#ms wiIford audreyyyyyyy be gay do crime
enginire · 1 year
there is something not right on the train. steadily, order shifts into the limits of acceptable when rations are split between the carriages, and the nightcar is flush with guests every night wanting to waste what little time they have left on whiskey and tits. (she'll provide the whiskey. the rest is particularly guarded, when drunk patrons remind her of that cruel glint in joseph's eyes when she slips out into her quarters to hide from the rest of the noise. it's an interesting career for a woman who hates parties, but she is nothing but a battle of contradictions in herself.) but order aside — wiIford industries' grand voyage put into one corner, and the unnecessarily strict beatings to keep would-be revolutionaries in line, there is something not right.
"you know, i knew mr wiIford. and in all the time we knew each other," two fingers brush the rim of the glass, readily topped-up with her own liquor and anything amber and thick behind the bar, and meIanie's head cocks from one side to the other before dousing the lurch in her stomach with scotch.
"he never mentioned a daughter." she doesn't want to get into the nitty gritty of the nature of their relationship, but she knows how he presses his ties, and how he leaves thick thumbprint bruises wherever he can. she knows how he drinks his coffee, snorts his coke, plays his games like a kid with a fucking magnifying glass on a hot day — but nothing about a daughter.
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