#mission: keep things short has failed for the Karu section
idololivine · 8 months
karu & olivine (or garu if you cant think of anything for karu). also... morvay & olivine. and maybe (even tho they never interacted), Rin & olivine? and just food for thoughts, what about if olivine ever met huey?
Oh boy, a lotta characters! Gonna try to keep each section shorter.
Karu & Olivine
Olivine has a parental-ish sort of demeanor towards the wolves; in Forest Carnival, he says that he can't help but want to look after them. At the same time, he doesn't infantilize them - he acknowledges that Garu and Karu are very capable and can take care of themselves (also in Forest Carnival).
A quote:
Olivine (Hmm, if I remember correctly, Garu and Karu spent a long time living in the wilderness of the Dead Zone.) (As such, I'd guess... they're far more adept at outdoor activities than myself.) Olivine Sorry for fretting so much, Garu. I can't help feeling the urge to watch over you and Karu. Garu Ah? No need to watch over us. Plus, we really wanna help everyone out!
At the same time... the way Olivine interacts with Karu specifically does make me think of a preschool teacher trying to convince a toddler why they should play nice lol. It's because Olivine is very milfy big brotherly and Karu is just a real brat.
Ship-wise, I think Olivine is possibly the only person in the clan who would be happy to bottom to Karu, but I also think it's infinitely funnier if Karu is just... a really bad top. Olivine has to speedrun figuring out how to fake an orgasm. Also if Karu started calling Olivine Human Slave No. 2 I think Olivine would just roll with it the same way you nod and agree when a kid tells you they're a magical alien princess.
Garu & Olivine
More or less the same first paragraph as Karu & Olivine. Garu's much less bratty and snippy than Karu, so there's a lot less of the "humoring a cranky toddler" vibe. I think he'd respond well to Olivine lightly mother henning him, even though he's fully capable of taking care of himself.
Ship-wise, they're just too "and so they were both subs". Mutually disinterested, but a hypothetical fanartist/ficwriter could Manufacture Circumstances in which something might happen. (I say, as I continue to make agonizingly slow progress on an OliGaru fic for the Garu & Karu Fanweek.)
Morvay & Olivine
They're canonically besties who go shopping together!! They mean so much to me you don't understand. They're so opposed on the surface but so similar deep down. A demon and a priest... A man who has never been accepted by society and doesn't care to change himself to become more palatable, and a man who is perfect in the eyes of society and is learning to be true to himself even if he ceases to be perfect... Two men who are just incredibly horny and both love sucking cock.
I don't think we'll see much of it in canon because Morvay is banned from the regular event rotation, but listen, you could take all the potential they have and make an incredible yaoi manga out of it. Criminally underrated ship. My kingdom for a Halloween event with Morvay in an angel costume and Olivine in a demon costume.
Rin & Olivine
It's hard to speculate on a character we know fuckall about, and I honestly don't really give a damn about Rin. I know that a lot of people really want him to be playable but like,, I just Don't Care about him. I think unless he gets a redemption arc and/or personality overhaul he just can't fit into the clan, story-wise. There's no way Rin as-is is going to play nice at Kleinmas.
If Rin conjured a fake Eiden to target Olivine, the same way he did to Dante/Edmond/Blade in chapter 10, I imagine that the fake Eiden would insinuate that Olivine has betrayed the God of Klein and failed in his duties as a priest by giving in to his desires.
Huey & Olivine
Another character we don't know much about! All we really know is that Huey was a real asshole, and that it's implied that some (a lot?) of how Kuya behaves was also how Huey behaved.
I think it depends on where in the timeline he meets Huey and what about him Huey criticizes. Earlier on, Olivine's more unsure of himself and would be more sensitive to being insulted for his desires, both sexual and not. Later on, when he's more confident, he'd be able to shrug it off and maybe even stand up to Huey. No clue how Huey would react to being told no, but I doubt it'd be good.
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