#my personal fav screenshot from iii 18
daily-cabby · 4 months
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spudenfinkle · 7 years
30 Gaming Questions
So this was going around Twitter a while back and you were supposed to answer each one as a single tweet, but with these questions I’m going to have to use WAY MORE than 140 characters to answer them because I’m me. So without further ado:
1 - Very first video game
I got an NES around age 5 and got a lot of games with it, but I’m pretty sure that the first one I played was the original Super Mario Bros. It was that half cartridge that also had Duck Hunt too. :)
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2 - Your favorite character
You know what? I’m gonna go with Mario on this one, purely for the iconic nature. Plus he’s held almost as many jobs as Barbie, and his games somehow find ways to stay fresh while staying in relatively the same genre all these years. Mario > Luigi 4 eva.
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3 - A game that is underrated.
The aptly titled game “Remember Me” is always my go-to for this kind of question. It came out around the same time as a couple bigger titles and didn’t have much marketing behind it, but I loved all the innovative ideas it put into a AAA title.
4 -Your guilty pleasure game
Nothing guilty about it! Uno on the Xbox One is my “I don’t feel like playing anything in particular right now, but I want to play something” game!
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5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were)
So this seems kind of like two different questions, so I’ll cover both. I could not think of any character that I feel like, so I asked my wife about it and got Allistair from the Dragon Age series. He’s a snarky romantic who’s empathetic and likes to deflect things with humor. Also apparently I’m “cute like he is too”. As for who I wish I were most like? I think I’ll go with my version of Lee from the first Walking Dead game from Telltale Games (where your choices determine the story). Lee was someone who assumed the good in people, but if proved wrong was not afraid to take action and stand up to defend those he cared about.
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6 - Most annoying character
Okay this one’s a tie for me between Natalya from Goldeneye and the big dumb Hat thing that hosts Mario Party 8.
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7 - Favorite game couple
I’m going to go with Varric Tethras from Dragon Age and his trusty steampunk crossbow Bianca. A match made in heaven.
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8- Best soundtrack
The game that got me to obsess over game soundtracks was also the first one released commercially through a major record label. Halo: Combat Evolved, and every Halo since has had consistently note-perfect soundtracks.
9 - Saddest game scene
So I could just put most of Mass Effect 3, but the moment that can get me to tear up even when explaining it to people happens towards the end of the Priority: Surkesh mission. No spoilers for people who are running through the trilogy fresh in anticipation for Andromeda, but… :*(
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10 - Best gameplay
I’m going to give this one to the Rock Band series. It’s always felt so satisfying to play their instruments, and the gameplay itself helps you live the fantasy of being a rock star.
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11 - Gaming system of choice
As was the case even before I got my current position, that would be the Xbox family. 💚
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12 - A game everyone should play
Mario Kart. Every age, and every skill level has a blast with that game.
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13 - A game you’ve played more than five times
There’s…a lot of those. Gonna have to go with the Mass Effect series here, and it will definitely not just be the second appearance on this list. I’m honestly surprised that there’s only been 2 mentions so far!
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14 - Current or most recent gaming wallpaper
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15 - Post a screenshot from the game you’re playing right now
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16 - Game with the best cutscenes
See, you’d think that I’d be writing Mass Effect here, but I’m actually giving this to the Uncharted games. From the first one to the most recent one, they’ve done the best job at incorporating cutscenes and gameplay as seamlessly as I’ve ever seen while retaining movie-calibur production quality.
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17 - Favorite antagonist
The Joker from the Arkham series. Mark Hamill. Playing off of Kevin Conroy’s Batman. Nuff Said.
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18 - Favorite protagonist
This is kind of a cop-out, but I’m picking Deadpool from the Deadpool game. They nailed his manic nature, 4th wall breaks and all.
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19 - Picture of a game setting you wish you lived in
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20 - Favorite genre
Action RPG’s are my fav, though I play pretty much every genre. It comes from when I worked at Best Buy and felt like I had to know as much of the product that I was selling as possible.
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21 - Game with the best story
Gonna sound like a broken record here, but the Mass Effect series is by and large my favorite franchise of the last generation. The story is a master class in great characters, witty banter/dialogue, and a wide range of emotions that all lead to greatness.
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22 - A game sequel which disappointed you
Especially with how much promise the setting held, I was let down by Assassin’s Creed III. “A half British half Native American fighting through some of the most important events of the Revolution but with an Assassin story overlaid” sounded like the coolest thing ever, but pacing and weird design decisions made it one that I couldn’t even finish.
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23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style
So…those are two very different questions. I’m constantly amazed at the graphical fidelity of David Cage games (Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls), so I’ll vote them for most photorealistic, but in terms of art style I’ve got to give it to Okami or Journey.
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24 - Favorite classic game
Either Battletoads for the NES or Mario Kart 64.
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25 - A game you plan on playing
26 - Best voice acting
So you’d thought that I’d go Mass Effect here too, wouldn’t you? And while yes, that whole series has some of the best VA in the business, I’m giving this one to the Uncharted series as well. While they get a little added benefit by getting performance capture to enhance their VO, the initial performances are consistently good. Literally every person in the game brings their A game.
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27 - Most epic scene ever
If you know me you know that I love Star Wars. Nothing has ever been more epic to me than playing The Force Unleashed and single handedly bringing down a Star Destroyer from orbit to crash into a planet.
28 - Favorite game developer
Bioware. They got their hooks in me early with the original Knights of the Old Republic, then between Mass Effect and Dragon Age they pretty much cemented their place as my favorite game dev. That and so many of their employees are extremely active on Twitter, and they genuinely love interacting with their fans. I’ve even had a few conversations with Bioware devs on there, and I eagerly await my exploration of Andromeda.
29- A game you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
So there was a free game for the 360 that was a blatant commercial tie-in called Dorito’s Crash Course. It was basically like the TV show Wipeout but a side-scrolling platformer focused on speed runs. It was strangely addictive, because the controls were solid and the game was, too! They made a second one that focused a little too much on microtransactions, but that first one was a very pleasant surprise.
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30 - Your favorite game of all time.
So…I play a lot of games. This question is super unfair. I can maybe whittle it down to 3 games, and each one for different reasons. The first one is Knights of the Old Republic. This is the game that got me head over heels into RPG’s, and is by far the best Star Wars video game I’ve ever played. It also introduced me to my favorite game dev, so for that I am grateful. Next is Spec Ops: The Line. This game left a marked impression on me. It starts like any other generic 3rd person military shooter, but as the game progresses you see that there is way more going on. It messes with your head, and deconstructs the entire “machismo shooter” genre that was saturating the market at the time. I almost put it on the “Underrated” question, but I feel like more people are aware of it nowadays. Lastly is Halo: Combat Evolved. It was the first really “mature” game that I played. The story, music and gameplay had me sold already, but the social aspect was what had staying power. So many LAN parties dedicated specifically to Halo. I printed out topographical maps of all the multiplayer maps and drew out my strategies. I got into the tie-in novels. It connected me with other gamers even more than the Mario games (which is saying something), and I wouldn’t trade those years for the world.
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