#nct dream imagines
lqfiles · 2 days
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PAY THE PRICE — 22. drunken regrets
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(wc: 2.572… yeah..)
entering haechan’s apartment felt like stepping foot into foreign territory. you weren’t sure what you were expecting when the door opened, but haechan who stared at you with a lazy lopsided grin and gleaming eyes wasn’t exactly your first guess. “how much did you drink?” was the first question that you voiced upon seeing him.
haechan barely registered your words, seemingly in his own world. “just.. a few glasses?” he guessed after a while, squinting his eyes in thoughts. he opened his door wider for you, stepping aside to allow you to gaze further into the place. “come inside.” he welcomed you, surprising you at the sweet tone of his words.
you’re not sure how haechan had managed to convince you to come over to his place to clean up after him, but here you were, stood in the middle of his living room as you took in the interior of his place. his walls and decor were all painted in neutral colours, and you mentally noted how it suited his aura a lot.
“come sit with me.” haechan’s words snapped you out of your thoughts, and you followed the sound of his voice to see that he had seated himself on the ground you assumed he was previously sat on. his body was leaning against the couch behind him, head thrown back as he looked up at you. he still carried the small grin, and his eyes still held that same gloss.
you clicked your tongue, taking small steps further into his living room. “why are you back on the ground? you’re making this harder for the both us haechan.” you groaned and reached down to grip onto his guitar that was placed next to him. haechan barely listened to your words as he was busy watching your every movement. “do you want a glass?” he had offered once you turned back to him.
you gaped at haechan in disbelief, remaining silent for a few moments. you were about to ask him if he had lost his mind again, but the smile on his face halted your action, and you let out a sigh instead. one that haechan found amusing. “get off the floor.” you instructed him sternly, and haechan’s amused grin only grew.
his hand was slowly grazing through his brown locks that had turned black in the shadows of the room. “come on (—), you’re awake anyways.” haechan patted the spot next to him on the carpet. “sit down.” he called you over. he reached forward to grip onto the glass that was placed on the coffee table in front of him, bringing it up to his lips. “haechan.” you warned him, walking over to him to take the glass out of his hands.
“you’re no fun.” haechan huffed. “i’m not exactly trying to be fun, i’m trying to clean up after you so we can both go to sleep.” you explained, looking around in hopes of figuring out the direction of his kitchen in the dark. “why did you turn of all the lights?” you wondered. “it was hurting my eyes.” haechan explained back, still seated on the ground.
the kitchen wasn’t far away, and you placed the cup into the sink, as well as the other dirty dishes placed on the counter. you had to physically hold yourself back from washing each of them, remembering that you weren’t here to play as his maid. or maybe you kinda were, but not to that extent.
“why are you here for so long?” you jumped away from the sink and almost shrieked at the sudden infiltration of haechan in the kitchen. your heart was beating erratically, and you turned to look back at him with wide eyes. “what the fuck? don’t creep up on me like that!” you nudged him away. haechan softly laughed, grabbing onto your wrist to stop you from pushing him any more. “you took too long, i was starting to miss your presence.” he chuckled.
it took you a moment to register his words, and once they did, you stiffened in his hold. “what?” you questioned him, but haechan didn’t seem like he was going to expand on his words any time soon, instead he continued to stare at you with droopy eyes and a small grin. “how drunk are you?” you eyed haechan in suspicion and he shrugged.
whether he was aware of it or not, his thumb had started to rub the skin on your wrist softly as he tried to put a label on his drunk status. you on the other felt every bit of it, slightly shuddering at the ticklish feeling. “i don’t know, just a little?” haechan concluded after a while. his thumb continued to rub your wrist, and you were starting to believe it was intentional by now.
“you should go to bed.” you suggested to him, taking a step back, but he followed suit and stepped forward himself. “are you leaving already?” he seemed surprised and you hesitantly nodded your head. “i mean, i put your stuff away right?” you explained. his gaze felt heavy on you as he scanned your whole face. he had somehow managed to take ahold of your wrist again. “can you stay until i fall asleep, at least?” he requested.
your eyes widened in shock, frantically shaking your head. “what? that’s weird, haechan. why would i do that?” you asked, baffled. haechan shook his head as well, mildly swinging your wrist around as he spoke. “please, (—). i just wanna talk some more, after that you can leave. please?” haechan pleaded.
it took you by surprise, because what the actual fuck. never in a million years would’ve you imagined haechan desperately begging you for a favour, let alone the favour being your company of all things. was this even haechan?
while you were taking in the unexpected moment, haechan had already started to drag you with him to his bed room. it didn’t fully click yet what he was doing until the both of you were stood in the middle of his room, and he turned to look at you. “you can sit at the end of my bed, or lay next to me, i don’t bite.” haechan suggested with a smug look. there was a tone to his words, as well as his demeanour that caught you off guard.
“haechan..” you started, and you weren’t sure what you were exactly going to say. it was like all your thoughts disappeared when he softly smiled at you and took ahold of your shoulder, guiding to sit down on his bed before he sat down next to you. “you complain a lot, you know?” haechan chuckled. you could feel the way his eyes bore into your side, and were hesitant to look back.
“it’s because you annoy me a lot.” you defended yourself, thought your words seemed to lack uncertainty, almost as if you didn’t mean it. haechan hummed, leaning back on his arms. “can’t help it, i like how aggressive you get.” he chuckled and you finally took the courage to look his way, thought it was solely to send him a disapproving frown. he laughed upon seeing your expression, slightly leaning forward towards you. “what’s with the look?”
“why am i still here.” you deadpanned. being in his apartment was one thing, but making it onto his bed and sitting closely beside him was something totally different. there was something quite intimate about the moment. you could practically feel the warmth emitted from haechan hit your bare arm, and it sent a tingle through your body. “hm? do you not like being here with me?” haechan asked. you didn’t, but you also did.
you shrugged. “well, i like that you’re here.” haechan confessed, moving back to sit right next to you. “you’re drunk, you really should go to bed, you know?” you suggested and tried to move away. his body heat was practically enclosing you, and your own body was starting to warm up from the proximity. it didn’t help that haechan had accidentally placed his hand on top of yours too, slightly intertwining them from the top. or maybe it was intentional.
“you don’t even look at me whole you say that, why would i take your words serious?” he laughed, amused at how you persistently avoided his eyes. yes, you were avoiding them on purpose, especially when this particular night, his eyes seemed to be filled with nothing but fondness and slight intimacy. you’re not sure what was wrong with haechan tonight, he was not himself.
your throat that had dried up over time, and you swallowed before deciding to go against your attempts and look haechan directly in the eyes. “haechan, go to sleep please?” you asked him, attempting to sound persuasive yet demanding as possible.
again, haechan’s gaze held a certain fondness in them as he just stared at you with doe eyes. he seemed almost hypnotised with the way he hadn’t uttered a word, and you were starting to wonder if he had even heard you. your mouth opened to speak again, but he beat you to it.
“you’re so cute when you care about me like this, you know?”
whatever air you had inhaled to speak again remained stuck in your throat as your eyes widened. you were perplexed, at a loss for words even. your heart rate had involuntarily spiked up and your breath hitched. as if he took enjoyment out of your reaction, a small smile formed on his lips before he spoke again.
“you’re much cuter like this.. when you’re not nagging me. you should do that less.” you felt your heart pulse in your throat, eyes still widened while you listened to haechan’s surprising affectionate words. his hand was still placed on top of yours, slightly tapping the tips of your fingers every now and then.
