#moon def has several snacks in his pockets though
notdysfunk · 10 months
Since I saw your ask blog, I'd spend my ask token to see Sun and Moon getting ready to watch the FNAF movie in suits. Just thought it would be funny to see.
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They're goin to see the fnaf movie!!!
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fruitful-blogger · 6 years
Sleepless in the Castle
Remy can’t sleep, so he’s doing what he does best - getting lost at night and probably causing some trouble.
Set in @em-be-lievable‘s amazing AU, the Dragon Witch AU. Seriously, it’s so good.
PS Remy is mute in this AU, so if text is italicized and in quotes, it’s being signed. Regular quotes is spoken word.
           Remy growled as he rolled out of bed, sighing as he realized that sleep was just not coming. He looked to the clock on the wall, it’s enchanted face telling the Monster Witch that it was, indeed, 1 AM.
           He stood, wiggling his toes in distaste as they met the cold floor. He frowned at the floor. Virgil, seriously? He thought, knowing his rug had probably been stolen by the Dragon Witch he called a brother… again. He knew his brother wouldn’t give it back, damn his stupid hoard, so he was going to have to pester Patton for another to be sent.
           In the mean time, he shuffled over to the closet where the little royal HAD given him something that would be of use now. He slipped on the fuzzy slippers that had been made for him by the little king as an apology for accidentally “kidnapping” Virgil oh so many moons ago. Really, that mistake was one no one regretted. Now, a few years on, his little brother was married and happier then ever, the Great Witches were given the recognition they deserved, and he lived in a fucking castle. He didn’t get lost at night anymore in the forest, leaving Virgil freaking out or something (because the boy was hella nervous about everything). Now he just wandered the castle grounds. Even so, he grabbed his robe – one possibly more extra then the ones Roman owned – and tucked his mirror into his pocket. This was no ordinary mirror, though. It was invented with a combination of Logan’s magic and the Mage Guild’s help. It was complex magic, even for a Witch, that allowed Remy and others to tap a code into the surface and ‘call’ to another. Right now, only a few were spread around the kingdom at the farthest reaches, connected to the castle’s main mirror for emergencies; however, each royal had a personal one, including the brothers of the newest Prince.
           Remy opened his bedroom door instead of taking the balcony and going for a flight. He found his way down the hall, the warm lights spread out and casting their glow on him. From his robe, he pulled out one of his spare pairs of sunglasses but just tucked them on his head for now, his slit eyes that glowed purple and gold trailing around the halls, scanning better then any human’s could.
           He stopped at the first door closest to his room and pushed it open quietly. Within was much brighter than the hallway and much warmer as a fire raged with all its magical and mundane glory, contained within a grand fireplace. The walls were lined with several… dozen… swords, some as old as the kingdom and others brand new, but all were perfectly balanced and usable in battle. While there was a bed, it was far from the fire, and instead a pile of blankets and cushions were pushed right up to the heat, a small body plopped on top and curled around a sword safely packed in its case. Remy snorted at the little body and couldn’t help himself as he entered.
           Pulling out the enchanted mirror, he opened the compact and tapped his own tune into the panel. It ringed in gold as he pointed the mirror surface to face himself, showing the littlest Witch in the background. Remy smirked as he clicked the surface.
           He forgot that the gold would flash to illuminate his face, and, even in the already bright room, the little witch groaned.
           “Remy? Is that not you?” Dee groaned as Remy smirked. “What the absolute fuck did you not do?”
           “Nothing.” Rent signed as he pulled a blanket over the lump with a little magic. “Go back to sleep.”
           “Yes, please stay awake all night and roam the halls for all I care.” Dee threw. “Do you want to go back to your room now? Or do you want to leave mine?” The little snake slurred out, still in a sleepy haze.
           Remy used one hand to pat the smallest’s hair as he finger spelled, “I’m good.” Once he had both hands back, he finished by saying, “Just gonna get a midnight stroll in, gurl. Go back to sleep. You DEF need your beauty rest.”
           Deceit flopped back into his pillow, the universal sign of ‘I’m done talking to you,’ but he did throw Remy the bird as the other witch snickered, baking out of the room. He turned the mirror back to himself, the image displayed on the screen. He’d have to find some paper and magic it onto there. This was too adorable not to keep.
