#mendels just a bad psychiatrist lol. he gets dismissed bc his problems are caused because of it not because i dislike him or somethin..
chipadequeso · 10 months
mendel is overworked because hes awful at his job otherwise he wouldn't be. hes stressed because he hates his patients and cant deal with them and only says maybe its my fault once he cant even convince jason of doing somethin. and he really just gives up at fixing it, being optimistic and not knowing what to do because he lacks the skills to work with such a huge problem. you cant just say "youre dismissing him because hes bad at his job" because that is precisely why he is overworked.
dr charlotte had to deal with misogyny and homophobia and patients dying daily and once she managed to get some control a new virus appeared and she tried pushing through it with what she could mostly by herself with most doctors not caring and trying not to stress anyone in her family and also insisting on hiding it because she was so proud of herself for being a good doctor. she doesnt know what to do either, but shes wracking her brains about it to no end. she is extremely overworked.
and thats the difference with mendel: charlotte is overworked because she was such a good doctor she never gave up despite every problem she went through, knowing it was only a matter of time and being the one to communicate "something bad is happening" with her 2 songs about it; mendel is overworked because he was a bad psychiatrist who couldn't handle his patients with superficial problems without being emotionally exhausted, being the one to communicate the optimistic statement of "everything will be alright."
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