#names in CLAMP
gabriulio · 6 months
Short Sonic comic by manga/doujin group CLAMP from 1994
This short comic was featured in the anthology doujin "CLAMP in Wonderland 1994." This doujin is mostly known for the infamous short story where Kakyoin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure lays an egg.
If you're in the Jojo fandom and always wondered why Sonic is on the cover of that doujin, this is why.
(Translation done by me)
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crystal-lillies · 2 months
me, every time I watch Cardcaptor Sakura: the inherent intimacy of the [no honorific] with Toya and Yukito is so palpable from the very beginning. so very few characters have the [no honorific] intimacy. but they do. from the very!!! beginning!! of the anime!!! (screams)
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completeoveranalysis · 10 months
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*appreciative gay sounds*
See now this fucks. 
It’s a bit of a treat to get a cover like this that’s so BEAUTIFUL and DELICATE and actually include characters not directly involved in the plot anymore. It’s like BONUS ART: Fai and Kamui in a tender and deadly gothic vampire embrace for no particular reason :D 
And we LOVE to see it!
I love the fragile looking archway behind them. It looks very Art Nouveau (I say, guessing. Please correct me) and the pose between Fai and Kamui could EASILY be on a romance novel. And in fact it SHOULD be!
We get some stunning visual contrasts, like the dark sweep of Kamui’s cape looking demonic in nature, like bat wings - which, like, vampire - but the thin white arch behind him ALSO spreads out behind him like it could be wings. Or even better, it forms more of a halo - a complete circle above his head in thin white lines. The contrast in the angelic and the demonic really speak to his role in the narrative a couple of times over; he protected Acid Tokyo but purely out of self interest; he's a dick to everyone, which is frowned upon, but he does it to protect Subaru, which is understandable; he killed Syaoran but he saved Fai; even the act of saving Fai was technically a bad thing, turning him into a vampire, but it was the only way he would stay alive, which was what we wanted! 
That contrast continues into Fai’s pose here as well. He’s within the circle of Kamui’s arms, which is traditionally a place of affection or protection, but here it’s almost predatory with Fai as the prey. There's a clear indication of danger laced throughout every inch of it. Kamui’s nails stretch out in front of Fai in a way that COULD be protective, but also form a cage he will never be able to escape from, and the nail of his index finger trails SO CLOSE to Fai’s throat it could kill him with a slight twitch. The nails of his left hand also trail across the wing of his coat, becoming the traditional veins that you would see in bat wings and completing the metaphor of the monstrous. Fai, too, plays with this dichotomy - his head is tilted upwards towards Kamui, neck exposed, in a pose natural for a lover, or for someone giving access to their neck, like the vampire’s victim he is. The clear shadow across his neck (The ONLY shadow in the cover) shows just how close he is to harm, indicates the exact danger this pose puts him in, and yet we can also see him clutching at Kamui’s arm - not hard but gently, coaxing, guiding. Then again the closer I look I think the line of Kamui’s arm is actually a little bit further to the left, which might indicate that Fai is actually holding his waist, which is even more intimate again. 
All in all it’s FANTASTIC, it’s GORGEOUS, I want this as a gothic creepy tapestry I hang in a castle somewhere while lightning strikes somewhere in the distance.
Oh and the splash text, where is that.
The flowing blood whispered
even if you'll defy your own destiny
protect that person --
Which slams home the theme on BOTH of these two - how much of their own intended fate they sacrifice for the people they choose to devote themselves to. But, when combined with the art, just how much this devotion and protection can actually add it's own inherent form of danger, even if they aren't aware. Kamui's protectiveness of Subaru is HARDLY balanced after all, and Fai's devotion to Sakura leads his curse to killing her. Then again, you could easily say the same thing for Sakura, who chose to put herself INTO that danger DELIBERATELY to save the people she cared for.
And so the complicated feelings and consequences that come from "protecting" someone continue to swirl around in the moral grey.
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
big bro iwa fingering you under the table at dinner 🥴
“shush, baby. don’t want mom and dad to hear you, do you? then big brother can’t fuck this sweet cunnie anymore.”
yAAAA dBVGftyedfteg! („ಡωಡ„) lOve it :)))
big brother hajime nuzzling your neck all the time bc he "just loves his little sister" and because it's "funny to see you squirm" but really it's because he can spew filth into your ear without anyone saying a thing about it <333 what i wouldn't give to have his hand in my hair and have him pressing me down in the bed as he praises you for being such a good little sister aAAAHHHHGfgsfud
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yaminerua · 11 months
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💙❤️Couldn’t resist lmfao 💙❤️
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qc-wiggles · 1 year
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some tma ocs made with @mpekamitzii :3c
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noa-ciharu · 11 months
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Some things never change
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youreaclownnow · 3 months
There's something really funny about inouva being a gift to zagato by emeraude. Like you'd think she'd give him something cute or sweet but no. Here my high priest please have this giant and dangerous elemental btw he's also a faggot
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probablygayattorneys · 7 months
My brother said out loud to my dad and I "Long shot, but do either of you know where a clamp is?"
And I only had time to turn around and open my mouth to make a joke about Grosky before he looked up, looked me dead in the eye and said "Not that one."
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the-corvus-luna · 11 days
I have been redrawing the character sheet in vectors so, it will look nicer when scaled up. That also includes the cute little blowfish mascot... whatever it's name is.
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Here's some background if you don't know about the CLAMP TRPG hidden in the Clamp School Detectives Guidebook. The Guidebook contains not only information about Clamp School Detectives but also contains CLAMP TRPG and a documented session of this game played by CLAMP and Takeshi Okazaki known as Clamp School Paranormal Investigators.
The purpose of these polls are to gauge what would be the preferred "technical terms" in the game and character sheet. Since kanji can be read in a few different ways, there's room for interpretation.
The first technical term is for "A special skill your character has talent in". Some of these skills could be Hypnosis, Mathematics, even Gambling but, you only get to chose one of them in most cases. The term that is used in the original Japanese is 特殊技 (SA), which does translate more cleanly to Special Technique but the abbreviation works better for Special Ability.
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mokocharm · 1 year
You know what?
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completeoveranalysis · 9 months
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Confirmed: NOT Li Syaoran from ccs, as expected. 
SO: the child of the CCS Syaoran and CCS Sakura? 
Or??? Another Sakura and Syaoran pair???
And time travel IS on the table so pretty much any Sakura and Syaoran pair is possible, but it can’t be Lava Lamp himself, and it couldn’t be his clone… right? 
… I guess it could? 
Time travel means that you kind of COULD be the son of your own clone BUT WOULD THEY DO THAT? 
Which other pairs of Sakura and Syaoran are there? 
I don’t know of any! 
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dullahandyke · 9 months
fuck this lad im appealing my english paper, theyre marking me down on shit thats not even wrong..... h1 for eimear h1 for eimear!!!!
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yaminerua · 1 year
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A Duklyon poster promoting the drama CD
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crystal-lillies · 2 months
I spent the last hours of CLAMP day streaming the 2022 live action xxxHolic movie with a friend who only has a bit of the anime as a point of reference.
it was certainly a wild ride and not at all what I was expecting. I have to say they really spent their budget on Yuko.
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robotslenderman · 4 months
providing my parents enrichment by asking them DIY related questions
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