#my spelling is atrocious rn m sorry
oh fkk I missed the anniversary happy whatever year it is guys
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Sanders Sides Clique!AU
Max: hey everyone send prompts
Max: *makes this garbage instead*
- I wanted to make a punk!au bc I’m obsessed with @asofterfan’s and I’m Starved For Content™ but punk isn’t smth I know too much about but you know what is?
-Emo things
-I’m better at the sad part of pain than the angry part
-Virgil and Deceit are the emo boyos.
+ Virgil is a transboy because I’m projecting and after he decided to come out, he said “fuck it” and decided to change everything else he hated about himself, too
* He was always super inspired by Deceit from afar- Watching him flirt and laugh and socialize and straighten his back and walk with his chin up and he was high key aesthetically pleasing
+ Dece ((deh-see)) is the most Extra™ emo in the school. He’s got lip and eyebrow piercings, wears this really flowy black and gold trench coat and combat boots with spikes. His hair is jet black and he refuses to leave the house without a thick coat of eyeliner and what do you mean it’s contacts no my eyes are actually that dark what fuck off-
+ Virgil was inspired by the look, but went with a more tame version of it. He dyed his hair a vibrant purple and began religiously applying foundation and black eyeshadow under his eyes, but otherwise stuck with ripped jeans, Converse, and hoodies. He was so proud of his new look that the next day he forced up the confidence to walk straight over to Dece and show him.
+ They got close fast, and were best friends for the majority of two years before Logan convinced Virgil to cut him off for his lying habits.
+ Virgil and Dece were both destroyed, and Dece didn’t come back to school for two weeks, but Logan took care of Virgil until he was back into a better headspace
- Logan is not only really subtlety goth, but a prodigy in psychology and sociology.
+ He wears dark jeans and black or gray collared shirts, unbuttoned to the top of his chest, and his hair is naturally black and for the most part messy.
+ He can’t be bothered to fix it, there’s too much to do.
+ He has a lip piercing and messes with when he’s focusing and usually has a bunch of rings, or at least a couple necklaces on at once
+ Draws sharpie tattoos on himself when he’s bored
- He and Virgil met a year after Virgil met Dece because Virgil was having a panic attack in the middle of their English class and Logan was, 1) the only one who knew what to do, and 2) The only one other than the teacher who wasn’t laughing at him
+ Virgil kinda hung on to Logan like a lost puppy after that. He kept his guard up reeeeaaaall high in case of any sign Logan didn’t want him around anymore, but Logan actually quite liked his company and grew comfortable with him fast.
- Patton is the most bubbly, outgoing, sweetest scene kid there is.
+ His hair changes from a variety of pastel colours. His hair is naturally super light blond and the pastels fade quickly, so he’s able to come to school with a new colour pretty much every month and a half.
+ His favourite? Bubblegum pink.
- Doesn’t know what gender roles are.
+ ((He does but you’ll never know))
- *comes to school in a skirt and knee socks*
Administration: You have to go change you can’t be wearing girls’ clothes
Patton: What? These are my clothes!
- One day Logan notices Virgil staring at him because he’s wearing the cutest purple skirt ever and he needs it where did he get it and he’s wearing it with this black crop top that just shows a strip of skin and he’s just ??? Fashion icon??? Role model??? M u s t h a v e
+ So Logan’s just like “bitch to do smth” and Virgil’s ????? “I’d rather die”
+ So Logan just gets up and Virgil’s entire world ends as Logan goes over to him, but Logan doesn’t bring Patton to the lunch table- He talks to Patton for a few minutes, Patton looking absolutely delighted, and comes back saying, “He’ll sit with us on Friday, is that enough time to prepare?” and Virgil’s ???? shit i’m in love
- Remy and Roman are 1) theatre bros and 2) The most annoying people in the whole entire school.
+ Every morning for two weeks straight after they listened to BMC together Remy, at seven in the morning, at the top of his lungs, the second Roman walked into the classroom door, sang “ROMAN MAKES AN ENTRANCE”
+ the first time he did it, Roman screamed in terror and then laughing so hard he cried and had to go to the nurse’s with an upset stomach
+ Roman is an actor and refuses to believe he won’t go into every audition with a 100% chance of getting the lead role.
+ When this doesn’t happen, he’s bummed and Remy and him listen to Hamilton and then he’s pumped up again and ready to kick ass in whatever role he did end up getting
- Remy is mostly stage crew. He helps with the sets and the soundboard. Sometimes he plays an extra, but the only reason he really loves theatre so much is because of the atmosphere.
+ Theatre is both Really Gay and Really Loud which is pretty much Remy summed up
- Remy and Virgil met pretty early on, before Virgil was even friends with Dece, because Virgil stayed after almost every day to help work on the sets. He did most of the sketches and then helped choosing colour pallets, before dropping off some Wendy’s or smth and disappearing
+ Roman didn’t talk to Virgil until they met officially, since he was too focused on being #perfect, but Remy was constantly bitching about being tired and an insomniac and UGHGHGHGHGH VIRGIL DO YOU HAVE ANY CONCEALOR THESE BAGS ARE ATROCIOUS
V: Uhhhh I have some eyeshadow?
Re: ...
Re: Sorry honey I know it’s your look and everything and I support you but that is not a fashion trend I stan ROMAN DO YOU HAVE ANY CONSEALOR-
((How many different ways can Max spell counselor bet))
+ So one day Virgil brought him a Starbucks along with the usual food he brings for the people who stay late, and Remy’s like “I’m adopting you you’re my boyfriend now”
((You, with one (1) brain cell: What ship is this au????
Me, an intellectual: All of them))
- One day Logan picks Virgil up afterwards because they planned to stay the night, and came face-to-face with Remy
+ Logan was completely baffled because they seemed so close but Virgil never mentioned him before?
+ He played nice but when they were alone, he was actually quite upset when he asked Virgil why he never told Logan about him before, and Virgil just shrugged and muttered “didn’t think he’d stick around long enough for there to be a point”
+ So of course that Will Not Stand™ and Logan invited Remy to go out with he, Virgil, and Patton at some point and Remy dragged Roman along
+ Logan took Remy and Roman aside at one point while Patton distracted Virgil with an arcade game and said under no certain terms that if they even made Virgil kinda frown one (1) single time they would d i e
+ Remy’s not phased and Roman pretends not to be, but the two R boyos leave a few hours later and Roman turns to him and goes “I almost pissed myself”
Okay lol that’s what I got rn but tALK TO ME ABOUT THIS AU I suddenly love it with all my heart lmao
Also a big thx to Jude bc seriously they should be respected and looked up to and loved Ily thanks for existing
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