#nicky connors cobra adjacent
avatarskywalker78 · 3 months
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It's Thirsty Thursday so here's links to my series (the ones with more than on part, anyway!)
flufftober 2021 (recently reshuffled into the correct order!)
flufftober 2022
flufftober 2023
Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent
bad boy (no more)
Cobra Kai Mini Rewrites
The Shieldmaiden Saga
Cobalt Blue and The Flash
emerald legacy (remember this one guys??)
the thompson archives
Old works (my FFN imports)
Tagging (let me know if you want to be added or removed): @shrinkthisviolet @dream-beyond-the-fantasy @vexic929 @negative-speedforce
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avatarskywalker78 · 10 months
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This is for the qocc oc challenge for Day 4 - soundtrack - pick a song you relate to your oc, and create something with it. This an edit for one of the planned upcoming stories in my Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent series and the title is taken from Twisted Sister's 'I am, I'm me', a song which is on my Nicky Connors playlist and the one I most associate with her as it fits to a tee, especially in this fic as, a few weeks after her fifteenth birthday, she finally decides to cut ties with all her family members aside from her aunt. They don't care about and she's no longer going to waste any time on them - especially now she has people who do actually give a shit.
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avatarskywalker78 · 11 months
How well did Nicky get along with Ali in the two years that Johnny and Ali dated? Did she get along with Susan and Barbara?
Initially Nicky is somewhat put out by Ali being around, even though she and Johnny clearly are good for each other, because it feels like she's being pushed out of the group, and her experience is that girls don't like other girls around their boyfriends - but Ali isn't jealous at all, and it doesn't take long for them to become friends. Nicky even becomes something of a Shipper on Deck, to the extent that she initially tries to mediate when Ali and Johnny start having problems.
Her relationship with Susan and Barbara isn't as good, partly because Nicky generally has trouble connecting with other girls anyway, partly because the combination of all three girls makes her very much aware of the gulf between them class wise, much more than when Nicky is with Johnny and the Cobras - at this point she has karate in common with them so the friendships there are stronger, but she doesn't have any equivalent with Susan or Barbara, sadly.
But Nicky isn't there for the final break-up between Johnny and Ali - a month before she and Johnny have The Argument and they're not talking, and she figures that actually, it's not her responsibility to try and fix his screw-ups. Ali does try and keep in contact, but Nicky's on downward spiral because of the estrangement and isn't really receptive to anyone, so this widens the rift.
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avatarskywalker78 · 10 months
🐧+ James Connors
Their favourite Disney/Pixar movie:
He loves the Toy Story trilogy!
Their go-to style of clothing:
Jeans and a hoodie.
Their favourite vacation memory:
Going to Disneyland in 2012 with his mom, Johnny, and Robby, because it was the first ever time he'd gone to anything like that, and he knew how much it meant that they were able to go and how Nicky and Johnny must've saved up for a while to do this.
Their favourite fairy tale:
It's a tie between Hansel and Gretel and The Snow Queen.
One hidden talent of theirs:
He can count backwards in Spanish from two hundred.
One thing they've kept since childhood days:
A teddy bear he's had since he was three years old (called Mr Teddy).
Their favourite holiday memory:
He has a lot of favourites, but if he had to really choose it would be Thanksgiving 2010 when Nicky, Johnny and the rest of the Cobras (and their kids) all went to Bobby's place to celebrate. He'd met most of them at other times, but this was the first time they were all able to be together and when he really appreciated how big his new family actually was, and that he'd already been accepted as one of the family.
Their first crush:
James hasn't had a crush on anyone yet.
Something they would never admit to anybody:
When he was seven he became convinced that Nicky and Johnny were actually together and just hadn't told him for some reason - he didn't ask them outright because he didn't think he'd get an answer, and he only believed this for about two months before realising no, they were only very good friends. He's never admitted it because he thinks he'll be laughed at (and since then has seen how shocked his mother gets on the occasions when other people think the same thing and would rather not add to that, thank you).
Their favourite wild animal:
He loves parrots and owls the best.
OC ask game!
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avatarskywalker78 · 10 months
🐧 + Nicky Connors?
My girl Nicky!!! Thank you so much!!
Their favourite Disney/Pixar movie:
She loves 101 Dalmations (the animated one), and also Finding Nemo.
Their go-to style of clothing:
Tends to be very casual - t-shirt and jeans, maybe a jacket depending on the weather.
