#mit.arai ryo.ta
ry0t4 · 2 years
Okay so I recently realized that I always wrote sag.ishi feeding ryo.ta, but not ryo.ta feeding sag.ishi and I was like 'hey I should change that' because Let that lad eat!
"And you really made all that just for me?" Sag.ishi asked in awe, looking at all those baked goods in front of them. "Of course. You really helped me a lot lately and I wanted to show how thankful I am. I could've just asked teru.teru to bake some or buy them at the store, but to show I really mean it I baked all this myself."
Ryo.ta really hoped that his baked goods will taste good. He had to admit that is intentions weren't entirely pure... sure, he wanted to thank sag.ishi with this. But everytime he watched his partner eat he turned completly red and got this tingly feeling in his stomach.
Ryo.ta baked some different variants, cupcakes, a cake, a pie and some cookies. He suggested that they move to the couch and watch some movies. Even though all he wanted to watch was sag.ishi eat. Ryo.ta hugged their arm as they tried the fierst piece. They decided to start with the pie and their expression was enough for ryo.ta to see that they like it. At first he only took quick glances to watch them eat but after some time all his attention was drawn to their eating.
After sag.ishi finished the pie they went for the cupcakes but before eating them they turned to ryo.ta and smiled. "You seem to find interest in my eating. Would you like to help me a bit." They put a cupcake in his hand and guided it to their mouth. Ryo.ta blushed like crazy. Was this really happening? But sag.ishi wanted this, so ryo.ta didn't want to disappoint them. He picked up a second cupcake and fed it to his partner.
After they all were gone sag.ishi groaned slightly. "As much as I'd love to eat the rest, I don't think I can eat any more." Ryo.ta just leaned in for a kiss and softly said "Oh don't worry dear, we can save that for later"
He gently started to rub their belly as they cuddled and continued watching the movie.
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ry0t4 · 2 years
wait nvm I did have an idea
It's been some time ever since the world has been saved from des.pair, which also means that it's been some time ever since ryo.ta has been rescued from his unhealthy habits by their good friend sag.ishi
well, they are definetly more than good friends.
Sag.ishi had made sure that the boy got more sunlight, animated less, took care of himself and, most importantly, ate enough. It's been a few years so mit.arai looked way healthier now. The pale slim boy now finally put on some weight, having a soft, chubby tummy andpuffy cheeks, all thanks to his partner.
Since he gained weight he of course had to go up a few clothing sizes, which neither of them did mind. However, when ryo.ta decided to do a bit of cleaning he found something interesting in the shape of a box containing his old clothes. Meanwhile, sag.ishi stumbled in on him cleaning.
"Looks like someone finally decided to clean his part of the closet" they commented, just glad ryo.ta cleaned at least something. "Look what I found! It's the box with my old clothes." Ryo.ta said while pulling his old dress shirt out of the box. "Can't believe I used to fit into these. I really didn't take good care of myself huh? I wonder how it'd look if I tried it on now?"
Sag.ishi smiled and looked at their lover. "Well, why don't you try it then?" Mit.arai blushed. "I guess I could, give me a second." He mumbled while running of to the bathroom (which sag.ishi didn't understand since ryo.ta slept shirtless pretty often)
It took some time until the boy came out of the bathroom again with the white dress shirt on. His looks made sag.ishi blush. The buttons were strained and looked ready to pop, the outline of his tummy was pretty visible. The shirt was overall really tight.
Mit.arai had an embarassed look on his face. "I think this was a bad idea." He managed to mumble out. "I think it's amazing dear." "huh?" "You should have never fit into this shirt in first place. But you made progress. And it was worth it." Sag.ishi spoke as they took ryo.tas lovehandles into their hands. "You're perfect"
Sag.ishi sat down on the bed and so did their lover when suddenly POP POP, two of the buttons on his shirt popped off. Mit.arai became beet red and he didn't know what to say. "wow... that was cute." Sag.ishi smiled, which made ryo.ta blush even more. They didn't know why, but something about this was mesmerizing.
"Do you think you could try one more old clothes?"
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ry0t4 · 2 years
not really sr related but Sag.ishi lets ryo.ta sit on their lap and I STAND BY THAT.
