#my friends came back to later y'all ✌
megaawkwardhuman · 1 year
Wwdits beach/pool headcanons:
You know the broken glass at the beach you have no clue got there but you almost step on or you do step on? Blame colin robinson
He leaves small pieces of glass and whenever someone almost or does step on it his eyes glow
Colin also BLASTS shitty music over a speaker (a lot of country)
Young colin and nandor like to bury guillermo in sand (with his permission)
The vampires don't mind sand but guillermo HATES cleaning it off their clothes
I can see nandor boogie boarding
Despite the fact they can't drown whenever they're at a beach or a pool guillermo becomes their lifeguard
Without fail Colin gets his shit fucked by the ocean
Laszlo and nadja have matching swim suits of course
Laz and nadja are more of a chill at the beach then swim (tho they do love a lazy river)
Whenever guillermo is in the shallow part of the ocean to avoid getting water in his face/getting knocked over by waves he kinda stands like he's fighting the ocean
Guillermo tires to not swim at the same time as nandor after nandor grabbed him while falling due to a large wave knocking him over
Guillermo has 100% attempted do this
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And failed miserably (tho he did slay for 5 second before getting his shit fucked)
And finally guillermo wears a swim shirts to the dismay of nandor
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