“um.. i.. i think i should go.” you stammered, attempting to stand up. your knees felt weak and you wondered whether those few minutes on his bed were the reason, or haechan himself was the reason. you wobbled a bit, and haechan’s hand instinctively found place on your lower back while he quickly stood up himself. “be careful.”
his hand had reached the side of your hip, holding you secure as if you would fall down any moment. “i’m fine.” you muttered out, trying to step away from him. he let you slip out of his grasp, and you wondered if it was appropriate to just run out of his apartment at that moment. “should i bring you to the front door?” haechan proposed, already standing right in front of you. you took a careful step back. “oh- um, i think i’ll be fine..” you responded back.
it was like all your sense of thinking had left your body the moment the two of you were sat on his bed. you couldn’t even articulate a normal sentence, let alone look him in the eye. this had to be the devil himself, because there was no way haechan had this affect on you.
but as his hand grasped for yours and he started to gently tug you with him to his front door, you reconsidered the possibility of it all.
he opened the door for you, hand still in his, and had walked you to your own door without any words. it was silly, your door was right next to his, yet he still fully exited his apartment so the two of you were in front of your door.
“you good?” you wondered why he had to duck his head just so he could look you in the eye, why he felt the need to lift your jaw upwards just so your eyes could meet, and why he had to feign worry when you know he didn’t really care. “i’m fine” you whispered out, too scared of how wobbly your voice would sound if any louder. haechan’s eyes slowly inspected your whole face before he nodded, though not letting go of your jaw.
“thank you for cleaning up for me, by the way. i owe you.” you hadn’t thought of the possibility of a payback, mostly doing this for your own sake. “it’s okay.. you don’t have to.” you quietly answered back. haechan pondered over your answer for a while, slowly letting his hand go from your jaw, his other hand strangely still slotted in your own. you weren’t sure whether to break away from it or leave it as it is.
he was drunk after all, he was most likely doing actions out of his comfort zone.
“would a kiss be enough of payback?” he quirked and you almost jump at the suggestion. if your sense of thinking had left your body previously, you’re sure that every single one of the 5 senses had just left your body as the words left his mouth. your heart was beating erratically, and it was haechan’s fault again. though this time, you were scared for other reasons.
“w-what?” you stuttered in pure disbelief. haechan’s look was nothing but playful as he leaned forwards with a slight grin. “wouldn’t it be great compensation, hm? let me try, you tell me.” he teasingly leaned in. you attempted to push your head back into your door, avoiding his incoming attempts at anything.
from the short distance between you two, you were able to smell the scent of his shampoo, a sweet vanilla fragrance to was unfortunately pleasant. you were able to see desire in his eyes as you made eye contact for a split second. the soft glow of the hall light casted a warm and ethereal beam over him, and for once, all you could think of when looking at haechan was how nice he looked.
his nose barely touched yours and the warmth of his breath had started to hit your lips. you had shut your eyes tightly, surprisingly not opposed to whatever was going to happen next. because despite haechan being extremely insufferable, he was equally attractive, and you were not one to refuse on the opportunity to get kissed by an attractive person.
a part of you didn’t believe he would actually go through with his proposal, but as you felt a pair of soft lips plant onto yours, all your senses had seemed to return to you and you realised that he was not bluffing. haechan was actually kissing you, and you hated to admit that you didn’t mind it.
his hand that was previously on your jaw found its way back, slightly caressing your jaw as he pulled you closer. it felt good, and it didn’t seem like haechan was intending on stopping anytime soon. it felt good, but it was wrong, and an alarm went off in your head as you realised what was happening.
panic surged through you and you nudged haechan off you. the boy slowly opened his eyes in confusion, and the way they held that same glimmer they had the whole night made you groan. haechan was drunk, and you were kissing him while he was drunk.
you lowly cursed, not sparing haechan another glance before you opened your apartment door and closed it right behind you. with a deep sigh, you leaned against the door in exasperation. “fucking hell.” you cursed. you regretted ever going over to his apartment. you regretted going into his bedroom, you regretted kissing him.
it ended up being a waste of your time as you remained sleepless the rest of the night anyways.
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notes ; happy haechan day and also happy lqfiles day, a little birthday present from me to you! ^^
TAGLIST ; @90s-belladonna @pnkified @2jisungs @swee7dream @sinisxtea @en-dream @h-aecat @lostinneocity @sunflowerbebe07 @pookime @aerivrs @alethea-moon @yeritos @prettyrenjunn @manooffline @bath1lda @hyejooistic @emvrd @dojaejunging @odxrilove @hyuckluvr-com @jaeims @ihyucksol @tddyhyck @dalsosapple @https-yeonjun @luvlyrenwoo @yoursyuno @lilacsxjoon @heymsperfectlyfine @mystverse @ne0c0r3 @casperbutnot-theghost @hyuckies18 @w3bqrl @ckline35 @nosungluv @luvvsnae @chcnlcs @cryingforgyu @thatgirlkay @222brainrot @junviadinho @n0hyuck @sinsgaybutthatsokay @choerubies @goldustupmysea @cyber-innie @hyunjungjae @blamemef0rit @lowkeychenle @lecheugo
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ghostofhyuck · 2 days
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NCT Dream when you drunk-kissed them in front of Dreamies. 
Mark Lee
Will be frozen when you wrapped your arms around him and kissed him on the lips in front of his members! The other members will be surprised too, causing an awkward atmosphere. Mark would probably try to let out a small chuckle to break the tension, eventually placing an arm around you as he looks at his members apologetically, "Sorry, she's too drunk." would also try to calm you down if you're moving too much around the table. Lets you rest your head on his shoulder if you're sleepy.
Huang Renjun
Oh he's ears red and blushing hard right now when you peppered him with kisses in front of Dreamies. It's a good thing that no one really cares about your PDA but Renjun was still shy about the fact that his members are around you two. He'll probably lets you sit beside him, wraps his arms around your waist and gives you a small kiss on the temple as a reply so that you won't sulk. He brushes it off because it wasn't that erotic and understands that you did it because you were too drunk!
Lee Jeno
Jeno would have his signature eye smile as you cup his cheeks but he'll be eyes wide when you proceed to attack his kiss. The kiss was probably ten seconds long and will be longer if it wasn't for Jeno breaking the kiss first. The music of the bar was deafening but the silent stare from his members made him conscious about the sudden public display of affection, "We get it Jeno, you have a gf and we don't have," Haechan probably. Jeno will probably laugh it off and drags you out as an excuse to sober you up!
Lee Donghyuck
I am so sorry for the Dreamies because once you kissed Haechan, even if it was an innocent kiss on the cheeks because you were so drunk, trust me that Haechan will do every means to reciprocate the kiss! Cheeks? of course, lips? even better! That man has no self-control when it comes to you so best believe that he'll be so shameless that he doesn't care about his members at all. They'll all be gagging at the sight, thinking that "damn, no wonder they match each other." 
Na Jaemin
Jaemin is somewhat a flirt, so when you showered him with kiss, he'll like it! He'll ignore the way he was given a side-eye by his members because you kissed him in the lips and he kissed you back with much intensity. He'll have that shit-eating grin to tease his members who has a judgmental expression, "Take that somewhere hyung," Chenle probably and he'll take it! He'll take you out and tell them that he'll just sober you up but no one believes him though. 
Zhong Chenle
The moment you got your boyfriend's attention after minutes of him talking to his members, you find your way to cup his cheeks and peppered him with kisses, even leaving lip stains on his face. You ignored the way the Dreamies' expression changed from a blank one to a surprised one. Once you finished it, your hands never left but you're laughing tipsily because of your boyfriend's surprised face. Once Chenle got the hold of the situation, he'll apologize to his members because of your drunk antics but it was so so obvious that he likes it because he also has that shit-eating grin!
