#mostly i hate it bc i hate korkie and i especially hate his stupid name
sigmastolen · 2 years
tcw 3.06 "the academy" is? so bad???? i mean i'm sure i noticed this last time but this time through was actively painful. honestly terrible writing, sorry not sorry, as well as just weird artistic decisions wrt lighting, angles, facial expressions. padawan ahsoka tano, who is 15 max, who spends most of her life on the front lines of a war, who we never see studying or in classes, and who is apprenticed to anakin skywalker, famously reckless and not inclined to scholarly pursuits or ethical contemplation (lol), is meant to teach teenagers studying at mandalore's "academy of government" (or whatever it's called but the point is they're meant to be future public servants) about corruption? moreover, these teenagers, who are implied (given korkie's lofty status) to be the upper-crust children of high-ranking officials and who may or may not be older than ahsoka, actually, have apparently never heard of the concept of government corruption in their entire empty-headed lives? almec just casually decides to enact a coup and abduct and torture satine bc a group of four clueless, easily manipulated or silenced teenagers got too close? satine, an actualfax head of state, decides to entrust the rooting out of black market profiteering at the highest levels of the government of her whole planet to a teenager, without even telling her that's the mission, plus some meddling kids who were never supposed to be involved in the first place? also, korkie &co. openly talk about criminal behavior in class, to their teacher, where all their classmates can hear them -- classmates who, in one of the most bizarre choices of the episode, don't even react to this in any way despite clearly listening and also despite being a bunch of naive numbskulls who start out thinking any criticism or questioning of the government at all is tantamount to treason? when ahsoka goes to 'interrogate the prisoners,' the kids aren't beging held separately, and nobody is listening to or recording the "interrogation" and nobody questions that she's only in the cell for like one minute (okay, okay, it's a trap, the guards know it's a ruse, but still it's like nobody is even trying)? ahsoka uses (or attempts to use) mind tricks but isn't it a plot point in a later episode that she doesn't know how yet (or did that ep already happen? idek)???? it's just absolute garbage.
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