#much love <33333
basketobread · 6 months
Can I just say that i absolutely ADORE the way you draw the bg3 girls and lunara? I am in love with all of them and want to be there for their shenanigans lol great art! ♡
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GRAAAAHHHH KICKING MY FEET AND SPINNING AROUND!! THANK YOUUUUU!!!! im so glad you're here to witness all the shenanigans to be had anon!!!! it wouldnt be complete without you!!! THANKS SO MUCH AGAIN!!!! ❤❤❤❤
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petrichoraline · 10 months
petri I feel like I'm a horrible child and possibly am
honestly you'd be surprised how many people feel like this. sometimes we catch ourselves actually being unfair towards our parents, sometimes we're victims of unreasonable guilt. the overall situation, however, rarely is simple, you know? parent-child relationships are more often than not extremely layered and complex. with no details i can't tell you if what you're worrying about might be a valid reason for concern but honestly it's not my place to evaluate that anyways. i feel like you might be putting more pressure on yourself than deserved. the fact you're worrying about the possibility of being a bad kid to your family tells me you care about them which in of itself means you're not as horrible as you think. also your message makes me think you might have a tendency of overanalyzing your actions and getting into your own head. i think you're definitely not as horrible as you think and in case you feel safe (because, again, i do not know what this is about) i'd advise you to talk to your family about whatever the issue causing you to feel like this is. because, again, you are not horrible.
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nights-withtea · 2 years
Hello there! Wishing you a good day full of warmth, clarity, and writing motivation 💖 My poetry skills are non-existent, so I was impressed by your formal sonnets! I hope your brand new blog space gives you lots of inspiration to create. Take care! 😘
Thank you for the kind words!! This really made my day and my week so thank you for that! I hope you have a good day to you and much love! <33
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sims4wcif · 3 years
I love you!
i love YOU
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fluffandlove · 7 years
Happy New Year~!
First offfff:
//has less than two hours before twelve
//still has two more prompts (that I will combine cause they're for the same pairing hUE)
Yeeeahhh, I don't think I'm gonna be able to finish the last one before 2016 ends, guuuyyszzz T^T I'm so sorry omg I FAI L SO HARDDDD. I'm a very slow writer, as you can probably tell, and always take my time sooooo. Muri muri muridesu. *falls over*
I blame my social life that has been randomly eventful for the past two weeks, uni andalsomaybethefacthatIcan'tstopthinkingaboutthatkissIamsosorry
Now that that's out of the way:
I wanna wish everyone a happy, happy, HAPPY 2017! 2016 wasn't really the best year BUT I made this blog a few months ago, which made everything a little bit better x3 Tumblr was not exactly what it used to be with all its drama, but it got fun again when I stepped into this part of it. 
I was brave enough to do so and was so nicely welcomed by everyone. Seriously, everyone's just so nice and lovely here uGH <3 Checking in makes me feel super happy, I love writing and reading new stuff, and am slowly learning to accept this part of myself. Hell, I even told a real life friend about it, that's gotta mean something LOL
Of course, we can't forget that I made friends, omg. Y'all are my precious babies and I am so glad I got to know all of you!
And as someone who's also experienced 2016's horrible aspects and has been through hell due to personal circumstances, it will get better. I promise. AND I KNOW that you might think, "Whatever, easy for you to say." No, it's true. I won't go into detail but I have been able to drag myself over the finish line for the past 21 years of my life even when I’ve thought about giving up so many times and I know you can, too. You're so much stronger than you think. If you ever need to talk to someone, need advice, I am here for you.
Let’s hope for a better 2017!
~ ♥ 
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