#naturally i had to make the world’s most convoluted shitpost about it
camgoloud · 1 year
“average ninth house child has over five thousand bones” factoid actually just combination statistical error and misunderstanding of ninth house law. the average ninth house child has 250 bones. the approximately ten thousand exoskeletal bones on the person of the reverend daughter harrowhark nonagesimus at any given moment belong legally to the house in common, not to her specifically, and should not have been counted in this data set. why was this error enough to drag the reported average for all ninth house children so far above its actual value? well,
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carnistcervine · 5 years
Modern ATLA AU Ideas
Okay, so, it kinda feels like most modern ATLA AUs are like: no bending! lol. And I'm just like: B-but that's the best part of the show?? ;w; I mean, people are allowed to write their fanfics how they want. But it does kinda suck when all I can find are fics where it's supposedly based on ATLA's world, but it's pretty much just ATLA characters transplanted into a modern, real life setting. Like, I don't wanna read about the Gaangs adventures of being boring normal humans in New York, or Japan, or China or wherever the fuck. I want the Gaang shitposting on social media, taking selfies while Zuko throws fireballs at them. Although, as someone with a lot of very niche interests, I've already accepted the fact that if I want something, I'm gonna have to do/make it. *cracks fingers* So here are my ideas for a modern Avatar AU.
-First thing, I know that most people tend to assume that with modernization, that would lead to a rise in machinery and a fall in use of bending. Personally, I disagree with this notion. Why? It's simple. Humans invented machines to do things they could not do themselves, or at least couldn't easily do themselves. We made complicated contraptions using pulleys and levers because we could not move rocks with our minds. In real life, people had to depend purely on what their own bodies could achieve, in Avatar, people actually can manipulate the elements to their will. So why go through all the trouble of inventing some convoluted, complicated machinery(that may not even work!) to lift a whole bunch of stone and earth, when you can just ask a few earthbenders to do it? Also, it gives the earthbenders something to do, so they don't take that energy and do something destructive. All this is just a fancy way of saying that, anything that can be done with bending, is.
-Irrigation, sewage systems, and all general water delivery systems are powered by waterbending.
-Most fire fighters are firebenders. Why? Firebenders can literally control fire. It's not hard for them to put out flames. Although, there are airbending fire fighters who use their bending to thin the air around fires, earthbenders who smother the fires with rocks, and waterbenders who douse the flames using waterbending.
-Rather than having hoses that attach to fire hydrants, the things serve as markers for where reservoirs of water can be accessed for waterbenders to use in cases of emergency.
-Hospitals employ various benders and non-benders. Non-benders find themselves being used in many different aspects of the medical field, but benders are often used for their particular talents. Water healers work both as first responders and in the hospitals themselves, usually to help the most delicate cases, but also to quickly treat minor issues. Firebenders are also surprisingly useful in the medical field, not only for their ability to cauterize severe bleeding, but also their ability to treat hypothermia victims, and even simply heating up blankets to keep patients warm. Airbenders not only help with CPR, but also act as a very calming presence for people in the hospital.
-Speaking of hospitals, on the other side of the coin, hospitals are often separated into different sections. One for non-benders, and one for each bending type. Simply put, not only do different benders have different needs, but also bring different complications to the table. For example, it's good to have plenty of water and fire-resistant material around when treating a firebender, but not so much when treating a waterbender. And spirits help you if a bender is giving birth. lol
-Schools not only have the standard curriculum, but also specialized classes specifically for bending students. And bending class starts from the first school years. Bending is dangerous, gotta learn 'em young!
-Most people get around by using vehicles like cars, but there are still plenty of people who use animal mounts. In fact, there are special places for "parking" said mounts. Like doggy daycare, but for ridable animals. Paid places even feed and pamper your animals, but it's a bit expensive.
-Benders are often included in natural disaster response teams. Waterbenders will band together to help with floods, or tsunamis. If advanced warning is available, they will use their powers to divert or block the water flow. Earthbenders will band together to rescue people from rubble and help repair infrastructure. Firebenders will either preform controlled burns to prevent wildfires, or control the flames of existing wildfires and when they get small enough, extinguish them. Airbenders use their powers to stop or divert storms and tornadoes.
-Airbenders will often come to the rescue of people(or animals) stuck in high places, or suicidal people looking to jump. Earth and waterbenders also make efforts to help people or animals that need rescuing. Firebenders team up with waterbenders to help people trapped in avalanches or stuck in cold climates. The waterbenders free them, and the firebenders use their bending to warm them from the core outward.
-Obviously there's also a lot of benders that just do dumb shit on twitter, instagram or youtube for views.
-Remember Ba Sing Se and Omashu? Mail and train systems powered by earthbending. And instead of a drone bringing you your package from some online retailer, it's an airbender.
-Airbender Uber and Postmates tho. Like, just using an app and a flying person swoops down, picks you up and jets off to where your trying to go.
-Obviously spirits and the Avatar are still very much a thing. But the Avatar is considered more of a spiritual leader than a political one. In fact, most of the political system is run by non-benders. The main exceptions being the nation's leaders who are often benders. The Avatar's role is mostly delegated to offering wisdom, peace-keeping, spiritual matters, natural disaster recovery/prevention, and apocalyptic threats. Any major political meeting will include the Avatar though.
-Airplanes that are powered by airbending. A lot of very powerful airbending.
-Highly trained and specialized firebenders use lighting generation to power cities(Yes, I got this one from Korra).
-A LOT of earthbenders in construction.
-Bending careers often involve going through years of specialized training in a bender's particular skill. However, the work is rewarding and pays well.
That's pretty much all I can think of for now. :P Any one that likes these ideas are free to take them! <3
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