#miss saluzzo
ptanalo · 1 year
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I miss her o’clock
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alpaca-suri · 1 month
came home today to The World's Most Suspiciously Wrapped Package
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not gonna show the shipping label but it looks like it's been repasted and covered by a few different carriers for some reason
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cautiously opened it up and immediately went ??? i have no memory of ordering an anime figurine(?)
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but very in character for Miss Saluzzo to show up in my house uninvited
as it turns out working nonstop 8+8 shifts between two jobs for three weeks straight would give me some memory gaps and apparently i ordered her myself?? i have the email confirmation i got her off ebay??? still genuinely can't remember and now im worried there may be other purchases on its way that i'm not aware of lol
but it was a fun surprise to come home to after working from 5am to 11pm
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waheelawhisperer · 4 months
Probably taking a break from writing Arknights smut to focus more on original stuff, but if I feel the urge to write porn, which scenario would y'all like to see developed (picked from among the ones I've already completed/mostly completed outlines for)?
Read all choices before selecting your answer. I know some of y'all have trouble with that.
All Doc x Operator ideas will have both a male and female Doc version unless otherwise specified.
No guarantee I'll write audience choice, but if I like it enough I'll give it a shot
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vivlily · 7 months
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A speedy miss saluzzo for her birthday, seems she requested blueberry cake for some reason.
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sacareblog12 · 4 years
Don't Get Burned By Web Designers
If you bring up the subject of web design with small business people, it wouldn't take long to find someone who has been burned by a web designer. Perhaps they have even come to the conclusion that a web site is not worth the expense. Let's look at how and why that happens, and outline some success principles that will help you when you need web design services. Since so many web designers get it wrong, the web design principles that actually work may surprise you.
One of the problems with siti web saluzzo is that software programs have made it seem easy to create a web site. If you have the software, it would not take you long to build a web site. There are an abundance of inexpensive templates available to make it even easier to put together a web site. Getting a professional looking web site is not difficult at all. So you may wonder, why is that a problem?
The process of creating a web site does not end with making it look professional. In fact, that could very well be one of the least important aspects of a web site design. Let's face it, there are ugly web sites that make a lot of money. Since life is not fair, there are great looking web sites that make little or no money. I'm not saying the professionalism of your web site is not important; I am saying it's not enough.
There is a serious flaw in the web design industry, and small business owners are especially prone to fall victim to it. The problem is that usually, very little business planning goes into a web site design. Too many web designers are more concerned with selling web design than taking the time to build an effective web site.
This deficiency stems from the fact that very few web designers are marketing people. Small business people do not have big advertising budgets, so they are easily attracted to the low rates of average web designers. Good marketing means setting priorities and effectively using your resources to accomplish goals.
The one element I find seriously missing in web design is the very thing that is fundamentally important; that element is uniqueness. A Unique Selling Point (USP) is one of the basic tenets of marketing. You must answer the questions: why should I buy from you, and, what makes you different from my other choices? If you fail in this area, your web site visitor will not be kind to you. They will leave and not come back; they will probably not tell you why they left either.
Read your web site copy to see if it contains another common error. Does it say, "We this," and, "We that?" Do not "we" on your web site visitors! Your web site copy should speak to the visitor, address their needs, and solve their problem. It must compel them in some way. You need to draw them in and sell them on your solution.
When you take notice of how many web sites violate these basic marketing principles above, you will begin to see how you have the opportunity to rise above your competitors. Just think, if the majority of business web sites are violating even these most basic principles, how much more could you benefit from hiring a Click here who understands marketing?
There is a lot of emphasis placed on search engine optimization (SEO), and there should be, because this is very important if you want to have your web site found by people using the search engines. For most web sites, search engines account for 80% to 95% of all visitors. However, as important as SEO is, if you have a web site that is not creating sales with the visitors you are already getting, SEO is the wrong priority.
The next principle is the one you will probably find the most surprising. People actually read web sites! Yes, they do have a short attention span, and we will look at that point next, but they do read. There have been many studies done to document the way people use web pages. Even though so much attention is given to graphics, the studies show that well over 75% of the time, web page users read the text before they notice graphics.
This does not mean that graphics are unimportant. Visual elements are one of the many advantages a web site can provide. When you consider that people use the Internet to seek information, then it does makes sense that they will read your web site's content. Providing the right information can mean the difference between winning a customer, or surrendering them to your competition.
I also promised to cover the short attention span issue. It is often called the 3 second rule. According to web studies, if you cannot capture the attention of your visitor in approximately 3 seconds, that's how fast they usually leave your web site. I suspect the reason is because so many web sites are such a horrible waste of time, that people's patience has been worn down. The solution is to have a fast loading page that quickly clues them in that you can solve their problem. If they can "skim" in a few seconds, and you grab their attention, you have successfully drawn them in so they will stay a while.
