#miss sexy latam tournament
Special poll
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Gaturro's new antivandalism statute will use special washable, anti-adherent paint, graphene metal, and an internal security camera.
The people united will never be defeated. The hatred towards this cat is palpable, two statues were broken and painted until they were unrecognizable. People sold 3d impressions of Gaturro so that anyone who wasn't able to destroy the last statues had the chance to vandalize something.
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a-go-ni-a · 1 year
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Read it in PT / ESP / ENG
[PT] Tô adorando as disputas de personagens latines. Provando que o Tumblr é o lar dos furros, os dois brasileiros empataram e vão como um time para a próxima rodada no #miss sexy latam tournament.
Para comemorar a vitória, Zé Carioca e o Lobo, fursona do Wagner Moura, comeram pastel com calda de cana.
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[ESP] Me encantan los torneos de personajes latines. Comprobando que Tumblr es el hogar de los furros, los dos brasileños empataron y siguen como un equipo a la siguiente ronda de @miss-latam-sexy-tournament
Para celebrar, Zé Carioca y el Lobo, la fursona de Wagner Moura, comieron pastel y caldo de cana.
Pastel es una comida típica de Brasil, es una pasta hecha de harina y freída en aceite. Hay distintos rellenos: carne, queso, pollo con requesón, pizza y otros. Y caldo de cana es jugo de la caña de azúcar.
(He decidido tratar de escribir mis textos también en español. Si hay errores, dime, por favor.)
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[ENG] I do enjoy latine characters tournaments. Proving Tumblr is the home of furries, the round with Brazilians furries resulted in a draw. Now they are a team in the next round of #miss sexy latam tournament.
To celebrate, Zé Carioca and the Wolf, Wagner Moura’s fursona, eat pastel and caldo de cana.
Pastel is a traditional Brazilian food. It is a fried dough that can be stuffed with meat, cheese, chicken and cream cheese, pizza and more. Caldo de cana is sugarcane juice.
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wackyrumble · 1 year
Wackiest Character Tournament
does explaining your guy (gender neutral) make other people laugh? go "what the fuck?" "Huh?" personally, i adore characters who's existence sounds stupid and nonsensical. thus... the tournament is born.
send me only your most absurd sounding characters here and let them fight
regular rule applies: you can nominate multiple characters but do not nominate the same character multiple times number of submissions doesn't matter here what matters is their levels of wacky
i'm not checking the things the characters are from for being problematic and i am not well acquainted with what is generally considered to be so be advised. i might do background checks on characters but not what they're from, but if it's like an extreme case, you are free to bring it up to me and argue why a character should be removed i will hear you out. generally, if the character that is being nominated isn't abhorrent themselves (nazi, pedo, etc i will be the judge on that) it's acceptable
no harry potter submissions though fuck you guys
no real people unless it's really funny i'm counting the dsmp guys in no real people mostly because i just do not like that series but also i don't know shit about where it falls on the real people-ness thing but i doubt it's funny enough for me. i guess you can try though
i will accept ocs IF i think they fit and you can provide an image (i will accept a picrew with credit)
characters will be chosen based on highest levels of weird, so feel free to submit your most obscure guys! i also ask people do vote in polls on the basis of which character is more weird (descriptions will be included) rather than actual character preference in the name of science. obviously i cannot control anybody to actually do this but please keep in mind that's what i would prefer
tagging some tournaments i like :) @weirdstrangeguybattle @latine-showdown @miss-latam-sexy-tournament @guess-that-ship @who-do-i-know-this-man @insanepoll @ultimate-word-tournament
examples and such below:
if you're unsure what counts, i'd say follow your heart. basically just assume that so long as it's not realistic and describing them to another person might make them laugh or confused they are a viable fighter, they don't need to have a quirky personality themselves if everything else about them is the utmost quirky. i will dictate what does and does not count at my own discretion
- dark riku from kingdom hearts: a replica of a replica of a guy named riku that time travelled to the future. the guy's deal is so confusing and not explained clearly enough that i think majority of the fandom still don't know what the hell he is. there's a scene where the riku replica is apprehending dark riku and riku is watching them
- denji from chainsaw man: was in debt for like a fuck ton of money and sold one of his balls, later became a devil hunter and all he wanted from his job was to touch boobs. loves dating women who want to kill him, had a whole sharknado scene where he was trying to kill his girlfriend
- don't hug me i'm scared characters probably
- most yugioh characters probably
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Hello Tumblr!!!!
