#my mother&039;s place
jhiggwv · 3 years
Know Your Place!
Today has not been a good day. I try to keep my blog positive and uplifting…. But today I’m making an exception. I need to get something off of my chest. I saw the meme above and it really got me to thinking… Some people just don’t care… They don’t care if their actions are embarrassing or mentally abusive to yourself or your family. They don’t care about boundaries that humans who actually…
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king-galaxius · 4 years
O.K. Now, Nigga. What??!!
O.K. Now, Nigga. What??!!
O.K. Now Nigga What???!!
There is a new Kentucky Fried Chicken in Africa!
I have read that Africa was referred to in its entirety as a “shit hole country”.
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a-for-alternative · 6 years
My question. A died, B did the whole murder thing. What happened to c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, and k.
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The prodigies of Wammy’s house are mostlyobscured, with the works making mention of them scattered, often not designed to function with the main timeline.
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Yet, they have referred to one another in passing throughout.
– For example,  “L: Change the World” very specifically references the case in “Death Note Another Note”. And, “L prologue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap” nods at “L: Change the World”.
Actually, all but 4 (C,O,S, & U) of the 26 letters of the alphabet have appeared in some form.
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We know that all fall somewhere within the span of 4 generations, the first generation consisting of at least 5 individuals - A & B and the final children of the first generation, X - Z. J appears to have been the only officially succeeded by another child. And, K is the only letter that clearly demonstrating when letters can be passed on. But, it is not clear whether the letters spanning the entire alphabet must be assigned before a generation is completed. What is clear is that a generation consists of at most all 26 letters.
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Letter’s that are (assumed or) confirmed to be deceased are A, B, F, R, T, V, X, Y, and Z. (J and K are alive, though J could be assumed dead). With all these deceased child-agents to L, it leaves one to wonder why the program continues generation after generation. But as we go over the sources involving the letters the answer becomes evident that the existence of Wammy’s children, necessitizes the existence of Wammy’s children…
Reiterating – the stories were not created to function perfectly together, but we can put together a timeline in which some version of these successors could exist together.
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F may link the Kira case timeline with L : Prologue to DN (Spiraling Trap), L: Change the World, and DNAN, which we’ll explore.
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In the manga, Aizawa and Matsuda describe that among the children, few were selected to be L’s successors and no one knew their true names – It can be assumed that children arriving to Wammy’s House come without a true identity, then are selected to be successors. Most Wammy alumni fit into one of three categories: detectives, scientists, or artists, though some have branched beyond these.
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Another description of these children is made in the novelization of “L: Change the World” [013]: 
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We will start with what we know of A - Z then draw a timeline.
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We begin with the first of the first generation - though, A commits suicide and B commits murder, there is more here to examine…
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A is only mentioned once in Death Note another Note,
“…The first child, A, was unable to handle the pressure of living up to L and took their own life…” [105]
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It is assumed that A’s alias is “Alternative” due to its use with backup in the English edition:
“  … L’s successors, as L’s alternatives… a copy… a backup.“  [104]
However, the Japanese original does not have an A-rendering word – instead using a word that is actually 代替品 (dai-tai-hin) but the meaning is still equivalent. 
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The first child, A’s gender, background, age, cause of death, nor burial is ever expanded upon. However, A is the first attempt at creating a backup for L - presumably orphaned, stripped of all identity and purpose beyond becoming someone else - This gives the character a special place in history of Wammy’s House.
It is unclear how or where A died, but this character may also be the first and only child to have died on the institution’s grounds …
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B is not the only Wammy’s alumni to have ended up in prison (one of at least 3) nor the only one to have attempted to attack L in some way.
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B as a successor is made mention of several times,
” He had these eyes… which is why a child as strange as he was taken in by our home sweet home - Wammy’s House.“[094-095]
”…the second child in Wammy’s House…“ [095]
”…the second child, Beyond Birthday, was brilliant and deviant…“[105]
” B stood for backup. “ [105]
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He was the second child, the backup. Wammy’s does not know his real name, making the search for him in May (year unknown) difficult.
“…B’s disappearance in May…” [117]
“… Wammy’s House only knew him as B - they did not know his real name…” [117]
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It may seem flawed that Kira could have gotten Beyond Birthday’s name unless he had given it upon his arrest, but this is a misunderstanding, the novel states Naomi herself could have known his name.
“… and if she had dug deeper would be able to find out that his real name was Beyond Birthday… He wanted them to find out he was Beyond Birthday…” [162]
It is never mentioned why B runs away though there is mention that he does so knowing L will be contacted by the house. [159] This may suggest that others have left before, but it is unclear.
His background is mentioned briefly but no nationality is suggested.
“… Knew the day when his father would be attacked by a thug and die, knew the day when his mother would die in a train crash…”[094]
It is notable that he speaks Japanese like a native, claims to have had every book of Akazukin Chacha as it was serialized (in the 1990s) – the books in Believe Bridesmaid’s home.. may not belong to the victim, B may have brought them with him.
”… He speaks Japanese like a native …“ [098]
”… I read every issue as it was serialized…“ [058]
”… there was no telling if Akazukin Chacha actually belonged to Believe Bridesmaid…“ [062]
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Several mentions are made throughout DN:AN that could describe B’s appearance but none are certain to not be part of his Rue persona,
Young man [038-039]
Obviously not a child [044-045]
Wearing Jeans [078]
Applying makeup [106][162]
Scrawny and hunched over [143]
The same can be said for his mannerisms,
Jam eating [048-050]
Crawling on floor [051][057][072][074-076][110]
Wiping hands (knows floor is dirty) [078]
Biting thumb nail [052]
Using percentages [054][086][116][136-137]
Mathematical ability [054][112]
Reads Speedily [062]
Photographic Memory [063]
Cracking neck [074][106]
Laughter [095][106]
“L sitting” [079][085-086]
Drinking ‘sweet dirt’ [080]
Drinking unsweetened coffee [122]
However B’s end, like A’s, was to be suicide had he succeeded…
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More on the original text for 1st Generation: [X]
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One of the most generous collectives of letters is L’s contact list for Wammy’s shown in “L: Change the World”. 
L brings up the contact list to inform the others that Watari has passed away. (Below)
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In the film “ L: Change the World”, L’s a contact list for Wammy’s House consists of 12 members of which four are in grey, the box unable to be checked. These four are B, R, V, and T. There is no particular order to the list, not alphabetical nor in order of induction which would place L at the top or bottom. The four in grey may be disabled due to death of the person holding that letter, based on the assumption that B is the same of “Death Note Another Note” (the film coming out in 2008, while Another Note novel came out in 2006) and that K is not at her computer (idle or unavailable).
Not everyone on the contact list receives this message –  including B, R, V, and T which appear to be grayed out.  (L only clicks 8 )
However, two characters, F and H , also appear in the film but are not in the list. F dies – However, F has been more in contact with Watari directly than with L. H too communicates directly with Watari about F’s demise – H may mean  “Headquaters” or their message may originate from there. 
 Letters from other materials, notably J, do not appear in the contact list.
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C has yet to be assigned.
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D  does appear in Wammy’s group email.
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E  also appears in Wammy’s group email. 
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F  is held by a character in two different materials and could be said to be the most reckless of the Wammy’s letters… 
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In “L: Change the World”, F (F1225) appears in the movie and credits but does not appear in the novelization - ‘F’ is the character’s name in the credits. 
Note on Novel: F’s absence in the novel is only one of several differences.  
There are entire scenes in the book that do not appear in the film. The most notable of these are those with FBI agent Sugita and Fairman (Naomi’s replacement), Hatsune—a terrorist and killer since the age of 15, as well as Near being an active member of Wammys already and not a boy rescued from Thailand by F. 
Other characters play more active roles including Watari (as a sniper), L (posing in a bear suit and later going on the run from K, the FBI, and Blue Ship), Maki Nikaido (defending an elderly woman and taking a very active role in infecting K).
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In the film, F appears in Thailand after a sudden, mysterious, and deadly outbreak. F seems to have taken no precaution to protect himself, secretly observing the investigation being conducted by seemingly foreign scientists. 
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There is no direct explanation for F’s presence in the area of pathogen release but F was working undercover for Watari near the area at the time, similar to the situation within the game.
F’s risk-taking behavior aligns with the character in the game L: prologue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap [螺旋の罠 コミュニケーター]. In the game, Watari states that F specializes in the investigation of dangerous places – investigates the interior of all hotels in Ciela which could be rigged with bombs in that instance.
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The movie may be the source of F’s mention for the game.
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Following this information (after F’s death in the film), H communicates to Watari that the ’biomonitors’ had not been responding (either at the time or after this event). It is unclear what was being measured by the biomonitors, whether they are measuring something within the environment or F’s signs of life, but in trying to escape the area with Near in tow, F succumbs to the deadly pathogen he was exposed to. There is no indication that there is any attempt to retrieve his remains after the explosion that destroys his vehicle.
F may not be of the first generation but appears old enough to have been part of the first generation. Which means that F is a casualty of his peer, K’s, deadly plans…
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G  also appears in Wammy’s group email.
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H  is mentioned in “L: Change the World”, they may only symbolize Wammy’s [H] eadquarters or perhaps be a individual within Wammy’s itself. 
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Roger may be the person behind this letter as H works as the liaison between Watari and the rest of the letters. The message communicating F’s demise says they must select someone else for F’s investigation. It is notably unsentimental and to the point, much like a telegraph though the shortness is unnecessary…
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If H is Roger, this may explain Roger’s presence in Wammy’s House despite “How To Read: 13” mentioning that among things he dislikes are children. 
It is also worth a short note that Roger, upon Watari’s death and the disappearances of Near and Mello, makes no attempt to hide the purpose of Wammy’s House from Aizawa and Matsuda. But, despite hating children, Roger was already present in Wammy’s House before L became a famous detective -  in “File. 15″ - Chapter 0, Wammy’s House/Day One:
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Though he has evidently not washed his hands of L or his successors – in what has been called chapter 109, the one-shot special (Weekly Shonen Jump, volume 11 ) featuring Near shows that 3 years after Light’s death, Roger is serving as Near’s Watari …
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It is not entirely clear whether or not Roger continues the successor program beyond this point. Though, “L: Light Up The New World” does have the IVF Ryuzaki as a new successor, he is not a child. 
Additionally, Near states in the main manga (Volume 9) that in order to ensure that Mello will not be killed by the death note, that those at Wammy’s that have known Mello have been dealt with [対処]. It is unclear what all having been dealt with would entail, beyond that they can be expected to stay silent on Mello’s appearance.
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This along with Vol. 9, page 166 - Near states that if he and Mello die (if he is wrong about the 13 days rule), Kira would have won - Suggesting there are no further challengers lined up at this point.
It remains unclear whether Roger is H or continues the successorship program after he is clearly not at his post anymore 3 years post-Kira case - But, he does become Near’s Watari (which is Wammy’s code name meaning handler).
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I  is also in Wammy’s group email. 
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Ide did use an I as an alias during the Kira case (arc 2). However, this is the same font used by Light when he is behind the alias L and Near’s N in the manga, it is not Cloister Black nor Old English MT, it is a different variant of Old English Font.
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J   is unique in that J is a letter that has been assigned to two individuals…  
J of “L: The Prologue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap” [螺旋の罠 コミュニケーター] 
J of “Death Note: New Generation”
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In the prologue to Death Note, a kidnapped FBI agent wakes up in what appears to be a hotel room (this is following an investigation under L into a weapons trafficking organization CLN in which they were attacked). 