Their favourite vacation memory:
Her first summer with her aunt Charlotte - it started off awkward and Nicky had trust issues after being shunted around the family like an unwanted piece of trash, but Charlotte made a real effort to connect with her and took her to the beach and it was the first time Nicky felt appreciated (Charlotte isn't perfect by any means, but she really does try).
Their favourite fairy tale:
The Ugly Duckling.
One hidden talent of theirs:
Nicky knows how to juggle - she learn the skill in a bid to impress her younger cousins, and though it was only marginally successful she still retained the skill.
One thing they've kept since childhood days:
A battered stuffed duck Charlotte got her when she first came to live with her.
Their favourite holiday memory:
The first New Year's Eve she spent with the Cobras in 1981 - it was the first time she'd ever really had a group of friends she felt comfortable hanging out with and who she felt actually liked her, and it remains a treasured memory even decades later.
Their first crush:
Harrison Ford in Star Wars (more Han Solo, if she's completely honest).
Something they would never admit to anybody:
The above From 1978 to 1984 the fact that she secretly loves comic books, especially from the Cobras - afterwards Nicky truly does not give a single shit what anyone thinks and never really has any huge secrets afterwards.
Their favourite wild animal:
Nicky really loves tigers.
OC ask game!
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Karate Kid (Movies)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Johnny Lawrence & Original Female Character(s), Bobby Brown & Original Female Character(s), Jimmy (Karate Kid) & Original Female Character(s), Tommy (Karate Kid) & Original Female Character(s), Dutch (Karate Kid) & Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Johnny Lawrence, Original Female Character(s), Bobby Brown (Karate Kid), Jimmy (Karate Kid), Tommy (Karate Kid), Dutch (Karate Kid)
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Banter, Sarcasm, Period-Typical Sexism, Johnny introduces Nicky to the Cobras, Developing Friendships, Because Nicky and the Cobras aren’t there yet, Irony
Series: Part 2 of Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent
Summary: Nicky has been friends with Johnny for three weeks, and is happy to meet his friends from Cobra Kai - though it's not all smooth sailing.
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Karate Kid (Movies)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: Johnny Lawrence & Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Johnny Lawrence, Original Female Character(s), Bobby Brown (Karate Kid), Jimmy (Karate Kid), Tommy (Karate Kid), Dutch (Karate Kid)
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Male-Female Friendship, Male Friendship, Nicky & OG Cobras, Karate, The 1981 AVT, Nicky comes to support her friends and this throws Johnny out, Insecurity, From Johnny once he loses, Because he’s already started tying in his worth to karate, Nicky is a good friend, fluff at the end
Series: Part 3 of Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent
Summary: It's the 1981 AVT, and Nicky attends - to the surprise of Johnny and the Cobras because she never told them. She thinks it's pretty awesome, but when the Cobras lose Johnny takes it badly, and Nicky tries to find out why.
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avatarskywalker78 · 11 months
🖊+ Nicky Connors
Nicky is actually a much bigger nerd than she lets on - she was more open about it in middle school but after getting bullied she apparently dropped it...except she didn't, she's just hidden it a lot better, mainly by claiming that if anyone ever saw her with a comic or something like that that it was for one of her cousins. Not even the Cobras work it out for a while, though Bobby and Johnny suspect when they hear her use this excuse on someone, given that from all they've heard, she doesn't like any of her family, but they're not confident enough to call her out on it.
(After the '84 AVT she just admits to it because her friends are out of Cobra Kai and it's a new dawn and she wants to really, actually, be herself for the first time in a long time)
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC!
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avatarskywalker78 · 11 months
✏️+ Nicky Connors
Nicky doesn't put much stock in the whole concept of 'blood family is better' because she was an unwanted child and her parents end up dumping her on another relative, and she then got shunted around to various other family members until finally her paternal Aunt Charlotte took her in - and though Charlotte is far from the worse person, she's also not the best and doesn't make much effort to really understand Nicky, so it's a strained relationship.
So Nicky considers Johnny and the OG Cobras to be better family than any of her blood relatives - and partly bonds with them over shitty family members once they actually start opening up properly to each other - and in the CK era she considers Robby her nephew. She also, in 2008, adopts a five-year-old boy called James, and there is no question that he's her son - she loves him very much and will fight anyone who says otherwise.
Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC!