Park Jisung 
Jisung will sink into the depths of the earth the moment you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him for a kiss! He'll be frozen but will break it because he hears the hollering teasings from Dreamies. Look at their youngest!! He's doing a PDA at the club!! He'll be ears red but won't be mad at you because he knows you're too drunk! Probably will payback the next morning because he'll be teasing you nonstop about your sudden affection to him last night. You'll be shock and try to convince him that it didn't happened, it did because Jaemin filmed the entire thing lol. 
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haechanhues · 2 days
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[3:13am] it didn‘t take long to convince birthday boy! Haechan into taking a photo with you. With lazy drunk eyes, he was chest to chest with you, licking his lips mindlessly as you fixed your hair. He couldn’t get over how fucking good you smelled. Or the smooth skin of your legs tangling together with his own. You raise your phone to take care of the angle, feeling his arms naturally wrap around your waist to bring you closer. You belonged there with him, he decided. Then and there. He pushes forward and all you can focus on is the plushness of his lips on your cheek. His hand lightly wrapped around your neck. The heat emitting from his gaze as he stares at you, waiting for you to look at him so he can kiss the shit out of you properly.
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diorcities · 2 days
⠀   ⠀ ── ☆ ⁺彡 nct dream as spiderman !
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if you saw it the first time, no you didn't! 🫵😭 reposting this again to add something i missed in the first one. happy reading!! library.
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ mark: ultimate spiderman. broken specs and lame excuses. eating a sandwich against a skyscraper. homemade suit. attracting things with his webs (esp. you). quick reflex. stuttering. with great power comes great responsibility. yapping his adventures. “i can do this all day” energy. stacks of books and scrapped formulas for new types of web fluid. atlas carrying the weight of the world. falling in love with your best friend. stay up late saving the world... or the semester. confession on the roof of a building at sunset.
you're deposited at the top of a skyscraper with your heart beating a thousand times an hour thanks to the adrenaline sedating your senses. you feel dizzy... and alive as you catch your breath, bathing in the evening light where a masked man stands in front of you. he helps you regain your balance as you hear him laugh, his voice blown by the same wind that ruffles your hair. “yn.”
you're unable to react when your senses are drunk with the rush of joy, which is hard for you to catch the hesitation in his voice. “yes?”
you see him take off his mask and your breath freezes in your throat the moment he appears in front of you. mark, your lab partner. sunset bathes his face with a golden halo outlining his features and the light finds its way to his eyes, holding a plead.
“you know… it's okay if you like only spiderman.” he chuckles awkwardly and brushes his neck, “well, actually, spiderman is me, uh… but… i couldn't just let you kiss me if you didn't know it was me, in case it bothers you, i hope not. i hope you don't think i'm a creep or that i forcibly kissed you… actually, you kissed me..., well maybe it was bad that i kept going after you did, but i like you so maybe i did take advantage of the situation a little...—”
the last thing you notice is his eyes opening almost as soon as it takes for your feet to snap out of place and launch you towards him. his arms are waiting to hold you almost immediately and while you might be surprised by his quick reflexes, you can hardly think properly when you join your lips with his.
mark looks at you in awe before a smile rises on his lips as you smile. “spiderman, i'm so sorry, but i like someone.”
gloom tints his eyes, “do you?”
you hum, and even though you're kinda rejecting him, he lets you wrap your arms tighter around his neck. “his name is mark lee. and he's my lab partner before he's new york's friendly neighbor.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ haechan: spiderman by accident. anti-hero. wired headphones. a random stop at a gas station for snacks. bruises and cuts. original anomaly. boyish teasing. upside down kiss. across the spiderverse suit. street smart. smugly comments. sneaking out after being grounded. “he looks worse than me.” grimaces when you cure a ugly looking wound. piles of love letters from admirers. quiet confession while you cure his wounds. strawberry lollipop. enemies to lovers. stay up for a late night swinging around the city with you.
the knocks on your window, though light (as if the person was instantly regretting it) were enough wake you up as you rushed out to open it.
on the other side awaited you an elusive shadow that remained static until you took his hand and ushered him into your room, and the night light finally caught his shattered suit.
“i had nowhere else to go, did i wake you?” his voice is soft and hoarse, and you really give him points for downplaying it when he repress flinchling when you touch the purple scrape on his chin. “it's not that bad.”
you make him sit up in bed and find it funny how he tries to do it because he starts stirring as if he's afraid of ruining the sheets. “i'll treat them.”
“don't bother.” he makes a pretense of continuing to talk until he notices the severity on your face and your decision to do so, and more importantly, notice how your eyes run all over his body taking into account all the cuts that show the destroyed suit on his skin. “he looks worse than me.”
you frown y and avoid looking so affected, keeping yourself busy looking for the gauze and alcohol, and then sitting next to him to begin healing the cuts on his chest. you work slowly and carefully, he doesn't say anything until you finish.
his hands grasp yours when you falter as they brush against his neck. “i'd like to keep it on.”
“is it because you don't trust me?”
“it's because i'm scared you won't like me once you find out who i am.” his voice comes to you so soft and low.
you seek his eyes, you make him see. your feelings, your emotions; you take his hand and guide it to your heart. “i'll never stop liking you, lee donghyuck.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ jaemin: the sidekick who got superpowers. quiet extrovert's best friend. admiring the view of the setting sun. saving a kitten from a tree. visit at a nursing home. bingo in the afternoons. villains are friendly with him. classic suit. backward cap. funny clapbacks. “oh, it's just a scratch.” (frozen steak in black eye). subway ride home. eepy cats on a windowsill watching the falling snow. love at first sight. romantic telerage signal on the brooklyn bridge.
you had noticed that jaemin was acting strangely lately, but you couldn't imagine what you were about to discover when the screen of your phone showed his name. with a sigh, you answered, bracing yourself for another conversation full of excuses and evasions.
you kept moving down the crowded catwalk self-absorbed and a little troubled. "jaemin, we need to talk about—”
“yn, please, can you look to your right?” he interrupts with his voice full of nervousness and excitement.
confused but intrigued, you hang up and look to your side as your gaze took over the sunset of the city and the brooklyn bridge, taking up all the space, and just at that moment you notice that you were walking in a sea of static people, looking in amazement at a giant message formed by cobwebs that said: "i love you.”
the phone line remain silent until his calm voice fill your ears. “do you like it?”
your mouth feels dry and you can't string something coherent. between surprise and charm, you can barely articulate words. “are you friends with spiderman?!”
