zagubionywilk · 4 years
                >> ⚔️ <<                    ❝          DO YOU HAVE     . .           ❞                     a pause,  a little paw coming to his muzzle in   THOUGHT   while the other was busy holding up the black and white   UMBRELLA   above him ‘fore he perks up   ;   ah right.                    ❝         round   MUSHROOMS    ??         ❞                    
@nacphilim  (  ac genji  )  /  ⚔️
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spikedkalopsia · 4 years
much like blackened angel does she appear, shadows seemingly twisting when she steps out of them, black wings spreading outwards one moment then completely falling apart the next; the feathers twist and twirl in the air as they fall to the ground before disappearing completely. she has waited patiently to approach him, always careful to make sure that the two are alone when they speak; after all, her patience is limited when it comes to outsiders, and how wrong would she be if a lifted finger sent razor sharp quill aimed for their eye? some lessons have to be taught with more than just words. a hand reaches up to play with a strand of hair as she approaches him, looking up (damn her height) and fixing him with a bemused stare. 
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❝are you avoiding everyone today or is the honor reserved solely for me?❞ her tone is light despite seemingly harsh words -- gentle teasing. ❝i feel like it’s been ages since we’ve last spoken... you’re not still upset about that petty little disagreement of ours, are you?❞
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woerended · 4 years
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@nacphilim​ said:  boops him on the nose with the tip of her claw ! - ahri u w u
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Oh, hello. He blinks, nose scrunching a bit in surprise as small shades of pink cross onto his cheeks.
“Wh-- what was that for?” He pouts, narrows his eyes slightly as he sheepishly shoves his hands in his coat pockets.
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foraltruism · 4 years
i see tom nook & i go feral -
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Animal Crossing has been a mega influence on me ok
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amaranthineoni · 4 years
|| @nacphilim​ || Pirates & Mutineers || Starter ||
Tomoe spots the incoming ship when it is still more than 15 kilometers away, despite the thick evening fog setting low over the water after the days grueling heat. They have no lights aboard their deck, no lantern in the nest for signalling nearby ships. She sounds the warning bell, the loud clanging waking her crew and most certainly carrying over the waves to the oncoming ship.
The HMS Archon is beautiful and reliant, unsinkable - the East India Company claims. She carries valuable wares occasionally. Fine furniture, jewelry, blue dyed potteries, and luxurious silk fabrics. More often, however, she carries military goods. Canons, gunpowder, uniforms.
HMS Archon is a valuable commodity for pirates. And though she is large, and perfect for long distance trips, she is not a Navy vessel. The ships primary directive should pirates attempt an attack is to flee, full sails in the direction of the nearest navel outpost.
But she is a heavy thing, burdened by the weight of her cargo and the small pirate vessel is not. It catches them less then an hour later. Tomoe’s crew is ill prepared for a raid. Any combat training they have comes from the pit fights they hold below deck after the Captain and his offices have retired for the night. Any strength they have comes only from hoisting sails and cranking the anchor. None of them carry more than a knife on them.
They try to make a stand anyway. It’s a slaughter. Tomoe hits the ground hard on the initial assault; one of them nails her in the back of the head with a plank and she drops like she’s dead. When she blinks back to consciousness, head pounding and sluggish and body battered like she’d been trampled in the chaos, her captain is dead.
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His head a greying expression of horror - tears on his cheeks. Coward. Of course he begged in the end.
His mangled body is pushed overboard to chum the waters and she is hauled up along any of the other survivors. They are bound, their hands tied painfully behind their backs. Tomoe curses when one of them pulls at the collar of her shirt - for a moment she is more terrified that his eyes will tip away from her blood smudged face to peer down and spot the bandages disguising her figure and that her fate will be worse than that of shark food. He doesn’t and she’s shoved against the main mast with the rest of her men. 
It takes the pirates hours to ransack the ship. Tomoe spends it woozy, blood seeping warm down her neck, and slumped against the back of the boy tied in front of her. He has been a kitchen scully, she thinks.
“What are they going to do with us?” He whispers to her, panicked and small.
No one replies. The answer is obvious. Tomoe tries to think of a way out anyway.
Tomoe glares at the man she presumes is the captain from her place tied against the mast. He’s tall and blonde with a cruel sharp grin and seems completely unbothered by the spray of arterial blood that stains his white shirt. Tomoe hates him immediately and she will continue to do so until she dies. Smug, heartless pirate.