Statistically, it takes 7 visits before you make a sale. If your web site is not done correctly, you will have dismal results because you can't get them to come back seven times. That is why so many web site owners are disappointed with their success. That is why some web designers provide what seems to be a bargain, while other web designers have to charge more to give you a better value. It takes more time to plan and create a good web site design.
For more information: langaweb.it/siti-web-saluzzo
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The whole thing about Ms Saluzzo’s first name is so fucked. Besides being named after a region that is named after a slur, the name itself has nothing to do with her character, she’s not from or at all related to that region of the world or it’s in-game equivalent. She’s based on the extinct Newfoundland wolf which was native to Canada (as a counterpart to Texas being based on the extinct Texas wolf from Texas), and that she’s a member of an in-universe mafia family from in-universe Italy. I have no idea why they didn’t call her Newfoundland, since that’s what they did for Texas. But because she’s been in the game and named that for years and because she’s a popular character with fans they’re probably never going to change it. And we can try our best and make as many posts as we can to make sure as many people who play the game know not to say or use her first name, but without actually having her in-game name changed effectively like trying to fix a broken dam with duct tape. It’s a really shitty situation and I keep coming back to the thought “hey, why did they name her that???”
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Call her plappland the way she hits it from behind
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Some time last year I had a bizarrely vivid dream about blogging through the aftermath of a post blowing up about how Skadi’s name was, in the dream, an ethnic slur for a group of Northern European/Icelandic (it wasn’t clear in the dream) indigenous people. (She’s actually named after the Norse goddess Skaði). The rest of the dream involved all the various responses to the post, like the people who defended the name and wanted to keep using it, the people who tried coming up with alternate names for her and then argued with each other over which name should be the one everyone uses, and the people who saw it as justification to harass everyone who ever referred to her by name and posted in the tag for her name. The defenders were rancid, the alt name debates got really heated, and the harassers ended up driving a ton of fan artists who don’t speak English off the website who were getting harassed but didn’t know why. There was all sorts of discourse about whether or not we should even talk about her anymore even though it was only her name, not her design, that was offensive. Some people tried to get the devs to change her name but never got a response. The entire time I was sitting there feeling bad for having used it and thinking “Hey, why the fuck did they name her that???”
When I woke up, i felt stressed and tired having dreamt about tumblr discourse. I went looked up what her name meant to make sure that was just in the dream, and then posted about it like I do for most of my weird dreams. I didn’t expect anyone to respond. Instead I had a number of replies telling me that most of that actually happened/happens every once in a while, and that my subconscious just picked the wrong character.
Hey, why the fuck did they name Miss Saluzzo that?
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Lappland x Texas sure wouldn’t be healthy for either of them but as a lover of fucked up lesbians I sure love it
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I love Lappland so much. She's crazy, Italian, and her skill keeps creeps from popping their powers.
Ahahah, poi affettato come una millefoglie. Come ti piace?
I agree completely! I’m not entirely sure why you’re telling me but I agree and I love her. I also love that her English voiceover has the Italian accent as well, is extremely good, and I can’t understand what she’s saying. She ranks very highly on my list of characters I wouldn’t mind being stabbed by that much
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I love how Lappland and Texas’s dynamic extends to their base skills. Like they only have any useful bonuses when put on shift with each other, but Texas loses morale faster and Lappland loses morale slower bc Lappland spends the whole time being obnoxious
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I don’t think it makes any sense for Lappland to silence enemy units considering the noises I make whenever I see her
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
I don't think I missed anything but it seems like Oripathy just, didn't come up in Il Siracusano. Do you know any lore relevant to that? I've looked through some operator records - Broca was betrayed but it didn't seem related, Suzuran was caught up in the shit, Angelina took up smuggling but it seemed like her own choice when she got infected. Some don't even mention it as part of their story. I can't tell if the Siracusan attitude towards rock cancer is "eh whatever nobody in this town is making it to thirty anyway" or if the Saluzzos have a flaming pit and anyone with rocks showing gets thrown in the hole.
I'm pretty sure Siracusa doesn't give a shit about Oripathy. When the average life expectancy in that shithole country is like 12 days to begin with, Exploding Rock Disease just becomes one of many inventively horrible ways to die. Oripathy isn't a death sentence, it just gives you cool Arts powers until some dumbass mafioso pops a cap in your ass. Siracusa is so hostile to all forms of life that Oripathy doesn't even move the needle.
(Yeah from what we can tell Oripathy just isn't considered a big deal in Siracusa, and my guess as to the reason is that it's genuinely because the country is so dangerous in general that Oripathy doesn't stand out as all that much more threatening than any other aspect of living there.)
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