It is not a hotel but a boat (Granada) that is full of explosives in some area around Central America, Criela [クリエラ] Republic - it is thought to be headed to the Atlantic Ocean, where it is intended to sink, but the autopilot has been tapered with and it is instead headed to the Altea [アルテア] port which is the controlling area of the Criela government… 
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This would look like an anti-government attack if it were to explode at port, and L would look as though he had some involvement with his agent aboard.  
L makes contact with his agent at the time not knowing their location when, J intercepts the communication, he claims this is part of his revenge… on L. 
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J claims to be a part of “クリエラの月”, a terrorist group that intends initiate the civil war in this country. However, this is not true and he has very little knowledge of the explosive’s mechanisms, though he is part of the main control program for the explosive’s detonation. 
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J is a war orphan, described as a man in his late 20s, having a gentle manner. He graduated from college as a programmer and joined Reboot Inc. (group that owns this boat) under his code name Jeffery Miller.  
Summary Profile [X] 
J lost his family due to CLN’s arranging bombs to be set off during a civil war in what was Yugoslavia. 
After the loss, he was entered into the protection of war orphan support groups ( including the Alois Bateson’s Foundation). He was loyal to Alois for his kindness but was deceived – Alois is actually an executive of CLN (COMBAT LOGISTICS NETWORK), multinational military industry in the Middle East.
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While the company J works for, Reboot Inc., owns the ship, CLN is a shipping company with a dock large enough to hide this ship and loads it with explosives. The ship is evidence of for L’s investigation and CLN figures as long as the ship detonates, they will have won either way – they will either prove they have a bomb even L cannot defuse and become the go-to weapons supplier or they will have initiated the war they want. J’s role in this is to pretend to be the mastermind to keep L occupied, monitor L’s movements, and manage the Housekeeper (a codename for one of the badguys and the person whom actually placed the bombs on the ship). 
 J, after learning he has been deceived, has a change of heart - L appeals to his feelings on war and he cooperates with the FBI agent to stop the ship. He is later arrested for his involvement and his true identity is revealed on TV – クリロ・ミラニッチ,  Cliro Milanic…
J says to L that he does not regret what he has done because he had the opportunity to talk to L.
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The second individual holding the letter [ J ]  is J of “Death Note: New Generation” Episode 2. In it, Ryuzaki [L’s official successor] is the IVF child/clone of L that appears in  
Ryuzaki appears close to Near and the second “J” – both Near and J do not show their faces through communication with Ryuzaki but do use what appears to be their natural, non-synthetic, voices. 
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J meets Ryuzaki in person (In Tokyo, Japan), showing up at J’s location semi-unexpectedly. Though he appears to have arrived to retrieve tools for his investigation, J invites him to sit down and enjoy the spread that she has presumably prepared and laid out in anticipation for his arrival, Ryuzaki comments that they are not children anymore – it may be a birthday, celebration for a case solved, or another significant day for them (this takes place before the locked room murders are confirmed to be the work of Kira). 
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J has recovered the mask that L has used to protect his identity during his investigations and presents it to Ryuzaki as a gift. 
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J ultimately wants to persuade him to become involved in the new investigation, Ryuzaki and Near have already made an agreement that whomever solved the locked room murder first would be in charge of the case thereafter - Ryuzaki appears to have been resisting becoming involved.
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J wants to further assist with the investigation, serving as the new L’s Watari figure.  However, Ryuzaki declines the assistance of J, stating Watari’s death was L’s greatest regret…
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K  is another of the few letters that makes an appearance in both the film and the novelization of L: Change the World.
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[ K ]  is the first of their letter, another of the few that make an appearance. In her childhood, K an agent of L, serving to mobilize the world’s agencies of law enforcement. She continued her service until  a rescue mission to recover a child from the clutches of a terrorist organization destorys her faith in herself and the world. 
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The rescued child was that of the terrorist mastermind and upon being received by the rescue camp, they detonated an explosive attached to their body - it was a suicide bombing, a parent sacrificing their own child to kill others. 
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After witnessing what K describes as many casualties, she abandons her post at Wammy’s at 16 years old, saying she is ashamed of her failure.  [176]
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K leaves but not to go into hiding, she is out for revenge…  
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When she is around 30 (26 years after the deaths of her parents) she has situated herself in the organization Blue Ship—an environmental terrorist group intending to reduce the human population through utilization of a deadly virus, for which there is only one cure. 
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The organization is ruthlessness, knowing no loyalty or limitation as they regularly dispose of their own team members (119)… 
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One member (Dr. Kagami, writer of “Alert Status Red: The Human Species” ) is stabbed to death and feed to eels in front of his team members. 
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K is critical piece to their plan as she assimilates herself into the research laboratory of Dr. Nikaido (immunologist ), a personal friend of Watari, single parent, family friend of the Amane family, and former professor of Wammy’s house. 
After working with Nikaido for several years, even tutoring his child, she betrays him. Even the chimpanzees that K works with appear to sense that she is dangerous – But, Dr. Nikaido’s death was accidental, upon being confronted by the masked members of Blue Ship asking him to surrender the virus, he provokes one into shooting him with the intention that if they cannot obtain the cure then they will not use the virus (for fear of being infected with no means of saving themselves)…
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 — Dr. Nikaido  deletes the data on the cure through a hacking security systems created by Q, given to him through Wammy. But, K knows her way around it from the inside and ultimately, it is unable to stop the terrorist infiltrators. The body of Dr. Nikaido and the living animals inside are incinerated in the fire induced by Blue Ship…
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When it comes to Wammy’s alumni, it does not get much more diabolical than K. Backup (B) may take the cake for being infamously grisly but K, Dr. Kimiko Kujo, after absconding from her role with Wammy’s house, successfully obtains a deadly virus to unleash upon humanity – ultimately betraying Wammy’s, her coworkers, L, her terrorist team, and even herself – with the intent to indiscriminately wipe out the species entirely in a bid for revenge. 
She is perhaps the most apocalyptic of the first generation letters. The events that put K on this path are as brutal as the events that follow obtaining the virus :
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— Her parents were the victims of an explosive fire in a lab on the East Serras Island, their place of work as researchers (though not involved in the research into infectious weapons). The destruction of the laboratory was the decision of the US government after the discovery that some of the researchers, belonging to a terrorist organization, were on the brink of constructing a deadly biological weapon they intended to use in response to the presidential election. A key individual in the attack is Matoba, a leader in Blue Ship– he carries a facial scar from the explosion and becomes another K infects.
Aside from her terrorist team, Dr. Nikaido, L, and Wammy’s— F is another causality of her plot, investigating the sudden outbreak that is the result of Blue Ship testing out the virus to demonstrate it’s deadly applications to potential buyers (for 4billion). With F appearing to be around the same age as K, this may in fact mean she is the catalyst of the demise of one of her own peers. 
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There appears to be no clear limit with how far K will take her plan…  
She even impersonates L, abusing her hacking prowess to get into the Kira investigation system, to contact the US president (David Hope), making a request of 10 billion USD or L would end the president’s life after compelling them to launch nuclear missiles at London, Moscow, and Beijing.  She nearly succeeds as VP Godwin actually suggests using a small nuclear weapon to kill L. In spite, of Secretary of State, Beal, asserting that it would initiate a war with Japan. 
This is in attempt to provoke the US government into hunting down and eliminating L. At the time, this is a tangible threat, not only is L in possession of 2 death notes but the US has sent an FBI agent—  Hideaki Suruga (Hideaki Sugita), FBI agent taking up Naomi’s duties, close friend of both Raye and Naomi, even would have hosted the wedding reception — to retrieve the death notes. 
Agent Suruga, was initially working with Agent Robert Fairman –turning out to be an FBI infiltrator attempting to stage a vehicular explosion that would kill Surgua and seem as though the files too were destroyed. 
These files contained the details of the 1980’s Attache Case—the explosion that took the lives of K’s parents.  
Though K presents herself initially to Suruga as part of the Tokyo Police Department, Public Security Bureau, 3rd Foreign Affiars division – Counterterrorism division, K reminds the FBI agent of Naomi herself. Suruga remarks internally upon discovering K attempting to hack into L’s security – “Damn, women are scary.”
She is perhaps from the first generation, appearing to be the appropriate age, around the same as F, and is referred to as the first of her letter. This may in fact mean she is the catalyst of the demise of one of her own peers (F).. 
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This event seems to have taken place after B’s death or imprisonment, going on the suggestion that B is dead from L’s contact list, and perhaps after the disappearances or deaths of X, Y, and Z as well.. 
It can also be inferred that this takes place after J’s arrest given that F is still alive and active during J’s crime.
Additionally, Sugita’s partner Fairman, is Naomi’s replacement as of 1 day after her quitting, and Naomi doesn’t quit the FBI until 2003. [009] 
K brings some light to how one’s letter is passed on to another; K is arrested and given a life sentence though L informs her that Watari has said, should she ever be able to return, she would be forgiven and could resume her role as K. 
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What’s a little mass-homocide when you’re a 1st gen successor?    Actually, .. L suggests that her lack of faith in humanity comes from her being a student of Wammy’s. – To which K agrees…
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O   has yet to be assigned. 
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P       also appears in Wammy’s group email.
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Q  appears in Wammy’s group email and is the person whom build the program for K’s laboratory security. 
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[R]     is in the group email but grayed out, suggesting they are deceased.
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[S]   has yet to be assigned. 
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[T]  is in the group email but grayed out, suggesting they are deceased.
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[U]  has yet to be assigned.  
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[V]  is in the group email but grayed out, suggesting they are deceased.
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[X], [Y], and [Z] are the last of the first generation, mentioned as being involved in the detective wars that earned L the code names of Eraldo Coil and Danuve.
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“… The story of the detective war… solving that infamous bioterror case, with guest appearances by the first X through the first Z from Wammy’s house…” –  [170]  
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In the original Japanese edition, they are specifically referred to as 初代 X - Z which means the first generation or the original ones, the first generation. 
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This may be interpenetrated as suggesting there were others later on that held these letters but X,Y, and Z do not appear in L’s Wammy contact list in “L: Change the World”. 
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In less than 17 years – between the time of L’s discovery and death –several successors veered off the intended path. In fact, being a successor between just the 1st and 3rd generations, your chances of committing suicide are at least 257x higher than that of the general population of the UK, your chances of imprisonment are 277x higher, your chances of committing murder are 770x higher … 
And, that is a conservative estimate – given we only know the fates of a few.
The children are brought out of the obscurity and given an opportunity for a greater purpose for which the world cannot discount. In their world, L himself is essential in preventing the third world war. Even ignoring the death note, their world is a increasingly dangerous, full of violence, war, and weaponry that could devastate the planet – In some ways much like our own. These are intelligent and exceptional enough to lead their world into the future, their education hones and harness their innate abilities to serve the greater good. But, it is at the price of their ignorance and often their faith in humanity, exhausting their compassion and, in some instances, with a nihilistic perspective.
Childhood’s veil of security is often lost when one loses their parents, the world never feels quite as safe when you live through something that destabilizes your entire life. Compounded with the realities that others are not exposed to, the worst of humanity, the parts that make you wonder how a person can live with themselves, the call to action is urgent and dire.
