butchblooms · 4 months
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The first installment of my 2024 microcomic project! Planning to release a new one every 2-4 weeks.
[ID: A four-panel comic. The first panel is a white background with a black and white drawing of a hand holding a stem of goldenrod in bud. The text says, "I work as a gardener, and though I can ID most plants well, every day I find joy in discovering new insects and fungi." On the left side of the panel is a comic-y sketch of a person's face shouting, "Ah yes! Solidago speciosa!" The second panel is a white background with a black and white textured drawing of a maple leaf with a series of tall, thin galls rising from its surface. The text says, "Spindle galls on maple leaves where microscopic mite nymphs grow." Below, on the same panel, is a drawing of a mushroom, with a black hat covered in white splotches, and a stick resting against the mushroom. The text says, "a magpie inkcap that disintegrates when I try to get a closer look at its gills." The third panel is a white background with a textured black and white leaf underside. A saddleback caterpillar, with spiny antennae and feet, is on the leaf, and small oblong objects are clustered on its back. The text says, "A saddleback caterpillar parasitized by a wasp whose eggs burst from the caterpillar's back." The final panel is a black background with a matrix of white dots/stars arranged on it in waves. The text says, "Every creature in its own unimaginable niche, the life of one dependent on the death of another."]
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