She snarls when one of the pirates at her side jostles her, shoving her forward in the line and one step closer to her untimely death. She earns a backhand across the face for ehr insolence and it sends her reeling into another pirate who forces her back into line.
When the sun came up the pirates turned to the crew for entertainment. Every single person who didn’t die in the raid was slowly but surely being forced over the deck railing and into the waters below. Hands tied and no dry land for kilometers in any direction. If they didn’t drown the sharks would get them.
Tomoe is near the end of the line - not the back, but ever step further from the plank and the short plunge off the end of it gave her another minute to try to think of a way out.
She heard stories that pirates occasionally take valuable prisoners into their crews. Chefs and navigators and the like. Tomoe doesn’t know shit about cooking or navigating but she’s clever. She could lie and figure it out. She does know some stuff about first aid - that’s always useful on a ship…
That hope dies when the doctor is shoved over the edge despite his pleas. The crowd roars in approval.
She could claim she knows how to read the coded notes and ledgers the Captain and merchants write in. But she can’t read - that lie wouldn’t hold up and she imagines the cruelty she’d be subject to would be much worse than a swift drowing.
The wracks her brains for anything in the pirates code that could save her, thinks of any valuables on the ship they may not have found. Anything of value she can trade for her life.
She doesn’t know. She’s scared.
The pirates aren’t here to take any survivors. It’s clear to her that it’s a game to them. THey offer one boy the chance to fight for his survival - the little kitchen scully. They offer him a sword and everything. His opponent is twice his height and three times his width. The boy’s dead before they toss him overboard - his skull bashed in so thoroughly that she can’t recognise his face anymore.
The pirates cheer and Tomoe wants to vomit.
Finally it’s her turn.
She stumbles, panicked when she is pushed into the ring of bodies that forms the circle around the back of the plank. Her turn. She tries to straighten and someone forces her into a deep bow before the Captain.
Her head snaps up to greet the Captain. “Fuck you straight to hell.”
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Because Tomoe has never been the kind to know when to shut the hell up. And if she’s gonna die she’s going to go out pissing someone else off. “These are Aizen’s waters, you really think he’s just gonna let you sail through here now that you’ve gone and attacked a ship that’s rightfully his prey huh? Fuck you’re as stupid as you look.”
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musecrisisa · 4 years
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     @nacphilim​ said : ❝ you’re legally obligated to keep holding me. ❞ - hawks @ dabi ... 👀                                                    meme / accepting !
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     as if that were to actually keep him from removing his arms from around the hero’s waist. he was quick to release and toss the other a few feet away, getting up and dusting himself off. ❝ then it’s a real shame i’m not a law - abiding citizen, isn’t it? ❞ head falls to the side, dull gaze watching the other with mild disinterest. why hawks decided to use that particular phrasing honestly could’ve made him laugh. hands shoved into pockets before he turns his back on the hero to begin heading back to the hideout. ❝ so no ... i don’t think i will . ❞
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uppertwo-a · 4 years
@nacphilim​ (for nezuko!) // sc. 
       “––––you hold so much anger inside of you – i can see that much!”
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“–––c’mooon, relax a little! nobody here is going to hurt you ––––– unless you try to hurt me, first~!”
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gosutm-archived · 4 years
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@nacphilim​​   /   ‘  you  don’t  have  to  keep  it  quiet .  ’ - belphie :flushed:
IF THESE WALLS COULD TALK, THEY’D SCREAM   all of sayu’s inner turmoil of sadness swelling inside her chest. although, noises aren’t needed to describe a dreadful, serene moments as they passed  &  right now, current silence creeping along done a perfect job describing everything happening inside her head.   ---   having been imprisoned inside the attic, just for disagreeing with lord diavolo’s preaching equality between angels, demons  &   humans, the small witch lost sense of time to the point she no longer cared how long had actually passed  ( as nostalgic as she is, being reminiscent of past trauma only applied further damage to an already frail mind ).
she could, however, tell possibly decades passed judging by the avatar of sloth’s locks drenching along his face. once, when all was right, radiating in pure, almost angelic white, it begun degrading to darker shades which could be a result of stress building up. that, or...it symbolized a fallen deity, no, fallen mind after forcibly watching his brothers merely lamenting, beelzebub dissociating  &  her almost dying under lucifer’s hands until lord diavolo stopped him.