For some, failing their responsibilities to the world is too great a shame to bare. Yet, others are so full of their own malice, life is a small price to pay to prove a point…
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Then there are those that will live to leave, only to bring war to your nations…
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But worst of all these children are those cunning and determined and devastated enough that they will bring the apocalypse …
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Can you image what 2, or 3, or more could do?
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This is why the existence of Wammy’s children necessitizes the existence of Wammy’s children …
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Reiterating, – these works were not created to function perfectly together on a timeline. For example, “Death Note Another Note” and “L: The Prologue to Death Note: Spiraling Trap” both erroneously presented Naomi Misora as already engaged to Ray though Ray does not propose to Naomi until 2003.
In order to create a functional timeline, we must assume at least 3 things:
The F of Spiraling Trap (J’s case) is the same involved in “L: Change the World” (K’s case)
The contact list in “L: Change the World” has greyed out contacts that were alive at the creation of the contact list but are deceased based on L clicking 6 times (D, E, G, I, P, and K).
We can dismiss the mention in Spiraling Trap and DNAN [124] that Naomi is engaged and has an engagement ring.
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Now we can begin constructing a rough timeline, starting with the first generation:
A must have died before the creation of the contact list.
X, Y, and Z also seem to have died before the creation of the contact list.
B was on contact list before death and before DNAN, placing the creation of the contact list before the events of DNAN.
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Next is Spiraling Trap, Prologue to DN, J’s Case:
J is not on the contact list which places the events that led to J’s arrest to be before the creation of the contact list (and DNAN).
F’s involvement places it before K’s case
Additionally, Naomi’s involvement places J’s case before her retirement in 2003 and her leave of absence in 2002.
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Finally for K’s case:
The deaths (or disappearances) or R, T, and V must have occurred after the creation of the emailing list because it would not make sense for dead successors to be included, unless they were added while still alive.
Additionally, their deaths must have happened before K’s case because they are dead before L begins to investigate.
H is possibly Roger and at the time of K’s case, H is alive. 
D, E, G, I, and P appear to be alive at the time of K’s case.
Q is also alive based on their letter’s inclusion in the contact list and their involvement in the security system of the lab in which K begins work.
F dies during K’s case but is active during J’s which gives more evidence to J’s case taking place before K’s.
Though it is a side note, L: Change the world mentions B’s case (089) which clearly places the events in the same universe and taking place after the events of DNAN. 
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Additionally, the book gives an idea of what month these events are taking place in when mentioning a time for the next victim of the death note (125):
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If L established a means of contact before the LABB case, it makes sense why J reacts the way he does at the end of his story:
At the end of J’s case, J appears to be so honored that L has communicated with him that J concludes that the crime has still been worth it in the end.
It also may make sense why K seems so surprised that L knows that she is from Wammy’s house, not at all concerned about being recognized when meeting face to face.
In conclusion, K happens sometime around the Kira era but before the conclusion of it, B’s case occurs before that and J’s before that.
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bukiolusanya · 7 years
The hope of the single mother
The hope of the single mother
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Child bearing is one of the most beautiful moments a woman will ever experience. Regardless of the pains of child labor, once you see that angelic innocent face, it won’t matter anymore and your life just changes in that instant forever.
Change is relative in different situations. For the married woman, it’s a life completing testimony. For the unmarried woman, child bearing sets you on another…
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divinityblink-blog · 7 years
「Containment Breach」
Word Count: 5126 A/N: This is my first drabble in a loooong time. So, I hope I do pretty okay for it. I just wanted to hammer in some of Aster’s backstory and motivations for this blog and him as a muse, this isn’t necessarily a required read! PLEASE, reference [here] for several of the characters’ essentials and information. But, if you do decide to read it, enjoy yourself! 
     “Aster--! You’re silly!” 
     The female’s voice rang out, a man’s laughing behind her. Three sat at the lunch table, garbed in white scrubs and sneakers. They nearly blended into the scenery around them, the facility a striking and strange white. The only color there were the armed guards, dawned in black combat gear for any occasion. However, based on the trio enjoying their lunch, one wouldn’t even pass the thought of an uprising. 
     A younger man was sat across from a woman and older man duo, both his seniors. His short sleeves allowed for the exposure of a bold ink, marked ‘S#032.’ His teal gaze was still blank, looking at the bland food before him. He couldn’t understand why the other two were laughing at him. The woman held her gloved hand out, being the only one with a full body uniform. She grabbed the plastic utensil and stabbed the prongs into the cooked green beans, holding them out before his mouth. His eyes looked up at the woman, her soft, beige complexion settling upon his blank stare. Teal hues refused to leave the woman’s face as she then mimicked a mother to a child, “Aster, say ‘ahh!’”       His mouth opened but no sound came from his lips. The food was placed in and he began to chew, the man across from him giving a small chuckle, “Gosh, Jae. If he wasn’t so brain dead, it’d be like you were a cute couple sharing a meal-- Except it took all the mush!”      “Dex, sometimes your mouth is just too big for that tiny head of yours!” 
     The two continued to bicker as Aster chewed, swallowing the mouthful of food once it was thoroughly ground up. He blinked his eyes, the two others turning their gaze back to him. The man lifted his head with a half cocked smile on his face, “Hey, Aster, what’s my name?”      “D... Dexter,” The young man replied, his gaze slowly turning to the older, bulkier man. Dexter then pointed to the woman that had her hand pressed against his face, his own fist pressed down against the top of her head, “... And her?”      “Jae-eun,” Aster replied, slow and zombie like. His gaze slowly shifted to meet her, and she simply smiled at him. The response ignited one within himself as well, the barely alive man’s lips curled at their corners to create an expression of delight. Jae-eun and Dexter smiled alike, dropping their hands from each other. Dexter then folded his arms, “Looks like our boy is becoming more and more human, huh?”      “He’s always been human, Dex. Don’t tease him like that.”      “Tease him? I’m just saying, wait until he can hold conversation! It’ll be nice to be able to talk to somebody besides you--!”      “Hey, nobody’s asking you to talk to me!”
     Their laughter echoed from the table, enriching their imprisoned lives. For what it was, it held peace. Years passed as they grew closer, the three experiments forming an unbreakable bond. 
     “Dex, from the right!”      “Don’t leave our left flank open, Aster!”      The two men were training together, running a lane for a combat simulation. A target popped up from the left, where Dexter had called it. Aster’s body encased itself in a blue glow as he thinned down to a blue beam of movement, only to reappear into the air as he had made destination. He extended his left arm, to reveal a black, metallic pistol. The trigger was pulled and the shot rang out, the lead round tearing through the air with the intention of pain and destruction. It tore through the target, the figure collapsing onto its back with a successful buzzer beep. His body encased itself once more, suddenly appearing next to Dex. The taller man was looking up at the large time posted from a neon clock, Aster’s eyes following him.
     “17 seconds?! We were slower!?”      “I told you, Aster! You’re slower than I am, you need to focus on what we know is there. I can handle the rest,” He constructed, turning his gaze to meet Aster. The man gazed up with a nod, the both of them then bumping their forearms together, “There’s always next time.”      The two were then released from the lane, the door leading to a long hall that branched off in many directions. Jae-eun was waiting for them, a large smile on her face as they came walking together. Her hands clapped together, “About time they let you out! I was about to go eat without you!”      “You probably would have eaten our meals, too,” Dex said, Aster following up with a laugh himself.      “I’m feeding for two!” She retorted.      “T-Two!?” The duo exclaim, looking at one another as if they had the suspicion that the other was at fault for this.      “Myself and I!” She answered, with a look of accomplishment to wring out such a response from them. Aster’s cheeks flushed red and he turned his gaze away while Dex threw his head back with a groan, “Come on, then, Sea Sponge. Let’s go catch dinner.”
     The three were walking together, making conversation about the day’s happenings. Aster’s gaze turned from Dexter and Jae-eun, meeting a woman’s figure at the end of the hall. She stood, arms tucked in and downwards, a bold ‘S#037′ placed on her left bicep. The teal hues raised from her arm to her lean face, examining her genetic perfections. His lips curled with a hint of a smile, giving a small wave, “Hey, Aella.”      The woman was kind enough to return the smile and nod at him, “Enjoying yourself, Aster?”      “Of course, Aella. Dex is always a blast to be around!”      “Isn’t he?” She replied, her gaze shifting to the taller man. The two held a silence before he stepped out from in between Aster and Jae-eun, giving them a quick glance back, “I’ll catch up, you two. Don’t wait up-- Just keep the food hot.” He gave them a smile, ushering them along. 
     Aster paid no mind to it, turning to his companion to continue casual conversation-- Only to catch her glancing back at the two. He then turned back to see the two exchanging words, Dexter glancing up at them only to turn his figure away from them. As if he were blinding himself of their presence, to shun them away from this side of who Dexter was. Every time he spoke with Aella, he closed himself to the lot of them.  To Jae-eun. To Aster.
     His brows burrowed upwards with a line of concern, Jae-eun’s hand placing itself onto the younger man’s shoulder and turning his gaze away from that image of self torment and questioning. His breath was unsteady without even his own realization, the rolls of mucus being the only indicator to Aster. two. 
     The two had stepped out into the cafeteria, only to see a bulky and tall man, a gaze hard on the duo. The man’s number was bold across his larger bicep, a printed ‘S#039.’ Aster’s brows furrowed at just the sight of the other, “It’s Owain.”      “I know,” Jae-eun replied in more of a whisper, to attempt to dissuade any sort of suspicion that Owain might have held. However, despite her attempt, the man’s figure moved towards them. His lips were in a natural frown, his brows generally pushed forward to that of annoyance or anger. He stepped in front of Aster, Jae-eun attempting to put herself in between the them. Owain didn’t push to her advances, his silver eyes glaring down the shorter Aster, “’32, don’t you listen to that boy’s lies now.”      “Wh-What are you talking abo--!?”      “They need you, ‘32. And, when the time comes, walk between their given paths.”      “What’s your deal, Owain!?” Yet, before an answer could be given, a loud buzzer sounded across the facility. Everyone present knew the meaning, a long buzz to signify that it was time for them to sleep the night away. It drew Aster and Jae-eun’s attention away from the man, his movements shifting as he stepped passed and began his way to his own containment cell. Aster turned about, spotting the man’s back as the words seemed to rattle his brain.
     “... Who are they?” 
     Aster had given his final bits of the night to Jae-eun before he made his way to his own cell. His shoes tapped against the tiles of the hall’s flooring as he walked alone. A hand raised to the back of his neck, brushing the loose locks and fuzz that it managed to capture upon its clasp. There were armed men by the door, ushering for his entry as he approached. Like clockwork, he went through a body search before entering the cell and making his way over to his bunk. He practically collapsed in the cushion of the bed, his eyes staring at the starch white wall, “... Why is everyone acting so weird?”
     Teal hues shut from exhaustion.
     His eyes suddenly opened, a heat of sleep deprivation stinging at the exposed bits of the organ. He turned in the darkness of his cell, hearing commotion from beyond the door. 
     Then, silence.
     There was more movement, and the thick steel suddenly shifted. Light peeked through, Aster’s grip on the blanket pulling towards himself. His brow arched forward, the image of the heretic blackened from the light that beamed passed. Aster’s arm raised above his brow, eyes squinting with the sudden visual intake. The figure stood before it turned itself away, stepping out from the doorway. Aster could hear the foot steps fade, until there was silence. It was like his stomach was anchored to the floor. 
