tiderideraa · 2 years
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—  volatile .
there  is  a  deep,  painful  energy  harbored  within  this  soul  . . .  at  its  very  core  festers  malice,  and  a  deeply  rooted  pain  that  craves  nothing  more  but  to  inflict  itself  onto  everything  around  it.  special  care  has  been  given  to  it  to  stop  examiners  from  coming  into  any  harm  should  they  draw  too  near  to  it.  you  coil  like  a  serpent,  awaiting  a  moment  to  strike.  to  claim  your  revenge.  it  never  comes.
tagged  by :    seen  on  @exghul​  ♡♡♡♡ tagging :    @shehook​,  @dvarapala​,  @noirsteel​,  @nolacharm​,  @demoniste​,  @faedrake​,  @rosewiltd​,  @lighthouseborn​,  @everwake​,  @biteofwinter​,  @islesolate​,  @yoakkemae​ ( ben ),  @rotturn​ ( liam ),  @coyotie​ 
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tideridera · 3 years
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—  @nolacharm​  get’s  a  random  starter .
          it had taken longer than harry had intended to get to charlie’s home in auradon. whatever fantasies he had been thinking about, of showing charlie what it meant to have friends, to have someone close enough that they felt like a part of you, had been doused by a mood that had been black and foreboding. in the end however, he had shoved the black cloud hanging over his head aside and hammered his fist against charlie’s front door.
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when it opened, harry flashed a toothy grin, holding his hands out at either one of his sides and nudging his foot over the house threshold. “ told you i’d be coming ‘round. ”
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clippcr · 3 years
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—  @nolacharm​  &  @visperas​  get  a  joint  descvdayball  starter .
          It had taken Noelani some time to find a hint of where Charlie had disappeared but eventually she had managed it. Finding a member of the staff that had happened upon Charlie dressed in his pink suit being led away by a girl, and from there she had followed the tracks in the damp grass through the gardens and into the surrounding woodlands. Concern quickly compelled Noelani to remove her heels, hitching the long flowing ruffles of her dress up to her hips and fastening them with a hairtie as she trecked through the woods barefoot.
It was there, in the forest that she spotted him. His familiar blonde hair and his fine suit, “Charlie!” she called out loudly, relief simmering through her veins as she jogged forward to close the distance between them. She reached out for his hand, expression woven with both worry and relief. “What are you doing out here? It’s dangerous.”
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snowsnitches · 3 years
Did you hear about @nolacharm​? Not only did he get dragged away on his mattress, but then that backwater boy got lost in the woods! I’ve spent some time in a forest and if he couldn’t hear the sounds of civilization through the trees, he must be as dumb as the stumps that new orleans hunters lose frogs in. Then again, maybe it’s not his fault. After all, people down there are awfully close to their cousins…
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gotnerved · 3 years
𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙴: 𝚜𝚠𝚒𝚖 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚜𝚕𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔.     @nolacharm
𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚉𝙴   :   $𝟽𝟻𝟶.
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cecaeliana · 3 years
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@nolacharm​ sent  Charlie's gift to Uma is a crown. Not just any crown though, one that was passed down to him, from his grandfather when he was given his first title as King of Mardi Gras. Its nothing fancy but it caries the colors of purple green and gold. Uma deserves a crown. She may not be Queen of Mardi Gras with it, Charlie would give the title if he could. But she's a queen in her own right. Its wrapped simply in pink paper with a teal ribbon. And a tag that says To Uma, From Charlie.
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she feels like he’s mentioned this before. his grandfather being king of mardi gras. so when she opens the box to find the purple and green crown sitting there, she feels a funny twinge in her stomach. like a muscle spasm, only it’s accompanied by a feeling of deep longing and intense gratitude. eyes flicker to  him, because she’s not great at expressing herself with words. but she does want him to know how much it means to her. “ thanks, i love it, ” she manages, a little stilted as she tries to keep the crack from her voice. “ c’mere, ” she settles for falling into an old routine. being in charge. she curls her fingers into his shirt and drags him closer, head tilting up so she can plant a soft kiss on his lips. 