           The next bedroom he also found empty, the room cold without its occupant, its heater, present. Unlike the last room, several rugs were meticulously rolled and stacked along the walls, several more overlapping on the floor. Some were of the finest wools and cottons in the most intricate designs, and others were threatening to fall apart from their age if not for magic, kept for their coziness or the memories they related to. Remy figured this room would be empty – Virgil slept better these days, but he almost never slept in his own room unless it was for a nap or someone was with him. More likely than not, he was somewhere in the castle, sleeping with his brothers or with his husbands.
           Remy spotted his own rug, and the last one… so he waved his fingers, enchanting a spell as the two were now floating. He directed them to his room, where they unrolled on his floor. Payback, bitch. Remy thought, even though the rugs would probably be gone by the next evening.
           Stupid brothers and their stupid hoards.
           Remy walked with a thoughtful pace through the halls like he owned the place. A few of the night guards waved at him as he went, and he gave a few waves back. He came down to the main level where he found himself in the kitchens, his home away from home here in the castle.
           Sure enough, his favorite person was up and working on a few snacks. The castle always had servants about in case the royalty ever needed anything, and this particular chef made the best coffee. Remy saw that they were focused on rolling dough, so he slid around the corner to be in their view. When they looked up, he greeted with a “Sup, gurl!”
           Most people in the castle still didn’t understand his language aside from a few words and letters. Logan, that nerd, had actually gone around and taught everyone a few of his sayings and words, in case of emergencies probably, but it was also great to see a few guards practicing finger spelling when they thought he wasn’t looking. It was amazing.
           This person, however, knew more than that. They actually knew a lot of Remy’s language as one of their nieces turned out to be mute, not by a curse but by their birth. Remy hadn’t even thought about it when he created his language, but it was appearing that there were more people who could use it. He’d eventually bit the bullet, for that reason, and sat down to detail his language in a book. He’d carefully drawn all of his words out and written up the meanings, and, with a little magic, managed to make a few copies to go around. Logan had actually hugged the thing he was so excited for new knowledge, and more than once he’d spotted Patton and Roman practicing with one another. A few copies floated out to libraries across the kingdom, including their own, and one landed in the hands of this wonderful person.
           The person looked up just to catch the signs and smiled. “Duke Remy, loveky nigh for a stroll?” Steve noted as he stood. Steve was one of the best cooks in the castle, according to Remy. He probably used magic, but Remy hadn’t figured out how yet. “Late night?”
           “Uhg, gurl, drop the ‘duke’ deal.” He signed.
           “Now, if I called you ‘your royal highness Bitch Remy,’ the king would give me a lecture on language.” Steve threw as Remy laughed. “So, you want to talk about it or just the usual?”
           Sometimes, Remy came down after having nightmares or being held up late at night with his own anxieties. Most of the time, though, it was just insomnia in general.
           “Nah, boo, it’s just my disaster of a sleep schedule.” The cook nodded as he set the dough to the side. “Hey, has Virgil come down here yet?”
           Steve blinked. “The Witch Prince?” Remy grabbed some flour and threw it at the cook, eliciting a chuckle from the man. “No, I have not seen Virgil since earlier this evening. He came by with the King for Hot Chocolate before bed. If you are concerned, check the other rooms he usually haunts next.”
           Before Remy knew it, there was a piping hot cup of his favorite coffee in front of him. Steve did something to infuse cocoa and sugar into the mix, topping it off with a whipped cream. It was to die for.
           Remy took a big gulp, ignoring the burn, and sighed in pure pleasure.
           “You should really cut back on the caffeine this late.” Steve noted as he also slid a plate of cookies over before going back to the dough. “It’ll keep you up.”
           “Who are you, Logan?” The monster witch threw. “I do what I want.”
           Steve rolled his eyes as he put the dough on a plate. He turned to Remy as he smirked. “Yes, you make this very clear to everyone.”
           Remy smiled brightly. It was one thing to be understood, but his pride in seeing his own language be given back to him was without words (even in his own hand). “Bro, you been practicing?”
           “Yes, I have.” The man added before he slipped on mitts to grab the bread plate. “I should bring my niece by some time. She and you would get along like a castle fire.” He paused after slipping the bread into the oven. “But please don’t teach her any swear words.”
