#my tag system is totally busted so sorry if none of these are properly @'ed!
reiverreturns · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to know better
tagged by @alethiometry, ty girl!
3 ships: front of mind at the moment are eivor/vili (idiot vikings in love), hangman/rooster (idiot pilots in love), and cassian/jyn (idiot rebels in love). why yes i do enjoy the ‘fight fight fight kiss kiss kiss’ dynamic why do you ask.
1st ever ship: oh gOD i don’t even remember. maybe ten/rose from doctor who? no actually i was really into hp as a young teen so probably something in that fandom but am i heck trawling the recesses of my memory for that nonsense. 
last song: maps by yeah yeah yeahs
last movie: falling for christmas (the netflix lindsay lohan christmas movie.) it’s terrible and i absolutely loved it you should all go watch it.
currently reading: the isle of glass by judith tarr. on paper it should be a book i love but idk just not clicking with it.
currently watching: yellowstone, and rewatching gavin and stacey.
currently consuming: nothing at the moment! last thing i had was a cup of tea the size of my head.
currently craving: i would murder someone with my bare hands for a doner kebab and a can of diet coke. 
tagging @depressedmacaron @forsty @zforzelma @properthieves @thelunarbar @the-navistar-carol @jaegershund (but zero pressure!)
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