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childrenofslumber · 4 years
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     There was a bounce in her step as she approached him from behind. He was sitting on a bench, looking away from her and she was too excited to see him. It took a lot to not yell out his name but she was now ready to surprise him. She got closer and covered his eyes gently. “Guess who.”
      ☾✧.° ( @nolacharm​ && starter call ) °.✧☼
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"Caroline, sweetie," Lottie began, "We didn't catch you at a bad time did we? We've got some, bad news," She sounds like she is crying. "Its Charlie..." Travis takes over, "Caroline we need you to come home."
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    “Mama?” Caroline immediately recognized the different done to her mother’s voice. And it made her heart stop and plummet to her stomach. She has NEVER heard her sound like that. Then she hears her Dad. Usually when there’s a call from home it goes: Mama, Charlie, Daddy with some Aggie or Stella Two barking in the background. There was no remark from Charlie. “Mama–” It’s Charlie. What the heck did that even mean? Tears start to sting in the redhead’s eyes. She can FEEL it. She felt it before the call; like something was wrong and she couldn’t explain it. “Daddy – I wanna talk to Charlie. Put him on..” Nevertheless, she was already out her door to whatever would get her home fastest. “Daddy, please. Why is Mama crying? I need to talk to Charlie!” 
          (   ╾ @nolacharm &&  *TØP voice* all my friends are demons )
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tiderideraa · 2 years
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— animal intuition .
loyalty  is  the  saint  you  pray  to.  if  you  ever  were  stabbed  in  the  back  by  your  beloved,  you'd  probably  apologize.  to  your  enemies,  you're  fierce.  to  your  allies,  even  fiercer.  you  cultivate  a  thick  inner  circle  built  on  promises  and  devotion,  fit  only  for  the  best  of  the  best.  it's  impossible  for  most  to  even  begin  to  dissect  the  type  of  person  you  are,  owing  to  your  unbreakable  emotional  walls  and  confusing  philosophies.  dream  careers?  body  guard,  movie  star,  unwitting  pawn.  don't  let  people  get  the  best  of  that  loyalty.
tagged  by :    seen  on  @rosalang  ♡♡♡♡ tagging :    @janefaery,  @mimnghs,  @nolacharm,  @heiresea,  @ask-alicelockwood,  @tawruhs ( nalini ),  @luxoned,  @ishguardienne  &  whoever  else  is  interested  ♡
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tiderider1 · 3 years
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𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘  𝐀𝐃𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐒 ↳↳    sent  from  :    @nolacharm
Harry  finds  a  golden  spy  glass,  there  is  a  gold  engraving  on  it  with  the  words,  "Land  is  closer  than  you  think",  with  a  pink  envelope  attached.  The  letter  in  the  envelope  reads,  "I  heard  it  was  your  birthday,  mama  was  given  this  when  she  went  through  a  pirate  lovin'  phase,  I  know.  She  gave  it  to  me  when  I  was  little.  I  thought  you  could  use  it  more  than  me."  Upon  inspection  the  spyglass  is  enchanted  though  Charlie  wouldn't  know.  It  will  show  its  user  how  far  away  land  is  in  any  given  direction  when  looked  through.
the  pink  envelope  is  evidence  enough  of  who  the  gifter  is  but  harry  finds  himself  startled  by  the  golden  spyglass  that  accompanies  it.  it's  a  beautiful  piece,  lightweight,  compact  with  a  protective  frame  around  the  lenses.  it  was  a  better  make  than  anything  harry  had  seen  or  found  on  the  isle,  with  little  to  no  sign  of  damage  save  for  a  phrase  engraved  in  sloping  handwriting.  he  ran  his  fingers  over  each  letter,  brows  furrowed  as  he  pieced  together  the  meaning  one  word  at  a  time.
