#mobius shouldve been a FRIEND
jennrypan · 8 months
I remember how devastated I was when Loki died in Infinity War. I was FUCKED UP
The first few minutes of that movie was of me and my friends sniffling and being sad, and I was sure he would stay dead (my friends kept making jokes about it--) and I accepted it.
Then. I find out he has a show and I was EXCITED cuz it's Avengers 1 Loki. My favorite version of Loki (Next to Dark World Loki) and yeah!! I thought it'd show his feelings for his family, him being devastated on how things turned out and wanting to change them so he can see his mother and brother again. Come to terms with his childhood
But..the Loki series wasn't that. It was a whole series or Loki getting insulted, smacked around and treated like an idiot IN HIS OWN SERIES and he just let it happen?? He was fine with it!! And everything that made Loki cool and fascinating was gone and he got replaced by some new character that no one knows about and she's not even interestimg!!!!
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