#neon i can only see w jett . surprisingly i dont have many ships for her bc i dont see most of them as compatible for her
flooficandii · 1 year
wym BACK i havent been public about it on tumber 😭😭😭 but anyway yeah sorry it doesnt rly makw sense to me as a ship and thats coming from someone that likes rarepairs etc . idk it kinda feels forced bc i feel like the fandom smushed together the two characters released after eachother, and theyre also forced into different tropes to make the ship work that make them ooc . (ex: making neon into a bubbly uwu gremlin character when she has an attitude ykyk)
not bringing age into this bc its not canon BUT i can say i feel they have a maturity gap of some sorts idk,,, this isnt babying neon btw thats a full grown woman . shes just not on par with fade's level and that makes it kinda imbalanced ykyk
also personal take but i just . dont really see any chemistry between them in general theyre on two very different planes?? i see the appeal of opposites attract but in this case theyre a little TOO opposite yk
so yeah thats my two cents on it !! sorry fellas its not my thing
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