#nobody almost follows this blog so I think I'm in the clear lmao
dnangelic · 6 months
i just wanted to send some positive words your way and let you know that i absolutely adore the way you write both dark and daisuke. it's clear you put a lot of thought and love into both of them, and your posts have always brought a smile to my face. i'll never forget the shock i felt when your blog popped up in my recommended and, i was on call with my boyfriend at the time, he hears me go 'NO WAY, ARE YOU SERIOUS?' before i slapped the follow button LOL d.n.angel holds a special part of my early teenage years and your blog brings the warmth and nostalgia i felt all those years ago. i almost feel like that 14 year old again, giddy over a silly anime and kicking my feet with excitement every time i see your posts c: thank you for being such a joyous presence on my dash
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YOOOO YOU FOUND ME FROM TUMBLR RECCS???? that's so funny... i always thought that thing was useless but i've been proven so wrong LMAO. I'M REAL THOUGH. I'M SO REAL!!! *DOES A JIG* I'M SO GLAD MY BLOG CAN MAKE YOU FEEL THAT WAY TOO 😭🤧PLEASE IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME. dnangel is such a weird series because it feels like everyone's at least -SEEN- or heard of it at least once but then it's still weirdly niche?? like there's not really anything for it esp anymore and nobody talks about it esp now that it's finally finished (manga-wise) after 30 some years but it's still like. most popular/easily recognized niche series ik off the top of my head JJGJKFKJ TYSM FOR UR COMPLIMENTS OVER MY PORTRAYAL TOO!!!
making this blog was such a good exercise in my own growth because going back to it sugisaki had such BANGER themes that i didn't even notice or totally grasp at first when i myself was in middleschool, so i feel like i'm lowkey compensating and paying proper attention to everybody now that i have. well. better critical thinking skills and media literacy DFKJKJGKJKJ even going back i was kind of surprised how it dealt with such dark topics like grief and death and the consequences of Playing God or sins and cycles when like.......... it's also a silly little dramatic rom-com about middleschoolers and immortals but it still never leaves you feeling hopeless or lonely, which as also sugisaki's intention with the series!! it's so nice!! i really wanted to be able to emulate the overall messages of her characters and loving art esp since it ends up so meta for us writers. i'm just happy to write!! doesn't have to be perfect or even exact, since i do take a tiny bit of creative/hc liberty with my own inspos and portrayals for dai n dark! but i'm always having sm fun interacting with everybody, AND I RLLY APPRECIATE U TOO!!! 🙇🙇
i'll probably be around for a looooong time bc dai n dark r just as much treasured and influential for me (i was also one of those 14 yr olds, i have embarrassing dnangel merch on top of piles of manga laying around, im certifIED REAL FAN /J) but it makes me so happy my posts bring u joy. im glad bc i know i can post/talk ooc a lot before i get the time to actually properly sit down and Write but that's just how it is for a lot of us kjgkjgfb anyways, thank u again!! things like this rlly help my confidence since actually at the start i had no idea if i could do like... a protagonist (daisuke)/'popular' (to me. dark/dnangel is popular and legendary and overwhelming in the eyes of the tumblr populace to Me-) chara any justice, but im put at ease any time i get such warm feedback like this!!! 💐💐💐FOR YOU! u get even more flowers this time straight from me!!! go buy urself a treat for being so nice!!!
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
Maybe actually read it? It was kind. You’re no better if you’re reacting to an apology statement with bullying./ I read it. It wasn't an apology nor was it kind. It was self serving. 'I did something wrong, I'm sorry, but he had no right to complain about the thing I did wrong and he hurt my feelings when he did.' It's like she expects Seb to apologize to her for mentioning a fan that invaded his privacy. People calling her out for trying to portray herself as the victim is exactly what should be happening. She wasn't a victim then or now. Seb didn't complain about her submission, he was laughing about it. It's her own guilt at crossing a line that made her feel ashamed but she didn't own what she did and starts blaming Seb because 'he didn't understand her (harmless) intent' What bullshit. Intent is irrelevant. Actions are what matter. Results are what matter. As Vamp pointed out all she had to do was make a simple apology, take responsibility for her mistake and hopefully learn from it. No sympathy from me. Just another entitled fan who thinks it's all about them.