“what- no! better.”
better. does that mean… “are you his sidekick?!” that would explain why he has been absent from your date. that'd explain it all.
he laughs, and you sense a bit of struggle in his voice. “look left now.”
at that precise moment, a figure descends from the sky and with a jerk his arm wraps around your waist and your feet stop touching the ground. with a fluid movement, he pulls you both away from the cheering hustle and bustle and you squeeze more against him, watching the world blur and your whole body hum.
your eyes close and you let yourself be fully carried away by him, melted into the warm sensation that embraces you, until your feet touch the ground again. your mind feels light and your senses are put on alert when you look down and see how far the two of you are from the actual ground, holding him with hurry. “i got you.”
you look at him overcome by emotion and surprise and your eyes take note of jaemin's gentle features when he removes the mask. “i will always got you, baby.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ jisung: wrong place at the wrong time. friendly neighbor doing errands for elderly people. clumsy swaying between buildings. awkward execution but good results. inner dialogues. thinking out loud. “from your friendly neighbor, spider-man”. shy giggles. stealing kisses. drinking soda on top of a moving subway. be late to class. stark enterprise intern. iron spider suit. meet up cute. confession by accident because he says something you said to jisung, not spiderman.
it might seem cute to him that you're so clueless if it weren't for the little problem that he was too and you were always in trouble because of it. in addition to that, it's not that he was an expert and a good performer, he was generally clueless as well; he sometimes wished he couldn't be in front of you.
you've crouched in a corner while he awkwardly fights a couple of thugs, and when he's done he's spent half his ration of cobwebs, knocked over a dumpster, and maybe has a rib or two bursts.
he laughs, he doesn't know why. maybe because he wants to soften your eyes open in alert as you hug your bag tightly. some belongings have fallen to the ground thanks to the forcing, and jisung picks them up as he makes his way to you. “are you okay, ma'am?” the unopened box of pasty colors lies wet when he picks it up. “ew…”
“no! my crayons.” his gaze shoots up at you as you emerge from your stupor, just as you see that your journey to the tool store has been in vain.
jisung helps you pick up what can be saved, until your eyes stay glued to the ground, looking for something as he remembers what. “your notebook.” it was the first thing he caught with his webs before it fell to the wet floor of the alley, because he knows how important it is for you.
a pair of cobwebs hold it in place on the wall when he peels it off. “thanks!” you smile and he thanks the mask for hiding he does it too.
“thank you, spiderman. and i'm sorry, i know it's dangerous going out so late… i just needed to buy more paint.”
“right, your art project.”
he doesn't even realize what a gaffe he's made in time. it's not when he takes his eyes off your notebook and watches you look at him with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. “eh… well, i assume it is, cause why i would know. not that i know … okay! i hope you arrive safe at home, i gotta go,” he says the words too fast and trips over the container on his way out.
“i see you in class tomorrow.”
“okay!— i mean, no, no. i don't even go to brooklyn visions.” he incriminates himself more and more as he speaks. “totally don't see me there, cause i don't even go to school.” jesus christ, he really wish he could shut up once and for all.
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ jeno: intern at oscorp co. bitten by an upgraded spider because he's a little clumsy. social butterfly. lowkey popular at school. non-prescription glasses. nyu hoodie. crush on the quiet girl from his math class. “one last call”. hybrid suit. stolen kisses. last man standing. lost backpacks. wants to redeem the villains. she fell first but he fell harder. being snatched away for him. accidental confession because you joked that he was spiderman.
it was known that after a few catches at fast-paced people would begin to suspect. jeno had to seriously get his spider senses in order and stop acting before he could think, but it was almost impossible for him to do so when it came to you.
it was the fourth time he'd caught something before it fell to the ground that day, and even if you apologized for being so clumsy, jeno was frustrated because he couldn't not do so; suddenly, he wanted to protect you from everything.
he likes it, and maybe it had to do with him liking you.
god, he wasn't very good with words, and he might be a little silly because he can't show it with actions either. and he spends all day looking for a way to get you to agree to go out with him and he may also spend his time imagining scenarios where you don't like him back, and it scares him.
and that's why he doesn't have time to register that he needs to be careful when the enriched senses strike because you're always in your head, and he just catches a beaker of precipitation inches off the ground.
“wow,” you say and something tingles inside, like it was trying to warn him. “you're spiderman, aren't you?”
perhaps it was telling him to keep his big mouth shut.
jeno looks at you dumbfounded and suddenly he can't spin a coherent thought while you stare at him with those eyes ‘cause then he can think properly. “how d'you know?”
he wants to hit himself right there when you suppress a smile because it is at that moment that the possibility arises that perhaps you didn't know and that maybe (not sure yet) it was a joke.
actually… he could downplay it and flip it if it weren't for the fact that a light bulb finally light up above his head, because maybe he could... take advantage of spiderman's charms for the first time. “i am spiderman.”
but then he says it so weird that you start laughing and he thinks you think he's joking, “dead serious.” his eyes follow you chuckling a lot and he can't help but smile too, until you stop all of a sudden.
maybe you didn't know... fuck, he's screwed up very bad this time.
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ chenle: rich boy experimenting in his father's laboratory. vigilante. sassy retorts. unpremeditated actions. advance suit 2.0. savior of the girl in distress. knocks on your window at midnight. finger guns. “that's the best you can do?”. childhood friends to lovers. vengeful. misunderstood. traitor trope. the sound of a thunderstorm. whispers at 3 am. random hugs. mean to everyone but you. no confession needed when you know your bestfriend fully.
the buildings pass on either side of you like a gray blur as you swing like a bullet through the air, your hair dances in the warm breeze and makes it harder for you to see clearly the one who holds you tightly and safe as he takes you somewhere protected from danger.
there's fear sitting in your chest that begins to fade as his swaying lulls you and you close your eyes letting yourself go until your feet touch solid ground.
“are you okay?” you hear his voice muffled by the mask, “are you hurt?” he says again, now with a tinge of alertness in his voice when your grip don't let go.
and he allows you. he doesn't let you go, and you don't want him either. and as the adrenaline goes down and dissolves in your system, your other senses resurface and even though your fear comes back something triggers in your mind. something... familiar.
you separate yourself from him with thousands of sensations crossing your features as you study the mask. your eyes drenched in something akin to shock and revelation as your hand reaches out the hem. “don't.”
his hands grab yours to keep you from lifting it up. “chenle,” you pronounce with a heartbeat, and his grip loosens.
his face is revealed underneath the cloth and you hold your breath as his closed eyes slowly begin to open. “how did you know it was me?”
“you're my best friend.”
ㅤ 𓂂 ☆ renjun: a radioactive spider missing at a science convention. spidey senses. overly intuitive. scrapped prototypes. city at dusk. gliding in the sky. leap of fate. upgraded suit. late summer nights. string lights. origami stars. sign language. sidewalk chalk drawings. not a quitter. “i am nothing without the suit”. skateboard tracks. volumes and mixtapes. scrapped knees. humming a lost song. self-sacrifice. exes to lovers. he removes his mask without knowing you're sitting on his bed.
he had mastered and perfected his technique of not making noise when entering his room. he knew the gears on the front door would make noise, so he opted for the window. the fire escape led him to the tenth floor where he slipped into the room by climbing up the ceiling.
he almost screams victory, taking off his mask, before his enriched senses tell him something isn't right, almost at the same fraction of a second when you drops with a pronounced daze the lego sculpture and it shatters on the floor. “you're spiderman.” more of a rectification than a question as if you couldn't believe it. “oh, my god. you're spiderman.”
he comes to you and hushes you. “yn! what are you doing in my room!?” your mouth opens in amazement before your features are bathed in disbelief.
“you told me to come!” he puts a hand in your mouth and the unexpected approach makes you hesitate.
“alright, alright…” he says in a whisper. “be quiet, yeah?” he asks, looking into your eyes. “don't freak out.” you nod, “seriously, i can tell you'll scream the moment i remove my hand, so promise me.” he removes his hand and awaits for your reaction.
you're puzzled, “you're spiderman…,” you breathe and he grins smugly before you hit him not so lightly.
renjun puts a hand to his mouth after letting out a sound more outraged than painful. “you're spiderman and you didn't think to tell me?”
“well… i was thinking of telling you…”
“i kissed you!? spiderman and renjun!” you say, almost stupefied. “didn't you think to tell me you were the same person? i was planning on rejecting you!” when you're done, you're just left breathing artificially, and you look at him in disbelief when he doesn't say anything.
his mouth opens slowly when he sees you waiting for something. “i was afraid you'd say that.”
you frown and stay there confused by his words.
“you're telling me that you lied to me because you were afraid? afraid of what?”
