#miyuki wrecked my bias list ;;;
mob-psycho · 4 years
only had 3 hours of sleep for 4 days binge watching diamond no ace someone hELP
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i read the manga years ago but didn’t finish due to a bunch of chapters not yet translated at that time, so i started out with season 1
first season, this made me realize how precious bakamura & chris senpai is i want to cry at how chris mentored that loud mouth and brought the sunshine out of his cold eyes T___T ALSO I DIDN'T REMEMBER MIYUKI BEING THAT COOL?? A TOTAL BIAS WRECKER!!! seidou vs inashiro game DID NOT HURT!! AS!! MUCH!! AS!! BEFORE!!! THANK GOODNESS bc i would've clawed my eyes out again if that pain was repeated BUT i'm so glad and content how the third years were still visible in the next season, lessening the frustration i mean that team had such a good relationship my heart still weeps
second season, it was really surprising how seidou turned out to be a better team because the previous one already seemed unbeatable & strong AF i'm so hyped at how harucchi stepped up his game with kuramochi. bakamura's batch also got promoted in the first string and tbh i didn't really had much hope for this new team, only expected the fall tournament to be just like a stepping stone in prep for the summer YOOOO I’M SO DUMB TO ASSUME it really changed the game when the team all decided to win for the coach.. miyuki made me cRAZY with his out of this world clutch batting and to think he’s the captain cleanup catcher what a GENIUS that MIYUKI BOY
third season, THE BEST SEASON SO FAR i can vividly remember all the good episodes, the best moments in the series since this time - the regrets, the joy, the trust, the expectations, and the sincerity in each game literally begged for more, the feeling every time bakamura steps at the mound especially in that last ep, wow, that automatically made me read the manga again! and how the bakamura & furuya rivalry progressed was amazing, the character development between the two - the hard climb to being an ace, it was such a ride. can't help thinking how the author would conclude this summer!! also, the new freshmen have interesting personalities, giving a good start for the new batteries (im so soft for muramura battery) since u know... miyuki is...... AHHH I CAN’T EVEN SAY IT!!
ok i just had to express here idk where else sorry for the long post i really wish more people would watch this anime bc it’s real shounen to the core ;__;
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