     He tossed his blanket to the side, slipping from the edge of the mattress. He stumbled with his first few steps, knees weak. His stomach seemed to twist with each step closer to the door, his eyes focused with the light now. He could see the fresh crimson water splatter across the white tiles of the hall. His fingers latched onto the metallic frame as his head perched out. His gaze shifted up and down the hall before he took a step out, his chest shaky as he took a deep breath. His hands curled into tight fists, brows furrowed with a held determination.
     He ran down the hall, teal hues spotting a group of rushing guards. He attempted to stop and duck for concealment, only to slide on his padded shoes. He quickly backtracked against the wall, his head gently tapping the clean tiles as he let their grouped sound fade somewhat. He rushed passed the branched off entry, rushing over to the cell labeled with a bold, black ink ‘S#033.’ 
     Aster’s hands grabbed onto the steel door, not questioning the lack of guards around. He used his weight to pull the handle, then pushed inwards to allow light to break into the darkened room. A figure rummaged from under the covers, only to lift up in a daze of tired. She rubbed her right eye, grogginess in her voice, “... Aster? Why are you here? The morning alarm--”      “We’re getting out of here, Jae!”      “... What?”      Aster stepped into the room to help her up, reaching forward only to stop and pull his arm back. The exposing light flashed across her body, showing her in a white tank top. His cheeks flushed red as he looked away, clearing his throat. He had never seen Jae-eun in this kind of light, and he hadn’t realized how attractive she really was. It hugged her body, giving her a much more shapely figure despite being rationally average with her measurements. He awkwardly cleared his throat, Jae-eun’s eyes drifting downward as she smiled a much more devious notion. She shook her head, kicking her legs to the side and using the motion of sliding off the mattress to gain footing. She took a deep breath, “Aster, let’s get you back before we both get in trouble--”      “Jae-eun, someone killed the guards and opened my door! Jae, we can--!!”      “What!? Aster, this isn’t good! They’re going to kill you for this!”      “No, Jae! We’re going to get out of here! You, me, and Dex! C’mon!”      Her tired eyes simply looked at the other, brows arched forward a bit. Her wake was slowly catching up with her, her mind grasping what Aster was planning. Her lip tucked itself between her teeth with a gentle bite before she nodded her head, “If we do this, we’ll never be able to come back, Aster. This life of peace... This is something we’ll never have again. Are you sure you want that?”       “This is hardly a life of peace, Jae... But, as long as I’m with Dex and you, nothing will stop me from fighting until we get that peace.”      Jae-eun replied with a simple smile, the both of them taking the ever dwindling time to race out of the room. Dexter’s cell was branched off another hallway, the two wasting no time to locate the painted letters of his serial, ‘S#038.’ However, as they arrived, the two quickly backed out of view of the hall. Guards in riot gear were posted all about the hallway, heavily guarding the designated door. Aster grit his teeth, “They’ve got guys all over his cell!”      “Then we make do, Aster! I’ll distract them, you get Dex!”
     The moment suddenly hit. Jae-eun had run into the open hall, calling for attention. She then ran back, rushing passed Aster. The man took a few steps back before ducking into a corner. The men rushed passed, chasing after the rather agile woman. Once the last set of boots turned away from his line of sight, Aster slowly stood to his feet. He rushed down the hallway, one of the two guards left behind turning his sights to the man, “Hey, you’re not supposed to--!?”      Aster’s body suddenly engulfed in a blue aura, his body ripping across the space. When he reappeared, his fist was extended outwards and thrust into the man’s facial mask. He was thrown back into the other, both now spread across the white, glossy floor. Aster turned to the door, grabbing the steel hand and pulling it open. He then placed his shoulder against the door, pushing into it as he slowly opened. The light of the hall crept passed his figure, illuminating the dark room. Aster’s eyes scanned around as he took a step inside, “Dext-- Huh...?”
     It remained empty.
     The bed was made, and it seemed to have been untouched for sometime. He stood in the doorway, his bros pushed together, nearly touching from the intensity. He turned back without a second thought, following the path that Jae-eun had ran. He headed down the hallway, the white suddenly stained with a fresh, bright crimson. It ran along the wall, splotches remained on the floor. The smear of the blood gave the impression that whoever was bleeding was in a rush down the hallway. He paced himself, fear causing hesitation in the man.
     He appeared in the entryway of the cafeteria. He froze up, the sight of the chaos having caught his gaze. The tables were flipped, several guards had their weapons drawn. Jae-eun was collapsed, the trail of crimson leading towards her. His eyes continued to gaze around, aware that the attention of the room was now suddenly shifting to him. Jae-eun’s gaze turned up, and she pushed herself forward, “No! Aster! Ru-- Agh!!”       One of the men cut her off early, ramming the buttstock of his rifle into the side of her head. She collapsed again, obviously hitting her hard as she struggled for consciousness. Aster took a step forward, only for a man’s voice to shout at him to stop. He recognized the voice, and at its presence he had turned around.
     Brows burrowed forward as the bulky, tall man walked into view. His hair was short, but long enough to be wiry and messy. Eyes were a deep blue, hard to look at if one couldn’t recognize him. His face was a permanent frown, almost etched into him so naturally. The man looked down, unfolding his arms to expose the bold ‘S#039′ print on his left arm, “Stand down, ‘32. You’re not part of this mission.”      “Wh... What do you mean ‘mission’!?” Aster shouted back, his hands balling into fists, “You mean... You’re just going to attack Jae-eun!? She’s one of us! You’re going to just turn against her like this!?”      “You need to understand!” His brows arched forward, glaring down at Aster, “We don’t have friends-- We don’t have family. We’re weapons and nothing more! We were stripped of our names, our lives! We are dead to the world, ‘32,” Owain’s deep voice rattled through Aster’s chest, widening the teal hues. The man then stepped passed him, his body slowly coating itself with a shiny, metallic cover, “My mission is to exterminate Subject Number zero-three-three. You’re being decommissioned, as for you--” He stopped walking, his feet stopping with the sound of scrapping metal. He looked over his shoulder again, “You are to be recaptured and detained. You are too valuable to the company, ‘32.”      Jae-eun slowly pulled herself up, her eye now swollen over. Owain continued towards her, holding his hand out and pointing it downwards towards her. She looked up with her dark eyes, irises red from the held back tears of pain, “Please, Owain...”      “You know what our purpose is. I only sympathize with you for being on the other end.”      “Then... Let me say goodbye to Aster...”       Owain turned his gaze over to the man, still paralyzed before the sights before him. His hands were tightened, knuckles white, teeth bared, and eyes lost in the white tiles of the floor. Jae-eun called his name, his teal hues drifting over to her defeated image, “Aster... Don’t be sad... I’ll be with you, alright?” Tears began to swell up in her eyes, a woeful smile on her face, “And together, we’ll walk through the Garden of Eden.” 
     Owain suddenly shifted. His brows arched forward, turning from her to Aster’s image now. His eyes hardened suddenly, his body straightening upwards. Owain threw his hand forward, “Fire! Fire now, you idiots!” Jae-eun took the moment to scurry to one of the corners.
     The men raised their rifles, suddenly firing the automatic gunfire. Suddenly, his body disappeared with a blue aura coating his body. The blur ripped across the air. He’d appeared in one location, only for the coating to engulf his body and move him to another spot of the room, waiting for the men to pause their firing. Once the last round fired, a fraction of a second passed before he reappeared. The man held out a closed hand, turning it towards the floor and opening. From his hands, discharged rounds were dropped to the nearly flawless tiles. The men stood for a moment, Owain’s lip quivering, “... Shit.”      One of the men shifted, only for Aster’s body to phase over. He suddenly thrust his left hand upwards, diverting the fire of the rifle. With his arm extended upwards, he used the down motion to hook the back of the guard’s head. He pulled it down to meet with an upwards knee, cracking the visor of the other’s face mask. He then turned on the heel of his still planted foot, turning and extending the bent leg outwards with some impromptu sideways kick. His foot hit the side of the man’s helmet, knocking him to the floor.       He shifted again, his body forming in the air with his leg already upwards. He brought it down like a hammer, thrusting the other down towards the floor with a stumble. He then reappeared on the ground, quickly bending down to grab the ankle of his black boot. With a surprising amount of strength, he twisted himself about to toss the man across the room. The guard screamed before he hit the wall, cracking the tiles and falling limp to the ground.       The next moment, he was on the third guard. Before he could fire, Aster threw a left hook into his side. The force caused him to drop the rifle from his arm. Aster’s free arm crossed across his body to snag it, only to push the barrel up on the other’s exposed neck from the handguard. Without any sort of negotiation, he brought his left hand to the trigger and pulled with ease. The man’s neck exploded into a bloody mess, the sound of sudden gurgles and chocking filling the air-- Muffled only by the ring from the muzzle blast.       Aster turned to see Owain’s movement towards him. The metallic man swiped his arm horizontally, Aster ducking. The arm ripped through the rifle like butter, causing the upper half to spin about in the air from the force. He grabbed it, taking the barrel and pushing it between Owain’s lips. The man’s metallic coated eyes looked down, only for the assassin to swing the buttstock like a bat against the other half. There was the sound of grinding metal, shortly followed by the sound of Owain choking and gagging.       The metallic man was leaned forward, coughing. He felt a hand place itself on his neck, lifting him up. He was met with the image of Aster’s gaze. The teal hues like a burning flame, his discolored brows arched forward with intense line. Aster cocked his head back, only to thrust it forward against his. Owain stumbled back, his hands held against his forehead now. His vision blurred in and out, looking down at the other. 
     Blood ran from Aster’s forehead, only for the open wound to seal itself shut in a matter of seconds. The larger man shook his head, raising his fists, “No more playing around, ‘32... I will cut you down if I have to!”      Aster tilted his head to the side, giving a scowl.
     The two met, Owain throwing the first punch. He threw a right hook, only for the other to lean back and have the initial attack miss. He threw a straight, Aster shifting his body so his fist ran alongside his head. He used the momentum, swiping his leg beneath Owain’s to throw him off balance-- Cutting up his own leg rather badly. Owain’s body fell with a slam, cracking the tiled floor beneath them. He grunted as he looked up towards Aster, the assassin staring down at the metallic man. His breathing was heavy huffing, “You can’t... Kill me, Aster... Not even ‘37 was able to best me in spars. What makes you think you’ll be able to--!?”       Aster bent down and gripped Owain’s forehead. He pulled him up, only to use his full force and slam the back of his head back down into the tiles. Raising Owain’s head once again, he kept slamming him into the ground. Metallic clunks echoed through the round as he let out grunt after grunt, Owain’s hand pressed against Aster’s face-- Cutting him up like a thousand razors waltzing across the ivory skin. His blood began to run down the underside of Owain’s arm, only for the heated feeling in his face to meet another warmth.       Owain had suffered from head trauma, the metallic coating on his body growing spotty and exposing some of his flesh. His fingers attempted to curl, “As-Aster, don’t...”       Aster tilted his head away from Owain’s hand, pulling his hand back from the other’s face. He then stood, his body slowly beginning to heal itself as he approached one of the tossed aside rifles. He picked it up, grabbing the pistol grip and holding it by his side. By the time he had come back to Owain’s body, his wounds were healing scabs. Aster stood over the main, bringing the rifle upwards towards the exposed rift across Owain’s chest. The man looked up at him, his brows arched up. His exposed hand reached up towards him, “No please... I-I don’t want to die, Aster...!”
     No remorse was held as he pulled the trigger, Owain’s crimson spilled across the imperfect tiles.