“i was afraid you'd pick him.”
“renjun, what are you talking about?” you sigh, exhausted of lies.
“of spiderman. i'm nothing without the suit. no one paid attention to me when i was a nobody.”
“i did!”
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thatsatricky1 · 2 days
𝐍𝐜𝐭 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 | 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐃
|| 𝐓𝐞𝐱𝐭𝐬 ||
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Nct Dream members x F reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff, Humor
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𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @rotinyzen @wonyoungmywife @snflwrhaerecs4u @thegreenlynx @serinebsblog @delululi @bubusebu @hanniehq @bunnychui @molensworld @morkiee @marvelahsobx @kaciebello @kgneptun @bluedbliss @officiallyjaehyuns
(If you want to be tagged in my Nct Dream writing/works comment, inbox or message me)
Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. Don’t forget likes, reblogs and comments are always encouraged and help keep writers like myself motivated to continue our works.
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wonbin-truther · 1 day
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birthday boy
"fuck," you cursed out loud to yourself as your hand touched the hot metal bar of the oven. you forgot you didn't have gloves on, your only focus being to stop the smoke alarm that was going off from the thick grey clouds rolling out of the small conventional oven. you had never been a good cook, everything unintentionally getting burned somehow even though you swore up and down you followed the recipe exactly. you boyfriend, haechan, took care of most of the cooking around your house; always managing to make everything perfectly even when he wasn't following any amazon bought cookbook. today however was important. your boyfriend's birthday was today and he left for a schedule before you could even wake up to wish it to him. when you woke up to the empty bed you swore you would do something to make the remainder of the day special.
you clutch your hand as tears pricked your eyes from the throbbing pain and irritation from the worsening smoke. if things couldn't get any worse, the voice of your boyfriend rung out with an 'im home' and then a 'sunshine are you okay?' "don't come in here," you shouted over the annoying beep of the fire alarm. haechan ignored your request, instead walking into the kitchen as he waved the smoke away from his face. he was quick to open the window over the sink. the smoke began to clear and the alarm was shut off as press the button that was far too high for you to reach.
"yn what happened?" he stared at you with confusion written all over his face at your shaking figure. you weren't able to respond before sobs wracked your body. haechan quickly pulled you to his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. "i just wanted to make today perfect," you choked out between sobs. he pulled you away from him and took your hand in his, making you wince. he looked more confused as he held your smaller palm in his, staring at the red line that ran across it. "stay here," he quickly ran out of the kitchen. he ran back a few seconds later with a first aid kit in hand. he hoisted you up by your waist, setting you on the marble top of the counter. he held your palm as he gently rubbed the burn cream across it, wrapping it with a small ace bandage and pressing a kiss to the fabric. your sobs had turned into sniffles by the time he looked back up from your hand. "now what happened princess," his voice was honey to your ears and his eyes bore into your own. "i tried to bake a cake for you and it burned. the alarm went off and i went to take it out and burnt myself," you mumbled with your head down. "why didn't you just wait for me? i could have baked you a cake." you looked up at haechan, his words making your eyes water again, "i wanted to make your birthday special."
the laugh he let out confused you, "silly girl." he held your cheek in his hand and you leaned into his warm touch. "it's already special because i have you," his smile making one creep onto your face as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
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beomgewz · 1 day
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ten , the girls are fighting
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🏷️ @ajayke-reads @rksbae @maevyi @leehanascent @kpophosblog @lostinneocity @g4minelvr @jisungfanpage @jising-jisang-jisung @markno @waechan @haechansbbg @odxrilove @haechanielove @annie0568 @ur-purin @nyukyujs @simpforarmihn @yyangj3lly @sunghoonsgfreal @aespie @cheederzchez @nenojaems @daisycottage @yujinified @clean-soap @luvvvash @starwonb1n @000rpheus @sungromanticz @flipperdogsoft-blog @marvelahsobx @artstaeh @boredpookie @yazisstuffie @bee-the-loser @ramenoil @beemarkie @urlxwx
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jenomi · 14 hours
a/n: this is entirely self indulgent cuz it's my birthday.. yippee!
"good morning, baby" jeno whispers as your eyes flutter open. you smile at him, oh how you love waking up to this beautiful man. it brings you comfort to have him next to you as you fall asleep knowing he'll be there when you wake up the next day.
"happy birthday" jeno says as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. you had almost forgotten it was your birthday. you could only hum in response and whisper a quick "thank you" before snuggling closer to him. he kisses your head then your lips when you look up at him.
"get up. let's have breakfast" he says throwing off his covers to get out of bed.
you groan, "aren't you supposed to be a doting boyfriend and bring me breakfast in bed?" you tease.
he stands there, hands at his side with a straight face before dropping down on you, with his arms caging you in. you giggle as he leans in so close, you're almost kissing, noses touching. you lean up to give him a kiss, but he pulls back quickly.
"no kisses until you get up" he grabs your arms, sitting you up in bed.
he knows exactly how to get you. you follow jeno into the kitchen with his arm thrown over your shoulder. he kisses the side of your neck under your ear as you round the corner into your kitchen.
it was fully set up with red rose petals thrown across the counter, a beautiful bouquet of flowers in a vase, balloons with your new age, and your favorite breakfast.
you stand there shocked, although you're not sure why. of course jeno would do this for you. he's done more extreme grand gestures for you in other holidays. you turn to look up at jeno and he smiles at you as you throw your arms around his shoulders and tackle him with a hug.
he's giggling shyly as he leads you toward the high table where your favorite breakfast sits. it was still warm, you could tell from the warm plate and steam rising from it.
you sit down to enjoy your breakfast and give jeno bites of your breakfast. when did jeno set this up? and how was the food still warm?
"when did you do this?" you ask. "I did it after you fell asleep last night and made the breakfast this morning as you were starting to stir awake" he says stealing another bite, "you always shuffle your feet when you're about to wake up"
you didn't even know you did that. you always joke with your friends and jeno that he knows you better than you know yourself. as you admire jeno's hard work, you realize he really does.
jeno sets a small box with a ribbon wrapped around it next to your almost empty plate.
"you didn't have to" you say touching the box delicately. "yes i did" he says pushing your plate of food away after eating the last bite for you. you always leave the last bite.
you open the box to a dainty little necklace with a lock charm. you look closer to see that it has your initial and his engraved on it with a heart in between. you look up to see jeno nervously looking at you. he wasn't sure if you'd like it, but it was a silly worry. you love everything he gives you, even if it's a sticky note with a silly drawing he drew.
"i love it" you reassure him and give him a hug. you shower his face with kisses until you're both a giggling mess.
"look" he says as he reaches into the hem of his shirt to reveal the same lock around his neck on a different, more masculine chain. you beam brightly at him before quickly putting on your own necklace.
"i'll never take it off" you say as you adjust it around your neck, "thank you"
jeno's eyes crease before he says, "of course. anything for the birthday girl. my birthday girl"
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v1si0n · 3 days
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SUMMARY: you confessed to your longtime crush, donghyuck, back in high school because you figured you guys would never see each other again. you begin to question your faith in the universe when you run into him on a rainy tuesday night, and you start seeing him every day after.
GENRE: smau (some written parts), college student! hyuck x fem! reader, ????? to lovers, fluff, probably some angst but not heavy bc i’m sensitive, humor, slow(ish) burn, lowkey she fell first but he fell harder trope
WARNINGS: profanity, sexual and death jokes, mentions of reader being insecure
PLAYLIST: thinkin bout you by frank ocean, the spins by mac miller, intro (end of the world) by ariana grande, snooze (acoustic) by sza ft justin bieber , seasons by wave to earth, midnight pretenders by tomoko aran
NOTES: hi !! idk why i chose a smau to be my first post but here it is🙁❤️ this is my first au of any kind on here so i hope yall love reading it as much as i enjoy writing !!