           Remy chatted with Steve a little longer before he headed out again. It was now 2:30 in the morning, and Remy was now making his way up the Royal’s tower. These were the most heavily guarded rooms, and Remy just nodded to the guards as he went. Nobody stopped him. The one time a new guard had tried to, having not recognized Remy (“Really? How do you not know and treasure this face???”), they’d wound up not being able to stop him anyway and additionally being pranked.
           He made it up to the king’s room. While most expected a grand entrance into His Majesty’s quarters, it was actually a simple door with a P on the door, pained as a child would. Remy opened the door quietly.
           He looked across the grand room, ignoring the sofa covered in stuffed animals and the parchment pictures that had been framed – some of drawings by children of the kingdom and others Remy had created with his mirror and magic. The huge bed across the room was the size of two kings, but the singular lump to one side was easily picked out.
           Remy knew just from looking at it that it was on the small side. Sure enough, he approached to see only one set of glasses on the side table, a sword hidden from most but within view of the trained eye, easily accessible should a fight come suddenly. The little king and the First Prince were curled up around each other, Patton spotting a few stuffed animals about with his night shirt covered in cartoonish puppies sticking out while Roman was decked in red flannel, a golden star etched into the breast pocket.
           Two princes, it seemed, were missing.
           Remy rolled his eyes as he headed to his next destination. Virgil, like Remy, could very well be anywhere at this point. If not in bed, he did rounds about the castle, making sure everyone was safe and sound, and could be found anywhere in the castle at the end – maybe playing an instrument, maybe napping on a high shelf. For now, though, the nerdiest of princes was always in once place.
           The library was darkened sans for a light at the end, and Remy strode towards it to find his target. Logan had his head tucked in his arms, wearing yesterday’s clothes as his glasses were askew. Several books and parchment were scattered around him, and a well of ink threatened to tip over the edge of the desk with one wrong move.
           The dragon witch cast a spell, one that didn’t even need words, as the mage snorted something in his sleep, causing the ink well to fall. Instead of crashing into the floor, the tiny object caught itself and gently floated down, not a drop spilled nor glass shattered. Remy scooped it up and properly capped it before looking at Logan.
           The mage was dead to the world. Remy had no trouble scooping up the smaller man much like a small child. Logan shifted, muttering something about ‘string theory’ and ‘crofters’ before he settled into the embrace.
           Remy blew out the candles and walked back to the royal quarters with his hostage. Along the way, though, he found another wanderer.
           “Oh, same hat?” Remy looked over and smirked as a rumpled Virgil shuffled towards him.
           “Same hat.” Remy spelled, keeping one hand on Logan. “Found the boo!” Remy smirked as Virgil reddened. “You looking for him to have a little fun?”
           “I swear if you weren’t holding my husband, I’d strangle you.” Virgil threatened.
           Remy snorted, giving a little wave that roughly meant ‘yeah, yeah, whatever you say.’ Virgil followed, but he muttered a spell as he went. Sure enough, when they arrived at the door, Logan’s clothes were now gone and replaced with sleepwear, his glasses in Virgil’s hands. The Mage Prince grumbled but curled under the covers himself. Virgil set the glasses to the side as Remy turned back to him.
           “You should hop in and get some Zs. Those circles are starting to show again.” Remy noted as Virgil yawned.
           “Yeah.” Virgil muttered before he looked to Remy. He looked between the bed with his husbands and his brother before he turned to the door. “Come on, bro.”
           Remy was confused for a sec before he rolled his eyes. He followed his brother like a puppy, chatting about nothing until they got back to Remy’s room. Virgil glanced at the rugs on the floor before looking at Remy, a mix of guilt and annoyance at seeing them, but Remy rolled his eyes as jumped back onto the bed.
           Virgil climbed in and swiftly fells asleep. It was now 5 AM.
           Remy felt the drowsiness set in just as his door opened once more. A little snake trailed in and shuffled under the covers, ducking under Virgil’s wings as the small appendages curled around the smallest body. Remy felt the last of his insomnia leak away.
           It was 5:12 AM. Remy the Monster Witch, the Duke of Hazard, Brother to Prince Virgil and fellow Duke of Hazard Dee the Basilisk Witch, was asleep.
I hope you enjoyed! Also, yes, I assume that Patton gives the bros some royal title like Duke or whatever and Virgil called them the “Dukes of Hazard” and it sticks. Virgil meant it as an insult, guys, it’s not supposed to be a badge of honor! (Remy and Dee state the differ)
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