#mind you daemon is a poorly written Gary stu
dulcewrites · 1 year
Hotd: tries to empower a woman in a situation where she is a victim of sexual predation, romanticizing pedophilia, grooming, and emotional (co)dependency
Also hotd: wait why are all these young girls and women shipping daemyra!!
I mean… I think people were gonna be weird enough to ship them anyway. I’m sure people did pre show and it was gross as hell in the book too
Edit: this was a convo I saw on Twitter that I thought was interesting. But it always fascinates when grrm himself is absolved of any blame despite being the actual creator of all these characters. While I do think grrm does lay the ground work to have real introspection about how things like incest in particular are detrimental. it’s just kind of funny to me that if anyone brings out the plethora amount of incest ships, inappropriate ships between young girls and older men, or my god the amount of r*pe/assault scenes in his books, you get hit with “historical accuracy” or “this is just how the fanasty genre is!!!”. Lame excuses if you ask me.
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