     Teal hues suddenly widened as reality built itself around Aster now. His hand began to shake, dropping the rifle suddenly. It rattled and bounced as it hit the floor, Aster taking a few steps back from the scene. His gaze looked around, spotting Jae-eun in the corner. Her eyes were wide, tears streaming down her puffy cheeks with no facial reaction. Aster took several steps towards her before stumbling a bit and falling to one of his knees. She crawled towards him, the man struggling to get back up before he simply let himself fall to his knees. He wanted to hold her, he wanted to feel the comfort of her presence but he knew of the consequences. They both just knelt near one another, Aster’s cheeks dry despite the knot in his throat. He felt a piercing pain in his chest, a push of a blade that went deeper and deeper with each beat of his heart. It felt as though his neck was going to swell shut, a constant swallow as a reminder that he could still breath. He didn’t want to look-- He couldn’t look. He knew what he had done, he could feel Owain’s weight. 
     How could he ever be a good guy like this?
     Jae-eun got to her feet at the sound of the clunking boots, “A-Aster, c’mon! We have to go!” He turned his gaze to Owain’s body, laying so freshly lifeless. He continued to nod his head as she gripped his shirt to help him get to his feet, holding her side as they made their way to a now unguarded exit.       Jae-eun had known about this back exit for some time. When she was younger, Dexter and she used to sneak out into the garden. It wasn’t gated off, which always lead to them being lectured by Owain for reckless behavior. She pressed her weight against the door to reveal gray clouds and falling water, the colors of a darkened and gray nature but still all the while more vibrant. It was like opening a door to a dream that he hadn’t even known he had forgotten. He stared up at the sky, wincing a bit at the clouds as the rain drizzled down upon them. She guided him along a line of bushes in bloom, allowing now time to admire their color. All his life, Aster had seen only the colors of the facility and labs. He hadn’t known such color existed in the world-- Not in all sorts of coexistence.       Their feet suddenly met with hard soil, dried from the usual heat. And yet, on such an unusual day rain had decided to grace the land with its rare presence. The facility grew smaller and smaller as they continued towards where Jae-eun could only hope the road was. She had her hand still gripped on the chest of Aster’s shirt, only for her to suddenly jerk back as he stumbled again. She turned around, seeing the man once again on his knees.       The rain felt warm against his skin, humid and clammy. It felt discomforting, like he couldn’t be washed away. His teal hues looked up at her, several strands of water running down his soaking face. And yet, even through all that, she knew that he was no longer holding himself back. She bent down, placing her knees on the wet ground, her hands reaching out towards him. They placed themselves on his shoulders, “Aster... You were stronger than anyone I had ever seen before. That’s why I know you’ll survive, you’ll get through this.”
     Jae-eun leaned forward, her lips pursed gently to meet his. The man’s eyes widened a bit before they softened, pushing back into the kiss. He knew of the consequences, before for the first time in his life he felt the comfort he had always wanted. The kiss was brief, but felt as though he was experiencing it for a lifetime. Their lips parted, and Jae-eun’s gaze met with Aster’s. He could feel his body begin to tense up, and he struggled to fight the poison. He looked up at her, watching her stand from his body, “I’m sorry, Aster... But, I know what I have to do. I’m not ready for you... Not yet. I hope you can forgive me.” She began to take a few steps back as pushed himself to attempt and follow, only to lean forward and meet his face with the dirt.       However hard it was, he continued to struggle against the toxins. His face ground against the wet, hard earth just to get a glimpse of her back. He struggled to reach up, his arm tense as it extended in small movements. His jaw dropped, shifting up and down as he struggled to call her name.
     Maybe if she heard him, she’d stay.
     Maybe if she knew he loved her, she’d stay.
     Yet, her image continued to shrink. Fading from his sight. Fading from him.
     A bell rang, a diner’s usual customers having their morning chatter. A young girl had been running late to work, no doubt a waitress. Her hair was in a mess, clothes ruffled. The small business was too busy to afford a lecture right now, and she was pointed by one of the older women to help with a gentleman’s order. She gave a nod and a thousand apologies, heading over to the man’s booth.       “My name’s Lindsey today, might I get you somethin’ to drink, hun?”      “Just a coffee, thank you.”      The man looked over at her, a smile on his face. An ivory fair skin, white locks that wilted to a black-- Probably the work of a very good hairdresser. He was well dressed, a blue blouse, tie, suspenders, all complimented with his black slacks. As she wrote down on her pad, the bell rang again. She looked up to see some thugs, roughed up with gaudy suits and egos to overcompensate. One had a cigarette hanging from his lips, despite the prohibiting sign in the door. They looked around the place, immediately silencing it, one of the men spoke up, “Hey! We’re looking for Lindsey! She ran out on our date last night and owes me some of that ass!”       Naturally, the waitress stepped back. One of the men tapped the other, pointing her out. They smirked, walking over with swagger, “Lindsey, you thought you could--”       The man suddenly stood from his both, the thug bumping into his shoulder. He wasn’t phased, instead he stared down the annoyances to the diner, “Hey, who the hell do you think you are!?”      His teal hues were set on the obvious ringleader, “My name’s Aster Brooks.”
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newssplashy · 6 years
Politics: Former presidents, congressional leaders, and the military commend John McCain's storied life and service
Former presidents, world leaders, and Congress mourned Sen. John McCain's passing and offered their condolences for his family.
Sen. John McCain died on Saturday, one day after his family announced he would be discontinuing his brain cancer treatment.
Former presidents, world leaders, and Congress mourned his passing and offered their condolences for his family.
Sen. John McCain died on Saturday, one day after his family announced he would be discontinuing his brain cancer treatment.
McCain, a six-term US senator, earned both praise and criticism during his long tenure. But despite political differences, he earned the respect from his colleagues for his storied military service and plain-spoken views.
Former presidents, world leaders, and Congress mourned his passing and offered their condolences for his family.
Here's what they had to say:
Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama
"John McCain and I were members of different generations, came from completely different backgrounds, and competed at the highest level of politics. But we shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher – the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed.
We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world. We saw this country as a place where anything is possible – and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way.
Few of us have been tested the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did. But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At John’s best, he showed us what that means. And for that, we are all in his debt. Michelle and I send our most heartfelt condolences to Cindy and their family."
Former President George W. Bush
"Some lives are so vivid, it is difficult to imagine them ended. Some voices are so vibrant, it is hard to think of them stilled. John McCain was a man of deep conviction and a patriot of the highest order.
He was a public servant in the finest traditions of our country. And to me, he was a friend whom I'll deeply miss.
Laura and I send our heartfelt sympathies to Cindy and the entire McCain family, and our thanks to God for the life of John McCain."
Former President Bill Clinton and former secretary of state and first lady Hillary Clinton
"Senator John McCain believed that every citizen has a responsibility to make something of the freedoms given by our Constitution, and from his heroic service in the Navy to his 35 years in Congress, he lived by his creed every day.
He was a skilled, tough politician, as well as a trusted colleague alongside whom Hillary was honored to serve in the Senate. He frequently put partisanship aside to do what he thought was best for the country, and was never afraid to break the mold if it was the right thing to do.
I will always be especially grateful for his leadership in our successful efforts to normalize relations with Vietnam. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Cindy, his mother, Roberta, his children, and his entire family."
Former President Jimmy Carter
"John McCain was a man of honor, a true patriot in the best sense of the word.
Americans will be forever grateful for his heroic military service and for his steadfast integrity as a member of the United States Senate.
Rosalynn and I extend our sincere condolences to Senator McCain's family and to the people of Arizona whom he represented so forthrightly for so many years."
President Donald Trump
"My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!," Trump said on Twitter.
United States Naval Academy
"The Naval Academy is mourning the loss of one of our most distinguished graduates, Sen. John McCain (USNA '58)," the United States Naval Academy, McCain's alma mater, said on Twitter. "His life of service to our country is a legacy that will continue to be revered."
Sen. Lindsey Graham
"America and Freedom have lost one of her greatest champions," Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, one of McCain's closest friends, said on Twitter. "And I've lost one of my dearest friends and mentor."
"I will need some time to absorb this, but I want Cindy —and the entire McCain family — to know they are in my prayers," Graham added.
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York
"As you go through life, you meet few truly great people. John McCain was one of them.
His dedication to his country and the military were unsurpassed, and maybe most of all, he was a truth teller - never afraid to speak truth to power in an era where that has become all too rare. The Senate, the United States, and the world are lesser places without John McCain.
Nothing will overcome the loss of Senator McCain, but so that generations remember him I will be introducing a resolution to rename the Russell building after him."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
"Today is a deeply sad day for the Senate and for our nation. Elaine and I join all Americans in mourning the passing of our dear friend and colleague Senator John McCain.
In an era filled with cynicism about national unity and public service, John McCain's life shone as a bright example. He showed us that boundless patriotism and self-sacrifice are not outdated concepts or clichés, but the building blocks of an extraordinary American life.
Generations of McCains have served in our great Navy. John followed their example with distinction. And from his cell in Hanoi to the halls of the Senate, he never stopped fighting with courage and determination – first for his country, then for the people of Arizona, and always for the ideals he believed in most.
It is fitting that this war hero and history-changing legislator should leave us as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. John was a constant advocate for his fellow veterans and those currently serving in uniform, standing up for the benefits and care they so earned by defending our freedom. His dedication to them is just one reason among so many why he earned the utmost respect of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.
It's an understatement to say the Senate will not be the same without our friend John. I will treasure the many memories we've shared together through the years.
The nation mourns the loss of a great American patriot, a statesman who put his country first and enriched this institution through many years of service. The Senate is keeping Cindy, the McCain family, all John's friends and staff, and the people of Arizona in our prayers at this tremendously difficult time."
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas
"Senator John McCain was a patriot, and an extraordinary American war hero.
Born into a storied Navy family, he spent his entire life in service to his country, including 22 years in the Navy, five and a half of which were spent under the boots of North Vietnamese communists in a Hanoi prison.
First elected to Congress during the Reagan Revolution, he championed the strong national defense that he knew would help ensure the survival of freedom and liberty across the globe. He did things his way, and conducted two campaigns for President of the United States with honor and integrity.
Today, the State of Arizona, and our entire nation, have lost a great public servant. He was larger than life. Although he and I sometimes disagreed, I was deeply privileged to serve with him and proud to call him a friend.
Heidi and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Cindy, and to the entire McCain family, as they grieve the loss of a loving husband, father, and grandfather. May he rest in peace."
Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida
"John McCain's sacrifices to his country are immeasurable. With his passing today, America has lost more than a leader and more than a senator. We have lost a true American hero.
As a colleague in the Senate and a friend, I drew personal inspiration from his leadership, intellect and moral courage. He set the standard for what we should expect from our soldiers and from our public servants of all levels.
In this time of grief, I hope John's family finds comfort in knowing that this extraordinary man touched countless lives, and his memory will continue to set the standard of leadership and moral resolve for future generations."
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/politics-former-presidents.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Former presidents, world leaders, and Congress mourned Sen. John McCain's passing and offered their condolences for his family.
Sen. John McCain died on Saturday, one day after his family announced he would be discontinuing his brain cancer treatment.
Former presidents, world leaders, and Congress mourned his passing and offered their condolences for his family.
Sen. John McCain died on Saturday, one day after his family announced he would be discontinuing his brain cancer treatment.
