#my brain was assembling a whole bunch of worldbuilding details for this during yoga tonight so no promises but we'll see
fuckyeahisawthat ยท 3 months
Anyway if writing brain ever gets out of the gravy basket I'll do the modern AU meet-cute where Ed's the owner of a once-legendary but now forgotten leather bar in the Village, and between the youth- and partying-obsessed culture that he feels too old for and the relentless march of gentrification and the sanitization and rainbow-capitalism corporatization of the neighborhood, he's thinking about just packing it all in, and Stede is the newly-out middle-aged divorced dad who took the Metro North down from Stamford or wherever to experience his very first NYC Pride at the age of forty-seven and is having the time of his LIFE except for the fact that he's extremely fucking lost because the streets around here make no sense.
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