Are you a The Boys fan? Do you enjoy Tumblr tournaments? Do you think a The Boys character is extremely attractive and want to see them beat every other The Boys character in a competition?
Then this is just the place for you. Welcome to the Sexiest The Boys Character Tournament.
You can submit characters to the Google Form until May 21st, or until there's too many submissions for me to manage. Please only submit a character once, but you can submit as many different characters as you'd like.
Please be nice and enjoy!
Other polls for reach: @let-me-date-them-bracket, @latine-showdown, @best-fanfic-trope, @babygirl-beatdown, @ultimatemalewifepoll, @babygirlpoll, @miss-latam-sexy-tournament, @who-do-i-know-this-man, @lovableassholestournamentent, @evilmilftournament, @gentle-giant-swag, @ultimate-poll-tournament, @bestshipsmackdown, @daddiest-battle, @character-of-all-time.
Also, if anyone knows of another The Boys tournament, please tell me, I want to participate.
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What's the best food, statistically speaking? Let's find out!
Eating is arguably the best part of being alive [citation needed]. Not only do you get to do it multiple times a day, but you never get tired of it.
But which food is the very best?
This question has plagued mankind since the beginning of time. And while it may be impossible to find a definitive answer, we can come to a more basic conclusion by putting some favorite foods in a bracket and making people vote on the one they like the most, because conflict is always the answer!
Let's find out what Tumblr's favorite food is!
Submit your favorite food here!
You can make multiple submissions, but please only send one submission per food. Spam will not be tolerated.
Tags for exposure:
@robot-swag-competition, @pinkandbluebracket, @mfshipbracket, @single-father-swag-competition, @tournament-winners-tournament, @angelicswagsummit, @latine-showdown, @miss-latam-sexy-tournament, @worst-fictional-cook-showdown, @ultimateknightbattle, @betrayalbracket, @time-traveler-tourney.
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Round 1
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Lobo. Death straight up, a little cunning, he hunts with a pair of sickles. Lobo has a terrifying whistle that announces his presence as if he was El silbador. Considered latine since his va is Brazilian.
Zé Carioca. A charming little fellow that enjoys life and likes to dance with pretty ladies. He taught his gringo friend latam's beauty and culture. Canonically Brazilian.
Brazilian furry on Brazilian furry violence.
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Round 1
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Diego "Godot" Armando. He's a silly lawyer that gives bisexual vibes and makes a lot of philosophical reflections that always end up referencing coffee. Survived death after someone poisoned his coffee. He really likes coffee. Localization to english made him kinda misogynistic for no reason, and official art keeps whitewashing him. Truly suffers the latino representation stuggles. His nationality isn't mentioned but the name is a big indicator that he must be from anime latam.
Lelouch Lamperouge, protagonist of Code Geass. He started a whole revolution in Japan against English colonization. He has wacky powers and cares a lot for his little sister. Solving his daddy issues might save the world. While Lelouch is anime English, the submission said he gave "whitexican" vibes, and if that's true then it explains a lot about him.
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Round 1
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Juan Carlos Bodoque. An icon, he works at the news broadcast known as 31 minutos. He's the party's spirit, he has a guitar, he only wants a perfect night with wine and chips. True husbando material. His body count is low. Canonically chilean.
Goku. He is everywhere, in taco stands, restaurants (if he's painted on the wall, the food is gonna be good 50/50), buses, and toys. He marked whole generations and caused a ruckus in Mexico´s plaza when one of his movies was released. Honorary latino.
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Round 2
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Ñ. Beloved letter, necessary for the Spanish language. It is often used as an annoying, childish, but very gratifying argument against English speakers. Latam's smallest but fiercest warrior.
