#my loan on the audiobook on libby is about to expire and while i can just continue reading my physical copy the audiobook is so good
silhouettecrow · 7 months
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 318
Adjective: Possessive
Noun: Cloak
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Possessive: demanding someone's total attention and love; showing a desire to own things and an unwillingness to share what one already owns; (grammar) relating to or denoting the case of nouns and pronouns expressing possession
Cloak: an outdoor overgarment, typically sleeveless, that hangs loosely from the shoulders; something serving to hide or disguise something
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halflingkima · 3 months
March TBR
I am not a TBR person but I do have books out from the library – that i've had out for the majority of february – that i need to get around to. And most of them I've been wanting to read for a while.
Never Whistle at Night ed. Shane Hawk & Theodore C. Van Alst: An Indigenous dark fiction anthology. [read ✓]
Let us begin with the one I've already started. storygraph says i'm 62% through it and it is due back tomorrow. I was very much looking forward to this one, but I always find anthologies challenging – it's so hard to simply go into a new story straight after one has ended. I've also not found any so far that really sparked anything in me yet. But I've got David Heski Wambley Widen, Darci Little Badger, and Tommy Orange stories left, so I'm holding out hope.
Physical Library Items
Crossbones by Kimberly Vale: The pirate king has died, and the Trials begin: a cuthroat life or death competition for the Bone Crown and island throne. [read ✓]
This one I nearly zipbooked (if you're in california, ask me about your library's zipbook program!!) until I actually went to do so and surprise! the library finally had it. Spooky. Anyway. I've been excited for this one for ages but I only got my hands on it when I was feeling slumpy. Luckily, it seems no one else has heard of it, so I've got another six weeks with it. I believe it's a trilogy. It sounds a little like pirate-flavored hunger games.
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows: Velasin of Ralia is set to marry a girl from Tithenia to unite the kingdoms, but is outed; instead, Tithenia offers the girl's brother to maintain the political union, and despite same sex relationships being unheard of in Ralia, they marry. [read ✓]
Another one I've been trying to read for a while; it was on my list of Big Boys for last year and my audiobook loan expired probably three times before I got around to it, so I got my hands on the physical. I think once I get familiar with the world & writing style, I can switch to the audiobook & it'll go fast, but fantasy is always challenging to wrap my head around in the beginning.
Libby Audiobooks
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness: Diana, a witch and a scholar, accidentally uncovers an ancient alchemical manuscript, waking demons, witches, and all manner of creatures. [read ✓]
Another one from my Big Boy hopefuls last year; a friend was starting the series and I'd heard some whispers about the tv show (?) so I thought I'd check it out. One of the ones where the premise wasn't inspiring enough to commit me for the vast length of the first installment of a series. But maybe now is the time?
Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion: R is a zombie, whose daily life is a grey blur – until he meets a girl. [read ✓]
It's about an hour one-way to see my new lil niece, and I've been visiting roughly every other weekend, so I thumbed through some audiobooks and noticed this one. I didn't even know it was a book! I remembered liking the movie, but it was long enough ago that I don't remember the plot. The sample was engaging enough, so I thought why not. And then instead of listening to it on the drive, I spaced out and Thought About Life. So I've still got this one in my pocket.
Libby eBooks
The City & The City by China Mieville: A detective investigates a woman's murder, complicated by two cities existing in the same space. [read ✓]
My litfic-lover friend read this and found it really engaging. I tried out the audiobook, but given the heavy concept, I thought ebook would be best. I was also looking for an ebook, since I don't have one on the go and it's the format I use when i want to read in the dark. I had no clue it was a murder mystery, which has upped my interest.
Hoopla Audiobooks
In My Dreams I Hold a Knife by Ashley Winstead: A group of friends reunites for a ten year high school reunion, but someone wants to revisit – and solve? – the murder that split them apart back then. [read ✓]
I know nothing about this except it was rather a popular dark academia title last year? year prior? Basically, I've been in a reading slump and got the itch that a thriller (+audiobook) would fix me. It was also near the end of the month so this was a sorta panic-checkout (cuz you get a number of hoopla checkouts per month so i try to use them all if i haven't yet). I've not read an Ashley Winstead yet, but I had a great experience with If We Were Villains, so maybe this'll do the same.
Hoopla Ebooks
The Killing Moon by NK Jemisin: Peace is kept by dream priests, who harvest sleep magic to heal – and kill the corrupt; a dream priest discovers that someone is killing innocent dreamers [due ✗]
This ended up on my (eternal and endless) TBR last year when I was supposed to read a book set in the desert for the Magical Readathon. I didn't get to it, but I've been wanting to read Jemisin's lesser known novels for a while. Impulse checked this one out in an attempt to break my reading slump but have yet to start it.
Keeping Casey by Amy Aislin: When Ethan complains of his hockey coach's annoyances, his best friend Casey impulsively offers to be his fake boyfriend to put issues to rest. [read ✓]
After my "thrillers will fix me" moment, I got to a "I need a kissing book" phase, which coincidentally aligned with the end of the month – i may have pavlov'd myself. when it nears the end of the month & i've got hoopla loans left, i always go for gay romances, bc they're like. my hoopla candy. it's like the library version of KU. there's such good shit in there. (there is also Trash.) i've been on a hockey kick with these, not least bc ik hockey rpf writers know what it's ABOUT. This wasn't my first choice, but hoopla didn't have the first in the series and i'm very much a romance-series-in-order reader, for better or for worse. but this author feels promising and i rly wanna see if their writing in general is worth it, so i went for another series that hoopla did have the first volume of.
Fire Season by KD Casey: Professional ball player Charlie's life is shiny on the outside and falling apart below the surface; his pitcher Girodano is struggling with his sobriety and keeping his roster spot; the two find themselves as roommates for the season. [read ✓]
this is one i've checked out a couple of times, but when it's my end-of-the-month checkouts, i don't always get to them. this is the second in a baseball m/m romance series, and i quite liked the first. this one doesn't have any tropes i'm particularly interested in (e.g. bi leads, single parents, best friends) but i'm sure i'll enjoy it. basically a free checkout/gay romance if i run out of other things to read in three weeks.
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