Anon 2: it must be insulting to her for him to assume her spotting was her trying to violate his privacy when she just didn’t think first // She deserves to be insulted. The very act of submitting a sighting on a gossip blog is violating privacy. I live in a city that has a lot of TV and movie filming. So while out and about, I sometimes see actors shopping or in restaurants, etc., but I never try to take pictures and never post about it on social media. At most, I might mention it to some friends if it’s an actor they’re interested in. Not violating privacy is very easy when you don’t have a stalker mindset.
Anon 3: That girl made the choice to submit to DM, she wasn’t forced to. Anyone with common sense knows celebs aren’t going to be overjoyed to have their movements sent in. She’s super naive if she thinks otherwise. SS had every right to be annoyed and he wasn’t even that annoyed. He doesn’t even know who she is. She’s anonymous, a two page apology to justify yourself or clear your name when nobody even knows your name is ridiculous.
Anon 4: I’m thinking all those anon messages in defence of the girl getting rightfully called out for spreading nasty rumors about Seb being rude is mostly from the girl herself. Nobody has sympathy for that asshat, apology or not. And Seb was 100% right in calling her out. Good for him!
Anon 5: This girl sends anons to all the blogs to defend herself. I don't buy her apology. She stalked him and has absolutely no right in feeling hurt in any way. She probably also belongs to that group that likes to submit fake shit. And Sebastian is supposed to take a step back? Seriously? He's on this hell site en masse every week and he's expected to just take it and keep quiet about it? No one can seriously believe that. I think he's too nice and his words were way too kind.
Anon 6: I have sympathy for the person who wrote the letter but it does come off as disingenuous. Almost like they are excited to have been called out because now they have a delusion of having been noticed by Sebastian which makes them “special.”
Anon 7: Why do some people always find ways to blame Seb for other people's actions? DM is a mean gossip site, they post anything and everything about any celebrity, just check out what's going on with Flo Pugh. If you follow the DM, you know the DM's intentions, and when they don't mind posting things without checking. She knew what the DM did when she sent it, so don't come with OMG poor me, I don't buy this. Seb wasn't talking about who sent it, he was talking about the friend who sent him the information and compared it to P&T, ie it wasn't about her. He doesn't know who she is, it's not for her, he was talking about gossip in general. This letter shows that this girl is full of herself, and dumb because she keeps doing dirty work for the DM, and for free. lmao DM will get rich because of idiots who work for it for free.
Anon 8: Have respect. She was clearly hurt by it.//She called him out by name in her sighting which led at the time to several people commenting on his behavior. She’s the one that put herself out there with her attempted apology. She may feel hurt but that’s not Seb’s fault. Maybe being gossiped about is not as harmless as she thought.
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axolay-twf-blog · 3 years
Oh yeah oc dump real quick
I'll start drawing the originals real soon just been busy w other stuff and silly art doodles
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wolvsalt · 2 years
My god I think I found a site worse than Wolvden. Hope you don't mind me venting this here, there's no salt blog for that site. Astonishingly. I'm starting to suspect it may share some devs/mods with WD/LD though. That or it's a copy-cat site. It's called Hunt&Jump, and it's supposed to be a horse breeding sim. Visually it looks like Lioden but more western themed. Literally the only things to do are breed, compete, and sell horses. Competing is just entering in competitions and then after a certain amount of time you get to see score results.
Where do I start with this mess?Almost nobody is breeding in this breeding sim. It's not a viable play style. Everbody gets shoehorned into building massive competition barns of horses who do nothing but compete, and selling as many extras as possible. Recently the game owner "Ammit" decided to "look at the stats", saw hardly anyone was breeding, and decided that was a sign nobody needed to breed more than x number per account type. So she set a limit of 30 breedings for free accounts pastures. To be clear, we all start with one 40 horse barn and a 10 horse pasture. Breeding your own stud in a pasture is cheeper. And you could previously breed as many times as you wanted per season. (Which is like 15 days a month for free accounts. You have to manually swap mares in and out. 10 at a time on free accounts.) The claim was made that this was to prevent breeding exploits of the "make a new horse, breed it, sell both mare and foal" variety. This "exploit" has been there for like a decade. Here's the real kicker- she's blaming this type of "exploit" for the out of whack economy in game. But you can buy large sums of money and get free money every week in amount increasing depending on the upgrade you have. The truth is, the economy is borked because people with premium accounts making tons a week are further dumping large sums in to afford breeding projects. There's almost nothing in game to remove game money from it's economy, leading to continual inflation! But sure it must be the few people who realized you've left a loophole up for a decade. Lmao.