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speaking of the devil  ---   his voice ringing out of blue, seldom if anything, shook her to the core. turning her head to face belphegor as shaky hands clutched against knee caps, sayu merely smiled. ah .... as expected, he saw right through a pretty little facade.  ❛  .... sometimes, silence is the best medicine.  ❜   she sadly speaks her thoughts out, letting lithe fingers run down her knees. a minute passed before she rose on feet then walk over the sealed door, hands reaching out for metal rods adorning as a decoration.  ❛  sorry... i -- i’ve just spaced out. no matter how much i try keeping my head high, hoping someone, anyone, could come up here, the bad memories always rise up  &  haunt me. you understand me... right, belphie?  ❜   it’s then when the saddened witch leaned her forehead against aforementioned door, clutching tighter to it.  ❛  if you do, then...do you think we’ll die here...?  will we ever see beel again? what if...he entirely forgets us? w  --  what if we never, ever, see light again?  ❜  will we let our love shatter within these four walls?
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endotm-a · 4 years
she takes in a small breath, finally feeling relaxed && at ease with the time she’s gotten to herself. 
ever since she’s arrived in the devildom, she’s had very little time to herself unless she were to be within her own temporarily assigned room for the year. but now, she’s been given a prime opportunity. lucifer was currently discussing business with lord diavolo, levi was locked in his room playing his latest game he ordered straight from akuzon, mammon took the opportunity to go use his newly found card, satan was in his room peacefully reading, && asmo was having a good time dragging solomon out clubbing. as for beel... she wasn’t very sure where he was- she had to guess either his room or working out. 
either way, this let her finally get some time to herself in the form of cooking whatever she could that wouldn’t outright kill her as soon as she consumed it. she was still in her school uniform from the day, but her jacket was discarded onto one of the counters && her sleeves rolled up so she didn’t get anything onto them- she was always a neat person, even when cooking she didn’t make much of a mess. whatever mess she did make would be cleaned up as soon as the meal was done. 
she’s in the middling of frying the most essential part of the meal when she notices something... beyond the crackling sizzle of meat && vegetables within the pan, wading in a bath of oil, she heard something that didn’t come from the kitchen. it’s a series of quick paced, loud thumps that steadily got louder && louder. 
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❛ what’s that noise... ?? ❜ she managed to inquire just before the door to the kitchen is suddenly thrown open, hitting the wall with a loud thud as beel’s tall form fills the doorway. 
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❛ b-beel !! ❜ her usually calm, soft voice raises in volume whenever beel makes his sudden entrance, the female’s eyes widened in shock as she jumps in place. it seems for once, she was caught off guard. 
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rozsaktov · 4 years
“ who am i to hold your past against you ?? ” - worick @ achilleia
Rihanna meme. || @nacphilim.
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     Achilleia leaned her back against the frame of the door that led up to the Handymen’s apartment, digging her hands into the pockets of her fatigues and resting for a moment as the rain clouds parted to permit rare sun down onto the city. She took a deep breath, fragrant of wet cement and metal, and closed her eyes. She wondered if this man was really so good at heart that he wouldn’t care about her volatile past. She didn’t have much of a past anyway. It wasn’t as though she was ever permitted to be a real person. 
     She opened her eyes and cast blue gaze over to him, “You are right… You’re not an authority and that’s your decision to make on your own…” 
     “… but I can’t accept your help. I do appreciate it greatly, though,” she said. He had offered her a place to stay for the night, but Achilleia couldn’t accept. She didn’t really know Worick at all; she’d feel uncomfortable accepting such an offer of kindness. Especially with another Twilight there that she didn’t know, and especially with how volatile she could be. Ultimately, she’d rather sleep in a cardboard box for another night. 
     Night by night, day by day. That’s how Achilleia was living lately, now that the Family she worked for had let her go. “Old age.”  Tch.
     Achilleia stood up off the door frame and rubbed at some dirt on her face with the back of her hand before she crossed her arms over her chest, tilting her head, “I don’t know how often you interact with Gina Paulklee, but could you let her know I need a job if you ever see her? Best way you could help me would be to get me working again. Imagine that, people rarely take in strays.”
