#nicholas needs a tag bc hes a sweet bean and nikki must protecc
wiildhearrted · 2 years
“Ni~cho~las~!” the shifter singsongs as she steps off of her motorcycle.  Typically, with how cold it is, she’d shove her hands in the pockets of her coat.  Instead, she throws her arm over his shoulder to pull him in for a playful (somewhat rough.  Excuse her, she forgets her strength sometimes) side hug.
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She’s beaming at him, a toothy, fanged grin.  Clearly, she’s excited about something, and knowing Nikki, that something was usually dangerous.  This time, though?  Her excitement is over something rather tame.  Something other’s might think is a bit out of character for the rough and tumble shapeshifter.  “Have you been in the new coffee shop downtown yet?  Shit’s good as hell.  They put a ton of caramel in my latte the last time I went, ‘nd I thought ya might like it.”
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