Like, when ryo.ta is animating they just go "why use this rock hard chair? You're going to hurt yourself." And then they just cuddle him or make sure he can eat while animating.
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ry0t4 · 2 years
mmmmmmhdhdhdhdheheheh I can't stop thinking of this soooooo
Ib.uki and ryo.ta both being partners of sag.ishi, deciding to spoil them to the core. Usually it's sag.ishi who keeps the two of them well fed and cares for them but Ib.uki and ryo.ta decided to give them a little 'thanks'
They make sure only the most delicious dishes are being made and served. They feed sag.ishi so they don't have to move a single muscle. In the end they are all stuffed so they receive belly rubs and kisses from their partners.
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ry0t4 · 3 years
Can you please do Sa.gimita concerned stuffing.
Oh god I apologize for answering this one so late. I just finished this since it sat in my drafts for so long
Ryo.ta gasped in suprise as the door to his dark room suddenly opened. He hasn't left his room in the past few days, hoping that no one will notice.
But apparently someone did. And this someone was none other sag.ishi
"Ryo.ta... You cannot keep this up. You and I both know that what you're doing is hurting you. You might not care for yourself, but I do."
Sag.ishis words might hurt a bit but they were unfortunaly true. Ryo.ta is barely eating or drinking. He doesn't go out often and barely interacts with anyone else.
"I'm... I'm sorry sag.ishi. I'll do better." Ryo.ta actually felt guilty but this didn't seem to convince sag.ishi to leave him.
"There is nothing to apologize for my dear. But I'm still worried about you so I would like you to come with me, alright?"
Their words always seemed so warm and trustful. Ryo.ta appreciates them a lot, so he decides to take sag.ishis offer and turns off his computer.
They didn't go very far. Just to sag.ishis cottage. They led ryo.ta to the living room and sat him on the couch. He was a little bit confused but had full trust into his partner. Suddenly sag.ishi set down a bunch of plates with fresh delicious food.
"I requested Teruteru to prepare some food just for you. You haven't eaten anything the past two days, have you?"
Ryo.ta shook his head, signing "no".
"That's what I thought. Now come here." They patted their lap and ryo.ta sat down. Sag.ishis thighs felt so soft and pillow like. It was amazing.
And then, they started feeding him. At first some pasta with a wrapped in thick amounts of cheese, then a homecooked pizza that tasted heavnlike. Te.ru wasn't called "the ult.imate chef" for nothing
Normally ryo.ta wouldn't even eat that much in two days together, but this food was made just for him. He couldn't let all that go to waste now could he?
Sa.gishi was suprised that ryo.ta actually ate everything that was cooked but happy about it. He barely eats anything, he deserves this.
Ryo.ta made sure to eat up everything what quite took some time. After he finished he kinda regret what he just did.
His tummy was full and aching, the buttons of his jacket were strained and he barly could move. Ryo.ta was so very emberassed, especially since sag.ishi held him in their arms. But sag.ishi wasn't disgusted at all, rather the opposite. It was cute seeing the boy all stuffed and full.
"O-oh god I'm so sorry I must *hic* look so stupid right now..." Ryo.ta mutterd. "not at all. You just haven't eaten in a long time and got some appetite now. You're not used to eating that much, its normal that your stomach hurts." Sag.ishi comforted him as they ran their hand through his hair.
"say, would you mind it if I helped you?" Ryo.ta was a bit confused when sag.ishi asked this but just silently nodded. Suddenly he felt how sag.ishi unbuttoned his jacket so his belly wasn't covered, then they brought a hand to their stomach and soflty started rubbing it. Ryo.ta groaned in relief, this felt so good.
"Do you like it?" Once again, ryo.ta just nodded as sag.ishi continued. "T-thank you so much for your help" "of course"
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ry0t4 · 3 years
oh hey guess who's alive again.
It was a warm sunny morning. The sun shined through the blinds right onto ryo.tas face, softly waking him up.
The boy stretched, his shirt riding up and exposing his new plump tummy.
Ever since he and two.gami moved in together his partner made sure ryo.ta would eat enough. Which eventually led him to put on some weight. And some more. and more.
By now he had a chubby, round tummy resting on his plump thighs. As he slowly woke up he reached out for his partner who was supposed to lie next to him just to notice two.gami wasn't there.
