I wanted to take the time to give a huge thank you to some wonderful friends I’ve met and I’m so grateful to have in my life 💙 Because let’s be honest when life isn’t so great it’s great to have people you can call your friends and to laugh and just have a great time with 💙💙💙💙
@doriopenheart You’re a constant light for me when it’s too dark for me to see. Our chats brighten up my day like nothing else. Love that we became friends and share so many things and have so much in common 🧡🧡🧡🧡
@aallotarenunelma Little Moon 🌙 They’ve become so important and such a great friend to me. They’re an amazing writer and I’m so so happy we became friends and got to write together and can’t wait for more writing sessions to come 💛
@ofmischiefandmedicine Linds I don’t know how to say or express how much you mean to me as a person and as a friend. I will always cherish our friendship and hope you have a wonderful, no a fantastic day 💚
@cariantha Cari 💙 Where to even start? There’s so much love and joy I have when we interact. Your presence is felt so much on tumblr here. I love that you joined our little fandom family 💙
@txemrn Em 💎 You‘re one of the first people I’ve made friends with here on tumblr and we’ve laughed so much. Talked a lot about TNA and have so much fun all the time. I cherish you and I’m so happy we became friends 💗
@inlocusmads Mads 💚 because you’re freaking amazing. You always come up with amazing ideas. Your stories are amazing. Your comments literally give me life and make my day a bit brighter 💚
I’m so so glad we met and can interact so much. I can’t wait to get to know you more and share more laughs and of course let’s not forget your beautiful personality and support you share with us. Also for creating Adelina? Hell yeah 😍
And not to forget these amazing, wondertastic friends I’ve met and can’t wait to interact with more 💙 Your beautiful presence makes my day brighter and so much shinier 🥰
@jerzwriter @mysticalgalaxysstuff
@quixoticdreamer16 @princess-geek
@songsaboutgirls @planet-alicorn
@annfg8 @maurine07
@mydemonsdrivealimo @mvalentine
@starrystarrytrouble @the-pale-goddess
@potionsprefect @the-mrsreigns
@lilyoffandoms @lorircreates
@karahalloway @secretaryunpaid
@josiesopenheart @ladylamrian
@socalwriterbee @angelasscribbles
@harleybeaumont @dr-colossal-pita
Also a huge shoutout to these amazing blogs
@choicesficwriterscreations @moodmusicmonday @choicesfandomappreciation @choicesmonthlychallenge @choicesflashfics
@doriopenheart @aallotarenunelma @ofmischiefandmedicine @cariantha @txemrn @inlocusmads @openheartforeverinmyheart @jerzwriter @mysticalgalaxysstuff @quixoticdreamer16 @princess-geek @songsaboutgirls @planet-alicorn @annfg8 @maurine07 @mydemonsdrivealimo @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @the-pale-goddess @trappedinfanfiction @potionsprefect @the-mrsreigns @lilyoffandoms @lorircreates @karahalloway @secretaryunpaid @josiesopenheart @ladylamrian @jamespotterthefirst @socalwriterbee @angelasscribbles @harleybeaumont @dr-colossal-pita @openheartfanfiction@choicesficwriterscreations @moodmusicmonday @choicesfandomappreciation @choicesmonthlychallenge @choicesflashfics
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