren abilities, I may also give him symbols around/in his mouth like Inumaki from Jujutsu Kaisen has. 
Idk I just love writing this AU so much and I wanted to ramble about their character designs for a moment since I can’t post the fic yet. <3
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forthewoolfy · 3 years
Maybe I’m remembering wrong but I could’ve swear that you made an nomu!mic au before??
Yes and no? I did an extensive Nomu!Zawa in my fic Violent Delights, but I only drew two pictures of a Nomu!Zashi. They’re somewhere in the archives but I can’t currently find them on my phone. The main idea was that he could form speakers across his body, although he’d get a scar at that spot afterwards.
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dadzxwa · 10 months
Imagine little shouta ended up with the league
(Being raised to be a villain? Good backstory for villain!shota)
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dadzxwa · 2 years
Do yall want nomu!aizawa? I haven't actually typed up the AU yet but man do I love that post I found about it. AU where Aizawa dies instead of Oboro?
Anyway like this for a starter with nomu!zawa
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