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avatarskywalker78 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Karate Kid (Movies)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Johnny Lawrence & Original Female Character(s), Bobby Brown & Dutch & Jimmy & Johnny Lawrence & Tommy, Bobby Brown (Karate Kid) & Original Female Character(s), Tommy (Karate Kid) & Original Female Character(s), Jimmy (Karate Kid) & Original Female Characters, Dutch (Karate Kid) & Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Johnny Lawrence, Original Female Character(s), Bobby Brown, Tommy (Karate Kid), Jimmy (Karate Kid), Dutch (Karate Kid)
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Friendship, Male Friendship, Male-Female Friendship, Banter, Bickering, Sarcasm, Underage Drinking, Drinking on the beach, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Resolutions, Or discussion of them anyway, Irony, Making Plans, Johnny and the Cobras miss several points, References to vandalism, References to shitty home lives, Calm Before The Storm
Series: Part 1 of Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent
Summary: It's another New Year's Eve on the beach with his friends, but somehow Johnny gets roped into talking about New Year's resolutions with Nicky, and a lot more besides.
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
"You are nothing like Kreese, Johnny!" Nicky snapped, making her friend jump. "Don't you dare start thinking that. God knows you have your flaws, we both do, but there's no way in hell you'd ever become like him!"
This is from the first part of the CK era of Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent, where Johnny decides to reopen and reform Cobra Kai in order to reclaim the legacy, but fears that Kreese's influence on him will end up affecting his students as well, and while the main reason he wants Nicky as co-sensei is because she's his friend, part of it is that he wants the balance of a non-Kreese-trained person teaching kids as well.
Nicky, of course, has opinions on this line of thinking.
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Johnny had a twinkle in his eye as he sat down opposite her.
“No.” She said immediately.
“Oh, come on, you don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“I know that look, Johnny Lawrence - something’s been brewing for the past week and it’s probably a bad idea.”
“Hear me out - you know that kid, Miguel?”
“Considering he lives opposite, yeah, I do.”
This is from the first part of the CK era of the Nicky Connors series, in which 36 years of friendship with this doofus means she can sense chaos approaching - this is just before he outlines his plan to re-open Cobra Kai...and promptly asks her if she’ll be his co-Sensei.
☔Is there a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it? If so, what is it?
I have a few, but I’m going to talk about my Arrow AU I’ve had for years - a divergant universe in which Rebecca Merlyn lives after she’s saved by 14-year- old Meg Morgan, a street rat from the glades (and yet another OC, I know) who stops to help because which obviously changes...a lot of things. For starters, Malcolm doesn’t go off the deep end - though he’s appalled that it was left to a 14-year-old to help someone with a gunshot wound, and why does a teenager even know how to deal with that anyway? So it kinda forces him to really face the reality of things in the Glades.
The more immedtiate fact is that there’s now a traumatised teenager with a target on her back because turns out it wasn’t a random mugging but a gang initiation - that does get dealt with, but saving Rebecca kinda means she can’t return to the Glades. Neither Malcolm or Rebecca are willing to just let her be dropped into the foster system cos Starling’s foster system isn’t great so they just kinda...take her in. They don’t officially adopt her for a few years (they leave that up to her cos she’d be the one affected) but basically Meg Morgan becomes Teri Merlyn when she’s 16/17, and the cool older sister to Tommy.
Sometimes things are inevitable, though, and the Queen’s Gambit still sinks because turns out, Robert Queen has a lot of enemies. Oliver and Sara are still on board...and so’s Teri, because in this ‘verse Oliver and Sara were never in a relationship, Sara just wanted to get away from her family for a while and Teri suggested this idea as an option. Long story short (cos I haven’t worked out a lot of the details) the boat sinks, Oliver, Teri, and Sara end up on the Island and have their struggles but three, not five, years (and different struggles to the ones they had in the show), and still find out from Robert about the city’s corruption, and when they come back become the Green Arrow, Dark Archer, and Black Canary respectively, and the rest of the story deals with them trying to fit back in with their families while being secret vigilantes (Moira, the Merlyns, and the Lances do eventually find out).
