#nabooru vc: i'll sleep when im dead
Can they leave their work at the door (disconnect from ‘work mode’ and enter ‘home mode’) or do they carry it with them wherever they go?
Headcanons Memes - Not Accepting
Nabooru is allergic to Hyrulean grass, but she's even more allergic to the concept of "work-life balance." Admittedly, it's a taller ask than it is for many people, being the leader of a major religion, as well as holding political power to some degree or another. Even within that lenience, she's terrible at disengaging with work. It's come to the point by her older verses that she considers her actual job as a priestess her "me time" if only so she can slightly disengage with being a leader.  The problem is, she never wanted to be a leader in either capacity. She was a very devoted priestess, both to the region and her people at large, but she never expected to be the leader of the temple. Likewise, one of her greatest regrets is that Ganondorf  turned out to be as evil as he was, because it meant she had to take over that as well.
For all this, she really isn't self-important. She second guesses herself quite often and spends hours agonizing over important decisions for the tribe. However, she was placed in a position which required leadership, and she turned out to be the only one capable of filling in. Because of that, she spends every waking hour trying to live up to the needed specifications of a chieftain and heirophant.
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