#mfers i just had one hell of a fumky dream
picavecalyx ยท 1 year
#ooc ;; pterodolphin has no devil fruit#mfers i just had one hell of a fumky dream#SO BASICALLY#I WAS going to a fancy restaurant with my dad's side of the family for some reason; mixed in with a few famous streamers#and as i was there. there was a little bit of sus stuff going on...but i didnt thjnk too much on it#but the more time passed the more odd it got.#i was following my group down passed the stage--it was a big building and the downstairs is where we were booked#and the downstairs also had screens so we could see the stage and hear it too#and somehow idk HOW...as i was following them; i got behind and i actually lost them?? so i was looking aroind confused like oh fuck#which way did they go???#and thats when i started to see even more odd stuff. including but not limited to a whole ass flare grunt.#so i was like :vibeohno: oh okay thats fun.#and so i kept looking for my group and thr entire time i was fucking SURE i was being followed. finally i sorta semi gave up and walked#up to a bar to where i found someone i knew from childhood...except she seemed to not know me at all; till i was like :) hey rmemeber??#and she just :) haha totally :) and at this point im just. THIS IS SUS AS SHIT.#im running out of tags for this post :/ but apparently flare was infesting this building i forgor why and lysandre was also there#disguised as a grunt by tying his hair down and using expansion suit tech. it was a cool af reveal#the entire dream was high as fuck tension because even when i found my way to my table everyone there ALSO felt sus like#i think. everyone was a grunt because it SURE FELT LIKE IT
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