#mod surro
whumptober · 10 months
Hello! I had a quick question! I was wondering when Whumptober prompts would be announced for this year and what the timeline for that is as of now. Thanks so much for doing this event year after year!
Whumptober prompts will be released tomorrow (29th August) at 6pm BST! This gives everyone about 4.5 weeks (all of September) to prepare.
As for the rest of the event:
On October 1st the challenge begins! During this time, some posts will be reblogged to the @whumptober-archive blog. On November 1st the challenge ends (we have chosen November 1st due to time zones - we don't want to close the event on the 31st before some people have the chance to post on the final day, hahah!) We will post a call for completionist form, a feedback form and the badges at the same time. Finally, in the two weeks following November 1st, the summary/completionist posts as well as a feedback form will be posted to this blog.
We have also updated the about section to reflect this information.
I hope this helps, and wish you all the fun for Whumptober - not long to go now!
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 11 months
Two Weeks of Whump: Summary
Well the challenge has since past, but I just wanted to thank everyone again for taking part! I think I’ll keep this challenge as a yearly thing to mark the blogs anniversary - but I’ll organise it for the month of June so it doesn’t clash with Whumpmas In July!
There were many great submissions and I enjoyed checking them out! (Though I am very sorry if I missed anyone - please tell me if I did! - I did try my best to lurk in the tags/mentions)
Over on AO3 there have been 25 fics across 11 fandoms!
Fandoms: Avatar (James Cameron Film), The Amazing Spiderman, Batman, Detroit: Become Human, Empires SMP, Gravity Falls, Merlin, Sly Cooper, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Venom.
Here on Tumblr there have been approx.128 posts across 20 fandoms (not including original/OC works), and 16 different users with posts ranging from giftsets, art, fanfics and original works!
So major props to:
@dalekdi | @jedi-lothwolf | @janetm74fics | @sodascribbles | @keeper-of-all-the-random-things | @shywhumpauthor | @isamajor | @whumpsday | @dresden-syndrome | @sowhumpful | @dollopheadedmerlin
Especially the completionists:  @em-writes-stuff | @how-much-for-a-whump | @heymanatee and @ktkat99 | @cyborg0109
Sadly I cannot offer a badge this year or more comprehensive stats, though I’m sure that I’ll be able to prepare something for next year, given I’ll have more experience after helping to mod Whumptober. 
Once again, thank you all so much for checking it out/taking part, it’s been so fun seeing what our very talented community has been working on - I’ll see you all again for Whumptober!
Surro :)
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whump-ghoul · 11 months
This is my main blog in which I post/reblog things. Currently a lot of Ghost and other fandom stuff but mainly whump, which might no be everyone's cup of tea.
Name: Surro [22] - He/Him/They
Blog Created: 28-06-2017 Whump/Writing Prompt Side-blog: @promptsforyourwhumpfic​  Backup: @promptsforyourwhumpfic2​​
Mod Of: @whumptober
AO3: Whump_Ghoul Current Fics: 9
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whumptober · 8 months
any tips on how to write one 1,000-5,000 word fic daily? 😅
Coffee, Redbull, Monster (other energy drinks are available)
Jokes aside, my tip is to set yourself a timer. Perhaps if you give yourself 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted writing time then you may surprise yourself with how many words you can get down! (I found this particularly useful when writing my uni essays, hahah!)
Though please don’t burn yourself out; always write within your means. Fics can always be finished at a later date, the ao3 collections stay open and there’s always next year!
[If anyone else has any suggestions, feel free to put them in the reblogs/replies!]
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whumptober · 7 months
Hey guys! First of all, I want to thank you for this amazing event. I really enjoyed it and it cured my writer's block, so I can't thank you enough. Which brings me to my second point - I really got into this. Do you by chance know if there's a similar event for December? Y'know, like... 12 days of Whumpmas kinda thing? And if there isn't, would maybe people be into it if I put it together? 🤔
Thank you for the kind words, and that’s great news that you’ve gotten past your writers block!
Off the top of my head, @whumpcember is a really good December event for whump. As always if anyone knows of any more, let us know In the replies/reblogs!
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whumptober · 9 months
Hi, can I get a little definition for "swooning" as a non native English speaker? I get a few different definition with my translator ^^
'Swooning' is another word for passing out, collapsing, fainting, blacking out etc
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whumptober · 9 months
Wrote prompt 2 and we already have the first Major Character Death... nailed it! XD
Good lord, that's definitely one way of doing it! /lh
It appears no whumpee will be safe this year hahah
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whumptober · 9 months
just wanted to say that whumptober is so not a good thing for me to do. I’m usually mean to my favorite characters… but this is just causing me to be horrible
Sounds like whumptober is the perfect thing for you to do!
