#mf Feathers
monstrous-fusion · 20 days
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[ID: A painting of Skyward Sword Link with beautiful white kuffiyeh draped around his neck. There are red poppy flowers on his shoulders and in his hair. In the background, there is the net symbol that is common in Kuffiyah designs. /end ID]
"No one is free, until all of us are" - Emma Lazarus, 19th century Jewish American Activist.
In collaboration with Operation Olive Branch's "pass the hat" movement, we would like to raise funds for one of the many families trying to evacuate Gaza to get to safety.
Our family is Nashwa and her family. (HERE'S THE DONATION PAGE LINK)
Nashwa is the owner of Beauty Garden Clinic "I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back." Fatma has Diabetic Foot condition and she has been injured (minor injury) in her foot. She was able to show it to a doctor but we think it could further develop without proper care.
Here's the message from the gofundme that one of her family members posted. It reads:
"Hello My name is Nashwa Ashour, I live with my mom, my sister in Law and her kids, I am the only breadwinner for them. I had a clinic that I had started from zero and it became one of the most famous clinics in Gaza, but suddenly everything turned to dust, my home got bombed while we were inside it, I got injured on my back , and all my certificates, clothes, everything I had, vanished in my damaged house .
now I am homeless without any certificates to start a job, all I need is your help, thank you"
Nobody deserves what the people of Gaza have faced in these past few months. Even if you cannot donate, please share this post, share her story and support her. Her goal is only 12,000$, as of writing she has only gained 3,794 of that. Here's a picture of her.
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Please consider donating. Even 5$ makes a huge difference in helping her reach her goal and escape to Egypt.
I know that this account is a Legend of Zelda AU account, but we are a human right's activist first and foremost. It is difficult, and ill advised, to pretend like everything is fine as innocent men, women and children are being slaughtered. Thank you to those who donate, to those who share and spread this cause through word of mouth. Thank you. Please help Nashwa reach her goal.
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xaeorian · 3 months
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monstrous fusion fan art because i already love it sm
@monstrous-fusion hihi sorry for the tag if u didn’t want that
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Design notes (+ a little Portal clownery)
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OH YO SEEING YOUR DRAGON SKETCHES, have you ever thought about making your own dragons of Welcome Home? I think it would look so dope to see the cast as dragons!
i have and i did! I've drawn Wally (updated design), Barnaby, Poppy, Howdy, and Sally! i'm still tweaking Sally's a lil tho
BUT this ask got me to buckle down and puzzle out Julie, Frank, and Eddie (busts shown below <3), whose designs have been stumping me for a While
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godfistgonnalive · 9 months
not 2 talk about reading smut on main but why is all the gabv1el smut so unbelievably beautiful to read what are yall eating that makes you write these incredible poetic paragraphs with themes of worship mortality love life and desires about a robot and angel from a video game absolutely raw dogging it on the cold stone floors of hell
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madisonfunhouse · 10 months
I'M BACK ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
and happier than ever to bring a new video I'm considering one of my favorites 💗 from the pastel aesthetic to the cute silliness of @ironheartboy , it's perfect to me 🤍
P.s. Revenge Video is next!
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A big big thank you for your support and patience with me 🙏🏼 I know it can be upsetting for some and I have my excuse! It's hard to film these kinds of videos with older kids in the house for the summer, but we are happy to be back on our flow with content ✨
I hope you all have been doing great and I can't wait to see what's next!
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fallenclan · 8 months
how many fun facts about birds do you need to edit lee into the clan bc that would be 🥺. so so funny i think . please ? mhm ? - 🪶
if i knew how to do that i would say 5 cool bird facts. any clangen experts in the chat
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city-tickles · 2 years
do you have anything of that french girl eva? loved her in that black dress
Hi. I had to look for it but let me know if this is the girl you were talking about. Hope you enjoy ☺️
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picturingchappell · 10 days
im sorry but nsft blogs have to be the funniest shit on the planet like.. 😭 bitch its FIVE AM why is ur anons talking abt humping a pillow ITS TOO EARLY GTS OMF
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arguablysomaya · 2 years
i have no fucking clue how hawks’ wings work and at this point i’m too scared to ask
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monstrous-fusion · 1 month
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There's a shaded version up in the Discord server, but I wanted to post the unshaded version since it includes the redesign for Feathers and his loftwing :D and Proxi, I suppose.
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puppyeared · 10 months
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Doodles from stream
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firebreadtroy · 1 year
sonetimes when i smoke too much istart thinking about those birds that evolved to look like other bird's eggs and children. like what the fuck
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basslinegrave · 1 year
threw some peanuts to a couple of fighting rooks they were like ????? i guess i stopped the fight? also saw one with a drooping wing with a white feather in it but it could fly a bit so i hope its ok and wont get hit by something cuz it flew so low to the road..
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aesrot · 1 year
my headcanon for my aunts parrot is that its trans. everyone always believed it was male, until my aunt caught it pretending to lay an egg, incubate an non existing egg, idk, and since then she believes it to be female. now she calls it a 'she' and the rest of the family calls it a 'he'
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sonata-stigmata · 2 years
firmly believe that the extermination of the role of 'terminally online rock fan who acts like the music police' has left an important role in the food chain empty and that's why you have tiktok kids calling mazzy star punk and putting mars argo on goth playlists
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