thedemonconstantine · 4 years
"I heard it was your birthday," or rather he had been told. "How about a little celebration? I could have thrown you a massive party, but might not be your thing so anything you would like to do in particular?"
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Aye. Yeh.
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theaxquccn · 4 years
“What’s up skipper?”
Thea had managed to sneak into Oliver’s living room and grabbed his shoulders from behind the sofa hoping to startle him. Seeing as his actual birthday celebrations would be spent in a fancy soiree full of elites she wanted some private time with her big brother and of course the deliciousness of surprising him was too good to resist.
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“Happy birthday Ollie” she wishes and jumps into his arms to hug him tightly having missed him. “Get your shoes on,I am busting you out for a few hours. Don’t worry I will bring you back just on time to be fashionably late for your ‘boring’ party.And if you don’t obey me you don’t get your present.”
@mythsxndlegends​ asked for a birthday starter!
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
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@mythsxndlegends​ sent: “  "Happy birthday you crazy old fool," Oliver smirked but showed John that he brought his favorite booze. ”
John lifted his head from where he had been keeping his nose buried in one of his books. Truth to be told, he had been dreading that moment since he had realised that he would have been spending his birthday in Star City. Felicity had been eyeing him oddly all day, with that small cute crease between her brows, the one he had learnt meant that she was attentively considering something. However, no one had said anything to him for the whole day and he had thought that he might have got away with it. Of course, he should have known better.
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“Crazy ol’ fool, you say? Guilty as charged,” he joked, even if there was a strained note in his voice. “Should I ask who the hell spilled the bean?”
Dammit, it was even Mother’s Day. The universe had to be having a fat laugh at his expenses. And the last thing he wanted was to be forced to fake cheerfulness when he was already struggling to keep a straight face. All he wanted was to find a corner he could hide in and drink himself into oblivion till the end of the following week, but he had a case in his hands and he could just dump everything in Oliver’s hands and leave. That would have just proven that the voice whispering from the back of his head were right. And they all sounded like his late old man.
Worthless piece of shite. All you bring is pain and misery. You shouldn’t be alive. You belong in Hell. Killer.
His eyes fell on the booze. Maybe he could at least drink enough to make sure he would stop feeling. “Ah, why don’t we forget ‘bout the birthday shite n’ jus’ enjoy tha’ lil toke yout brought me? Sounds like a plan, aye?”
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@mythsxndlegends liked for a starter
When Dionisus intercepted the police coms he didn't expect to find much. Just another common antique shop robbery, no big deal, it wasn't even worth taking a look in his honest opinion, but the night was slow and boring and it didn't kill have a check, just to see how things worked around.
Everything was the same as always at the front of the crime scene at a first glance, police cars, some witnesses, the shopkeepee in panic... no, it wasn't panic. He was completely stunted, not saying thing with thing, claiming that the robber became a monster, pointing at the the destruction in the small shop, saying it was all the supposed beast's doing.
The chief taking care of the situation dismissed it as looney talk from the shock, but Dionisus followed with his eyes behind a full face, silence mask, and from the rooftop of the building the destruction path left by whatever happened in there — he'd seen some of that before when he was much younger.
So that was where the relic that was stolen a couple of months prior had come. Quite far from the origin place at Greece, but no time to think about it, he needed to find whoever got it and retrieve it before worse things could happen.
Thus, he followed the path of destruction through some blocks until it disappeared — the robber probably managed to take off the ancient artifact and returned to his human form.
"... why does this always happen to me?" He thought out loud and sighed while scanning the place for any clue of where to go from there.
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adsagsona · 4 years
😘 (Arthur about Oliver)
Send 😘 for my muse’s honest opinion about your muse
Them as a person : I’m not sure yet about Oliver. One moment he is this dimwitted playboy, the other he is this thoughtful quiet person. I don’t know yet who the real Oliver is.
Level of attractiveness : He’s far too goodlooking for his own good.
What annoys them most : Not knowing where I am with him.
What they like the most : That he does have a caring side.
What they’d do if they were locked in a closet together for 4 hours : In a safe situation definite kissing would ensue, otherwise it’d be figuring out how to get out of there.
Overall opinion : Oliver seems like a good guy, better than he wants people to believe. I hope to be able to stick around long enough to find out.
Rating : 8/10 
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fatesrebel · 4 years
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“Can I– uhh, kiss you?” (Felicity saying that out loud by accident xD?) 
Sometimes, he didn’t pay much attention to people around him, what they said or how they behaved. It was a simple mechanism, focusing on the important tasks instead of humans that were very often distracted by the simple things. Other days that started off a little bit better and his mood was not bad, he gave it a chance, maybe even engaged in some small talk. Although he wasn’t really prepared to hear THAT. With a lifted eyebrow, he glanced up from the phone he had been scrolling through. There was the tiniest moment Marius wasn’t sure this had really happened. But his senses were never lying to him. “I don’t know if you can.”  The corner of his lips twitched a little. He knew very well that he appeared most of the time rather intimidating, which he didn’t do on purpose - sometimes. “That’s a question only you can answer.” Teasing - how much he loved to do that, even if it only caused a soft flush.
