rabbitgardens · 2 months
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rabbitgardens · 9 months
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so i went fucking insane on discord just now-
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rabbitgardens · 9 months
tossing it around in my head that at some point revyl gets good enough at being a mesmer that it can just do jedi mind trick shit on people
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rabbitgardens · 9 months
i dont know details yet of course but i know in like. path of fire??? theres some shit going on with the mists and alternate timelines/universes and shit and im just Thinking about nightmare court knight irene. tossing her around in my brain
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rabbitgardens · 2 months
need to get used to blorboposting on Here more. copypaste from disco
thinking more abt the nmc sect revyl was a part of....i think now im pretty solidly "Revyl Was Whisked Away From The Grove" rather than "Revyl Was Born In Nightmare" so like. what would attract it to that specific faction of the nmc/what would attract them to it beyond proximity/revyl being dummy powerful
ive said before that the sect it was in valued unique displays of violence but im elaborating on that in that they view violence against dreamers as entertainment...like the theatre of blood (they have a name now! waow) would kidnap innocents and put on shows torturing them for each other/high ranking members of the nmc. revyl being a mesmer and unusually strong would really give it a leg up in terms of how badly it could hurt people and how they could do it in novel ways fucked up enough to impress higher ranking courtiers...the Theatre tm would have slightly different titles than standard nmc so it would work its way up from stagehand to understudy pretty quickly...it was abt to be crowned a Star before zaara got it out of there
the personal nature of How the theatre of blood did things made every kill weigh so much heavier on revyl the farther away it distanced itself from nightmare. i dont think itll ever forgive itself even if everyone forgets even if the pale tree herself did
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rabbitgardens · 2 months
actually need to think abt revyls life before the whispers but After it was free from the court....i think it was definitely shoved into a like. Nightmare Reconditioning Unit as a sapling that made it go along with a lot of heinous shit but that conditioning, even with the years of it being beaten into it, never stuck (is it because of its weird fucky magic or because it always held onto the hope that the tree could love it again. we will never know)
so once zaara got it the Fuck out of there the two were on their own for a while, making their way through maguuma to kryta where zaaras crew was based, trying Very Hard not to get spotted by the nmc
(i was gonna write more abt the time they spent one on one but im going to be so real i lost my train of thought)
once the two link up with zaaras crew again, revyls Ecstatic to meet non sylvari, unaffiliated with nightmare, who are friends with its Cool New Friend!!! It slotted into zaara's crew surprisingly easily, based mainly on their combat and stealth prowess which proved useful (mainly in their endeavors to take over laughing gull island because zaara Personally finds tadhia covington annoying. thats the entire reason), it took a while for revyl to develop social skills of any kind though, which did not at All help first mate rika sunstalker's dislike of this weird little plant his boss (read:intense insane keeps him up at night would do anything for her would die for her girlfriend) came back with
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rabbitgardens · 3 months
i wanna think abt where revyl and zaara shacked up when it was newly freed from the nmc because like. in my Mind theyre vaguely in the area around the human starter city because thats so Rpg Starting Area to me but ive also never been to any of the human cities and i do not care. akdjd i literally never went to divinitys reach until this years lunar new year event...maybe they were fucking around with pirates in bloodtide coast?? and thats how it knows rika??
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rabbitgardens · 7 months
throwing "revyl was a collaboration nmc/inquest experiment" around in my head again. i dont know whether i Want its backstory to be that but it would be in-line with canon And incredibly funny. test tube baby salad coming out of its goo tube so full of evil
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rabbitgardens · 9 months
would it be gauche to just post notes app bullet boints about revyl and irene. im doing it anyway
(readmored for long)
• pansexual
• afraid of ghosts (my illusions are different!! they do what i want!! you cant predict what an angry ghost will do!! zombies are different too!! i can deal with them, theyre flesh and blood!!)
• has a pet mini springer named bonkers
• probably wouldve stayed in the court if not for the warden's intervention/its own fear of severing its connection to the part of the dream where most other sylvari are
• still has kinda latent nightmare sympathies
• pretty heavily believes in fate, and that anything that happens was destined to happen/goes with the flow
afraid that its connection to the dream means that it has no real selfhood?? but is so used to that sylvari connection that it cant imagine life without it and doesnt become soundless
• usually will just Camp Out Raw Dogging Nature (oftentimes literally just. sleeping on the ground/in a hole in the ground)because for all of its magical talent, it Cannot get the hang of shaping and gave up in (IM NOT IMMEDIATELY GOOD AT IT SO I DONT WANNA) fashion. irene, Horrified, makes comfortable little camps for them and slowly teaches them shaping (it never really gets the hang of it but irene appreciates the effort)
• ok to elaborate. it will sleep In Shelter (in caves, in bushes, under branches) but if it cant itll cloak itself all night and wake up with a Death Migrane, it literally never considered the fact than you can just Buy camping supplies
• bisexual
• warden and student of niahm, luminary of noon
• incredibly skilled warrior but held back by unreleting debilitating insecurity. impostor syndrome on MAXIMUM just constantly thinking that hes failing upwards she thinks her entire life is that gif of grommit putting down the tracks really fast
• needs to loosen the fuck UP he is CONSTANTLY training striving to improve get better get better get better or get left BEHIND
• got nicknamed the "prince of the grove" as a sapling and accidentally made it a core pillar of her identity OOPS
• DEVOUT dreamer, hates hates the nmc, thinks that the nightmare is a leech on the pale tree and the dream that needs to be eradicated
• on the flipside of revyl's inability to shape, irene Cannot make clothes to save her life. armor, sure. weapons, Definitely. (he proposes to revyl with a new greatsword eventually!) clothes?? normal ass walking around clothes?? whether sylavri made or conventionally made she just Cannot do it cannot sew or shape clothes for SHIT (revyl eventually teaches her to mend clothes cuz thats the like. bare minimum and she likes that she can be more useful :))
• ok this is about nightmare irene. her devotion to nightmare corrupts caladbolg....evil sword thats Evil.....
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