#no amount of cayde 6 trailer or content will make me want to love this game like I used to before beyond light
collinnmckinley · 9 months
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So fucking sick right now... Gambit is dead. Nothing will make anyone play this game mode anymore.
This makes me so angry and emotional... i just can't anymore with this game... the one thing that got me to play the game, which is Gambit, is being buried... no rewards, no effort, no support, no nothing. They're returning one of the old maps, that they removed with beyond light might i add, with the already existing annoying type of enemies (shadow legion, fuck them bitches).
I still had some hope that they'll do something for the game mode, just a little bit of hopium, now even that is gone. I fuckin hate bungie so much right now.
Someone put it right;
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Yeah, this is basically it;
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