Speaking of a decade, they're only just now fully and properly getting around to implementing grays. You know, one of the most common genetic traits among horses? But there are a dozen fully implemented fantasy genes you can breed, for a price. You can't work up to getting breedable ones in game, you have to pay real money for "Gene liscenses". There are no events like LD or even WD has. Just occassional "Herd Helpers" that give you "special genetics". So many of the HHs are identicle in what they produce though. There are a million and one chimeras running around because most special HHs give chimeras genetics.
Recently a gas leak at the "haj manor" had them doing a flash sale to pay for new appliances. The new breeding limiting update followed right after that which essentially puts more squeeze on free accounts to get upgrades. Most newbies don't know you can save up for basic upgrade, and so just buy instead. Seems like suspicious timing to me. On top of that the new limit makes it even harder to save up for basic since most people sell the foals they breed as a big chunk of saving per month. (Still not that much total though.) You're literally at a disadvantage with a free account. Even basic quality of life things like one click sorting are locked behind upgrades. You can't even track your auctions without an upgrade. Want to know if someone out bid you? Hope you saved the html link to that horse. They have a hair-brained feature called Breeding Advice that auto-gelds/spays horses who don't meet some nebulous and unspecified breeding capacity criteria. You basically have to pay irl money to undo the geld/spay since saving up for the tokens to do it would take so long they'd be close to or past breeding age if you tried to do it the free way. Guess who spayed their best mare accidentally right out the gate? Oof
There are other issues too of course. The line art is pretty terrible and all the horses look like they're missing a back leg. Multiple breed archetypes have heads that are too small and look bizzare. There are no specific breeds, just body sizes. But warmbloods look like light drafts more than typical irl warmbloods and a lot of horses look like they were crossed with quarter horses in terms of body shape. They have "tack" you can put on your horse which ranges from actual saddles/bridles etc to mane and tail options. Some of those mane/tails literally look like someone smudged on the idea of a mane/tail in Windows 98 Paint. Many backgrounds look like clipart. Very little art stylistically matches with the line art and other tack. Art is quite reminiscent of Lioden's earlier pieces. April's special genetics you can buy is literally just a white horse that looks like it has mud splatered on it. Rather uninspired and you could breed an equivolent for free.
I first found the site through facebook ads, where they advertised a " free, realistic genetics breeding sim with a friendly community and we don't give a fuck if you say fuck." Actually they do give a fuck as it turns out and they expect eveyone to be 100% "PG 13" at all times. There's almost no community to speak of at all and most players keep to their cliques. You can make individual chatrooms in the game if you pay for a premium upgrade. But most people make them private sales. Only recently was someone altruistic enough to make a general chat. And boy is this "free to play" so pay to play feeling! There's no tutorial, just a FAQ. And the FAQ fails to mention the important detail of "requires upgrade". Over and over people ask support chat "how do I" only to be met with "upgrade". Sometimes support doesn't even mention it the first time around they just tell you where the feature would be... if you had an upgrade. You can exchange in game money for a basic upgrade, however it'll take you an eternity to save up for as the game is very much designed to encourage stress purchases. If someone expresses frustration the response is always "just be patient!"
Oh, and speaking of facebook, they require you to join their facebook group to participate in Secret Santa. So they can pressure you if you flake out I assume. So no anonymity if you wanna do gift exchanges.
I could go on but I'll leave the rant at this. This game is a mess and it ain't even hot. Makes me appreciate Lioden a teeny bit more, but not so much Wolvden. Seems like they're trying to give Wolvden a run for their money as far as being a train wreck. Mod edit:; You may salt *once* about this horse website here. As a treat.
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