McCain, a six-term US senator, earned both praise and criticism during his long tenure. But despite political differences, he earned the respect from his colleagues for his storied military service and plain-spoken views.
Former presidents, world leaders, and Congress mourned his passing and offered their condolences for his family.
Here's what they had to say:
Former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama
"John McCain and I were members of different generations, came from completely different backgrounds, and competed at the highest level of politics. But we shared, for all our differences, a fidelity to something higher – the ideals for which generations of Americans and immigrants alike have fought, marched, and sacrificed.
We saw our political battles, even, as a privilege, something noble, an opportunity to serve as stewards of those high ideals at home, and to advance them around the world. We saw this country as a place where anything is possible – and citizenship as our patriotic obligation to ensure it forever remains that way.
Few of us have been tested the way John once was, or required to show the kind of courage that he did. But all of us can aspire to the courage to put the greater good above our own. At John’s best, he showed us what that means. And for that, we are all in his debt. Michelle and I send our most heartfelt condolences to Cindy and their family."
Former President George W. Bush
"Some lives are so vivid, it is difficult to imagine them ended. Some voices are so vibrant, it is hard to think of them stilled. John McCain was a man of deep conviction and a patriot of the highest order.
He was a public servant in the finest traditions of our country. And to me, he was a friend whom I'll deeply miss.
Laura and I send our heartfelt sympathies to Cindy and the entire McCain family, and our thanks to God for the life of John McCain."
Former President Bill Clinton and former secretary of state and first lady Hillary Clinton
"Senator John McCain believed that every citizen has a responsibility to make something of the freedoms given by our Constitution, and from his heroic service in the Navy to his 35 years in Congress, he lived by his creed every day.
He was a skilled, tough politician, as well as a trusted colleague alongside whom Hillary was honored to serve in the Senate. He frequently put partisanship aside to do what he thought was best for the country, and was never afraid to break the mold if it was the right thing to do.
I will always be especially grateful for his leadership in our successful efforts to normalize relations with Vietnam. Our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, Cindy, his mother, Roberta, his children, and his entire family."
Former President Jimmy Carter
"John McCain was a man of honor, a true patriot in the best sense of the word.
Americans will be forever grateful for his heroic military service and for his steadfast integrity as a member of the United States Senate.
Rosalynn and I extend our sincere condolences to Senator McCain's family and to the people of Arizona whom he represented so forthrightly for so many years."
President Donald Trump
"My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!," Trump said on Twitter.
United States Naval Academy
"The Naval Academy is mourning the loss of one of our most distinguished graduates, Sen. John McCain (USNA '58)," the United States Naval Academy, McCain's alma mater, said on Twitter. "His life of service to our country is a legacy that will continue to be revered."
Sen. Lindsey Graham
"America and Freedom have lost one of her greatest champions," Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, one of McCain's closest friends, said on Twitter. "And I've lost one of my dearest friends and mentor."
"I will need some time to absorb this, but I want Cindy —and the entire McCain family — to know they are in my prayers," Graham added.
Sen. Chuck Schumer of New York
"As you go through life, you meet few truly great people. John McCain was one of them.
His dedication to his country and the military were unsurpassed, and maybe most of all, he was a truth teller - never afraid to speak truth to power in an era where that has become all too rare. The Senate, the United States, and the world are lesser places without John McCain.
Nothing will overcome the loss of Senator McCain, but so that generations remember him I will be introducing a resolution to rename the Russell building after him."
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell
"Today is a deeply sad day for the Senate and for our nation. Elaine and I join all Americans in mourning the passing of our dear friend and colleague Senator John McCain.
In an era filled with cynicism about national unity and public service, John McCain's life shone as a bright example. He showed us that boundless patriotism and self-sacrifice are not outdated concepts or clichés, but the building blocks of an extraordinary American life.
Generations of McCains have served in our great Navy. John followed their example with distinction. And from his cell in Hanoi to the halls of the Senate, he never stopped fighting with courage and determination – first for his country, then for the people of Arizona, and always for the ideals he believed in most.
It is fitting that this war hero and history-changing legislator should leave us as Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. John was a constant advocate for his fellow veterans and those currently serving in uniform, standing up for the benefits and care they so earned by defending our freedom. His dedication to them is just one reason among so many why he earned the utmost respect of his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.
It's an understatement to say the Senate will not be the same without our friend John. I will treasure the many memories we've shared together through the years.
The nation mourns the loss of a great American patriot, a statesman who put his country first and enriched this institution through many years of service. The Senate is keeping Cindy, the McCain family, all John's friends and staff, and the people of Arizona in our prayers at this tremendously difficult time."
Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas
"Senator John McCain was a patriot, and an extraordinary American war hero.
Born into a storied Navy family, he spent his entire life in service to his country, including 22 years in the Navy, five and a half of which were spent under the boots of North Vietnamese communists in a Hanoi prison.
First elected to Congress during the Reagan Revolution, he championed the strong national defense that he knew would help ensure the survival of freedom and liberty across the globe. He did things his way, and conducted two campaigns for President of the United States with honor and integrity.
Today, the State of Arizona, and our entire nation, have lost a great public servant. He was larger than life. Although he and I sometimes disagreed, I was deeply privileged to serve with him and proud to call him a friend.
Heidi and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Cindy, and to the entire McCain family, as they grieve the loss of a loving husband, father, and grandfather. May he rest in peace."
Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida
"John McCain's sacrifices to his country are immeasurable. With his passing today, America has lost more than a leader and more than a senator. We have lost a true American hero.
As a colleague in the Senate and a friend, I drew personal inspiration from his leadership, intellect and moral courage. He set the standard for what we should expect from our soldiers and from our public servants of all levels.
In this time of grief, I hope John's family finds comfort in knowing that this extraordinary man touched countless lives, and his memory will continue to set the standard of leadership and moral resolve for future generations."
via Nigerian News ➨☆LATEST NIGERIAN NEWS ☆➨GHANA NEWS➨☆ENTERTAINMENT ☆➨Hot Posts ➨☆World News ☆➨News Sp
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newssplashy · 6 years
Politics: Germany's military has a manpower problem, and its solution may be foreigners and teenagers
Germany's military has been plagued by equipment and personnel problems. To address the latter problem, the Bundeswehr is trying some controversial approaches.
Germany's military has struggled with equipment and manpower problems for years.
It's taking a number of steps deal with the latter issue, including recruiting minors.
Despite regulating what under-18 soldiers can do in uniform, the Bundeswehr is taking heat for signing them up.
Germany's military has been struggling with a variety of organizational and technical problems, like equipment shortages, debates over funding, and troop shortfalls.
Manpower in particular is a lingering issue for the Bundeswehr, which has shrunk since the end of the Cold War and further reduced after mandatory military service was ended in 2011.
From a high of 585,000 personnel in the mid-1980s, German troop levels have fallen to just under 179,000 as of mid-2018. In 2017, the Bundeswehr had 21,000 unfilled positions, and half of the force's current members are expected to retire by 2030.
In mid-2016, Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said the Bundeswehr had to "get away from the process of permanent shrinking." (Women weren't allowed to be in the armed services until 2000.)
Von der Leyen said she would remove the 185,000-person cap on the military and add 14,300 troops over seven years — a total that was upped to 20,000 in 2017.
One method under discussion to bring in those new personnel is recruiting citizens of other EU countries.
That approach has general support among the governing parties, though not without qualifications. Defense experts and politicians have said that any foreign recruits should be offered citizenship, lest the force become "a mercenary army."
Another strategy that has been underway for some time is the recruitment of minors. The Bundeswehr has mounted a media campaign to bring in Germans under 18.
The military's official YouTube channel has over 300,000 subscribers, and its videos have garnered nearly 150 million views.
The Bundeswehr Exclusive channel, which posts video series, has more than 330,000 subscribers, and its videos — like the six-week series called "Mali" that followed eight German soldiers stationed with a UN peacekeeping force in the West African country — have drawn more than 68 million views.
The service is also active on Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat, among other social-media sites. The army's recruitment spending in 2017, about $40 million, was more than double what it spent in 2011.
And since that year the service has signed up more than 10,000 minors, according to Reuters. 2017 saw a record 2,128 people under the age of 18 sign up, 9% of all recruits and an 11.4% increase over the previous year.
"I wanted to experience something and to get to know my own limits, to see how far I can go," said Marlon, who joined the Germany army a few months before he turned 18.
Because of his age, he needed his mother's permission to join, which she was happy to give. He told Reuters that she is now pleased that her formerly messy son is now more organized.
'This is not a normal profession'
After the destruction of World War II and the division of the Cold War, the military is still a controversial topic for Germans. Many are skeptical of the service, reluctant to spend more on it, and wary of overseas military operations.
The Bundeswehr still struggles with the legacy of the Nazi Wehrmacht, and instances of far-right extremism in the ranks strain civil-military relations. Some military officers wear civilian clothes to and from work to avoid the stigma attached to their duties.
There are also some Germans who don't see their country as under threat and are ambivalent about military issues.
That attitude may be changing among younger Germans.
A recent survey of 20,000 students there found that the military was the third most attractive place to work, behind the police in first place and sports brand Adidas. Marlon told Reuters that a career in uniform was much more appealing than working on a car-production line.
But the recruitment of minors has proved to be an especially contentious issue.
Some politicians and children's rights advocates have criticized the government for the approach, describing it as misleading and decrying the precedent it could set.
The record recruitment numbers indicate that von der Leyen "clearly has no scruples," Evrim Sommer, a legislator from the pacifist Left Party, said earlier this year, after requesting Bundeswehr recruitment data.
"Young people should not be used as cannon fodder in the Bundeswehr as soon as they come of age," Sommer added at the time. "As long as Germany recruits minors for military purposes, it cannot credibly criticize other countries."
Ralf Willinger from the children's rights group Terre des Hommes told Reuters this month that recruiting minors is "embarrassing and sends the wrong signal."
"It weakens the international 18-year standard, encouraging armed groups and armies from other countries to legitimate the use of minors as soldiers," he added.
Germany military officials have said their recruitment efforts are in line with international norms and stressed that they need to compete with private-sector employers to attract personnel.
The German military also has rules in place about what minors can do while in uniform. While they undergo training like adult recruits, they are not allowed to stand guard duty or take part in foreign missions, and they are only allowed to use weapons for educational purposes.
The Defense Ministry has also said that minors have the ability to end their service any time in the first six months.
To some, those stipulations don't change the fundamental nature of what the military is training minors to do.
"This is not a normal profession," said Ilka Hoffman, a board member of the GEW Union, which represents education and social workers.
"In no other profession does one learn to kill, and is one confronted with the danger of dying in war," Hoffmann added. "That is the one difference."
source http://www.newssplashy.com/2018/08/politics-germanys-military-has-manpower.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Women withstand a lot during pregnancy and especially childbirth. It's time to allow women make their choice on the number of children they want.
Women are warriors and it is sad how some men forget or neglect or are ignorant to acknowledge that. Women are warriors, babies come out of their vaginas after carrying them for 9 months.
I have not remained the same since the first time I watched childbirth through labour, induced labour and cesarean section on National Geographic about 10 years ago.
In truth, asides the fact that I appreciate and love seeing pregnant women, I try to aid them in whatever they do.
Seeing a pregnant woman go through the mood swings, weight gain and inability to change positions while sleeping across the night is enough to appreciate them.
My mother had my sisters and I through cesarean section. After she had my younger sister, she had to go back in for another emergency surgery, 6 weeks postpartum due to infection around her pelvis.