STATUS: ongoing ;)
profiles (1): y/n’s crew🤍
profiles (2): hyuck’s crew🖤
intro: canon event or just trauma🥸
ch. 1: night shifts and feet…pics?
ch. 2: #freeyn
ch. 3: severe hallucinations or…?
ch. 4:
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ethruia · 2 days
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ONE NIGHT ONLY — 7. #2blessed2bestressed
synopsis — three years since your falling out with lee donghyuck he has suddenly transfered to your college in hopes to make it big with his friends in his band. unfortunately for you, your unresolved friendship started causing problems between you and the people around you, especially since your best friend is his ex. so — why have you found yourself in his room with a raging hangover?
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TAGS — @j2upiters @haesluvr @tywritesstuff @aek1ra @ourbeautifulaffair @222brainrot @bugcattie @user7520 @nosungluv @manooffline @haechansbbg @amrqxz @odxrilove
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svnnw · 11 hours
WHEN YOU SMILE — chapter 5
5 ) officially fake dating
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masterlist – previous – next
a/n – FINALLY!! we're moving kind of fast but it's fine
TAGLIST — open @marvelahsobx @foxy-kitsune @sunflowerbebe07 @jenmongiii @haechansbbg @defzcl @buns-inhiding @minkyuncutie @gukuwii @dreamandback @bugcattie @jaeims @222brainrot @axo-l0tl @pnkified @yyangj3lly @haesluvr @choerubies @waffleuvs @m1ng1swife @odxrilove @jising-jisang-jisung @junviadinho @mjnhoz @p4tyaraujo @sunghoonsgfreal @slayhaechan @wonwootakemyheart @dojaejunging
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be-my-sunrise · 17 hours
pairings: chenle x fem!reader
genre: smut, minors pls dni
word count: 995
warnings: mutual masturbation, mentions of alcohol (both chenle and reader are kinda drunk), unprotected sex, creampie, chenle puts reader on a mating press position
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Who would have thought, what started out as a casual drinking game could end up into mutual masturbation with your friend? Definitely not you, that's for sure. 
You start to feel drunk after downing a couple shots, but still sober enough to realize that you're currently sitting on the floor with your legs widely spread and Chenle is right across you slowly stroking his cock. 
You and Chenle have been friends for a long time. In all those years of friendship, you can't really deny the obvious sexual tension, though you never acted on it because you don't really want to risk ruining the relationship you have with Chenle. 
All those efforts of trying to protect your friendship went down the drain the moment you proposed the bet to Chenle. You had no idea what came over you, the alcohol coursing through your body somehow made you feel courageous. The two of you agreed to a mutual masturbation. Whoever breaks and touches the other one first loses the bet. 
You throw your head back as you put more pressure on your clit. Even without looking, you can feel Chenle's gaze on you. His eyes constantly shift from your face to your dripping core.
You drag your fingers up and down your slit, coating your fingers with your own arousal, keeping eye contact with Chenle as you insert two fingers inside. His eyes darken and his grip tightens as he pumps his cock a bit faster to match your pace. The intense gaze he has on you feels suffocating. He's practically eye-fucking you at this point. 
You moan out his name and arch your back when you curl your fingers inside, in hopes of pushing him to give in first. Your head is pounding and all you want is to have Chenle's body on yours. He looks insanely sexy right now. His hair is slightly messy, cheeks flushed from the alcohol, eyes full of desire, and his cock. Oh god.
Chenle had boasted about his size before, but you certainly wasn't expecting him to be that big. Your mouth started watering when he pulled out his cock and it's taking you everything to hold back from pouncing on him.
Chenle runs his fingers through his hair in frustration, struggling to stop himself from shoving his cock deep inside you. Because just like you, he doesn't want to lose. After all, it's still a game. Although it seems like there's actually no such thing as win or lose for this.
You shift your position so you can use your other hand to rub your clit. Your moans start sounding more desperate as you're reaching your climax. You were so focused trying to get yourself off that you didn't even hear Chenle moving closer to you. You only notice when he yanks both of your hands away and pushes your body onto the carpeted floor of his living room. 
You don't even have time to register what's going on until a loud gasp falls from your lips when he quickly replaces your fingers with his cock. He presses your legs against your chest, almost folding you in half as he thrusts his hips harshly.
The sudden stretch makes you dizzy. He didn't even wait for you to adjust to his size, but you can't even complain. How can you? He's filling you up so nicely and hitting the spots you have a hard time reaching with your own fingers. He stretches you out so deliciously that somehow it's distracting you from the slight pain you're feeling.
"You're so tight. Fuck." Chenle chuckles breathlessly. "I've been dreaming of pounding this tight little pussy of yours."
Chenle lands a slap on your ass, earning a yelp from you. He leans down to connect your lips together in a passionate kiss. The position allows you to feel every inch of him, and you start to feel a release bubbling inside.
"I'm close." 
The pleasure slowly overwhelms you that you barely manage to mutter the words. Your jaw drops, eyes closed shut as he starts rubbing circles on your clit. Chenle has his eyes fixed on your face. He's been waiting for this moment and now he finally gets to see how pretty you are when you come undone.
"Yes, that's it, baby. Cream all over my cock. Scream my name."
You moan out Chenle's name as you cum. Your body thrashes under him, but his body stops you from pulling away. He keeps his pace steady and his thumb still on your clit as well to help you ride out your high.
You try to push him away when you start to feel sensitive, but it only makes Chenle slam his hips even harder and deeper. Slowly but surely, you feel another release creeping up.
"You're gonna let me cum inside you, yeah?" You nod in response. "I'm gonna fill you up so nice, baby." 
With how Chenle keeps hitting your sweet spot, it doesn't take long until you're moaning out in pleasure as you reach another climax, which seems to trigger Chenle's as well. He lets out a groan, pushing his cock deep inside you as he empties his load. 
Chenle pulls out after a while and he watches as his cum spills out of you. He uses the tip of his cock to rub the dripping cum along your slit, spreading it all over your pussy.
Chenle meets your eyes and sees you fluttering your lashes at him, looking up at him seductively. There's a moment of understandment when the two of you lock eyes. He smirks and quickly gets on his knees. 
"On all fours. Now." He says as he helps you up. "Let's make up for all the lost times, yeah?"
You get on your arms and knees almost immediately, excitement bubbling in your chest. Turns out all it takes the two of you to finally give in to your desires is a drunken game of bets. 
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a/n: i'm supposed to be writing my triple j fic but i got distracted with chenle and had to get it out of my system😵‍💫 thank you for reading! let me know if you liked it hehe
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ghostofhyuck · 2 days
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NCT Dream when they received a flower bouquet from you!
Mark Lee
Mark would be eyes wide but confused because you handed him a bouquet of flowers. What's the occassion? Did he missed something??? Is it your anniversary because he's already mentally preparing an apology if he forgot it. "Mark it's nothing, I just want to give you a bouquet." "Oh. For what?" oh this poor boy is so endearing but you only gave him a smile and explained to him that you just want to. He'll probably let out a small chuckle and gives you a quick kiss as a thank you. 
Huang Renjun
OH the moment Renjun saw you holding a bouquet full of yellow flowers and you hands it over him, trust me he'll be all smiley about it!! He'll admire the way you thought about the bouquet carefully, even asking you where did you bought the flowers because it looks like it's freshly-picked. He'll give you a small kiss on the cheeks and thanks you. Trust that he'll definitely FLAUNT it on social media like...he has too!! oh and he picks a few petals and hides it on his notebook as a keepsake. 