Sofía Vergara. Her hair went woosh and waaaaaaffff in those shampoo commercials. Looked precious while spinning happily with flowers surrounding her. She's Colombian.
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Round 2
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Colgate 360. He charmed all of our hearts as kids with his deep velvety voice. He helped many with their oral hygiene, some even begged their mother to buy them the brush. A good toothbrush. His VA is Venezuelan.
Link to the commercial
Kronk: Oh, right.The poison.The poison for Kuzco, the poison chosen especially to kill Kuzco, Kuzco's poison. That poison? / Disney's most iconic himbo who likes to bake and talk to squirrels. Honorary latine, since he's from pre columbian Peru.
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Round 1
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Federica P.Luche. Biological other of two and adopted an amnesiac police officer after almost killing him. Federica wears pink unashamedly and spends a lot of money, she's also probably cheating on her husband with the milkman too. Canonically Mexican.
Nazare Tedesco. She was a prostitute pretending to be a nurse. She steals the protagonist's newborn baby, and uses the infant to trick her wealthy lover into marrying her, so she can escape prostitution. She's better known as the thinking woman meme. Canonically Barzilian.
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Round 1
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Juan Pueblo. He was born in a neighborhood filled-to-the-brim, he works hard for Guayaquil. He represents the common folk. Juan Pueblo and his little silly paper hat have a statue in his town. He's from Ecuador.
Juan's song is linked here
Jesus Christ. Latam's special boy. If a restaurant has a big ass photo of him on the wall, then the food is probably gonna be good. Honestly, he had very good lessons and ideals, but his fandom mischaracterizes him so badly. Honorary latine.
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Round 1
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Chayanne. He charmed all of our mother's hearts here in latam with his voice. He is the father of all fatherless kids. Sometimes even the ones with fathers. Scandalous! A good torero. He is Puerto Rican.
Link to his song Torero
Colgate 360. He charmed all of our hearts as kids with his deep velvety voice. He helped many with their oral hygiene, some even begged their mother to buy them the brush. A good toothbrush. His VA is Venezuelan.
Link to the commercial
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Welcome to✨Miss Sexy Latam✨ tournament!
A poll to gather all of the conventionally and unconventionally attractive latine characters that have made our hearts skip a beat 💞 and the nonhispanic characters that have left a big impression in Latam's girlies. (gn) We are gonna pit them against each other until the most loved and basic of all is decided :D/
Some info:
Submitted characters may have any gender, the Miss thing is gender-neutral.
Characters that are minors won't be accepted.
A character must have multiple submissions to enter the tournament.
El fraude electoral es parte de nuestra cultura, denle con ganas.
When I say nonhispanic characters might be allowed, I mean characters like Goku or Max Steel, which are practically part of our culture.
The character might not be latine in concept, but if their va is latine, or some headcanon or vibes are strong enough, they will be considered latine.
Pls only vote if you are latine. I'm gonna add a third button for people who may want to watch the tournament, but the idea is to find out what character is the most uh... desired, by our beautiful international family.
The form will be open until May 1st, or when 60 characters are added to the brackets.
Tagging: @latine-showdown @fuckable-old-man-battle @blorbopoll @argentiniancharactertournament
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Round 1
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Ñ. Beloved letter necessary for the Spanish language, is often used as an annoying, childish, but very gratifying argument against English speakers. Latam's smallest warrior.
Angel. A playable character from the videogame "King of fighters", she is a modified human with an assassin job and a cheerful attitude. Mostly known in México as the white-haired anime girl that appeared in the maquinitas. (coin paid videogames) Honorary Mexican.
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Round 1
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Din Djarin. Swore loyalty to the Mandalorian creed and works as a bounty hunter. At some point, he found a small baby alien. You know which one it's fucking everywhere on the Internet. At first, he hates the little one but later he decided he would be the dad that stepped up. His actor is Chilean.
Moon Knight. Works under the order of Khonsu, an egyptian god that represents the moon and watches over the night travelers. He's filled with trauma to no end. / Owns a little one-finned gold fish, is a nerd for Egyptian history, and says: Later alligator!" / Kicks empty wheelchairs. His actor is Guatemalan.
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