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whumptober · 8 months
Hey, we're at day 12 and I'm still writing! Woo! Haha I've never made it this far before. That said, I'm wondering what the criteria for fic posts on tumblr is for them to make it into the archive? Now that I think of it, you proabably can't fit everything into the archive. I'm just wondering if there's something I'm missing past tagging properly.
Woo that’s awesome! Congrats! :D
When it comes to tumblr archive criteria, because there are so many posts for each day our Fairies can only reblog so many! I’m sure you’re doing everything correctly Anon, but it is down to luck and it might be worth giving the Tagging System post another read just incase.
Still, keep going! It’s always great to hear about everyone’s progress, and we’re almost halfway there - I can’t believe it!
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whumptober · 9 months
Is there an official definition of "whump"? I had a look in the About and FAQ and couldn't see it
The description from the whumpapedia wiki is: 'Whump is defined differently by each individual, but the general consensus is that it is a fandom term used to describe situations where a fictional character is hurt, be it emotionally or physically.'
Similarly, fanlore states: 'The term whump (or whumping) generally refers to a form of Hurt/Comfort that is heavy on the hurt and is often found in gen stories. The exact definition varies and has evolved over time. Essentially, whump involves taking a canon character, and placing them in physically painful or psychologically-damaging scenarios.'
Generally, the definition of whump can change depending on who you ask, for example I say whump is a blanket term for a variety of 'whumpy' tropes such as hurt/comfort, torture, broken bones, emotional hurt etc.
I'm curious as to know what everyone else defines whump as - feel free to say in the reblogs/replies! :D
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whumptober · 11 months
Hi! I'm really new to Whumptober stuff, and was wondering if anyone is able to join or if it's for specific people? Also if anyone can join if it's okay to join if you don't have a Ao3 account?
Welcome to Whumptober, Anon!
Whumptober is an event open to everyone - anyone can take part regardless of how new/old they are to whump!
And its more than okay to join if you don't have an AO3 account, people often post on a range of sites according to their personal preference :)
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whumptober · 7 months
So on the form is has us put our a03 username, if we haven't posted anything on A03 should we have put anything there? (Coming from someone who plans to post their works on a03 but hasnt yet, who put their username on the form already) thank you for hosting this year!! It was very fun and I liked the challenge!
If you're going to post the whumptober fics at some point, sure!
AO3 is where a lot of people post their works (over 6000 in this years collection alone!) which is why there's a separate question for that platform.
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whumptober · 10 months
Hi! Are we allowed to make more than one submission on the same day? I understand if it is only allowed to count once but there's been years in the past where I've liked multiple prompts and been unable to choose between them
Of course, the more the merrier!
And yes, that will only count once - for example, if you use two of day ones prompts for two separate fics, that would count once for that day, as you've completed that day regardless of how many fics you post for it. In order to be a completionist, you would then need to fill a prompt from each of the other 30 days.
Happy whumping, not long to go now! :D
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whumptober · 9 months
Settle an...debate between myself and @99point9percentwhump.
day 4 Day 4 says shock for the prompt.
Yes, I know one is cattle prod but... We were thinking of electric shock.
Then the whumpy brain kicked in and said... shock is also after an event you know the heart racing, adrenaline pumping, cola ping goodness of shock.
So the debate is this, Do you take the prompt word as it's seen or can you take the word and work it to the meaning?
Shock is many things not just electric...because let's be serious here, whump comes in many different forms!
Anyway hope you get what I mean 🤣
Oh and have a whump cookie I'm enjoying this whump challenge list 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
The prompts themselves can be taken literally, metaphorically, or any other way you see them - we truly encourage creativity so if you find a way to work the fic to a meaning of a prompt, that counts too!
For example, when we chose shock for the initial list, we wanted to give as much freedom for it as possible rather than just labelling it as ‘electric shock’ or ‘emotional shock’, so you can go with any option you think fits the trope! Shock could also mean your character is given shocking news or you could even relate it to an EMP device.
I hope this helps, and as always if you have any more questions the ask box is always open :)
(And thank you for the cookie :D 🍪)
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whumptober · 9 months
Me, listening to your playlist 3 times in a row while playing minecraft: this is writing. i'm getting so much writing done right now.
If it helps, we'll allow submissions via minecraft book and quill! XD
Glad you're enjoying the playlist!
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whumptober · 9 months
Does it all have to be physical pain? Or can emotional hurt also count as whump? I'm new to actually writing for Whumptober, and I'm a little worried I'm doing it wrong
Emotional hurt definitely counts - if it hurts* then it works!
*the character
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