Lee Jeno
He'll be so confused but in a endearingly samoyed-way when you hands him over flowers. He'll accept it nonetheless because it was a HUGE bouquet and he wonders why, "You did a good job on your work, you deserve flowers!" you told him, giggling at your boyfriend's reaction as he stares at the flowers. He'll be confused but the budding feeling of receiving flowers from his girlfriend surpassed it. He'll glance at you and hugs you, thanking you for the flowers because it was a gift from you!
Lee Donghyuck
Thinks that it was so sweet of you that you gave him a bouquet of sunflowers as a gift. He'll be surprised by it but he loves at how you know what flowers you should give him. He'll hug it and would admire it because it was a gift from you! He'll shower you with kisses too! Probably the type to brag it to his other members like,, "do you have a girlfriend that gives you flowers? none? exactly." 
Na Jaemin
Jaemin will be having the biggest smile out of all! He'll feel like a princess when you surprised him with a huge bouquet of pink roses! It's roses and it's pink!! He loves it! Showers you with kisses because you deserve it and he doesn't deserve a girlfriend like you!! Would buy a vase so that he can display it in his apartment and whenever he glances at the flowers, he'll unknowingly smile because of it!
Zhong Chenle
I think that Chenle would be appalled when you handed him over a bouquet. Would be the type to ask you what's the occassion, did he missed some holiday where a significant other is required to give their so a bouquet? You will laugh it off and would tell him that you just want to give him a flower. He'll be so ?? confused ?? with ?? your ?? sudden affection because you're not a gift-giving person but he couldn't help but to coo at how sweet that gesture is. 
Park Jisung
Oh he'll be eyes wide surprise too! It's a huge bouquet! a huge one that hovers on you completely and not even his huge hands can hold the end perfectly. He'll stare at it, probably stunned at the arrangement of the flowers and when it sinked into him that you gave him flowers, he'll ask why. And when you told him that you just feel like giving him one, he'll be so shy about it! But you know that he appreciates it by the way his gummy smile is showing! :<
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weirdkpopgirl · 6 hours
Back Scratches pt. 2 | Dream Headcanon #14
Headcanon: Back Scratches
Genre: Fluff, slight angst in some of them
Warnings: might be mildly suggestive in Mark's and Haechan's? mention of anxiety in Jisung's
Word Count: ~2.4k
Author's Note: Okay, I know I've already written something about this which was actually the first headcanon I wrote for 7Dream on here. It was also one of the firsts requests I received. But I wanted to write an improved version of it, and I really do find the idea cute. So I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you for reading ^ ^
~ ~ ~
Back scratches with Mark were initially quite amusing, mainly because he’s not used to asking for help. The first time you noticed his struggle was when you glanced up from your book after hearing his grunts of frustration as he tried in vain to reach the middle of his back. His eyes met yours, and he laughed awkwardly. You then stood up from your couch to approach him from behind and scratch the exact spot he needed without saying a word. After that, Mark realized it was silly to be embarrassed about asking when you clearly didn’t mind.
From there, Mark grew to love having you scratch his back. Not just when he had an itch, but also after a long day of work. The feeling of your perfectly manicured nails running along his back, above the fabric of his shirt, really helped him unwind after hours of dance practice and recording sessions. When it came to these moments, you’d start with light, gentle strokes where your nails would barely graze his skin, sending a shiver down his spine. Gradually, you’d increase the pressure and use slow deliberate motions to trace soothing patterns across his back. You always paid more attention to the areas around his shoulder blades and the small of his back, knowing that was where the tension often built up the most.
Mark would close his eyes and lean into your touch, unable to stifle a groan as your fingertips moved in circular motions, working out the knots and easing his muscles. At first, the sounds Mark made during these back scratch sessions left you blushing, though he was completely oblivious to the effect he had on you. However, you soon became accustomed to the dramatic moans that came from your boyfriend regularly. Though you often rolled your eyes when he gave such reactions, you could never bring yourself to tease him. 
More often than not, Mark would talk to you as you scratched his back. And you’d listen quietly as he spoke about whatever was weighing on his mind. A smile was always brought to your lips when you’d hear his muffled voice due to his face being squished against the pillows. You often worried about him being such a workaholic, so you were especially happy that you could help him relax. For Mark, just you being with him meant so much more than you knew.
Back scratches with Renjun always leave you gushing about how adorable he is. He comes across as the type who prefers to handle things on his own. So if his back ever got itchy, he’d try to take care of it himself, even if you were in the same room. Especially if you were already doing something else, he wouldn’t want to bother you with what he perceived as a trivial matter. But similar to Mark, it was Renjun’s facial expressions of subtle frustration and determination that would often catch your attention as he struggled on his own.
However, you chose to wait until he was ready to give up and swallow his pride to ask for your assistance. The look of desperation in his eyes and the faint blush coloring his cheeks made you want to kick your feet in the air because of how cute he looked. Then when you turned him around to scratch the spot for him, he let out a huge, relieved sigh. The way he tilted his head back nearly made your heart burst with affection.
It was at that moment that Renjun discovered just how much he loved your touch. He would describe your back scratches as uniquely soothing, as the intricate patterns you traced along his spine made him shiver but also caused his shoulders to sink in relaxation. He’d marvel at how your touch seemed to melt away the stress of the day, bringing him this sense of tranquility. Each scratch became a silent conversation, a language of comfort and care that only you two shared.
So, he began to ask you to scratch his back more often. Not just because it relieved him of his physical discomfort, but because it offered a moment of solace in a hectic world. But he’d always make sure to check if you weren’t busy with anything before he asked, despite knowing the answer would always be yes. Renjun would cherish every instance when your hands danced across his back, feeling his love for you deepen with each tender touch.
Back scratches Jeno were just another excuse for him to be clingy with you. He might be a little shy the first time you offered to do it. But as your bond deepened, your back scratches became another form of physical intimacy that he cherished. Outwardly, he’d act all cool about it like, “Oh you want to scratch my back? Go ahead, I don’t mind.” But internally he’d be overwhelmed by this warm, fuzzy sensation. Each tender stroke of your fingers against his back left him not only feeling physically comforted but emotionally connected to you in a way that words couldn’t fully express.
Eventually, Jeno would stop hiding how much he loved when you scratched his back. It doesn’t matter if he found you engrossed in a K-drama playing on the television or preparing to retire for the night, he seized every opportunity to engulf you in a warm embrace, his eyes sparkling with anticipation as he cutely requested your touch. And every time, you’d forget about whatever you were doing before to lovingly give him what he wanted. The groan or heavy sigh that escaped him immediately afterward was definitely worth it.
His cuddle sessions with you became a regular occurrence, including back scratches. He’d happily be the small spoon in these moments, his arms wrapped around your waist snugly as your hand found its familiar place under his hoodie, letting your nails rake up and down his bare back. He’d also prefer you to scratch a little harder, just because he loves the feeling of your nails pressing against his skin. 
Besides, it comes in handy when an unexpected itch pops up on his back. He doesn’t even have to say anything, you just intuitively apply the perfect amount of pressure to make him hum in delight. You always blush when he squeezes you a little tighter and nuzzles his nose against your neck to show his appreciation. More often than not, this boy would drift off to sleep while you scratched his back, which you found to be so endearing. You’d gradually stop scratching and press a chaste kiss to his forehead, before also falling asleep in his arms.
