#my sincerest apologies Inde
valthetvhead · 6 months
Ok- I ran the numbers over this with my business partner
Sure >:]
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rjzimmerman · 5 years
I don’t know if you saw that blog post that was published in the New Republic before it was yanked. It went after Pete Buttigieg and speculated on his bed conduct with his husband and other sordid stuff. The blog author is gay. I didn’t think the blog was homophobic, but nasty and wrong. The posting caused the League of Conservation Voters, NRDC and Earthjustice to pull out of the New Republic-hosted climate summit that had just been announced.
Excerpt from this Washington Post story:
When a collection of advocacy groups and left-leaning publications announced a forum for Democratic presidential candidates to discuss climate change, they wanted the focus to be on what they see as a generational crisis.
But now a bizarre blog post is changing the discussion. And the shift is happening at a time when environmentalists are worried the Democratic Party is giving short shrift to what they see as a looming catastrophe.
It all started on Friday when the New Republic, a left-leaning political magazine, published an op-ed about 2020 Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Ind., that many readers derided as homophobic.
The op-ed, titled “My Mayor Pete Problem” and written by Dale Peck, repeatedly referred to “Mayor Pete” as “Mary Pete” and speculated about his sexual preferences.
The incendiary blog post from the reliably liberal magazine, seemingly a piece of satire gone awry, stunned many regular readers. The magazine quickly replaced the article with an editor's note calling the piece "inappropriate and invasive." And the magazine's editor in chief, Win McCormack, offered Buttigieg his "sincerest apologies."
But the damage was already underway. The Washington-based publication was one of two — along with the news website Gizmodo owned by G/O Media — set to host the climate event scheduled for September in New York. A number of environmental groups — including the League of Conservation Voters as well as the political arms of the Natural Resources Defense Council and Earthjustice — pulled their support for the event.
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