Till date, she has a mummy pouch that makes her look ever so good in native attires — Iro and buba.
Postpartum Issues
While I didn’t really decipher it until I was 19, listening to Gwyneth Paltrow talk about postpartum depression on E! Entertainment, I once saw my aunt struggle with the effects of having her first child in 2007
Her confidence was gone and it took her 3 years to regain that confidence. She vowed to never have another kid after that.
 In 2007, Beyonce appeared on Ellen DeGeneres show shortly after her wedding to Shawn ‘Jay-Z’ Carter.
During the discussion, Ellen asked her if a child was in her future, she answered, “I was in the room when my nephew was born and it traumatized me.”
She continues, “I told my sister ‘Please, don’t let me in the room’ and she said, ‘you’re my sister, don’t be silly’. I was right, I’m traumatized”.
10 years later, Beyonce has 3 children. Asides being a celebrity mom, she has her struggles. In her much celebrated, Vogue issue, she chronicles how she struggled after the birth of her twins in 2017 as she prepared for Coachella.
She claimed she pushed herself so hard to regain her body in 3 months, but she somehow settled for enjoying the effects of motherhood on her body.
 During her catharsis, she claims her arms, boobs, thighs and calves are slightly bigger, and she even has a ‘mum pouch’ that she’s not in a hurry to get rid of. While she has seen the took the strengths in her journey, most people are not as strong or lucky.
   While she admits she might go back to work for a lean body and six pack, her point was made.
Motherhood, pregnancy and childbirth are processes some women never fully recover from physically and emotionally.
A Beyonce might be inspired enough to engage in exercise to pull through, but most mothers don’t get past that phase.
My mother was like a size 2 before childbirth. Since she had my older sister, she’s become curvy. My Dad loved it about her — before he died, but a lot of women do not have that luxury as they wallow in their depression while living with insensitive, emotionally and verbally abusive partners.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
 The rigours, stress and sometimes, trauma of childbirth induces post-traumatic stress disorder [PTSD] in some women. Some of them get depressed and distant while a fair bit don’t want children after the experience.
It is why you should never judge a woman who is content with her one child. We are built differently, but no matter how strong you are, childbirth is an arduous process that usually leaves great emotional and physical scars.
In a survey conducted on post-traumatic stress disorder after Childbirth in Nigerian women by Adewuya A.O, Ologun Y.A and Ibigbami O.S for the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health, the following were found out;
The prevalence of PTSD was 5.9%. The factors independently associated with PTSD after childbirth include hospital admission due to complications, instrumental delivery cesarean section, manual removal of placenta and poor maternal experience during childbirth.
They concluded that, “the prevalence of PTSD is slightly higher in Nigerian women than those in the western culture.”
Historical Perception
Women were born disadvantaged. In a society heavily influenced by masculinity, mostly toxic, but usually subtly entitled, women are placed on a lesser rung of existence.
Their usefulness is limited to child rearing and house chores. It is why any woman who refuses to do same or isn’t good at same is derogated and viewed as ‘useless’. This perception is not only wrong, but very insensitive.
 It is simply time to cut it out. Child rearing should be a thing of choice and readiness. Whatever she’s content with, a sensitive and good partner should listen and understand.
 Maybe it is time to start letting Nigerian men into the operating and labour rooms to see what women go through to understand why some get PTSD and love their children more than anything. It is also why they get really emotional when those kids get a big head and get disrespectful over the slightest issues. Some of us children are insensitive.
 It is not about treating women as fragile or weaker people, no. It is about sensitivity to the plight of a probable traumatic process. What they need is support. Childbirth might be perceived as a happy process, but it is not funny for women.
 It is just time for women to start talking about the rigours of childbirth that some of our mothers were forced to stomach because of societal expectations. Some of them would have been happy not having more than one child.
Don’t get me wrong, some women enjoy child rearing and live for it. They love being pregnant and the entire process of childbirth, but we are built differently. The ones who talk about tie trauma and rigours are not weaker. They are regular women who are different. We should listen to them.
Even more seriously, the women who enjoy childbirth will tell you it is not all fun and games.
Modern Women and Social Media Chatter
  On Tuesday, August 7, 2016, feminist, Ozzy Etomi hit the bullseye again with her discussion of the rigours and trauma of childbirth.
  While opinions were divided, even amongst women and some insensitive men pelted stones their way, we can downplay these points no more.
 The scariest part was when she discussed memory issues since childbirth. That might be some pseudo-fugue state caused by PTSD. Although rare, trauma can induce fugue state, causing the mind to block out that traumatic memory. Sometimes, other memories, happy or sad go with the blocked out memories. Maybe her mind is trying to deal with the trauma of childbirth and it’s proving too heavy.
For perspective, from the social media activity, although infinite, we can group women, postpartum into the following;
1. Women who get illnesses and conditions from childbirth;
2. Women who go through physical changes. Changes some have to live with forever;
3. Women who have disabilities from childbirth;
4. Women who die by losing some parts of themselves during childbirth;
5. Women who actually die when the trauma becomes excessive for their bodies.
On another note, it shows the point is hitting home when young, unmarried women have also had their fears about childbirth intensified since the discussion. It is sad, but the reality, nonetheless.
But then, the issue is not about men. Make your choice, find yourself a partner that understands you and live a lit life. Childbirth is not an avenue to diss men again. It’s an unnecessary backdrop.
 Whatever it is, people like the human in the above tweet; male or female should be cancelled.
"Medical Condition" might be extreme
Nonetheless, calling childbirth a “medical condition” might be a tad extreme.
Olaiya, a 40 year old Lawyer of 13 years and mother of two via cesarean section says, “Well, there are two sides to a coin. Some people have complications while some have it easier. I had my 2 kids through caesarian section. While the pain was great initially and it was slightly arduous post-partum, I got over it. I did not want to have children again initially, but later I got over it and we had another one.”
On another note, Tolu, 28 who had a child via cesarean section and lost the child at 22, but has since not had another says “It was really traumatic. Considering all I went through, but immediately after the birth and I saw her [her child], I immediately forgot the trauma. You know, it was fascinating to see this little thing that came from inside me. One misses being pregnant. Even though I lost her, I will have another one without hesitation.”
In the end, while childbirth might be a arduous for some unwilling to repeat the process, others cherish it. We should however let women choose their own paths.
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News,Ghana News ,News,Entertainment,Hot Posts,sports In a Splash.
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newssplashy · 6 years
Saraki: This is what PDP senators, Govs, discussed in Kwara
Senate President Bukola Saraki, Govs and senators met in Kwara this week. Here's what that meeting was all about.
When governors and senators met in Kwara for the burial of Abubakar Kawu Baraje’s mum on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, they had bigger agendas on their minds—how to crown Saraki consensus presidential candidate of the PDP, just in time for the elective convention of the opposition party.
Baraje is a former national secretary and former acting national chairman of the PDP.
During the meeting, the politicians also discussed what time was best for some of them to formally announce their defection from the governing APC.
The meeting was attended by aggrieved members of the APC (now called R-APC) the splinter group of the PDP which staged a walkout from the Yar’adua center to join the APC in 2013 (now referred to as nPDP) and current members of the PDP.
 Among those who attended the meeting (or burial, if you would) were Senate President Bukola Saraki, Kwara Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, Alhaji Sule Lamido, Sen Barnabas Gemade, Rivers Gov Nyesom Wike, PDP Chairman Uche Secondus, Sokoto Governor Aminu Tambuwal, former presidential spokesperson Doyin Okupe, Senator Peter Nwaboshi, Benue Governor Samuel Ortom who has announced his exit from the APC and a host of other top politicians across the nation's geopolitical zones.
'It's all done now'
Various insider sources who spoke to Pulse on conditions of anonymity all through Wednesday, shared stories of a raging mutiny within the APC and how most of the governors and senators elected on the APC platform, have all but perfected plans to announce a mass defection sometime next week or in the days ahead.
The Kwara meeting was a dress rehearsal for a grand mass defection announcement, Pulse was told.
“They will soon announce their defection to the PDP”, a source who attended Wednesday’s meeting, disclosed to Pulse. “It’s all done now. You can quote me on this. About 5 governors will leave the APC and several senators will join Saraki to the PDP”.
Senate President Saraki’s possible defection to the PDP has been the subject of intense social media chatter and gossip for months now.
Saraki emerged senate president in spite of the APC and the former Governor of Kwara State continues to enjoy the unbridled support of PDP senators on the floor of the senate.
 On a recent visit to Kwara, Saraki told his supporters that he will soon let them know where he’ll be pitching tent next, a remark that all but pointed to his defection. The senate president has always held that his trial for alleged false declaration of assets and corruption, was politically motivated.
”As I always say, time will come for everything, a time will come when I will tell people where I am, what I’m doing”, Saraki said as coyly as possible.
After the Kwara meeting, Rivers Governor Wike said the politicians had only assembled to bury Baraje’s mum but also stated that “of course when politicians meet like this, they talk about politics”.
'Being shown the way out of the APC'
Spokesperson of the Kwara Governor, Dr Muyideen Akorede, told Pulse on Wednesday evening that “Kwara State Governor Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed  is yet to take a decision on his political future with the APC”.
Akorede however added that his principal and other politicians who met in Kwara “are being shown the way out of the APC”.
In an emailed statement, Akorede said: “The presence today in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, of the Senate President, His Excellency, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, PDP Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus, Governor Samuel Ortom , Governor Aminu Tambuwal and Governor Nyesom Wike, Ex Governor Sule Lamido of Jigawa, Senator Lawal Shuaibu, Senator Barnabas Gemade and other prominent political figures was for the burial rites of the late mother of respected politician, Alh Kawu Baraje and was not for the purpose of a political realignment. ‬
 “While I have not been briefed on any planned defection, I am aware that my principal and other political leaders in the state are gradually being shown the way out of the APC”.
Another insider source told Pulse that Saraki will be backed for the PDP presidential ticket by the politicians who attended the meeting. Should this become the case, Saraki will be squaring up against Vice President Atiku Abubakar who will formally announce his presidential bid from the PDP platform on Saturday, July 21, 2018.
It was also not immediately clear if Sule Lamido and Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso will be ditching their presidential ambitions for either of Saraki or Atiku.
Governors are a powerful bloc in Nigeria’s political scene as they often decide the delegates who choose party candidates at moneyed elective conventions.
nPDP meeting with Osinbajo breaks down
Mr. Yusuph Olaniyonu who is Saraki’s spokesperson, wasn’t immediately available for a response, as calls placed to his mobile were not answered.
A meeting convened by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo to address the grievances of the nPDP to which Saraki belongs, fell through.
 Most of the politicians who attended Wednesday’s meeting have been very critical of President Muhammadu Buhari in recent times.
Buhari who has announced he’ll be seeking re-election on the APC platform, will now have formidable breakaway factions of his party and aggrieved members of the political class, to contend with.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/07/saraki-this-is-what-pdp-senators-govs.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Senate President Bukola Saraki, Govs and senators met in Kwara this week. Here's what that meeting was all about.
When governors and senators met in Kwara for the burial of Abubakar Kawu Baraje’s mum on Wednesday, July 18, 2018, they had bigger agendas on their minds—how to crown Saraki consensus presidential candidate of the PDP, just in time for the elective convention of the opposition party.
Baraje is a former national secretary and former acting national chairman of the PDP.
During the meeting, the politicians also discussed what time was best for some of them to formally announce their defection from the governing APC.
