#my understanding of tiktok is taken entirely from reposted vids i see on tumblr
sk8 au where everything’s the exact same except reki and langa are mildly tiktok famous
was a really popular snowboarding account
mostly posted vids of him doing various tricks wth the occasional fail/goof compilation
he also made some tiktoks abt being mixed and asian in canada which blew up from time to time
didnt post anything for ages after oliver died
got back into tiktoking after moving to jpn, meeting reki, picking up skateboarding etc
mostly still posts trick vids but does the odd trend now thanks to reki and miya’s influence
has a whole mini series of tiktoks that are basically just him going ‘weebs say they wanna live in japan but they have no idea what it’s really like *a minuet and a half of ranting about [x] japanese thing*’
reacts to ‘where’d you get your board/how’d you learn to skate comments’ by gushing about reki
langa voice: please stop asking me to do more tiktoks in japanese i can barely think of what to say in english
he’s also on gaytok
to this date one his popular vids is him just walking around his house saying ‘you guys think being gay means wearing rainbows or drinking iced coffee. to ME, being gay means picking up a whole new extreme sports hobby because a cute boy suggested it to me’
he takes sneakshot videos of reki pulling off tricks and uploads them to hype him up
his account’s a lil bit of everything
i feel like reki does a lot of dance trends/challenges, esp standing on top of his board lmao
he does instructional videos like ‘how to land an ollie!’ or ‘best way to pick out a skateboard as a beginner’, those vids get pretty popular since he’s such a good teacher
he posts a loooooot of timelapse vids of him making skateboards, he sometimes lets his followers choose what he’s going to paint/what colour palatte to use
reki has an addiction to those ‘put a finger down’ audios
he also posts trick vids!! since he’s more of a streetboarder (as opposed to langa’s vert style) a lot of his tiktoks are shot in like,, parking lots or public parks or quiet streets
reki, filming as he’s skating away from the cops: hey guys!! today im gonna teach you the best way to stop on your board quickly and duck into an alleyway
after he meets langa reki posts so many tiktoks of him bailing and eating conrete lmaoo
reki voice: hey S community, is this your amazing rookie snow? /hard cut to langa falling down a halfpipe/
for every vid he uploads of langa bailing, theres at least 5 more of him landing a trick and reki going fucking wild behind the camera
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