#minthara was mind controlled but she’s an abuser okay sure
immortalspacelesbian · 6 months
can i ask what happened on twitter? i'm sorry BG3 twit is so insane but there are a lot of active folks here on tumblr that are much nicer imo. hope you can find a new place here and we stan all minthara lovers. queen shit. 🙏❤️
i’d say “long story short” but there’s 0 ways i can make this short there’s just SO much 😭
basically those datamined lines with halsin and minthara were found, where halsin refuses to work with minthara and makes tav choose between them even though minthara is begging for shelter from the absolute, and minthara lovers were like ‘ew wtf halsin fuck him she’s a victim of the absolute.’
we were in our own corner on our own tweets with our mututls ranting about these lines, and some halsin fans decided to come onto our tweets and talk about how they want minthara dead dead and the ways they’d kill her and stuff like that. which, to be honest, is completely unwarranted and a dick move. they were told to basically fuck off and that’s where shit hit the fan.
i won’t name names, but someone made a thread about how halsin wasn’t in the wrong at all because minthara was his abuser (which she wasn’t, she did nothing to him, it was the goblins, and she hardly knows who he is.) i think some people corrected them but i can’t remember? anyway, we made our own tweets like “minthara isn’t halsin’s abuser btw.”
person who made that thread proceeded to say that people who dislike halsin are queerphobic…
some of us tweeted about not throwing around words like abuse, abuser, and queerphobia and to not water them down. i made my own tweet too.
and then they said that we think ‘lesbians are the only “good” members of the community’ and that ‘supporting gay, bi, or trans members is oppressing lesbians.’ which is incredibly thoughtless and stupid of them to say considering queer history and how many lesbians are trans, considering how many of my minthara mutuals on twitter fall under the trans umbrella.
the lesbophobia got called out, rightfully.
i then said that i’m uncomfortable with the way halsin’s va interacts with the nsfw stuff in the fandom and it kinda gives me the creeps. yknow, on my own tweet, on my own account, not a single halsin account in sight. and since i’m a lesbian (and my personal history) it seems pretty normal to me to be uncomfortable with men being all nsfw like that’s not my scene thx. anyway, their little group found it and said i was targeting his ga and bring him into the drama (which i really wasn’t i was expressing personal feelings on my own account but aight.)
cue the ‘supporting halsin is anti-lesbian.’ and ‘if you like halsin you’re being “creepy” because all male sexuality is creepy to them, and halsin’s va, dave, supporting halsin’s sexuality obviously pisses them off.’ which is a wild thing to say. we never brought dave into it, it was them that did that. my tweet had nothing to do with the drama they kept making go on by not shutting up about it. by this point minthara lovers were back to normal tweeting and only reacting to whatever of those drama tweets showed up on the timeline.
oh! and here comes the inevitable: we all got called terfs. most of us fall somewhere under the trans umbrella. i’m agender myself. but we’re terfs to that person apparently. lesbians always get called terfs, no matter what.
i’m sure there’s more insane shit they’ve said in private.
all of that just because we got pissy at halsin sending minthara to a fate worse than death when none of what she did in act 1 was of her own free will.
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