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rag-baby-art · 4 years
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What a difference 10 years makes! 😮😮
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blue-eyed-devils · 4 years
❤️ Geralt
send me ❤ and I will bold all that applies to your muse
I would kill for you. • I would make love to you. • I would fuck you. • I would protect you. • I would hurt you for a selfish cause (he would hurt anyone for his cause) • I wish we had more in common. • I want nothing to do with you. • I want to see you cry. • I want a future with you. • I want to destroy your future. • I do not care what you do. • I am indifferent towards you. • I want children with you. • I love you ( platonically ) • I love you ( romantically ) • I love you like family. • You are my family. • I could fall in love with you. • I would lie for you. • I would fight by your side. • I will never let you go. • I would hold you while you cried. • I would hug you. • I want to kiss you. • I would stay by your bedside if you were ill. • I want to fall asleep with you in my arms. • I want to forget you. • I will never forget you. • I only want to make you proud. • I wish I could make you happy. • You deserve nothing. • I will never forgive you. • You confuse me.
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riddl3r · 4 years
mythsxndlegends replied to your post: (hello! I hope you are all doing great! me is in a...
Ed’s alter! He has DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and he’s basically the Ed we saw in s1!
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"Happy birthday, John." He placed a present on the table, though it was obvious what it was - a bottle of booze, but he made sure he got him the best one. (Oliver)
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Attention immediately went to the bottle that was on the table. John hadn’t planned to say anything about his birthday today. But it seemed that there were those who knew the information anyway. Still, he was looking at a bottle of alcohol that Oliver had put on the table before him. Reaching forward to get a look at the label. A rather high end name for alcohol too. It’s good to have friends that had a decent bank account on occasion. 
“Tha’s sweet you remembered.” He started with a joking tone because hell he nearly forgot about it himself. Of course he was going to want to open this one up and have a few drinks out of it. 
Opening it he took a quick swig out of the bottle just to get a taste of it. Shit that was good. He wondered for a second how much Oliver had even spent on the bottle. Judging by the look of it it was probably more than what he would have spent. Probably more than what he had most of his life. 
It was his birthday, using that as an excuse even if there wasn’t much of a need for one. “Wanna have a drink then?” He asked seeing as Oliver had given him a bottle and well he was here. Why not have a few from what he’d been given?
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snakeley · 4 years
      Bloody eternity, is what he'd say if anyone - doesn't matter who, just SOMEONE taking an interest in the not-so-curious mystery of Crowley's ever dwindling will to exist - were to inquire how long Aziraphale's been missing. 
      'Course, it's pointless to have an answer to a question you're utterly alone with. The truth, the demon thinks somewhat blurrily to himself as he sinks deeper into the armchair's dust-coated grip, the truth is that there's not a soul left to give half a rat's arse about him. He’s been by himself ever since the day Aziraphale disappeared into a puff of thin air --- fairly rotten magic trick, in his opinion. Even WORSE than the stunt with the endless rope of handkerchiefs the angel allegedly crammed up his left nostril once, which’s really quite saying something. He couldn’t stop sneezing for weeks.
      AEONS. That’s how long the old bugger’s been gone now. Not too much to ask for, you’d think, to stop by for a bit of a wossup between whiles, look after the state of his books, give just the laziest, no-strings-attached sign that he’s still alive and kicking, eh? Fluttering. Whatever it is angels do.
      There is one very particular thought, something stomach-meltingly foul, that refuses to let itself be drowned in even the most cloying downpour of cognac. He can no longer feel him. Not ANYWHERE on the face of the whole sodding, worthless, godforsaken planet. And now, just when fear and heartache come crashing down upon him in all their unmitigated glory, he's starting to lose the angel's last lingering smell, too.
      Digging the heel of his hand against the sting beneath his eyelids, Crowley gulps down a desperate breath. This is how far he’s come: sniffing armchairs in a long-closed bookshop. Clenching his chest around a half-sob at the realisation that wherever the halo’ed bastard has waltzed off to, his scent’s finally followed him. No more toplofty whispers of cologne. No more hot cocoa and velvet-lined clothing. No more sweetness, no more comfort, but instead ------
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      The demon jolts upright in his seat, blinking through the merry-go-round swirl of the bookshelves around him. Brimstone. Deep, dark, echoing wretchedness. This is different. This is new. Only to be ABSOLUTELY sure, though ... --- nah. Not him. He hasn’t let himself go THAT much, as confirmed by a hasty whiff of his armpit. Must be someone else, then. A lifetime of working for Hell and you’re NEVER too sloshed out of your mind to know danger when it’s grabbing you by the throat. 
There’s a stranger lurking on the other side of the entrance door.
      A gaggle of drained alcohol bottles of various sizes clink sharply together as Crowley unfurls his legs. Let ‘em come for him, then, the underworld’s most unwashed hordes. Hasn’t got anything to lose. 