The meeting was attended by aggrieved members of the APC (now called R-APC) the splinter group of the PDP which staged a walkout from the Yar’adua center to join the APC in 2013 (now referred to as nPDP) and current members of the PDP.
 Among those who attended the meeting (or burial, if you would) were Senate President Bukola Saraki, Kwara Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed, Alhaji Sule Lamido, Sen Barnabas Gemade, Rivers Gov Nyesom Wike, PDP Chairman Uche Secondus, Sokoto Governor Aminu Tambuwal, former presidential spokesperson Doyin Okupe, Senator Peter Nwaboshi, Benue Governor Samuel Ortom who has announced his exit from the APC and a host of other top politicians across the nation's geopolitical zones.
'It's all done now'
Various insider sources who spoke to Pulse on conditions of anonymity all through Wednesday, shared stories of a raging mutiny within the APC and how most of the governors and senators elected on the APC platform, have all but perfected plans to announce a mass defection sometime next week or in the days ahead.
The Kwara meeting was a dress rehearsal for a grand mass defection announcement, Pulse was told.
“They will soon announce their defection to the PDP”, a source who attended Wednesday’s meeting, disclosed to Pulse. “It’s all done now. You can quote me on this. About 5 governors will leave the APC and several senators will join Saraki to the PDP”.
Senate President Saraki’s possible defection to the PDP has been the subject of intense social media chatter and gossip for months now.
Saraki emerged senate president in spite of the APC and the former Governor of Kwara State continues to enjoy the unbridled support of PDP senators on the floor of the senate.
 On a recent visit to Kwara, Saraki told his supporters that he will soon let them know where he’ll be pitching tent next, a remark that all but pointed to his defection. The senate president has always held that his trial for alleged false declaration of assets and corruption, was politically motivated.
”As I always say, time will come for everything, a time will come when I will tell people where I am, what I’m doing”, Saraki said as coyly as possible.
After the Kwara meeting, Rivers Governor Wike said the politicians had only assembled to bury Baraje’s mum but also stated that “of course when politicians meet like this, they talk about politics”.
'Being shown the way out of the APC'
Spokesperson of the Kwara Governor, Dr Muyideen Akorede, told Pulse on Wednesday evening that “Kwara State Governor Alhaji Abdulfatah Ahmed  is yet to take a decision on his political future with the APC”.
Akorede however added that his principal and other politicians who met in Kwara “are being shown the way out of the APC”.
In an emailed statement, Akorede said: “The presence today in Ilorin, the Kwara State capital, of the Senate President, His Excellency, Dr. Abubakar Bukola Saraki, PDP Chairman, Prince Uche Secondus, Governor Samuel Ortom , Governor Aminu Tambuwal and Governor Nyesom Wike, Ex Governor Sule Lamido of Jigawa, Senator Lawal Shuaibu, Senator Barnabas Gemade and other prominent political figures was for the burial rites of the late mother of respected politician, Alh Kawu Baraje and was not for the purpose of a political realignment. ‬
 “While I have not been briefed on any planned defection, I am aware that my principal and other political leaders in the state are gradually being shown the way out of the APC”.
Another insider source told Pulse that Saraki will be backed for the PDP presidential ticket by the politicians who attended the meeting. Should this become the case, Saraki will be squaring up against Vice President Atiku Abubakar who will formally announce his presidential bid from the PDP platform on Saturday, July 21, 2018.
It was also not immediately clear if Sule Lamido and Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso will be ditching their presidential ambitions for either of Saraki or Atiku.
Governors are a powerful bloc in Nigeria’s political scene as they often decide the delegates who choose party candidates at moneyed elective conventions.
nPDP meeting with Osinbajo breaks down
Mr. Yusuph Olaniyonu who is Saraki’s spokesperson, wasn’t immediately available for a response, as calls placed to his mobile were not answered.
A meeting convened by Vice President Yemi Osinbajo to address the grievances of the nPDP to which Saraki belongs, fell through.
 Most of the politicians who attended Wednesday’s meeting have been very critical of President Muhammadu Buhari in recent times.
Buhari who has announced he’ll be seeking re-election on the APC platform, will now have formidable breakaway factions of his party and aggrieved members of the political class, to contend with.
via NigeriaNews | Latest Nigerian News,Ghana News,News,pulse, and Latest News In Ghana In a Splash
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newssplashy · 6 years
Relationship Talk With Bukky: My girlfriend's mum hates the sight of me
I have tried everything possible to make her like me but it's not working. I love my girl a lot so I am really confused on what to do.
Dear Bukky,
I have been in a relationship for two years and noticed that my girlfriend's mum does not like me at all. My girlfriend told me not to bother about her mum but I have tried everything possible to make her like me but it's not working.
Recently she told my girlfriend that she does not want to see me at their place anymore. I love this girl so much but I am really confused on what to do. ___________
Dear reader,
I think you should first understand why she does not like you. Ask your girlfriend if she has any idea why her mum despises you so much. She should know, I think. And if she doesn’t you need to set her on an inquest into knowing why. Until that is known, I don’t think there’s much you can do.
If it happens that she does not like you for something you can change, I think that’d be easy. All you need do [obviously] is work on the character flaw and that should be the end.
If the dislike is baseless though, you may have a bigger issue to deal with. At that point, I think you should just gauge how important her mum is on her decision-making process. If you intend to go all the way with her, do you think her mum’s refusal will be a problem, or can the marriage continue without it? If her father can consent to it, and your girl is truly willing to be with you, it should be a matter of time before her mother comes around, too.
I also think that regardless of what happens or whatever the case may be, your girl owes you the duty of calming her mum down and telling her how her unnecessary dislike affects her relationship with you.
If she can’t do that, maybe she’s  not really serious about you as you are about her. _________________
Do you want to talk about your love life, marriage or family issues?
Do you have burning questions that you would love to get answers to?
Just send a mail to [email protected] and I'll provide the most honest answers to them anonymously.
Note; the chances of getting a quick response reduces if the text in your email has a lot of abbreviations. So, please write as properly as possible.
So, why not send that mail today and let's talk about it?
A problem shared is a problem half-solved!
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/07/relationship-talk-with-bukky-my_13.html
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newssplashy · 6 years
Politics: Heartbreaking report describes how a 5-year-old migrant boy separated from his father clings to stick-figure sketches of his family
The children who have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border due to the Trump administration's new "zero tolerance" policy are already suffering severe anguish and trauma, the families and non-profit workers involved in the foster-care process say.
Hundreds of children have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border under the Trump administration's new "zero-tolerance" policy toward people who illegally cross the border.
Those children, who are placed in foster care or in government shelters while their parents are detained, have been suffering from trauma, according to foster-care families and workers.
The Trump administration has been using the family separation practice as a deterrent for would-be migrants seeking to illegally enter the US, though the amount of border-crossing arrests appears unaffected so far.
The children who have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border due to the Trump administration's new "zero-tolerance" policy are already suffering severe anguish and trauma, the families and non-profit workers involved in the foster-care process say.
In May, the Trump administration announced it would criminally prosecute each person caught crossing the border illegally — a move that splits them from their children, sending them into foster care or government shelters.
One such child is José, a five-year-old boy from Honduras who last saw his father when he was arrested and led away at the US border in El Paso, The New York Times reported.
José's foster mother, Janice, told The Times that the child arrived with nothing but a trash bag full of dirty clothes, and two small drawings he called "photos." One was a stick-figure sketch of his family back in Honduras, and the other was a drawing of his father.
"He holds onto the two pictures for dear life," Janice told The Times. "It's heart-wrenching."
Janice told the newspaper that José asks in Spanish every day, "When will I see my papa?" and she always replies that she doesn't know.
She added that she and her family have frequently taken in migrant children temporarily — until José, all of them had arrived in the US unaccompanied and only stayed with her family for several weeks or months. But they always had regular access to their parents through phone or video calls.
But in José's case, he had no access to his parents until early this week, according to The Times. He spoke with both his mother and father in separate phone calls — and the realization that he didn't know when he would see them again "triggered all the separation trauma again," Janice said.
It's unclear exactly how many children like José have been separated from their parents in total, but a Customs and Border Protection official told lawmakers at a recent hearing that 658 children were separated from 638 adults just within the period of May 6 to May 19.
The Trump administration has faced significant backlash from the public over its family separation practice, but officials have staunchly defended the zero-tolerance policy as necessary in deterring illegal border-crossing, which has surged in recent months compared to last year's record lows.
"If you cross the southwest border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you … If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in early May. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."
Though the policy was only implemented recently, it hasn't appeared to have an immediate effect on the amount of border-crossing arrests. The Customs and Border Protection agency announced this week that its officers made more than 50,000 arrests in May — higher than in March and April.
source https://www.newssplashy.com/2018/06/politics-heartbreaking-report-describes_8.html
0 notes
newssplashy · 6 years
The children who have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border due to the Trump administration's new "zero tolerance" policy are already suffering severe anguish and trauma, the families and non-profit workers involved in the foster-care process say.
Hundreds of children have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border under the Trump administration's new "zero-tolerance" policy toward people who illegally cross the border.
Those children, who are placed in foster care or in government shelters while their parents are detained, have been suffering from trauma, according to foster-care families and workers.
The Trump administration has been using the family separation practice as a deterrent for would-be migrants seeking to illegally enter the US, though the amount of border-crossing arrests appears unaffected so far.
The children who have been separated from their parents at the US-Mexico border due to the Trump administration's new "zero-tolerance" policy are already suffering severe anguish and trauma, the families and non-profit workers involved in the foster-care process say.
In May, the Trump administration announced it would criminally prosecute each person caught crossing the border illegally — a move that splits them from their children, sending them into foster care or government shelters.
One such child is José, a five-year-old boy from Honduras who last saw his father when he was arrested and led away at the US border in El Paso, The New York Times reported.
José's foster mother, Janice, told The Times that the child arrived with nothing but a trash bag full of dirty clothes, and two small drawings he called "photos." One was a stick-figure sketch of his family back in Honduras, and the other was a drawing of his father.
"He holds onto the two pictures for dear life," Janice told The Times. "It's heart-wrenching."
Janice told the newspaper that José asks in Spanish every day, "When will I see my papa?" and she always replies that she doesn't know.
She added that she and her family have frequently taken in migrant children temporarily — until José, all of them had arrived in the US unaccompanied and only stayed with her family for several weeks or months. But they always had regular access to their parents through phone or video calls.
But in José's case, he had no access to his parents until early this week, according to The Times. He spoke with both his mother and father in separate phone calls — and the realization that he didn't know when he would see them again "triggered all the separation trauma again," Janice said.
It's unclear exactly how many children like José have been separated from their parents in total, but a Customs and Border Protection official told lawmakers at a recent hearing that 658 children were separated from 638 adults just within the period of May 6 to May 19.
The Trump administration has faced significant backlash from the public over its family separation practice, but officials have staunchly defended the zero-tolerance policy as necessary in deterring illegal border-crossing, which has surged in recent months compared to last year's record lows.
"If you cross the southwest border unlawfully, then we will prosecute you … If you are smuggling a child, then we will prosecute you and that child will be separated from you as required by law," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in early May. "If you don't like that, then don't smuggle children over our border."
Though the policy was only implemented recently, it hasn't appeared to have an immediate effect on the amount of border-crossing arrests. The Customs and Border Protection agency announced this week that its officers made more than 50,000 arrests in May — higher than in March and April.
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online
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