There’s a number of reasons why this story hasn’t got off the ground - mainly that these days I struggle to see Malcolm Merlyn as ever being a good father, even after seeing his good Earth-2 counterpart, so the initial reason for writing this fic (because I do love writing a good parent-child relationship) isn’t really there anymore. Plus this was originally intended to be part of a connected multiverse with my other Arrowverse OCs - Steph Taylor, Brianna Thawne, and lately Eliana Kent, with the original intention this ‘verse being a seperate Earth altogether, except I’m not even sure that’s happening either, so while it’s an interesting concept, and I’d like to explore Rebecca’s character, I just don’t really know how to go about it, and I’m no longer sure what to do with this idea. I tried to pave the way for this idea with my two Arrow AUs for flufftober 2021, but that didn’t go anywhere either so...this fic has really been put to the side.
wip ask game
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
So I’m gonna talk about Nicky Connors Part 1, and what it’s establishing, because that was a fun one to write, and I really loved seeing how much irony I could put in.
In particular I’m going to explore the section where Johnny reflects on the fact that for whatever reason Nicky hasn’t yet gone to a dojo that takes girls and instead seems fine with learning karate from them, because this is setting up the running theme in the KK era of the series of Johnny - and by extension the rest of the OG Cobras - missing just how much Nicky cares for them all. Like yes, she’s a friend and they all think she’s cool and ‘basically one of the guys’, but they don’t really see the emotional depths - even Bobby only suspects there’s more to things- and in this case they don’t realise that for Nicky it was never about karate, it was about spending time with them and connecting with them over something they all share.
There’s also the fact that Johnny mistakes Nicky’s apparent dislike of Kreese to lingering resentment over the fact he rejected her from Cobra Kai, and not the fact he’s a piece of shit, and this is perhaps the biggest misunderstanding of them all. Yes, it’s partly because Nicky doesn’t communicate much of anything else - later installments are going to explore the fact that actually, a lot of what she puts up is a front as well, and she doesn’t talk about how she feels because  it would make her seem too girly - but ultimately it’s Johnny’s own denial that causes a lot of the problems in the run-up to The Argument between him and Nicky months later, because he just won’t see or even consider the possibilty that she doesn’t like Kreese because of what he’s doing to them.
Because Johnny’s got a great girlfriend, two AVT wins under his belt, and a badass group of friends, so that means he’s winning, right? In the true spirit of Cobra Kai, he’s winning at the AVT and in the world. So when Nicky does start outright questioning Kreese’s influence, it throws them all - but especially Johnny- or a loop, because in his mind it comes from nowhere because he refused to acknowledge the growing anger Nicky had. Even in ‘83, by that point the OG Cobras should’ve worked out that it didn’t stem from the sexism at all, but an entirely different reason. And it confuses him because he’s doing everything right, he’s won the tournaments, and yet two of the most important people in his life end up all but rejecting him anyway, and it doesn’t make sense, and it’s frustrating for him.
But he’s five years into Cobra Kai, and so he still doesn’t listen to why...
Director’s Cut Ask Game
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avatarskywalker78 · 10 months
💘 Nicky Connors
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
In the Karate Kid era it's Johnny, closely followed by Bobby and Jimmy - especially as they're the only Cobras to try and keep in contact after her friendship with Johnny becomes strained (at least until the events of Halloween), but things are restored post-'84. In the Cobra Kai era it's still Johnny, along with Robby and her son James.
OC ask game
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
For anyone looking at my Nicky Connors series and wondering why the chapter count for Part 2 changed from being 1 chapter to 2 chapters to 1 chapters again, it’s because I felt it was incomplete, started writing the second chapter, then looked back at the story and realised that it was fine as a oneshot and I could just have the second chapter be another oneshot and a direct sequel. That one’s not flowing as easily, so the next part will focus on the 1981 AVT, and the other one will just go back a couple months.
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avatarskywalker78 · 1 year
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It’s a (slightly belated) Six Sentence Sunday, so here’s an extract from Part 2 of Nicky Connors, Cobra Adjacent.
“I’d appreciate if you told me what ‘it’ is, Johnny. If it’s some booze-up I’m going to have to pass—”
“No!” Johnny exclaimed. “I mean, there might be drink, but it’s just hanging out on the beach with us.”
“Us being the Cobras?”
“Yeah,” Johnny confirmed, shuffling in his seat, “there’s gonna be food and it won’t be too rowdy, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to…”
“I want to,” Nicky said, because hanging out on the beach did sound fun, “though I don’t really know the others.”
“That’s kind of the point. I mean, you only know them in passing, and they only you in passing, so it’d be cool to meet up.”
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