That's when ryo.ta took note of the smell which was coming from the kitchen. It smelled so amazing and delicious. Ryo.ta got curious and stood up.
And there they were. Two.gami standing in the kitchen, preparing a nice, big breakfast for both of them. Ryo.ta slowly walked over to them and hugged them from behind. His tummy pressing against two.gamis soft back.
"Good morning my darling." Two.gami laughed as they felt their boyfriend hugging them. "Mm.. good morning..." ryo.ta mumbled tiredly, refusing to let go of his partner.
"Breakfast is ready soon my love. How about you already sit down at the table, Hm? I'll join you in a few minutes." Ryo.ta let go with some groaning, sitting down at the table.
It didn't take long for two.gami to bring a couple of plates filled with loads of foods to the table. Everything just looked so delicious, the bacon, the eggs, even the toast looked perfectly toasted. Ryo.ta couldn't even decide what to start with.
he filled his plates with some eggs and bacon first, then a PB&J toast with some strawberries and a couple of pancakes at the end. This really was a lot, but two.gami taught him that you should always eat as much as you want. You don't have to be emberassed. Treat yourself.
Of course this much food filled ryo.ta up to the brim, but the more he ate the more his meds will work, which was another plus point. And besides, two.gami always loved to take care of a stuffed ryo.ta.
"Come here my love, let me help you." They helped him get up and onto the couch. His shirt has ridden up and his pants had to be pulled down slightly for his belly to be comfortable.
Since ryo.ta gained some weight he also gained some stretch marks. They made him feel pretty insecure but two.gami loved to praise him for them.
"Look at those gorgepus stretch marks. They're nothing bad. I remember how you used to be. I remember the time you were underweight and refused to eat. Look at you now. You're healthy and just as beautiful as ever my love. You are lovely."
Ryo.ta always was a blushy mess when two.gami praised him like that. "T-thank you for everything." "I'd do everything for you my love." They softly kissed his forhead.
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ry0t4 · 3 years
Ryo.ta looked down on the paper given to him. It was a description of his new meds. Imp.oster sat next to him, reading everything, what they’ll do, what he should drink them with and the side effects.
“I’m happy you finally decided to get them. They seem to be really good.” Imp.oster smiled and continued reading when he noticed two specific side effects. Weight gain and growing Appetite.
“And Maybe they’ll help you to gain enough weight, you’re really Nothing but Skin and bones.” Imp.oster chuckled with a joking undertone which colored ryo.tas cheeks into a sight pink. Even if imp.oster was joking, he was Right. Ryo.ta was skinny, really skinny. He often forgot or even refused to eat which worried imp.oster a lot. But if These meds really help him he can take a Little side effect. “Y-yea you’re Right. Maybe.” 
It’s been 3 weeks since ryo.ta started to take the new meds and he has to admit, the side effects were kinda kicking in. His metabolism slowed down slighty, he got more hungry and he gained some weight. It wasn’t noticable yet since ryo.ta was really thin to begin with but at least it was something. And it made imp.oster happy.
seeing ryo.ta Sneak to the kitchen once or twice to get something like leftovers from yesterday or Little to Snack on was a calming sight, knowing he finally ate something. this continued for the next weeks and ryo.tas Snack portions grew. And not only the Snack portions grew but also himself.
After About two months he gained enough weight to look healthy and not as pale as before. Imp.oster loved how his boyfriend looked by now. His clothes grew slightly tighter and he seeked even more for imp.osters affection. Sometimes ryo.ta even asked him to feed him and oh god he could do this forever.
By now ryo.ta has a visibly chubby tummy and soft cheeks. Even his arms and thighs grew puffier . Currently he sat in his bed on imp.osters lap, being fed with takeout while watching his favorite ani.me. 
His belly slightly poked out from under his Shirt and his pants sat tight around his currently spred thighs. At this Point he really didn’t mind his weight gain anymore and neither did imp.oster. In fact both of them actually liked it.
“Have I ever told you how gorgeous and Beautiful you are?” Imp.oster said while giving ryo.tas belly a slight jiggle. “Pretty much every single time we are together.” Ryo.ta laughed in Response, waiting for imp.oster to feed him some more.
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ry0t4 · 3 years
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Tw.ogami: so you're the one who imposters me now, hm?
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