#names are blocked out bc i don’t know i just feel weird publicizing normal randos even if they’re assholes.
leonardalphachurch · 2 years
it is ALSO worth noting that geoff is liking tweets like this
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all taking his side, absolving him of any wrongdoing or accountability, and talking bullshit about “cancel culture” and “political correctness” and literally stating that he was “bullied into apologizing out of fear”
kdin didn’t accept geoff’s apology and it seems like it was never an apology to begin with
transcript under the cut
[ID: Two tweets with their usernames blocked out.]
The first reads: “This world really doesn’t understand forgiveness. Everyone will continue to torch you guys because anything bad you’ve ever done should always stay with you without any chance of redemption. This world is lost.”
The second tweet reads: “Truth is y’all grew in a different time. A time before PC was in effect. Was it wrong? Sure. are you being bullied into apologizing out of fear? 100% apologize for saying the word and move on. Stop letting these people run the fucking show. Ppl love you and you are a good guy.”
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