#my new defense mechanism is to act like I like it waaaaay too much its so fucking funny
olliecows · 8 months
I spend a lotta time on discord around more ‘dudebro’ kinds if folks, those are the majority of my close friends, and its given me a sense of confidence and way to cope with all the ways I’m harassed and bullied in my day-to-day life. Just clown on them. Like I did that already but theres something about sitting in a call with like 10 friends, seeing something that would otherwise fuck me up, and proceeding to act like its giving me an orgasm. Or if its really fucked up get a group together to raid the place and spam memes
Theres nothing like getting harassed by a transphobe and pretending to get off to it they get SO MAD and leave you alone. If a freaks after you act like a bigger freak, use humor, its like making yourself bigger to scare off a bear or something
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