But not in here. Not near the fragility of Aziraphale’s most treasured belongings.
      “ Piss off! ” 
@mythsxndlegends​ ❤️
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thecursedhellblazer · 4 years
Starter for @mythsxndlegends​ { ↠ Oliver ↞ }
John found himself biting back the umpteenth yawn, blinking to try and wipe the lack of sleep away from his eyes. That was the fourth time in a row he stayed up either travelling or doing researches and it was starting to take its toll on him. Good thing he had left Chas in Atlanta, or his friend would have already forced his sorry ass on a flat surface and put him to sleep. His best friend would have mattered something about how he could not survive on magic and coffee and that case was giving him a chance to try and prove him wrong, out of spite. It was childish, and surely having slept three hours in total in the last five days was not healthy, but after all being mature and taking care of his health had never been things he had excelled at. Moreover, if you truly believed in it, caffeine could do more miracles than any spell could.
He adjusted his sunglasses and looked up, towards the tops of the skyscrapers that surrounded him. Starling City. Oh, he was pretty far from his usual working fields, but evil respected no borders or boundaries and, wherever demons and the likes of them popped up, he went. That, though, didn’t mean that he was a fan of every place he happened to visit. If he had to be honest, the only big city he truly liked was London, but he hadn’t see it in a very long time. His mind travelled back in time, now and then, revisiting the lines of a landscape that had been extremely familiar to him once upon a time. However, now England was nothing but a cursed land for him, filled with some of his most painful memories. Its shaped and colours, while still intimately familiar, had taken new, painfully hostile shades.
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He reached out to take the cigarette out of his lips, blowing out the smoke before sticking it back in its place. He had better found the motherfucker who was causing that wave of unrest. put them back where it belonged and do it fast, before he ended up passing out somewhere he shouldn’t have. Or in the middle of a spell. It wouldn’t have been a first for him and the results, in a couple of occasions, hadn’t been pretty.
The problem was that, instead of a trail of blood and corpses and weird crime scenes, what the creature he was dealing with left behind were a series of mysterious disappearances. The only reason why the events had piqued his interest was a rune that, according to his researches, had been present in every place the victims had been seen at last. Some, he had tracked them down himself, because the police didn’t possess the right kinds of means to follow the trail up to its end. Tracking spells were relatively easy to use, once you had something that could point your magic in the right direction, but of course they weren’t something just everyone could use. Or was ready to believe in.
He had been walking backwards, eyes still locked on the sky and mind busy with his own thoughts, so, when he spun around to resume moving like every normal person, which he was definitely not, he didn’t realise that there was someone else coming from the opposite direction. Their shoulders impacted quite violently, sending Constantine’s half empty paper mug on the ground.
“Cor blimey!” The magician cursed, caught off guard, his gaze dropping towards his now wasted coffee, and then raised towards the other. “Sorry, mate. This bloody head of mine, I ain’t losin’ it just ‘cause...”
His voice trailed off as he took a better look at the man in front of him, eyes widening slightly as he realised that he did know him. Sure, it had been a while, a couple of years, maybe more, and the circumstances of their first and only meeting hadn’t been ideal, but it was hard to forget the person who had saved your sorry ass from getting killed like a damned greenhorn.
“Queen? Oliver Queen? From that god-forsaken island? That really you, mate?” Despite the tiredness, a grin opened on his face. “Bloody hell. ‘S been a long minute, aye?”
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strengthcfcharacter · 4 years
mythsxndlegends replied to your post: I should really work on the bios I haven’t written...
I know this problem very well… Plenty of characters and such little bios… Though I don’t have to worry about my theme. Good luck!
They’re not even difficult bios, they’re all for canon characters, I’m just lazy xD Thanks!
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adsagsona · 4 years
@mythsxndlegends liked for a starter from Arthur
They had told him that he should get out more, so Arthur tried to do so. Instead of working till the early hours of the morning the ceo made his way towards the bar across the street from his office. He had never been there before since it usually wasn’t up to the standars of the business people he tried to charm but for tonight it was good enough. He had walked up to the bar, still dressed in his suit, and ordered a beer which he could nurse for a little while.
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adventures-written · 4 years
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;; Awww, thank you hun
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dirtylimericka · 5 years
"Sean... I didn't expect to see you again - though... It's nice to know you're still alive." Katie smiled softly.
            Upon first seeing her, Sean bloomed into a smile. Iron Girl. He’d called her that first because of the straps and chains that he’d first found her in, because he hadn’t known her name, but the moniker still suited her, though for a completely different reason. 
          Katie was tougher than any woman he’d ever met. It was true that he had first set out to rescue her from Cale, but in the end, it had been Katie who pulled through and saved them both. Without her, Sean is certain that they would both be dead, nothing more than two more victims of Cale Erendreich’s sadism. 
          “Katie.” Sean immediately to brought her into a hug that was as warm as his voice. “I’m doing my best, yeah. So far so good… Let me look at you–” He gave her a squeeze before pulling back at an arm’s length. “How’ve you been?”
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