#my splatoon self-insert! since it's her turf war team that SNOBBISM is the song for. her own ''personal song'' is sand planet by hachi
🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
Oh!! Thank you for this, Ruby! It means a lot to me that you'd count me as one of your favourite followers - thank you so much!!
..This was an absolute nightmare to narrow down to five songs, if I'm being completely honest, because I am almost entirely incapable of picking favourites when it comes to anything, let alone something as varied as songs. So, the way I picked was by reading more into "songs you like to listen to" and then picked five songs I know I have looped over and over again for a long sustained period of time. This might skew the overall vibes, but hopefully it's fine - it's just asking for "songs I like to listen to", not "songs that represent my music taste". (Also most of them are not in English, as a heads-up, though lyric translations are usually present on VOCALOID Lyrics Wiki.)
Last Resort, by Ayase. I like a number of Ayase's songs actually - Happy Ender, Cynical Night Plan, Yokubari, etc. - but this is my absolute favourite out of all those (well, maybe tied with Happy Ender). I kind of have a mini-PV running in my head for what's going on in the song when I'm listening to it, and it's generally just a good song to have going on as background music.
Shinkai City Underground, by TanakaB. Its lyrics are nonsensical in every translation of them I know, but the song itself sounds super catchy, and I also link it to one of my self-inserts (Lamia, specifically), so it ticks a lot of boxes! I like a lot of covers of it, moreso than the original Rin version actually (though that's probably because this song is from 2011..), so let's also pick this Meiko V3 one, if you wanted to have a listen to that.
MONSTER, by KIRA. I was torn between picking this or B.B.F, as both are extremely great and iconic songs (as are a number of KIRA's songs, honestly), but the next song on the list kind of fills a similar sort of niche to my ear as B.B.F, so I went with MONSTER. Another one that functions as a self-insert song, actually - this time for my Kingdom Hearts self-insert, Aria. This is the only one that's actually in English, oops.
SNOBBISM, by Neru and z'5. It's just fun. I associate it a lot with Splatoon, without any real reason (I'd say ROKI sounds more like it fits or is from that game, to be honest) other than assigning it to a team of OCs that I made back in Year 10. Oh, and I used Bizu (the demon character featured in the PV) as my icon during the final Splatfest, since I was part of Team Chaos and I felt he represented that aptly.
ROKI, by mikitoP. Again, it's just fun. And I think it's a neat touch that, in the original version of the song, the producer who wrote it is actually singing alongside Rin! ..That said, I do also like the version used at Magical Mirai, which has Len sing those parts instead (just as a warning, the video here is a concert recording, so it might have some strobe effects).
There are many other songs I could have put here (this doesn't even cover some of what I would say are my most listened-to producers, like Ferry or Hachi), but hopefully these are alright? It's kind of late for me, so I hope that all of this makes sense ;w;
Thank you very much again for sending this to me!! I hope that you're having a great day, 'cause you deserve it ^-^
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