saralynnx · 4 years
replied to your post
“Thank you bunches �� Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and words of...”
Please don't feel the need to apologize for lack of updates. Take care of yourself and get better!
dreamsongsims replied to your post “Thank you bunches �� Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and words of...”> Don't over-do-it! Make sure you're resting and listening to your body. The important thing is to get well!!!
@snarkysims @dreamsongsims Thank you both so much for the kind words and well-wishes. Right now my body is just feeling extremely fatigued, but other than that I am doing okay. :)
replied to your photoset
“The updated family tree since the time skip. Savanna and Kameron are...”
can i ask how did you do it? I really love it!!! <3
@smubuh​ has a wonderful template that you can find here, I used that as a base and just changed the color and added a few new icons to the side!
replied to your photo
“So since there are no Switches to be found, I had the brilliant idea...”
ooh, do you have Frank in your town? He was one of the originals in my NL game.
Yes! He is one of my OGs as well! You can hardly tell, but at the very bottom center of my screenshot, you can see the top of his head hehe. I love how his voice is different from everyone else’s XD
replied to your photo
“So since there are no Switches to be found, I had the brilliant idea...”
I did the same!!! It’s my first time playing and between googling how to do so much shit and being pleasantly surprised, I’m in love with this game. Perfect quarantine feels tbh
It is my first time playing an Animal Crossing game, too! I honestly had never any interest in this game until I heard that you essentially build your own town and then I was like HOLD UP. lol. I have been so bummed not being able to play New Horizons BUT then I remembered New Leaf and I dug my 3DS out of storage so fast haha. I’m glad you’re enjoying, I can’t wait to play some more! :)
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renegade-lemon · 5 years
What’s the difference between noodles and pasta genuine curiosity
I’m glad you asked because I’ve been stewing on this literally since I queued this post last night; SO noodles are lighter, and pasta seem heavier. That’s literally just the way I see it. Pasta is a denser thing if you know what I mean. Noodles, however, are lighter. They absorb the flavour without absorbing the substance. Pasta in soup eventually becomes an unbearable presence in the broth, to the point that is has absorbed everything good in the soup and the flavour is off and I’m just not having fun anymore. But noodles, are more powdery; they float they dont expand more than they’re supposed to, and life’s good and you can enjoy them for a long af time. 
So like Pasta = sauce
Noodles = soup
tl;dr: Would you put spaghetti noodles in ur ramen broth? Would you make spaghetti using ramen noodles? the answer is no and if it’s yes, what the fuck bruh
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a2aviary · 7 years
Only a couple seconds, @molliewobbles ! . . . . . . . . #aerial fabric #aerialtissu #aerialhammock #aerial #aerialart #aerialist #silks #aerialsling #sling #tissu #aerialsilks #circus #circuslife (at The Ann Arbor Aviary)
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pomodorinoblu · 9 years
When you get this, respond with 5 things that make you happy and then send this message to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. 💜
1. Rain
2. Drawing
3. Gay Things Of All Varieties
4. Cuddles
5. Halsey, currently
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nikiiwi · 9 years
@molliewobbles: I wish I was using a device that could screen shot because yes! The higher being arc in ATS could have had much better implications and results if Bianca stuck around.
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marisharayy · 9 years
molliewobbles replied to your post: everyone is SO READY to kill JASPER?? ...
I know God it’s so hard to watch in the beginning
i mean i feel like it’s realistic based on the way the show’s been set up and the mindset of the characters but yeah some of the first few episodes can have  some very awkward moments
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ferrisbuellers · 9 years
molliewobbles replied to your photo “i’m crying she’s the cutest”
This is SO CUTE
lol thank you. i have another photo of her with becka and that crown is on her head but rachael has this look on her face like wtf is this haha
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awkwaman · 8 years
Rip Mollie, I'm scared of bongs, Christmas Eve
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theoncomingwolf replied to your post “I hate myself, twice today while working in the clinic, patients asked...”
That's okay babe!! Screw the fact that you feel like you have to be worried, but in no way is that your fault! Do what makes you the most comfortable. ♥
molliewobbles replied to your post “I hate myself, twice today while working in the clinic, patients asked...”
protect yourself first, even if it's from seemingly little things like microaggression. Honestly, I think it's harder to get that kind of abuse from someone when something means that much to you, I think it just goes to show how much it means to you.
shiraglassman replied to your post “I hate myself, twice today while working in the clinic, patients asked...”
I know this feel and I support you 
You are all absolutely wonderful people and thank you so much for you kind words and everything <3 
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nikiiwi · 9 years
@molliewobbles: it was bianca lawson. i believe she was even casted - didn't just audition - but she left for some other project before the pilot was shot.
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mrgaretcarter · 9 years
molliewobbles said: How do you get more fucked up than bsg. Casey? Idk how to spell her name but I watched it 2 years ago and I’m still crying about it
like idk but i feel like its more fucked up because this shit is not even happening to adults they're all teenagers and theY'RE NOT THINKING ANYTHING THROUGH THEY'RE FUCKING UP MAN AND THERE AIN'T NO LAURA ROSLIN THERE TO FIX THAT SHIT
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into-every-generation · 10 years
molliewobbles replied to your post: okay so Tara is not coming back FUCK T...
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a2aviary · 7 years
Mollie [@molliewobbles] got to do the demo with Jenn [@heelhang]nailed it on the first try! #alljennweekenn . . . . . . . . #partneraerial #aerialrope #partnerrope #rollup #aerialrope #aerialarts #partnerworkout (at The Ann Arbor Aviary)
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renegade-lemon · 10 years
molliewobbles replied to your post: If I see one more fuck knob say evolut...
I always reply with “If bikes are made of metal, /why is there still metal out there that aren’t bikes???/” Like don’t get me wrong, I’m a Christian but I’m also not a complete idiot. I fight with my parents about this a lot
exactly! Like, I'm studying this shit in uni right now and I'm tired of people who don't have the proper knowledge in the area butting their nose in with their uneducated and completely WRONG statements. I GET SO HEATED.
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Also, along w what I said on your post, I lie to people in my extended family that somehow(?) still don't know I'm really queer all the time but that's okay. It became an inside joke with my girlfriend tbh, her name is Caeli but I tell everyone in my family I'm dating someone named Carlos. :) I'm sorry you feel bad tho, I just wanted to let you know there's nothing at all shameful in protecting yourself.
Haha, well at least you able to find some humor in it! Its a pretty clever way to go actually :O I can call Chelsea.....Chester? Charles? We shall see....
And thank you for this message, it really meant a lot
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