Back scratches with Haechan became a demand after the first time you offered it. To him, scratching his itches was simply another one of your responsibilities as his girlfriend. Whenever you were trying to get some work done on your laptop or seemed preoccupied with your phone, he’d pester you nonstop with aegyo until you relented. Then he’d drag you to the bed and pull off his shirt, eagerly waiting for you to start. The moment your nails made contact with his warm skin, he’d let out a satisfied moan that made you blush profusely.
The first few times he had you scratch his back, you found his presumptuousness amusing, but it soon became a regular part of your routine. Haechan had a way of making even the simplest gestures feel special, and his playful attitude made it hard to say no. He’d dramatically sigh in relief as your fingers worked their magic, exaggerating his contentment just to make you smile.
Similar to Mark, you got used to your boyfriend’s antics. But you genuinely didn’t mind scratching his back, knowing how hard he worked. When he was really tired, he wouldn’t even say anything. He’d just curl up beside you on the bed and drape your arm over his back, silently asking for your touch. How could you say no with the subtle pout on his lips?
Despite his playful demands, there was this underlying sweetness in these moments. You could feel how much Haechan trusted you, as he’d lean into your touch with a vulnerability that he rarely showed. Each stroke of your fingers down his back was a reminder of the closeness you shared. Even though he acted like it was your duty most of the time, you both knew it was a cherished way for him to feel loved and cared for.
Back scratches with Jaemin made you seriously wonder if he was secretly a cat disguised as a human. However, the first time you scratched his back was a little different. It was during a lazy at-home date when you noticed him trying to reach the same itch on his back throughout the day. While his struggle was endearing to watch, you couldn’t stand by for long. Eventually, you gestured for him to run around, and with a gentle touch, you scraped your nails across the offending spot right between his shoulder blades. Instantly, Jaemin released a relieved sigh, and his knees almost buckled at the sensation of your touch.
After that day, Jaemin went to you whenever his back was itchy. Once the itch was gone, he’d calmly ask you to keep doing it because it felt good. So he’d be sitting at the edge of the couch, with you behind him as you scratched his back attentively. He loved it even more when you scratched under his shirt, relishing the feeling of your skin on his. Even if your hands were cold, he actually found the contrast to be surprisingly soothing. The coolness of your touch combined with the gentle pressure of your nails never failed to send shivers of pleasure down his spine, making him feel even more connected to you.
At some point, you swore you could hear him purring against your touch. The resemblance to his own cats was uncanny, which you found both hilarious and adorable. Just like his fluffy companions, he would lean into your touch, his eyes half-closed in pure contentment, a soft hum of pleasure escaping his lips. The endearing similarity never failed to make you smile, adding another layer of warmth to these intimate moments.
It was safe to say you loved giving Jaemin back scratches just as much as he loved receiving them. Sometimes you’d notice him stretching uncomfortably after long dance practices or intense workout sessions, so you’d offer to scratch his back before he even had a chance to ask. There was something incredibly rewarding about seeing the tension melt away from his body. While you took pleasure in providing this small comfort, you also appreciated these quiet moments of intimacy with him. Scratching his back was a simple act, yet it spoke volumes about the care and affection that you didn’t always express fully. 
Back scratches with Chenle were annoying at first. He would often come up to you, casually asking for a back scratch from you. Although you didn’t necessarily mind, the moment your fingers touched his skin, he would start squirming and wiggling because he was so ticklish. His constant moving made it nearly impossible for you to scratch his back properly. Although his giggles and yelps were cute, you felt like you were trying to tame a playful puppy.
This happened every time, and you’d try to leave out of frustration. But Chenle would always pull you into a back-hug and beg you to say. “No, don’t be mad! I swear, I won’t move this time!” He’d insist, but you knew all too well that he wouldn’t actually keep still. He couldn’t help being ticklish, which he often argued in his defense. So you had to figure out a way to scratch his back without him convulsing under your touch.
Eventually, you started focusing more on scratching his upper back, a less sensitive area where he wasn't as ticklish. You noticed an immediate change the first time you tried this. Chenle stopped squirming as much and began to relax under your touch. His laughter subsided into contented sighs, and he would lean into your scratches. He clearly enjoyed the sensation of you tracing circles around his shoulder blades, though he’d never admit it out loud.
Therefore, scratching his back became a much more pleasant experience for both of you. It started to become a routine for you two after he came back from playing basketball or to help him fall asleep. You firmly believed that your usually loud boyfriend was the cutest when he was peacefully asleep in your arms. While he could certainly be a handful at times with his playful antics and boundless energy, you knew he appreciated you. He'd often surprise you with little acts of kindness that showed how much he valued your presence in his life.
Back scratches with Jisung became his source of comfort whenever he felt anxious. You’d notice him pacing around the room, his tall frame hunched in worry as he muttered to himself. As someone who also tended to overthink, you probably understood Jisung better than anyone. Which motivated you even more to find a way to calm him down. Without a word, you’d guide him to sit somewhere and gently start scratching his back. Your touch seemed to ground him, the soothing motion helping to ease his restless mind.
As you worked your fingers up and down his back, applying just the right amount of pressure, you could feel the tension in him gradually melting away. When you thought he was feeling better, you’d start to pull away. However, Jisung would clutch onto your hand, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he looked up at you. “Can we stay like this a little longer, please?” His voice, though deep, carried a vulnerable edge, revealing just how much he needed your comforting presence.
So you’d continue, letting your fingers move gently along his spine. During this time, Jisung’s usually shyness was replaced by quiet contentment. He’d lean into your touch, his breathing evening out as the anxiety faded. Oftentimes, he’d share his innermost thoughts and you’d listen quietly until he was done. He didn’t expect you to respond with any solutions though, knowing that your support alone was enough. Still, you tried to provide words of reassurance, and he valued every effort. These tender moments made Jisung realize how deeply in love he was with you.
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haechan is the type of boyfriend who’s obsessed with you. he yaps about you to others, about what you’ve been doing, about how proud he is that you managed to get a promotion after being so stressed out with work, about what show you’ve been seeing and all your opinions that somehow, after he lets them marinate for a bit, also become his. he’s obsessed with the smell of your skin, of your body butter, he doesn’t know what it is or when you’ve gotten it but it has him smitten. he’s obsessed with your perfume, he can smell you on his sheets, on his towels, on his blankets, every piece of fabric in his apartment smells like you when you leave, and he falls in love with you even more. he knows you’re not a gamer, and he appreciates when you don’t get upset at him for spending his free time on the computer playing with friends. he buys all the sims expansion packs that you mention, and he lets you play on his pc — he’s happy just observing you playing around while giggling, ruining your sims’ lives, and building stuff. you seem to love building stuff, he can’t help the warmth he feels inside his chest when he sees your eyes sparkle while playing. you mention to him once that there’s an interesting game you’ve found out about from a coworker, stray to be more precise, and you think the idea is very cute. he buys the game for you as a surprise, and you’re content with sitting in his lap looking at the screen, exploring the game with him. you pick up on clues and objects laying around so fast, it’s incredible to him. he’s obsessed with how good and sharp your senses are, all of them. when he has to run away from zurks, you ask him if you can help him, maybe press a few keys simultaneously with him. he’s happy to comply, how can he not be, when you’re literally his world, with your cute outfits and your endearing personality? you fail at succeeding and the zurks eat you alive countless times before you finally succeed. you listen to him intently, you know he’s smart, and his strategies are always good. he loves the little frown you make while listening to him. he’s a very patient man — but only with you. you both know this, and he lets you take advantage of that, because he loves you.
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renjunibug · 24 hours
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FRIENDLY(?) NEIGHBOURHOOD SPIDERMAN - 2. oh so what youre saying is
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