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          only  then  did  he  take  hold  of  the  letter,  beginning  his  slow  deciphering  of  charlie's  message.  it  was  slow  work,  he  was  still  getting  used  to  reading,  but  with  every  word  and  every  sentence  that  he  understood  he  felt  not  only  encouraged  by  his  own  efforts,  but  touched  by  charlie's  thoughtfulness.  knowing  how  close  charlie  was  with  his  mother,  that  he  was  willing  to  part  with  something  she  had  given  to  him  spoke  volumes.
          harry  would  test  the  spyglass  as  he  and  the  crew  sailed  across  from  the  isle  and  to  auradon  and  discover  the  enchantment  as  he  peered  through  the  eye  for  the  first  time.  he  figured  charlie  wouldn't  object  to  another  impromtu  visit,  eager  to  pull  charlie  onto  the  ship  to  thank  him  properly.
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tideridera · 3 years
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FIRST  MATE  ORDERS ↳↳  sent  from  ( @visperas​ )
" you know what happens when you give a fairy your name, don't you? yeah, i bet you do. see, you're smart. smarter than a lot of people here, and a lot smarter than charlie. i mean, all we had to do is ask and suddenly i know everything about him. guess you forgot to tell him your fairy stories. "
harry eyed the pixie suspiciously as she spoke. the smooth thrum of her voice reminding him of the red hearts that would spin their words in fanciful patterns and careful caresses to lure their prey into a false sense of security. the compliments, the ego-stroking, harry took each with a grain of salt until charlie’s name spilled from her lips like a threat. harry’s blue gaze became abruptly bright, an intensity to them that had been lacking moments before and when he smiled it was all teeth.    “    you  coming  to  me  with  this,    ”    harry began, his voice deceptively, cheerful,    “    must  mean  you  know  what  charlie  is  to  me,  ey ?    ”
in a single fluid motion, harry unlinked his hook from his belt, snatched a hold of vespera’s hair by the roots and pulled her towards him.    “    you  shouldn’t’ve  done  that.    ”    harry didn’t purposefully cross paths with fairies, and typically they afforded him the same courtesy. but if vespera wanted to mess with him and his, then harry would mess with her back and he refused to make it pretty.
     “    uh  uh.    ”    harry clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth, brushing her hair gently from her face with the curve of his hook to discourage her from using any of her magic.    “    you  think  you  can  use  your  magic  before  i  carve  out  one  of  your  eyes ?    ”
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clippcr · 4 years
—  @nolacharm​     /     un - plotted  starter .
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          “    you  must  be  charlie !    ”    noelani exclaimed as vibrant green eyes took in the others appearance. from his blond hair, to his sense of style, harry had described him perfectly. the healer bounded forward excitedly to grasp hold of his hand with both of her own,    “    it’s  so  nice  to  meet  you  in  person.  i’m  noelani.    ”
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biteofwinter · 2 years
She finds a box of beignets with a note, reading "Ya gotta start your birthday out right with at least one. Ya wont regret it. Yours, Charlie" - nolacharm
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alice smiled, picking up the box from the table next to the door to alice's apartments. it was likely left there by one of the castle's attendants while she was out in the morning. she read the note, and shrugged. "don't mind if i do,” she mumbled before picking one out of the box and biting into it. alice savored it, powdered sugar remaining on her lips. she definitely loved it.
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gotnerved · 3 years
𝙳𝙰𝚁𝙴   :   𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝚊 𝚌𝚊𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚍𝚘 𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚜 𝚒𝚗 𝚏𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚘𝚢𝚊𝚕 𝚙𝚊𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚎.     @nolacharm
𝙿𝚁𝙸𝚉𝙴   :   $𝟹𝟶𝟶.
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paintedragcn · 3 years
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MORE PROTECTIVE PROMPTS @nolacharm​ asked: “ close your eyes, you don’t need to see this. ” - nolacharm (i am imagining him about to do something very out of character but also like in character if that makes sense... its unexpected from him but should be expected and its gruesome)
“Yeah, ah, I’ve seen a lot of shit in my day,” She cringed, feeling more blood drip out of her nose, but she wasn’t about to let any drip down her throat and swallow it either. Her hand went up, trying to swipe some of it away with the back of her sleeve. “It’s hard to faze me.”
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kingxarthas · 3 years
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