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asmcdeus · 4 years
❛ wanna know the cure - all to everything ? napping . ❜ - belphegor ( as expected ! )
[  in sickness and in health  /  accepting  /  @nacphilim  ]
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       “  bel…i think that solution only works for you,  ” asmodeus replies. as nice as it seems, to nap and all the problems just disappears…asmodeus knows once he rouses, he’ll have to face the issues head on. not sure about belphegor  ;  he just sleeps and sleeps, maybe it disappears by the time he wakes but asmodeus’ problems are always there when he wakes from his beauty sleep.       “  ya wanna give me a more substantial solution than that  ??  ”
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ulchamile · 4 years
19 . List some of your muse’s favourites! (eg. food, movie, book, song, drink, place, celeb, etc.)
Questions for OCs. || @nacphilim.
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     Katey’s favorite color is yellow and her favorite food is popcorn (closely followed by her favorite snack of baby carrots and vanilla ice cream). Her favorite movie is a tie between Sleepless in Seattle and When Harry Met Sally (”ooh! or!”) or The Quiet Man, and her favorite book is The Age of Innocence (”ooh! or!”) or Far From the Madding Crowd. Her favorite musician is Ella Fitzgerald, but her favorite song right now is “Lullaby” by Lord Huron (it puts her right to sleep!). Her favorite drink is hot peach tea, and her favorite drink on a balmy day is strawberry lemonade. Her favorite place in the world is home, in Ireland, sitting on the windowsill of her bedroom that overlooks the back garden of her childhood home. Her favorite weather is a soft rainy day, and her favorite season is fall (for the fashion). Her favorite restaurant is anywhere that offers plentiful vegetarian options, and her favorite scent for a scented candle is leaves or pine (or both!). 
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woerended · 4 years
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@nacphilim​​ said: i can’t leave it alone. - lamb ( school verse )
That phrasing makes his chest flutter. For what exactly is she so intent not to let go? Perhaps the feelings she’s been displaying lately -- ones that, while unexpected, he certainly didn’t take issue with. Feelings he’s strangely compelled to share, in fact. His eyes slide to the side nervously, blush crawling along his cheeks.
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“Then...there’s nothing left to do but say it, right...?” He swallows slightly, fingers listless and brushing against each other. Eyes that are absent survey the surrounding hall. It’s only lunch period right now. There’s still about three to four hours left in the day.
“B-But...not here...I don’t want you to rush...or anything. We can...walk home together again, if you want...?”
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foraltruism · 4 years
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Well... this was a surprise. Rin hadn’t expected to walk into Sousuke’s place and seeing it so homey. It’s always been homey before, but it seems so more than usual, with the smell of food coming from the kitchen and light music playing in the background. He couldn’t help but get a bit excited, stealthily slipping into the hallway to drop off his backpack in his room, and shed his jacket and hat. He moves into the bathroom with equal silence, washing the travel grime off his face, and then walks out into the main room. There were dishes set out on the table, but no food yet, and just a little further Rin could see Sousuke toiling away over the stove. That’ll never be a sight he’ll tire of seeing; an impish grin coiling onto his face and he slips behind him, wraps his arms around his waist, and leans up to give him a kiss.
“Well I wasn’t expecting much when I got back, especially not this. Is this all for me?”
@nacphilim​ */ Valentine’s Day starters uwu
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spikedkalopsia · 4 years
@nacphilim​ said:  “ i’d like you to stay quiet. ” - aku @ sui UwU
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❝you’re just upset because you know i’m right.❞ her attention does not divert from the cityscape she looks out at from the window sill, sitting carefully on the open frame. there’s something so captivating by the night, buildings becoming shadows stretching into the clouds, lights flickering on and off in the distance as people either fell asleep or woke up. night owls walking carefully through the street, on edge and lookout for danger -- everyone knew who owned the night.
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maybe that’s why she liked such a view: the inexplicable sense of power. she’d not yet met akutagawa’s old mentor, if he could even really be called that, but you don’t stay in a contract with someone as long as she has without knowing at least a little bit of their past. then again, it wasn’t hard to tell that her partner had been through something traumatic; it flowed from his very being, that sadness, that hatred. maybe suigintou knew so well about it because she too shared such sentiments. ❝no matter how strong you get, people like that will never truly care. even after all this time, you’re still trying to impress him. let it go.❞
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musecrisisa · 4 years
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character aesthetics --- da.bih.awks !
for @nacphilim
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